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Bøger om Tibet

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  • - Religion - Historie - Samfund
    af Jens-Peter Fage Madsen
    227,95 kr.

  • af Karma Lingpa
    197,95 kr.

    First revealed by a Tibetan monk in the fourteeenth century, Bardo Thodol--known more commonly as The Tibetan Book of the Dead--describes the experience of human consciousness in the bardo, the interval between death and the next rebirth. The teachings are designed to help the dying regain clarity of awareness at the moment of death, and by doing so achieve enlightened liberation. This classic translation by Kazi Dawa Samdup is divided into 21 chapters and is presented in a high-quality, Chinese-bound format.

  • Spar 18%
    af Clive Cussler
    72,95 kr.

    »Atter har Clive Cussler med følge skrevet en rigtig røverroman, proppet med højdramatik, action og fuld knald på liggehønen.« - Krimicirklen.»Flot underholdning, konstant spænding og rigtigt godt fortalt og holdt sammen af Cussler.« - Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelse.

  • - Dalai Lamas liv og lære - uden pynt
    af Erik Meier Carlsen
    72,95 kr.

    Dalai Lamas liv er et langt mere blodigt, magisk og tragisk konfliktfyldt drama, end den forskønnede livshistorie, som hundredvis af bøger hidtil har tegnet af en af verdens mest betydningsfulde og respekterede personligheder.I Tilstedeværelsen - Dalai Lamas liv og lære uden pynt tegner Erik Meier Carlsen et nærgående og analyserende portræt af Dalai Lama, af det Tibet, han forlod og den kultur og religion, han bar med sig.Med sin brede og dybe viden om Tibets historie, kultur og buddhisme indkredser forfatteren på en kalejdoskopisk vandring gennem nutid og fortid, religion og politik, hvad der - på godt og ondt - har gjort Dalai Lama til den store, karismatiske personlighed, han er.Bogen er spækket med malende billeder, fortællinger, indtryk og fortolkninger af Tibets farverige, buddhistiske kultur, men stiller samtidig kritiske spørgsmål til den tibetanske regerings taktiske og strategiske beslutninger i fortid og nutid og diskuterer mulighederne for et endeligt kompromis mellem den kinesiske centralregering og Dalai Lama.

  • af Kim Greiner
    327,95 kr.

    Eventyrlige togrejser gennem fem verdensdele er foruden togrejserne hen over tusindvis af kilometer togskinner, også en rejse gennem verdens mangfoldighed. Læserne står sammen med forfatteren af togene mange gange undervejs for at udforske og opleve.Undervejs kommer vi tæt på nogle af verdens største seværdigheder som Den Kinesiske Mur, Operahuset i Sydney, kæmpestatuen af Mor Moderland i Kiev og Potala Paladset i Tibet. Der stoppes både i sprudlende storbyer, men også i verdens mest øde egne som spøgelsesbyen Cook i Australien. Undervejs besøges også nogle af verdens største naturseværdigheder.Bogens læsere skal opleve nogle af verdens mest legendariske togrejser som Den Transsibiriske Jernbane, The Ghan og Indian Pacific Train i Australien, Rocky Mountaineer i Canada, Himmelekspressen i Tibet og Rovos Rail i Afrika. På rejserne møder vi en mangfoldighed af mennesker, lige fra bøse grænsevagter med høj kasketføring til en togfører der gav kram og kindkys. I togene rejses både i små kupeer sammen med lokalbefolkningen, men også i egen luksuskupe med eget bad. Måltiderne varierede fra femstjernet gourmetmad i luksus spisevogne til tre døgn på pølsehorn gennem Sibirien.Eventyrlige togrejser gennem fem verdensdele er skrevet uden de store akademiske armbevægelser. Alle kan følge med og der er både noget at forundres over og grine af, for humoren er i højsædet!Læseren smittes hurtigt af forfatterens entusiasme både for togrejser, men også over denne verdens vidunderlige mangfoldighed.Uddrag af bogenVed grænsen til Kina kom først en mand ind i vores kupé med en hund, og vi blev lyst i panden med en rød lampe. Måske målte de temperaturen, fordi de ikke ville have febersyge personer ind i Kina? Derefter var der indsamling af pas, og vi blev spurgt, hvor vi skulle hen, og hvor længe? Vi nævnte intet som helst om Tibet. Så kom en uniformeret dame og kikkede i vores kufferter. Hun kikkede på titlerne på vores bøger, men ved et lykketræf- fandt hun ikke min bog: Syv år i Tibet. Jeg havde dog været så forudseende at rive billederne ud af ”Dalai Lama”.Vi fik vores pas tilbage med stempler, og så kunne de da godt køre for vores skyld. Næh nej, for ind kom der en ung soldat. Han kravlede op på bordet og skruede et dæksel af til ventilationen. Nå, der var heller ikke noget, men måske tænkte soldaten:“Der må simpelhen være noget lusk ved de mærkelige vesterlændinge, der rejser ind i Kina med tog”? Soldaten var ikke den store tekniker, for han kunne ikke få dækslet på igen, så han borede nogle nye huller i væggen.Så var alle problemer løst på vores videre rejse mod Tibet. Troede vi. De var slet ikke begyndt.Om forfatterenKim Greiner (f. 1945) er uddannet skov- og landskabsingeniør (skovfoged). I 21 år var han arbejdsleder i skovene på Midtsjælland, men fik i 1990 stilling som havemester i Landbohøjskolens Have.I hele sit liv har han rejst verden tynd, men siden 2015 har han på fuld tid været globetrotter, eventyrer, forfatter, foredragsholder og kulturformidler. Han er medlem af de ”Berejstes Klub” og har p.t. rejst i 80 forskellige lande på 6 kontinenter. I en periode i sit rejseliv besteg han bjerge, men i det sidste årti er det togrejserne, der har hans store interesse og kærlighed. Kim rejser med et åbent sind, så undervejs møder han masser af fremmede mennesker, samtidig med at verdens største seværdigheder udforskes. Interessen for lange togrejser i Europa er så småt begyndt for de eventyrlystne. Kim Greiner må være forud for sin tid, for han har i årevis rejst på lange eventyrlige togrejser i fem verdensdele.

  • af Wen Ma
    297,95 kr.

    This is the seventh translated book in the series of Poems of Natural Wisdom created by Shanlin-Tzu. Poesm of Natural Wisdom promote an ideal of creating poetic values in life and enjoying a life with poetic values. They serve as instructions aiming to enlighten truth, appraoch good and pursue beauty. This book series is dedicated to people who treat life with kindness, are passionate about life and seek mind-body balance.

  • af Gao Zhiying
    1.312,95 kr.

    As the first inter-disciplinary study of ethnic relationship and cultural changes in the westernmost section of the Tibetan-Yi Corridor, this book brings together a broad range of analyses from the anthropological, historical, and frontier studies perspectives. The author builds on a synthesis of Fei Xiaotong¿s Tibetan-Yi corridor theory and Wang Mingming¿s cultural theory and to present a rich historical narrative of the dynamic interactions among the Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Naxi, Bai, Tibetan and Pumi ethnic groups in this region from the Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China period. In addition to a vast body of existing literature, the study also draws on extensive fieldwork. Its findings not only enhance our knowledge of the historical development of particular ethnic groups in a specific region but also have implications for how we should understand the development of the Chinese nation as a whole.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    604,95 kr.

    Au sein de ma conscience, j'ai semé les graines divines de ta bonté. Jour et nuit, je les ai soignées ; mais alors qu'elles poussaient déjà leurs feuilles tendres, le soleil brûlant de mes désirs et le vent de mes pensées agitées du passé et de l'avenir ont brûlé leurs feuilles et dispersé Ton ¿uvre en moi. Mais je n'abandonnerai pas, je sèmerai encore et encore dans le sol secret de ma conscience, jusqu'à ce que Ton amour porte du fruit en moi, que cela me prenne une vie ou une chaîne infinie de vies, je n'abandonnerai pas. Je continuerai à semer Tes bénédictions au c¿ur de ma conscience, jusqu'à ce que je trouve le lieu sacré où la chaleur de mes désirs et la voracité de mes pensées ne peuvent plus marcher ni souiller. Je continuerai à semer Tes graines de bonté dans ma foi, et lorsqu'il n'y aura plus aucun endroit dans le champ fini de ma conscience individuelle qui ne soit pas saturé du fruit de Ton amour, alors, dans le silence, quand tout dort, je continuerai à semer Tes graines de bénédiction dans l'esprit de tous Tes autres enfants. Ainsi, lorsque le champ de conscience débordera du fruit de Ton amour, nous réaliserons que Tu es notre seul véritable Soi éternel et insondable.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    604,95 kr.

    No seio da minha consciência, semeei as sementes divinas da Tua bondade. Dia e noite cuidei delas; mas quando já brotavam as suas tenras folhas, o sol ardente dos meus desejos e o vento dos meus pensamentos inquietos do passado e do futuro queimaram as suas folhas e dispersaram a Tua obra em mim. Mas eu não desistirei, semearei uma e outra vez no solo secreto da minha consciência, até que o Teu amor dê frutos em mim, quer leve uma vida inteira ou uma cadeia infinita de vidas, eu não desistirei. Continuarei a semear as Tuas bênçãos no coração da minha consciência, até encontrar o lugar sagrado onde o calor dos meus desejos e a voracidade dos meus pensamentos já não podem pisar nem contaminar. Continuarei a semear as Tuas sementes de bondade na minha fé, e quando não restar nenhum lugar no campo finito da minha consciência individual que não esteja saturado com o fruto do Teu amor, então, em silêncio, quando todos dormirem, continuarei a semear as Tuas sementes de bênção nas mentes de todos os Teus outros filhos. Assim, quando o campo da consciência estiver a transbordar com o fruto do Teu amor, compreenderemos que Tu és o nosso único Ser real, eterno e insondavelmente feliz.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    604,95 kr.

    Nel seno interiore della mia coscienza ho seminato i semi divini della Tua bontà. Giorno e notte li ho curati; ma quando stavano già spuntando le loro tenere foglioline, il sole cocente dei miei desideri e il vento dei miei pensieri inquieti del passato e del futuro hanno bruciato le loro foglie e disperso la Tua opera in me. Ma non mi arrenderò, seminerò ancora e ancora nel terreno segreto della mia coscienza, finché il Tuo amore non porterà frutto in me, che mi ci voglia una vita o una catena infinita di vite, non desisterò. Continuerò a seminare le Tue benedizioni nel cuore della mia coscienza, finché non troverò il luogo sacro dove il calore dei miei desideri e la voracità dei miei pensieri non potranno più calpestare o contaminare. Continuerò a seminare i Tuoi semi di bontà all'interno della mia fede, e quando non ci sarà più posto nel campo finito della mia coscienza individuale che non sia saturo del frutto del Tuo amore, allora, in silenzio, quando tutti dormono, continuerò a seminare i Tuoi semi di benedizione nelle menti di tutti gli altri Tuoi figli. Così, quando il campo della coscienza sarà traboccante del frutto del Tuo amore, realizzeremo che Tu sei il nostro unico vero Sé eterno e insondabilmente beato.

  • af Roberto Gil'ermo Gomes
    605,95 kr.

    Vo wnutrennem lone moej sowesti q poseql bozhestwennye semena Twoej blagosti. Den' i noch' q uhazhiwal za nimi; no kogda oni uzhe prorastali swoimi nezhnymi listochkami, palqschee solnce moih zhelanij i weter moih bespokojnyh myslej o proshlom i buduschem opalili ih list'q i rasseqli wo mne trud Twoj. No q ne sdamsq, q budu seqt' snowa i snowa w tajnuü pochwu moej sowesti, poka lübow' Twoq ne prineset wo mne plody, i newazhno, zajmet li äto wsü moü zhizn' ili beskonechnuü cep' zhiznej, q ne ostanowlüs'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' Twoi blagosloweniq w serdce moej sowesti, poka ne najdu swqschennoe mesto, gde zhar moih zhelanij i bujstwo moih myslej ne smogut bol'she stupat' i oskwernqt'. Ya budu prodolzhat' seqt' semena dobra Twoego w swoej were, i kogda w ogranichennom pole moego indiwidual'nogo soznaniq ne ostanetsq mesta, ne nasyschennogo plodami lübwi Twoej, togda, w tishine, kogda wse spqt, q prodolzhu seqt' semena blagosloweniq Twoego w umah wseh drugih detej Twoih. Takim obrazom, kogda pole soznaniq budet perepolneno plodami lübwi Twoej, my pojmem, chto Ty - nashe edinstwennoe nastoqschee Vechnoe i nepostizhimo blazhennoe Ya.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    605,95 kr.

    In den inneren Schoß meines Gewissens habe ich die göttliche Saat deiner Güte gesät. Tag und Nacht pflegte ich sie; aber als sie schon ihre zarten Blätter trieben, verbrannte die sengende Sonne meiner Begierden und der Wind meiner ruhelosen Gedanken an die Vergangenheit und an die Zukunft ihre Blätter und zerstreute Dein Werk in mir. Aber ich werde nicht aufgeben, ich werde immer wieder in den geheimen Boden meines Gewissens säen, bis Deine Liebe in mir Früchte trägt, ob es nun ein Leben lang dauert oder eine unendliche Kette von Leben, ich werde nicht aufgeben. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Segen in das Herz meines Gewissens zu säen, bis ich den heiligen Ort gefunden habe, den die Hitze meiner Begierden und die Unersättlichkeit meiner Gedanken nicht mehr betreten oder verunreinigen können. Ich werde fortfahren, Deinen Samen der Güte in meinen Glauben zu säen, und wenn es in dem endlichen Feld meines individuellen Bewusstseins keinen Platz mehr gibt, der nicht mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe gesättigt ist, dann werde ich in der Stille, wenn alle schlafen, fortfahren, Deinen Samen des Segens in den Geist aller Deiner anderen Kinder zu säen. So werden wir, wenn das Feld des Bewusstseins mit der Frucht Deiner Liebe überfließt, erkennen, dass Du unser einziges wirkliches, ewiges und unergründlich glückseliges Selbst bist.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    742,95 kr.

    In the inner bosom of my conscience, I sowed the divine seeds of Your goodness. Day and night I tended them; but when they were already sprouting their tender leaves, the scorching sun of my desires and the wind of my restless thoughts of the past and of the future burned their leaves and scattered Your work in me. But, I will not give up, I will sow again and again in the secret soil of my conscience, until Your love bears fruit in me, whether it takes me a lifetime or an infinite chain of lifetimes, I will not give up. I will continue to sow Your blessings in the heart of my conscience, until I find the sacred place where the heat of my desires and the voracity of my thoughts can no longer tread or desecrate. I will continue to sow Your seeds of goodness within my faith and, when there is no room left in the finite field of my individual consciousness that is not saturated with the fruit of Your love, then, in silence, when all sleep, I will continue to sow Your seeds of blessing in the minds of all Your other children. Thus, when the field of consciousness is overflowing with the fruit of Your love, we will realize that You are our only real Eternal and unfathomably blissful Self.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    682,95 kr.

    If the mind is total silence, it is muffled, if the mind is muffled the ego is absent, if the ego is absent there is unity with what one is, if there is unity with what one is, there is deep experience with what is real and essential. To meditate deeply is to continually practice the vow of abstention from evil and union with good; it is a constant process because evil or mental illusion reproduces itself, simultaneously both internally and externally. Evil is the mental self subjected to the triple illusion of hatred, selfishness and falsehood, associated with the ego's insatiable desire for power, money and sex. When this desire is cut off, the ego dissolves and does not interfere with the nature of the soul, thus free from the false self. The inattention of the mental self is taken advantage of by the reproduction of evil to enter internally and force its permanence. If you meditate for light, you make a double effort, on the one hand you turn off all light in your inner room, on the other hand you call upon a stranger to give you a light which is not your own or to enter your personal room to turn on for you the very light which you have previously decided to turn off.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    497,95 kr.

    Yogi Mettàtron adds another 4 Noble Truths, thus totaling 8 Noble Truths on the Path. These allow the interaction of the inner force of the Self with the outer nature, including all other beings, perfecting the art of compassion. By the 5th Noble Truth it states that according to the place and time that each human consciousness occupies upon the world, it is its responsibility and power, to prevent the greatest evil from becoming present upon the planet or to allow the greatest good to become present. It defines that every bullet that is fired and kills is possible, because we all souls on the world unconsciously accept it at the same time. A single soul, totally united with God and with perfect love for all, through faith and sincere prayer, can divert and avert a natural catastrophe and even a war. By the 6th Noble Truth it indicates that when there is balance within, opposites rest. This means that when there is perfect equilibrium within, outwardly there is no contradiction or tension between the opposites, harmony dominates over all nature. Duality is subdued. Peace and goodness abound.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    The Order that exists in the Totality of relative existence is recreated from instant to instant by a frothy form of Cosmic Unified Consciousness through a constant flow of quantum information. It is what allows atomic sub-particles to flicker through quantum tunnelling, creating uncertainty while maintaining universal coherence. This scale of consciousness has existed since the origin of the cosmos and is the closest thing to our preconception of God. Everything is information and energy, it is what separates us from chaos. It is the software of Creation, a Fifth Force that makes the other four possible: gravity, electromagnetism, electroweak force and electro-strong force. So God, in this physical aspect, or this Quantum Unified Field Consciousness, is an essence of physical and not immaterial existence. So it is always possible to make intelligent contact with it. The very life known on Earth developed its potential consciousness from this form of Cosmic Proto-Mind. The human brain possesses the capacity to communicate, interact and expand on the scale of this universal consciousness.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    If we increase the charge of our inner prana, our meditations will be much more intense, and it will be easier for us to enter into the state of emptiness and silence of mind, where it is possible to attract God's blessing and dialogue with Him. Our prayers will contain the same thoughts and words, but they will be recharged with energy and will penetrate space and time and obtain the desired response. Our bodies are nourished by food, water, air and the sun, but it is through the medulla oblongata or "mouth of God" that it receives directly the cosmic energy which is distributed through the subtle channels or nadis throughout the body. Through concentration, breathing, willpower, tension and relaxation it is possible to conduct the prana to the various parts of the body and learn to accumulate it there to recharge those cells.

  • af Mateo Bohorquez
    497,95 kr.

    Does physical education as a social motor purpose correspond to what we understand today as leisure and free time? Over time, educational, industrial and hospital establishments, among other sectors, both public and private, have given Physical Education the meaning of leisure and free time. They have given Physical Education an important place in society, so that nowadays the subject that some years ago was the "filler" in the educational classrooms nowadays brings with it a culture that is lived, sweated and felt as fitness. For this reason, it is now evident in different spaces that the subject in sports clothes is teaching and making known the importance of physical activity in our social body. Now, understanding physical education as a concept of training, discipline and performance is what occupies us and leads us to write these lines.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    707,95 kr.

    The body is composed of matter, there is no doubt about that. But as to consciousness, what is its essence: energy, spirit? What we can establish is that consciousness can only be conscious of itself through a physical body, whereas the physical body, if it lacks consciousness, is totally inert. The characteristic of consciousness is that it is latent in all that exists, it is universal, impersonal, all-pervading. The Whole is consciousness and we are part of that ocean. We can infer that when the body dies the individual consciousness is submerged in the universal consciousness. That "I" prior to consciousness is unconditioned, timeless, atemporal, aerospatial, not conscious of Being (because there is no other). What One Is, is always permanent, eternal, unique. What we seek we already are, we only need to understand it in order to realise it. It is about transferring our identity from the physical body to the Infinite, from processing as a transient wave to an absolute wave. Dialogues around the world between Yogi Mettàtron and sincere seekers of truth, through the religion and Buddhism chat rooms and Yahoo Messenger during the years 2002 and 2004.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    Mettàtron was born in Puerto Belgrano (Argentina), in a middle class family, with the name of Roberto Guillermo F. Gomes. Since he was a child he listened to the Om and perceived the spiritual eye in the ajna chakra. During his adolescence, at the age of 16, he had a decisive moment for his later spiritual life. He went with some high school friends to see the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" by Franco Zeffirelli and at the very moment when the actor who played the role of St. Francis of Assisi had the vision of God, Yogi's mind went into samadhi. Leaving the theater in a trance-like state, he was drawn to the shore and went to the tip of a breakwater. There his "third eye" spontaneously opened and the night was illuminated. He saw trillions of beings occupying the firmament and all in chorus were saying "Lord of Heaven, save us!". Then he wondered to whom they were speaking thus, and as he thought this his attention was seized by a divine force from on High. Suddenly he knew that he was in front of the Creator, he saw before him a source of intense light, unbearable to see from the front. Surprisingly, he heard a deep and sweet voice that said to him, "Son, you are Spirit".

  • af Jackson
    247,95 kr.

    Book 1 in the Rift Walker trilogy.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    887,95 kr.

    To know oneself is the central purpose of life. Being a method of perception, the state of mind resulting from the meditative act is a means of knowing oneself. It is not the only one. There are four main states of consciousness: ordinary waking consciousness, dreaming sleep, deep sleep and the meditative state. The first is characterised by the self focused outward, the second by the self focused on inner thoughts, the third by the self free of all perception and the last by the self focused on the self. Only in this fourth state is direct knowledge of the self possible, and the cessation of the division between subject and object seen. Only meditation, or the fourth state of Consciousness, permits perception and direct knowledge of the Self. The Subject observes the Subject. In the other three states, the Subject can only observe objects. The fourth state of consciousness, which occurs during meditation, is scientifically confirmed, since it has its own particular physiology, which differentiates it from the other three states.

  • af Fritz Reichert
    132,95 kr.

    Der US-Amerikaner Tim Turner und die chinesische Reporterin Lu-ni sind ein Liebespaar, das mit familiären Gegensätzen zu kämpfen hat und politischen Entwicklungen ausgesetzt ist. Rohstoffmangel, die Machtgier von Trusts, Klimaflüchtlinge und militärische Akionen sind Entwicklungen, in die sie hineingezogen werden. Tim und Lu-ni nehmen zu den Ereignissen auf Grund ihrer jeweiligen Kultur unterschiedlich Stellung. Kann ihre Liebe Gegensätze überbrücken?

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    499,95 kr.

    The essential meaning of ishr¿q (Persian ¿¿¿¿¿, Arabic: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿) is "rising", specifically referring to the sunrise, though "illumination" is the more common translation. It has used both Arabic and Persian philosophical texts as means to signify the relation between the ¿apprehending subject¿ (al-maw¿ü al-modrek) and the ¿apprehensible object¿ (al-modrak); beyond philosophical discourse, it is a term used in common discussion. Suhrawardi utilized the ordinariness of the word in order to encompass the all that is mystical along with an array of different kinds of knowledge, including elh¿m, meaning personal inspiration.None of Suhrawardi's works was translated into Latin, so he remained unknown in the Latin West, although his work continued to be studied in the Islamic East. According to Hosein Nasr, Suhrawardi was unknown to the west until he was translated to western languages by contemporary thinkers such as Henry Corbin, and he remains largely unknown even in countries within the Islamic world.Suhrawardi tried to present a new perspective on questions like those of existence.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    692,95 kr.

    Basically, the Zeus Program consists of a sophisticated meditation suit, interfaced with an optical computer, which records thoughts and interacts through an interface. To use it requires a high level of training in mental concentration and meditation. The trick is to increase the amount of oxygen in the neurons and induce deep relaxation in the whole body by floating it in the middle of a pond containing a breathable liquid. The objective of the program is to digitalize thought, to access the brain's internal processing source code and through this to achieve an interface to interconnect with the quantum intelligence foam, which modulates all the information flows of the universe, producing from instant to instant the physical reality as we perceive it. Once this phase is achieved, civilization would have the technology to redesign matter from the quantum vacuum without limits of scale and complexity. It could materialize an apple as well as a complete spacecraft.

  • af F M Bailey
    152,95 kr.

    China-Tibet-Assam narra las aventuras de F. M. Bailey en su intento de remontar el río Tsangpo y resolver el misterio geográfico de su desembocadura.

  • af Mick Fowler
    145,95 kr.

  • af Milon Potmesil
    569,95 - 1.808,95 kr.

  • - Exploring the Inner World of Tibetan Refugees
    af India) Oberoi Vahali & Honey (University of New Delhi
    593,95 - 2.033,95 kr.

  • af Aktam Samadov
    499,95 kr.

    The monograph analyzes the role of the ideal in the spiritual being of the individual, the place of the aesthetic ideal, the ontological basis of the unity of morality and aesthetics, the constructive manifestation of the aesthetic ideal in the individual and his mind, the syncretism of morality-aesthetics in the spiritual being of the individual, institutional and functional changes in the aesthetic ideal of. This monograph: aimed at scientific researchers, students studying at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the higher education system, independent researchers and wide-ranging readers interested in the aesthetic ideal of the individual.

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