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Bøger om Tibet

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  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    458,95 kr.

    In the middle of the oceanic solitude, in a clear night, I raise my eyes to the stars and I feel the upward pull of the center of the Milky Way and, the consciousness that everything exists because the essence of my Being exists, springs up in me. I know that if I were to stop the thought of the universe in my Being, the entire Creation would be reabsorbed into my nonbeing and from there I could return it to the sense of time and existence, within the same instant that I return it to me..... If I submerge my body and mind in the roar of my silence, the universe disappears for me, to fill my emptiness with me, though my body remains; now, if I stop the thought of the universe in my emptiness, it disappears completely, though its inactive singularity remains differentiated in me. From there, I can vomit the universe back into existence under my will. Here, the essence of my Being finds the ultimate level of the differentiation of non-existence; silenced from all thought: I am what I Am....

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    623,95 kr.

    The light is within you, depend only on it and not on anything outside, nor on any other... Follow the path of the Dharma itself and no other, trust it and no other. Observe the impurities of your bodies and restrain your desires. Reflect that both pleasure and aversion are the origin of pain and suffering, therefore do not cling to them. Observe your soul and realize that there is no such thing as an ego in it, that your self is illusory. Restrain your attachments and thus detach yourselves from all sufferings. If you comply with all these indications, you are my worthy disciples. Practice fasting, prayer and meditation constantly and regularly, without ever abandoning asceticism. If you do this you will always be full of happiness. The most important thing is self-control of the mind, repress your desires and conquer yourselves. You must keep your bodies, minds and souls pure, for you depend on them for everything.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    458,95 kr.

    The Buddhist doctrine of Maitreya emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and the awakening of Full Understanding, acquiring equanimity and the clear vision of wisdom, accessing a state of Samsaric Rational Nirvana, of Non-Duality within duality, transcending all suffering and selfish desire for personal happiness. In Emptiness, Full Peace of mind and Equanimity are more important than the intuitive powers of the soul.It is a matter of attaining Calmness of Mind and use of Pure Reason. Under the first system there is an interaction between the soul and God, under the second it is a philosophical state of the Self itself which, through self-knowledge, has succeeded in realizing its identity with the Absolute.This state of full awakened consciousness does not depend on ecstasy to develop, but on the capacity of ontological discernment, of logical reasoning. It is the product of analytical and applied scientific thought, being within the reach of anyone who exercises adequately the principles of the system of reflection of this aspect of the Root Reality.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    623,95 kr.

    1st Irrefutable Axiom: Man is born ignorant. 2nd Irrefutable Axiom: Ignorance is rooted in the perception of separability. This illusory vision is caused by the ego, which in turn depends on the false identification of one's Eternal Self with the physical body. 3rd Irrefutable Axiom: Ignorance has a limit, its end is the beginning of knowledge. 4th Irrefutable Axiom: The acquisition of knowledge is obtained by a double way, following the Path of Full Understanding. The inner path comprises asceticism, concentration, meditation and samadhi, until one realizes one's own timeless Self, One with the Absolute, the apperception of the impersonal God in oneself. The external way is through intense study, reflection, analysis, discernment, deduction, inference, investigation, experimentation, through the empirical and formal sciences. To understand the Self and Nature is the superior and integrating objective of complete knowledge.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    698,95 kr.

    It is not important whether God exists or not, what is important is the existence of the consciousness that you can experience directly, in which you can immerse yourself in deep silence and realize that you yourself are God. He is not alien to what you truly are. Your soul in you is God in you. When you penetrate into conscious silence the mind is absent and divinity manifests directly from your soul in you, revealing to you God awake in the ultimate level of consciousness the individual self integrates with the Divine Universal Mind. Then one comes to perceive directly all beings, the entire Creation in one's own soul, no longer sees separation or differences between one's Self and all that exists. Nature, all living beings, the entire universe, all that one can experience are connected and interacting with our inner self, life itself expresses itself through us, it flows through our inner self, to reach this high level it is necessary to eliminate the mental contaminations, the impurities of our mind, which prevent us from the pure direct perception of reality as it is. This is the stage of the self-realized, the enlightened one.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    698,95 kr.

    What is Positronics? The method is simple, it is about focusing your thoughts and replacing harmful ideas with constructive ones on a constant basis. From the deep study, the paused and meditated reading of this book, blessings of personal spiritual perceptions will be born in you. God who is now conscious in me writes to you here, so that God who dreams in you, remembers through these gentle words the desire to be awake forever in you. The different instances of life test us from infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age; relatives, friends, loves, work, accidents, adversities, gains and losses. Our Soul crosses the river of experience and each new stage that appears and begins on the horizon of our perception and heart is a challenge and at the same time, an opportunity to take a firm step further in the deep knowledge of oneself and towards freedom. Each stage of development, each trial of the path is lived from the singular; but it is part of our special general human condition. For this reason, there is an abundance of studies, advice and recipes to preventively remove the stones from the path.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    458,95 kr.

    Nirvana in Sanskrit means "extinction". In other words, it is the extinction of worldly desires and ignorance, sources of suffering and ego. Through meditation and asceticism it is possible to reach this state of full bliss, which frees from the cycle of reincarnations. Regarding the latter, Maitreya says: "knowledge has advanced sufficiently so that we can now understand that thought and consciousness have a physical substratum, so that we are getting closer and closer to the understanding of the existence of God as an objective material fact and not as an immaterial subjective potentiality, and therefore, unrealizable and incomprehensible.We can now identify our perception of God, or the Absolute, with the Unified Consciousness Field or Quantum Information Field. The Fifth Force that regulates order in all Creation in the physical universe.God being now a real and not an imaginary fact, we can contact Him in a simpler and more direct way, as we have never done or tried before".

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    1.188,95 kr.

  • af Koushik Goswami
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book examines how territorial, civilisational and cultural location determines one's gaze and attitude while representing a contested space like Tibet. It analyses representations of Tibet in three novels.

  • af Manuel Arduino Pavón
    1.343,95 kr.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    458,95 kr.

  • af Jia Chen
    456,95 kr.

    This book is an examination of aesthetic thought of Chinese pre-Qin Confucians with a focus on the idea of Yue Jiao (Music Education). Confucius is regarded as the first educational philosopher in Chinese history both chronologically and in importance. A central theme in his aesthetics is that the final perfection of one¿s personhood as an integrated whole is accomplished by the study of music. In this book, the author argues that aesthetic education, music education in particular, has an indispensible role in developing a harmonious balance between our rational intelligence and emotional sensibilities. It provides an ideal for living in the world today when unity is achieved without eliminating diversities. The discussion in this book should help shed some light on comparative studies of Chinese and western aesthetics. Both Confucian aesthetic tradition and ancient Greek aesthetic tradition have a long history of the important role of music in human development and education. But they differ in their understanding of the foundation of musical value. The analysis also contributes to educational philosophers' reflection on the nature and role of education in today's world.

  • af Aqsa A. Muqeet
    498,95 kr.

  • af Dipak Kar
    433,95 kr.

    Wordsworth¿s poetry, especially The Prelude, famously engages with deep and difficult philosophical problems of time, memory, selfhood, freedom and consciousness, among others. Classical Indian metaphysics and epistemology, specially of the variety of Advaita Vedanta aspoused by Sankaracharya, not only has many profound things to say about these topics, but can also, interpret, question and supplement Western notions. It would then seem natural and desirable to study canonical Western texts with significant philosophical orientations in the light of classical Indian philosophy. This book proposes to show how Vedantic notions of freedom and consciousness, and of the relationship between the two, may, when applied to Wordsworth¿s poetry, enhance and enrich our understanding of it.According to Vedanta and Sankhya philosophies, we are free in so far as we are conscious: however, this applies to pure or non-intentional consciousness. In the case of intentional (object-directed) consciousness we are in bondage to our sense organs. So an approach to freedom would, on this view, involve a progression from intentional to pure consciousness.

  • af Govindasamy Agoramoorthy
    390,95 kr.

    Humanity strives for happiness. A quick check of the word ¿happy¿ in Google yielded more hits than ¿God¿. Everyone knows about the beauty of happiness and no one wants to face pain, sadness and miseries in life. But in reality, happiness does not lasts forever. It rather comes in discontinuous bouts, so the joy is often buried in distress of daily activities. Then, one may ask: is there a way to achieve long lasting bliss? Do religions help to speed up this blissful endeavor? These questions haunt the minds of millions of souls globally at some point in their lives. In fact, religions provide social support that people often need. They outline all ethical guidelines on how one should coexist in society peacefully. Hinduism is considered to be one of the oldest living religions of the world with over a billion followers. It offers some interesting options to ultimate happiness. In this monograph, the author, who is a global expert on nature and culture, has explored both practical and philosophical insights into ancient Hindu scriptures to unlock the secrets on the ultimate human happiness saga.

  • af Mahesh Shrestha
    491,95 kr.

  • af Muhammad Rizwan Junaid
    317,95 kr.

    The fundamental focus of mysticism is to establish a well-knitted and concrete link between an individual and his inner-self through cogitation, contemplation, conviction and commitment. When an individual works consistently on his inner-self then eventually he develops a sheer sense of love, harmony, forgiveness, compassion, pleasure and peace. He appears tall in discharging his social obligation and strives to maintain a balance between individualism and collectivism. He seems more composed and powerful to counter odds of life and choose a straight path for himself. In fact, he touches the height of human excellence and appears confident to control his inner self. Primarily, the state of transcendence which exemplifies the strength of one¿s personality in a multi-dimensional manner. This mannerism is a humble beginning to reach above human essence that replicates those characteristics of personality that are hidden but existing and can only be explored through sheer persuasion of those attributes which requires a human to strive for par excellence.

  • af Munira Fayzulloeva
    568,95 kr.

    Abuhamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (1059 - 1111) was a renowned individual during Medieval times in the Middle East, who left behind a rich spiritual heritage. He is the author of over seventy books, encompassing topics of theology, philosophy and Sufism. Al-Ghazali surveyed questions of morality on the basis of the Holy Koran and manuals of the Prophet Muhammad (s). Al-Ghazali's ethical ideas are written in the following works: "Manual to Governors", "Revival of religious sciences", "The Elixir happiness", "The letter to the son" and "A research of intimate mysteries of heart". In his writings, Ghazali emphasised that the belief/faith (iman) is an essence of morality and when a person obtains faith, it develops their morality. Ghazali deems the highest ethical values in humanity; love, justice, contentment, respect, judiciousness, consciousness, goodness, humility, eloquence, mercy, usefulness and generosity. The philosopher also describes the ethics of communication, especially that which is obtained from parents and extended family. He explains that an individual can be understood by interpreting the overall ¿decency¿ of their family, using the ¿highest ethical values¿ as a guide.

  • af Manuela Maria Uma von Pozvek
    527,95 kr.

  • af Kemal Yildirim
    317,95 kr.

    This book looks at the work of Edward W. Said, specifically his book 'Orientalism,' as making Said representative as a spokesperson for Arab concerns. Edward W. Said was born in 1935 in Palestine, then under British rule, to a Palestinian Arab Christian father and a Lebanese Greek Orthodox mother. He lived in Palestine and Egypt until he was 12 and then his family sent him to the US. After getting his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Princeton, he earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in English Literature from Harvard University. In 1963, he joined Columbia University¿s Comparative Literature faculty and taught there until his death in 2003. He also worked as a visiting scholar at Yale University and John Hopkins University. The origins of Orientalism Snake charmers, carpet vendors, and veiled women may conjure up ideas of the Middle East, North Africa, and West Asia, but they are also partially indebted to Orientalist fantasies. To understand these images, we have to understand the concept of Orientalism, beginning with the word ¿Orient¿ itself.

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