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6 sierpnia 1945 roku na japo¿skie miasto Hiroszima spad¿a pierwsza na ¿wiecie bomba atomowa. Druga bomba pojawi¿a si¿ kilka dni pó¿niej, uderzaj¿c w Nagasaki 9 sierpnia 1945 roku. Ataki spowodowäy cäkowite zniszczenie dwóch g¿ównych miast japo¿skich, zapewni¿y natychmiastow¿ kapitulacj¿ Japonii i zako¿czenie II wojny ¿wiatowej, a tak¿e doprowadzi¿y do rozpocz¿cia zimnej wojny i nuklearnego wy¿cigu zbroje¿. W ci¿gu zaledwie 50 minut uzyskasz wgl¿d w g¿¿boki wp¿yw tych dwóch wydarze¿ na wynik II wojny ¿wiatowej i odkryjesz, jak wp¿yn¿¿y one na globalne wydarzenia przez kolejne dekady. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka zawiera dok¿adne omówienie kluczowych momentów bombardowania atomowego Japonii, w tym odkrycia rozszczepienia j¿dra atomowego, rozwoju broni atomowej i zrzucenia bomby. Zawiera równie¿ pe¿n¿ biografi¿ kluczowych postaci zaangäowanych w bombardowanie, w tym prezydenta USA Harry'ego Trumana, cenne wprowadzenie do kontekstu politycznego i ocen¿ konsekwencji pierwszej bomby atomowej, daj¿c ci wszystkie niezb¿dne informacje na temat tego strasznego rozdziäu wspó¿czesnej historii.
Ostatnie lata I wojny ¿wiatowej by¿y czasem bardzo niepewnym; wydawäo si¿, ¿e zwyci¿stwo mo¿e pój¿¿ w käd¿ stron¿. Francuzi i Brytyjczycy zostali pobici w drugiej bitwie pod Aisne i na polach Flandrii, W¿osi zostali pokonani w bitwie pod Caporetto, a Rosja podpisäa w¿änie traktat pokojowy z Niemcami. Jednak sojusznicy Niemiec równie¿ zostali powänie os¿abieni, a przyst¿pienie Stanów Zjednoczonych do wojny wydawäo si¿ prawdopodobne. W ci¿gu zaledwie 50 minut dowiesz si¿, jak ostatnie lata wojny zadecydowäy o wyniku walk i zrozumiesz jej istotny wp¿yw na przysz¿o¿¿ Niemiec. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka oferuje dok¿adne omówienie kluczowych momentów w ostatnich latach walk, w tym kryzysu zaufania aliantów, os¿abienia armii niemieckiej i kontrofensywy aliantów. Zawiera równie¿ pe¿ny opis strategii obu stron i dok¿adne badanie bezpo¿rednich konsekwencji konfliktu, daj¿c ci wszystkie niezb¿dne informacje na temat ko¿cowej fazy I wojny ¿wiatowej.
Descubra a história da Guerra Civil espanhola travada de 1936 a 1939 entre os republicanos, apoiantes de uma Espanha progressista e liberal, e os nacionalistas, apoiantes de um regime conservador com tendências fascistas. Foi o culminar de tensões políticas e sociais profundas que se tinham vindo a acumular desde os anos 20. A fragilidade das novas instituições do país e o clima internacional contribuíram para a radicalização da vida política e para o derrube da Frente Popular em 1936. À frente dos nacionalistas estava o General Franco, apoiado por Hitler e Mussolini, que rapidamente estabeleceram uma ditadura pessoal e impuseram o governo de Franco após a guerra. Para alguns historiadores, este episódio não foi mais do que um ensaio geral para o próximo segundo conflito mundial.
Bitwa o Stalingrad by¿a jedn¿ z najwi¿kszych bitew II wojny ¿wiatowej, w której niemiecki Wehrmacht i stalinowska Armia Czerwona brutalnie i cz¿sto z bliska walczy¿y o kontrol¿ nad miastem. W bitwie uczestniczy¿a równie¿ ludno¿¿ cywilna, a jej skala by¿a bezprecedensowa; bitwa pod Stalingradem jest obecnie powszechnie uwäana za jedn¿ z najwi¿kszych i najkrwawszych bitew w historii. By¿ to punkt zwrotny w wojnie: Niemcy zostäy pokonane po raz pierwszy od pocz¿tku dziää wojennych, a Sowieci uzyskali przewag¿ na froncie wschodnim. W ci¿gu zaledwie 50 minut poznasz wydarzenia, które doprowadzi¿y do bitwy pod Stalingradem, kluczowe incydenty bitwy i jej decyduj¿cy wp¿yw na dalsz¿ cz¿¿¿ wojny. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka oferuje dok¿adn¿ analiz¿ taktyki i manewrów obu stron, takich jak s¿ynny niemiecki Rattenkrieg. Zawiera równie¿ biografie kluczowych dowódców i liderów, w tym niemieckiego marszäka Friedricha Paulusa, cenne wprowadzenie do kontekstu politycznego i spo¿ecznego oraz ocen¿ wp¿ywu bitwy, daj¿c ci wszystkie istotne informacje na temat tej ¿miertelnej bitwy.
A Batalha de Estalinegrado foi uma das maiores batalhas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, na qual a Wehrmacht alemã e o Exército Vermelho de Estaline lutaram brutalmente e muitas vezes de perto pelo controlo da cidade. A batalha também envolveu civis e a sua escala foi sem precedentes; a Batalha de Estalinegrado é agora amplamente considerada como uma das maiores e mais sangrentas batalhas da história. Foi um ponto de viragem na guerra: os alemães foram derrotados pela primeira vez desde o início das hostilidades e os soviéticos ganharam vantagem sobre a Frente Oriental. Dentro de apenas 50 minutos, ficará a conhecer os acontecimentos que conduziram à Batalha de Estalinegrado, os principais incidentes da batalha e a sua influência decisiva sobre o resto da guerra. Este livro simples e informativo oferece uma análise aprofundada das tácticas e manobras de ambos os lados, como o famoso Rattenkrieg alemão. Inclui também biografias de comandantes e líderes-chave, incluindo o Marechal alemão Friedrich Paulus, uma valiosa introdução ao contexto político e social e uma avaliação do impacto da batalha, dando-lhe toda a informação essencial sobre esta batalha mortal.
Poznaj histori¿ hiszpäskiej wojny domowej toczonej w latach 1936-1939 pomi¿dzy Republikanami, zwolennikami post¿powej i liberalnej Hiszpanii, a Nacjonalistami, zwolennikami konserwatywnego re¿imu o tendencjach faszystowskich. By¿ on kulminacj¿ g¿¿bokich napi¿¿ politycznych i spo¿ecznych, które narastäy od lat 20. Krucho¿¿ nowych instytucji kraju i klimat mi¿dzynarodowy przyczyni¿y si¿ do radykalizacji ¿ycia politycznego i obalenia Frontu Ludowego w 1936 roku. Na czele nacjonalistów stä generä Franco, wspierany przez Hitlera i Mussoliniego, który szybko ustanowi¿ osobist¿ dyktatur¿, a po wojnie narzuci¿ rz¿dy Franco. Dla niektórych historyków ten epizod by¿ niczym innym jak prób¿ generaln¿ przed nadchodz¿cym drugim konfliktem ¿wiatowym.
Il 6 agosto 1945, la prima bomba atomica al mondo cadde sulla città giapponese di Hiroshima. La seconda bomba seguì giorni dopo, colpendo Nagasaki il 9 agosto 1945. Gli attacchi causarono la completa distruzione di due grandi città giapponesi, assicurarono l'immediata resa del Giappone e la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, e portarono all'inizio della Guerra Fredda e della corsa agli armamenti nucleari. In soli 50 minuti, potrete comprendere la profonda influenza di questi due eventi sull'esito della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e scoprire come hanno influenzato gli eventi globali per i decenni a venire. Questo libro, semplice e istruttivo, fornisce una discussione approfondita dei momenti chiave del bombardamento atomico del Giappone, tra cui la scoperta della fissione nucleare, lo sviluppo delle armi atomiche e lo sgancio della bomba. Include inoltre una biografia completa delle figure chiave coinvolte nel bombardamento, tra cui il presidente degli Stati Uniti Harry Truman, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico e una valutazione delle conseguenze della prima bomba atomica, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali su questo terribile capitolo della storia moderna.
Scoprite la storia della guerra civile spagnola combattuta dal 1936 al 1939 tra i repubblicani, sostenitori di una Spagna progressista e liberale, e i nazionalisti, sostenitori di un regime conservatore con tendenze fasciste. Fu il culmine di profonde tensioni politiche e sociali che si erano accumulate a partire dagli anni Venti. La fragilità delle nuove istituzioni del Paese e il clima internazionale contribuirono alla radicalizzazione della vita politica e al rovesciamento del Fronte Popolare nel 1936. A capo dei nazionalisti c'era il generale Franco, sostenuto da Hitler e Mussolini, che instaurò rapidamente una dittatura personale e impose il governo di Franco dopo la guerra. Per alcuni storici, questo episodio non fu altro che una prova generale dell'imminente secondo conflitto mondiale.
La battaglia di Stalingrado è stata una delle più grandi battaglie della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, in cui la Wehrmacht tedesca e l'Armata Rossa di Stalin hanno combattuto brutalmente e spesso da vicino per il controllo della città. La battaglia coinvolse anche i civili e la sua portata fu senza precedenti; la battaglia di Stalingrado è oggi ampiamente considerata come una delle più grandi e sanguinose battaglie della storia. Fu un punto di svolta nella guerra: i tedeschi furono sconfitti per la prima volta dall'inizio delle ostilità e i sovietici presero il sopravvento sul fronte orientale. In soli 50 minuti, imparerete a conoscere gli eventi che portarono alla battaglia di Stalingrado, gli episodi chiave della battaglia e la sua influenza decisiva sul resto della guerra. Questo libro semplice e informativo offre un'analisi approfondita delle tattiche e delle manovre di entrambe le parti, come la famosa Rattenkrieg tedesca. Include inoltre le biografie dei principali comandanti e leader, tra cui il maresciallo tedesco Friedrich Paulus, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico e sociale e una valutazione dell'impatto della battaglia, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali su questo scontro mortale.
Gli ultimi anni della Prima Guerra Mondiale furono un periodo molto incerto; sembrava che la vittoria potesse andare da una parte o dall'altra. I francesi e gli inglesi erano stati respinti nella Seconda battaglia dell'Aisne e nei Campi delle Fiandre, gli italiani erano stati sconfitti nella battaglia di Caporetto e la Russia aveva appena firmato un trattato di pace con la Germania. Tuttavia, anche gli alleati della Germania erano stati gravemente indeboliti e l'entrata in guerra degli Stati Uniti sembrava poter ribaltare la situazione. In soli 50 minuti, scoprirete come gli ultimi anni della guerra determinarono l'esito dei combattimenti e ne comprenderete il grande impatto sul futuro della Germania. Questo libro semplice e informativo offre una discussione approfondita dei momenti chiave degli ultimi anni di guerra, tra cui la crisi di fiducia degli Alleati, l'indebolimento dell'esercito tedesco e la controffensiva alleata. Include anche una descrizione completa delle strategie di entrambe le parti e un esame approfondito delle conseguenze immediate del conflitto, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali sulla fase finale della Prima guerra mondiale.
A poignant story of the impact of war on a defenceless French village during the Second World War. Four courageous villagers join the Maquis, the Resistance in Vichy occupied France, to protect their families. They are swept into a treacherous conflict where one false word or brave action can result in the torture and death of people they know and love. One old man and a young girl survive the savage destruction that wipes out the whole community. This novel uses the recorded history of the devastation of many rural villages in the Aveyron, Lot and Tarn departments of the Midi-Pyrénées. Oradour-sur-Glane in the Haute-Vienne Department is a famous memorial to the brutality of the Second World War.
Bruno Ehlich was 9 years old and in the Hitler Youth when the village he was living in was liberated by the 90th Infantry Division. As American tanks approached the village, all but a few of the SS soldiers fled, and Bruno was tasked with carrying ammunition to a small anti-tank gun. The gun was nicknamed the "Door Knocker" due to its inability to penetrate the tanks' armor. As one shell bounced harmlessly off an approaching tank, Bruno went to get another shell just as the tank fired, demolishing the gun, killing its crew, and wounding Bruno. A tanker grabbed Bruno and asked him where the Germans were, and Bruno directed him to a secret passage in the Leuchtenburg castle where civilians and soldiers were sheltered. Wounded as he was, Bruno was happy to see his village liberated. He would eventually emigrate to Australia and become a sergeant in the Royal Australian Air Force. Blessed with a photographic memory and hoping to find and thank the American tanker who captured him, Bruno committed his memories to paper in this riveting memoir of life as a young boy in the middle of World War II.
"Frank Lloyd Wright and Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transforming the American Mind is an interdisciplinary volume of literary and cultural scholarship that examines the link between two pivotal intellectual and artistic figures, probing how the author's writings influenced the architect's campaign against dominant strains of American thought. Inspired by Emerson's writings on the need to align exterior expression with interior self, Wright believed that architecture was not first and foremost a matter of accommodating spatial needs, but a tool to restore intellectual and artistic freedom, long lost in the process of modernization. Ayad Rahmani shows that Emerson's writings provide an avenue for interpreting Wright's complex approach to country and architecture. The two thinkers cohered around a common concern for a nation derailed by forces that were not only nefarious, but which also flew in the face of the country's original promise. In Emerson's condemnations of slavery and inequality, Wright found inspiration for seeking redress against the humiliations suffered by the modern worker, be it at the hands of an industrial manager or office boss. His designs sought to challenge dehumanizing labor practices and open minds to the beauty and science of agriculture and the natural world. Emerson's example helped Wright develop architecture that aimed less at accommodating a culture of clients and more at raising national historical awareness while also arguing for humane and equitable policies. As evidence of these interventions, Rahmani details the genesis of recent developments in urban agriculture, rooftop gardens, and cohousing. Frank Lloyd Wright and Ralph Waldo Emerson presents a new approach to two vital thinkers whose impact on American society remains evident to this day"--
"The second-most visited museum in the United States, The National WWII Museum attracts hundreds of thousands of patrons every year to its campus in New Orleans. Guests can tour its extensive permanent galleries and embedded multimedia displays, view special or traveling exhibits, dine in one of the two on-site restaurants, and stay at the facility's hotel, The Higgins Hotel & Conference Center. But today's sprawling complex had its start on a more modest scale, opening as The National D-Day Museum on June 6, 2000, the fifty-sixth anniversary of D-Day and the Allied landing at Normandy. Historian Stephen E. Ambrose spearheaded efforts to construct the Museum, in part as a place to gather the many hundreds of oral histories and artifacts he had collected for a book project. Attendance surged after the kickoff, and his friend, fellow historian, and collaborator on the project, Gordon H. "Nick" Mueller, secured U.S. congressional designation in 2004, acknowledging the institution as America's official museum dedicated to the Second World War. This recognition initiated a 245,000-square-foot expansion to realize the Museum's Master Plan, incorporating immersive, story-driven exhibits and architectural features meant to unify the growing campus. Building The National WWII Museum, by Mueller and research historian Kali Martin Schick, tells the story of the Museum's remarkable progress, from its early days as The National D-Day Museum to the unveiling of the Museum's final section, the Liberation Pavilion, in November 2023. As Mueller and Schick take readers on this decades-long journey, they highlight the exhibits, grand openings, and numerous benefactors who helped bring The National WWII Museum to life. This beautiful book-with more than 150 images and renderings, many never seen before by the public-not only showcases the Museum's development as envisioned in the 2004 Master Plan but also documents its important and ongoing mission of celebrating the American spirit and the teamwork, optimism, courage, and sacrifice of the men and women who won World War II"--
"A gripping true-life thriller about the first US submarine to sink a Japanese aircraft carrier-and the sub's tragic twist of fate"--
A harrowing account of an epic, yet nearly forgotten, battle of World War II—General Douglas MacArthur's four-year assault on the Pacific War's most hostile battleground: the mountainous, jungle-cloaked island of New Guinea. “A meaty, engrossing narrative history… This will likely stand as the definitive account of the New Guinea campaign.”—The Christian Science Monitor One American soldier called it “a green hell on earth.” Monsoon-soaked wilderness, debilitating heat, impassable mountains, torrential rivers, and disease-infested swamps—New Guinea was a battleground far more deadly than the most fanatical of enemy troops. Japanese forces numbering some 600,000 men began landing in January 1942, determined to seize the island as a cornerstone of the Empire’s strategy to knock Australia out of the war. Allied Commander-in-Chief General Douglas MacArthur committed 340,000 Americans, as well as tens of thousands of Australian, Dutch, and New Guinea troops, to retake New Guinea at all costs. What followed was a four-year campaign that involved some of the most horrific warfare in history. At first emboldened by easy victories throughout the Pacific, the Japanese soon encountered in New Guinea a roadblock akin to the Germans’ disastrous attempt to take Moscow, a catastrophic setback to their war machine. For the Americans, victory in New Guinea was the first essential step in the long march towards the Japanese home islands and the ultimate destruction of Hirohito’s empire. Winning the war in New Guinea was of critical importance to MacArthur. His avowed “I shall return” to the Philippines could only be accomplished after taking the island. In this gripping narrative, historian James P. Duffy chronicles the most ruthless combat of the Pacific War, a fight complicated by rampant tropical disease, violent rainstorms, and unforgiving terrain that punished both Axis and Allied forces alike. Drawing on primary sources, War at the End of the World fills in a crucial gap in the history of World War II while offering readers a narrative of the first rank.
Revealing the vital influence of the French artist Marie Laurencin, her visual idiom, and her sexual expression on the modernism of twentieth-century Paris
A dramatic and timely account of Stalin’s failed invasion of Finland in 1939, and the decade of wars and fraught relations that followed
An exploration of Edgar Degas’s laundress works and their significance within broader debates art, urban life, and women’s work in the nineteenth century
An incisive account of the Arctic convoys, and the essential role Bletchley Park and Special Intelligence played in Allied success
Michael Haas sensitively records the experiences of the composers who fled the Nazis, escaping Hitler's Germany to make new lives across the globe. Haas traces the distinctive contribution these composers made to the twentieth-century soundscape?and offers a moving record of the incalculable effects of war on culture.
An elegant consideration of the Surrealist movement as a global phenomenon and why the movement continues to resonate
"The boys had dumped a pail of whey on the kitchen floor. Each boy had one of Helen's ankles, pulling her across the wooden floor on her bare bottom. When they reached the far end of the kitchen and swirled around for another trip, their mother's crimson face brought them to an abrupt halt. They looked at her for a moment, still holding their sister's legs in the air. In unison, they dropped Helen's legs and quickly wiped their hands on their trousers as if nothing had been going on. Maria stood quivering, surveying the kitchen. The whey had splashed up onto the papered walls above the broad, wooden baseboards. It was on the chairs, table legs, and wood-fired cookstove. Helen's hair and dress were soaked, her bottom cherry red from the friction. Helen's bottom soon wasn't the lone occupant of that end of the color spectrum. Severe consequences were vigorously dealt out." "Johann and Susanna sat holding hands on the train between Kars and Tiflis (Tbilisi). Before leaving, they had both purchased new civilian wardrobes. With the political landscape uncertain, it was best not to appear affiliated with any ideology. It was a certainty that, if you left an impression that you favored one side or the other, you'd run into someone who rabidly held an opposing view. Politics in the 1918 Caucasus region had more than two sides-way more. There were Tsarists, Bolsheviks, and Anarchists. Every one of those groups was subdivided further into religious, ethnic, and tribal variations. Each sect would rather kill you than persuade you to their side."'As they walked toward the compound, Frank Stoltzfus pumped Gerhardt for his family's story, wanting to know how they ended up in Constantinople. After making it as far as Batumi in the telling, Frank stopped Gerhardt with a hand on his arm. He asked, "You mean to tell me that since your family was driven out of the Caucasus, you've basically been refugees for four years, looking for a safe place for your family?"Gerhardt shrugged. "I hadn't thought of it that way. I always thought we were just searching for a home to raise our children in peace."Frank replied, "That's the definition of a refugee."'¿¿¿¿¿"Always so sure of his path forward, Gerhardt now found himself second guessing his every step. He knew that he had to forge ahead on this path of unsure footing. Otherwise, he would surrender what little control he had over his family's fate. They would be doomed to become more faceless victims of the blackness enveloping Russia."Based on actual people and events, THEY HAVE CONQUERED is a fictional account of an extended Mennonite family living in turn-of-the-century Southern Russia. Set in what is now modern-day eastern Ukraine, the family's journeys take them to Siberia, Kazakhstan, Dagestan, Georgia, Turkey, Latvia, Poland, Germany, and North America. Within the short period of 1894 to early 1922, the lead character, Gerhardt, and his brothers are conscripted into World War One and the Revolution. While Gerhardt was off to WWI, his wife, Maria, had to deal with her two rambunctious boys, their younger sister, and an infant girl In what is modern day Dagestan. During the Revolution, Gerhardt and Maria move into Crimea while the rest of his family do their best to survive in east central Ukraine. With the fall of the White Army in the west, the situation becomes untenable. With Crimea cut off from the mainland, they are forced to become refugees -- again.
"This forgotten history of displaced WWII children and the return to their roots [is] captivating, thought-provoking, enlightening, and bittersweet." ¿Alka Joshi, New York Times bestselling author of The Henna Artist"Rosner is one of my favorite authors." ¿Lisa Scottoline, #1 bestselling author of EternalFrom Jennifer Rosner, National Jewish Book Award Finalist and author of The Yellow Bird Sings, comes a novel based on the true stories of children stolen in the wake of World War II.When your past is stolen, where do you belong?Ana will never forget her mother's face when she and her baby brother, Oskar, were sent out of their Polish ghetto and into the arms of a Christian friend. For Oskar, though, their new family is the only one he remembers. When a woman from a Jewish reclamation organization seizes them, believing she has their best interest at heart, Ana sees an opportunity to reconnect with her roots, while Oskar sees only the loss of the home he loves. Roger grows up in a monastery in France, inventing stories and trading riddles with his best friend in a life of quiet concealment. When a relative seeks to retrieve him, the Church steals him across the Pyrenees before relinquishing him to family in Jerusalem. Renata, a post-graduate student in archaeology, has spent her life unearthing secrets from the past--except for her own. After her mother's death, Renata's grief is entwined with all the questions her mother left unanswered, including why they fled Germany so quickly when Renata was a little girl. Two decades later, they are each building lives for themselves, trying to move on from the trauma and loss that haunts them. But as their stories converge in Israel, in unexpected ways, they must each ask where and to whom they truly belong. Beautifully evocative and tender, filled with both luminosity and anguish, Once We Were Home reveals a little-known history. Based on the true stories of children stolen during wartime, this heart-wrenching novel raises questions of complicity and responsibility, belonging and identity, good intentions and unforeseen consequences, as it confronts what it really means to find home.
Dopo l'importante libro, edito nel 2022 su due volumi, sulla storia e le uniformi della M.V.S.N., un nuovo ed imponente lavoro di Carlo Rastrelli sulla storia e sulle uniformi del Partito Nazionale Fascista. Come funzionava, com'era organizzato, come era finanziato e quali erano gli uomini e le uniformi del partito che, per vent'anni, ha messo l'Italia in camicia nera? A queste ed a molte altre domande il presente volume si propone di offrire risposte esaustive e definitive. Ma perché un libro sul P.N.F.? Per due semplici motivazioni. La prima: un libro del genere è assente nel panorama editoriale italiano ed internazionale. Esistono, difatti, solo due volumi sul Partito Nazionale Fascista, quello del Gambino e quello del Lazzero, entrambi parziali e datati. La seconda: il ventennio fascista è stato protagonista della nostra storia recente, di un'Italia che può sembrare lontana ma che è storia di ieri, e, pertanto, deve essere accettato e conosciuto. Come ha scritto il Colucci il fascismo ci appartiene, è cosa nostra, prodotto della nostra Storia, ci piaccia o meno, e per questo va accettato; ma appunto perché è nostro, del nostro Paese, non lo trascende ma ne è trasceso.
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des Ersten Weltkrieges!Die Leiden der Zivilgefangenen, die Greuel an den elsässischen Geiseln, die sich nicht für Frankreich erklären wollten, die grauenhaften Erlebnisse der Kolonialdeutschen, der Verwundeten und Kranken in den französischen Lazaretten, der deutschen Angeklagten vor den Gerichten, der körperliche und seelische Massenmord in den Offiziers- und Mannschaftslagern des Festlandes wie der französischen Kolonien in Nordafrika, Dahomey, Madagaskar usw. und schließlich die besonders "humane" Betätigung der "Nettoyeurs" an der Front bilden den Inhalt dieses Buches. Man liest Seite auf Seite und steht fassungslos vor der Frage, ob ein Land, das solche Verbrechen an der Menschlichkeit im Weltkrieg auf dem Gewissen hat, sich noch zu den kultivierten Nationen zählen darf.Deutsche, Neutrale und Franzosen selbst kommen hier zu Wort, um diese Frage zu beantworten. Die Antwort aber ist die, daß Frankreich nicht das Recht hat, auf seine Humanität zu pochen. Sie war eine Lüge von den Zeiten Ludwigs XIV. an bis zur letzten Auseinandersetzung Deutschlands mit Frankreich.
Over 50 countries fought on the battlegrounds of Asia, Europe, North Africa, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea in one of the world's most deadly and costliest wars in world history, World War II. The United States entered the war in 1941 after Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Research estimates that during World War II over 2.5 million Negro men registered for the draft, and large numbers of Negro women volunteered to serve in the Army, Army Air Forces, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Although these men and women experienced discrimination and segregation, they served their country with great distinction and made valuable contributions to the war efforts.
The autumn of 1942 found the world engulfed in a global conflict. The war in Europe stretched to the African continent as Hitler's expansion sought to control Persian oil fields and further occupation. British and French troops moved south of the Mediterranean Sea to quell the German advancement.Enter General Darci: the Allies secret weapon. She and her new aide-de-camp, Juno, offer assistance to British Field Marshall Montgomery and his Eighth Army in a major battle at El Alamein. Only months before, the First Battle of El Alamein had failed to quash the German march across the continent. Now the Allies planned an offensive that hopefully push the Germans back across the Mediterranean.On the heated desert sands of North Africa, General Darci meets her nemesis, Field Marshal Irwin Rommel, known as The Desert Fox. Join two courageous pooches as they travel through history and lend their skills in a battle that proved to be a turning point in WWII. See photos that chronicle the operation and learn details of a major battle of the European Theater. Whether you are a history buff or a dog lover, you will enjoy these two intrepid canines as they cavort through history.
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