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  • af Rebekka Jost
    254,95 kr.

    Februar 2020. Der 89-jährigen Aurelia wird mit einem Mal bewusst, dass ihre Familie vollkommen zerrüttet ist. So beginnt sie, sich mit ihrer Geschichte auseinanderzusetzen, um herauszufinden, wie kam, wozu es kam.Zur selben Zeit, als Aurelias Eltern Elsa und Eduard bei ihrer Hochzeit 1913 große Hoffnungen in ihr Leben setzen, werden die verhängnisvollen Schritte in den Großen Krieg gesetzt.1933 ist Aurelia drei Jahre alt und es haben sich längst die Stricke zugezogen, die ihr Leben bestimmen sollen, doch auch in der Ge-genwart nehmen die Ereignisse ihren verhängnisvollen Lauf und die Zeit für Aurelia und ihre Kinder verrinnt plötzlich viel schneller, als sie es erwartet hatten.Dies ist eine Familiensaga und ein geschichtliches Werk.Geschichts-, Politik-, und Soziologiebegeisterte finden hier in ansprechender und kurzweiliger Weise die historischen Ereignisse des vergangenen Jahrhunderts anhand einer fiktiven Familiensaga dargestellt und die Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge veranschaulicht. Zudem werden an vielen Stellen Bezüge zum aktuellen Zeitgeschehen hergestellt. Alle historischen Begebenheiten werden mittels zahlreicher Quellenangaben belegt.

  • af Jérémy Rocteur
    123,95 kr.

    A revolução industrial foi um período de modernização que começou na Grã-Bretanha e depois se estendeu ao resto da Europa. Durante este período, muitos países do mundo ocidental passaram de predominantemente agrícolas para mais mecanizados, acelerando o crescimento demográfico e provocando mudanças económicas sem precedentes. Em apenas 50 minutos, descobrirá como esta revolução moldou a Europa durante séculos e compreenderá o seu profundo impacto na sociedade moderna. Este livro simples e informativo proporciona uma discussão aprofundada sobre as principais invenções da Revolução Industrial, incluindo o motor a vapor e o motor de combustão interna. Inclui também uma biografia completa dos protagonistas, incluindo James Watt e Thomas Edison, uma valiosa introdução ao contexto económico e uma avaliação do impacto da Revolução Industrial, dando-lhe toda a informação essencial sobre este período crucial que moldou a sociedade moderna.

  • af Marie Fauré
    123,95 kr.

    Descubra tudo o que precisa de saber sobre o Projecto Manhattan em menos de uma hora! À medida que a ameaça nazi se espalhava pela Europa, o Projecto Manhattan, um programa ultra-secreto criado pelo Presidente dos EUA Franklin D. Roosevelt no Verão de 1942, tinha a missão de desenvolver a primeira bomba atómica da história, com um lema: chegar lá antes dos alemães. Um empreendimento colossal, tanto financeiramente como em termos de pessoal, foi o resultado de uma colaboração sem precedentes entre a indústria americana, a ciência e os militares, baseada em grandes avanços na investigação nuclear combinada com uma poderosa indústria química.

  • af Anna Strommenger
    686,95 kr.

    >Heimat< gilt gemeinhin als bürgerlich-konservativ. Doch auch die Sozialdemokratie bezog sich positiv auf den Begriff. Ihr Begriffsverständnis changierte zwischen einem universalistischen Zukunftsversprechen und einer herkunftsbezogenen Orientierung an Region und Nation. Die Studie untersucht sozialistische Heimat-Konzepte im späten Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik erstmals systematisch. Sie leistet so nicht nur einen innovativen Beitrag zur Labour History, sondern trägt wesentlich zu einer geschichtswissenschaftlichen Neubewertung des gesamtgesellschaftlichen Heimat-Diskurses im Untersuchungszeitraum bei.

  • af Michael Semff
    246,95 kr.

    From the 1960s drawing assumed a prominent position in the practice of a rising generation of post-war artists in Germany and Austria. This publication examines works on paper by four artists still comparatively little known in the UK. While Georg Baselitz and Gerhard Richter, household names in German contemporary art, are well known for their large and commanding works, a quieter and more reflective strand is found in the work of Rudi Tröger (b. 1929), Karl Bohrmann (1928-1998) and Carl-Heinz Wegert (1926-2007). Small and intimate in scale, their drawings focus on the abstracted, minimalist figure, the studio interior and landscapes, through a sensitive use of line and a spare, self-effacing gesturalism. By contrast, the Austrian actionist Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022) presents visceral depictions of the human anatomy in his large lithographs, which come out of his notorious actionist performances. This publication celebrates a second major gift to the British Museum from the German collector Count Christian Duerckheim, whose first gift featured in Germany Divided: Baselitz and his generation, published by the British Museum Press in 2014.

  • af Mark Rothko
    166,95 kr.

    One of the most important artists of the twentieth century, Mark Rothko (19031970) created a new and impassioned form of abstract painting over the course of his career. Rothko also wrote a number of essays and critical reviews during his lifetime, adding his thoughtful, intelligent, and opinionated voice to the debates of the contemporary art world. Although the artist never published a book of his varied and complex views, his heirs indicate that he occasionally spoke of the existence of such a manuscript to friends and colleagues. Stored in a New York City warehouse since the artists death more than thirty years ago, this extraordinary manuscript, titled The Artists Reality, is now being published for the first time.Probably written around 194041, this revelatory book discusses Rothkos ideas on the modern art world, art history, myth, beauty, the challenges of being an artist in society, the true nature of American art, and much more. The Artists Reality also includes an introduction by Christopher Rothko, the artists son, who describes the discovery of the manuscript and the complicated and fascinating process of bringing the manuscript to publication. The introduction is illustrated with a small selection of relevant examples of the artists own work as well as with reproductions of pages from the actual manuscript.The Artists Reality will be a classic text for years to come, offering insight into both the work and the artistic philosophies of this great painter.

  • af Ashley Lazevnick
    323,95 - 698,95 kr.

  • af Maximilian Buschmann
    686,95 kr.

    Hungerstreiks gehören zu den bedeutendsten Protestformen der Gegenwart. Das Buch untersucht ihre »Erfindung« und Etablierung in den USA in transnationaler Perspektive. Eng an den Akteur:innen und ihren Lebenswelten orientiert, rekonstruiert es die verschlungenen und konflikthaften Aneignungsprozesse und Debatten über Hungerstreiks als soziale Praxis von ihrer Erfindung im späten 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Rezeption Gandhis im Kampf gegen die rassistische Segregation. Maximilian Buschmann zeigt auf, dass es in Hungerstreiks sowohl um eine Politik des Körpers und der Anerkennung als auch um die Verteidigung eines durch Straf- und Wissensregime herausgeforderten rebellischen Selbst ging.

  • af Ina Markova
    468,95 kr.

    Das Buch schildert die Geschichte der Wiener Häfen, bevor der Ausbau Alberns zum Getreidehafen ab 1938 beleuchtet wird. Dabei spielen die Entscheidungsprozesse unter den (NS-)Akteuren ebenso eine Rolle wie der Einsatz von Zwangsarbeit. Der Bau und Betrieb eines Ölhafens und des Oder-Donau-Kanals während der NS-Zeit in der Lobau unter massivem Einsatz von zur Arbeit gezwungenen Menschen sowie deren Einzelschicksale sind ebenfalls Schwerpunkte. Ein Blick auf die Nachkriegszeit von Besatzung zu Staatsvertrag und eine statistische Auswertung der Zwangsarbeitsquellen bilden den Abschluss.

  • af Jérémy Rocteur
    123,95 kr.

    Rewolucja przemys¿owa by¿a okresem modernizacji, który rozpocz¿¿ si¿ w Wielkiej Brytanii, a nast¿pnie rozprzestrzeni¿ si¿ na reszt¿ Europy. W tym okresie w wielu krajach ¿wiata zachodniego nast¿pi¿a zmiana z dominuj¿cego rolnictwa na bardziej zmechanizowane, co przyspieszy¿o wzrost demograficzny i przynios¿o bezprecedensowe zmiany gospodarcze. W ci¿gu zaledwie 50 minut dowiesz si¿, jak ta rewolucja uksztätowäa Europ¿ na kolejne wieki i zrozumiesz jej g¿¿boki wp¿yw na wspó¿czesne spo¿ecze¿stwo. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka zawiera dok¿adne omówienie najwäniejszych wynalazków rewolucji przemys¿owej, w tym silnika parowego i silnika spalinowego. Zawiera równie¿ pe¿n¿ biografi¿ bohaterów, w tym Jamesa Watta i Thomasa Edisona, cenne wprowadzenie do kontekstu ekonomicznego i ocen¿ wp¿ywu rewolucji przemys¿owej, daj¿c ci wszystkie niezb¿dne informacje na temat tego kluczowego okresu, który uksztätowä nowoczesne spo¿ecze¿stwo.

  • af Marie Fauré
    123,95 kr.

    Dowiedz si¿ wszystkiego, co musisz wiedzie¿ o Projekcie Manhattan w mniej ni¿ godzin¿! Gdy nazistowskie zagro¿enie rozprzestrzeniäo si¿ po Europie, Projekt Manhattan, ultra-tajny program powo¿any do ¿ycia przez prezydenta USA Franklina D. Roosevelta latem 1942 r., miä za zadanie opracowanie pierwszej w historii bomby atomowej, z jednym has¿em: zd¿¿y¿ przed Niemcami. Kolosalne przedsi¿wzi¿cie, zarówno pod wzgl¿dem finansowym, jak i kadrowym, by¿o wynikiem bezprecedensowej wspó¿pracy amerykäskiego przemys¿u, nauki i wojska, opartej na wielkich post¿pach w badaniach j¿drowych po¿¿czonych z pot¿¿nym przemys¿em chemicznym.

  • af Mélanie Mettra
    123,95 kr.

    6 czerwca 1944 roku na pläach Normandii wyl¿dowäy wojska alianckie, prowadzone na statkach wraz z broni¿ i czo¿gami. L¿dowanie w Normandii, znane równie¿ jako l¿dowanie D-Day, by¿o jedn¿ z najwäniejszych operacji II wojny ¿wiatowej i utorowäo drog¿ do zwyci¿stwa aliantów na froncie zachodnim. W najwi¿kszej inwazji morskiej w historii, oko¿o 150 000 g¿ównie brytyjskich, amerykäskich i kanadyjskich ¿o¿nierzy wyl¿dowäo w Normandii, a nast¿pnie wyzwoli¿o szereg miast wzd¿u¿ wybrze¿a. Ich bohaterstwo by¿o jednym z najbardziej pami¿tnych epizodów wojny i stanowi¿o pierwszy krok w kierunku wyzwolenia Europy. W zaledwie 50 minut poznasz wydarzenia, które doprowadzi¿y do l¿dowania w Normandii i zrozumiesz, dlaczego to zwyci¿stwo by¿o tak wäne dla aliantów. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka zawiera dok¿adn¿ analiz¿ t¿a operacji Overlord i g¿ównych etapów l¿dowania w Normandii. Zawiera równie¿ biografie kluczowych dowódców i liderów, w tym Dwighta Eisenhowera i Bernarda Law Montgomery'ego, cenne wprowadzenie do kontekstu politycznego i spo¿ecznego oraz ocen¿ wp¿ywu l¿dowä, daj¿c ci wszystkie istotne informacje na temat tej ¿miäej operacji.

  • af Marie Fauré
    123,95 kr.

    Ontdek alles wat je moet weten over het Manhattan Project in minder dan een uur! Terwijl de nazidreiging zich over Europa uitbreidt, heeft het Manhattan Project, een ultrageheim programma dat in de zomer van 1942 door de Amerikaanse president Franklin D. Roosevelt is opgezet, als missie de eerste atoombom in de geschiedenis te ontwikkelen, met één devies: er eerder zijn dan de Duitsers. Een kolossale onderneming, zowel financieel als in termen van personeel, was het resultaat van een ongekende samenwerking tussen de Amerikaanse industrie, wetenschap en het leger, gebaseerd op grote vooruitgang in nucleair onderzoek in combinatie met een machtige chemische industrie.

  • af Jérémy Rocteur
    123,95 kr.

    De industriële revolutie was een periode van modernisering die begon in Groot-Brittannië en zich daarna uitbreidde naar de rest van Europa. In deze periode veranderden veel landen in de westerse wereld van hoofdzakelijk agrarisch naar meer gemechaniseerd, waardoor de demografische groei versnelde en er ongekende economische veranderingen plaatsvonden. In slechts 50 minuten komt u te weten hoe deze revolutie Europa voor de komende eeuwen heeft gevormd en begrijpt u de diepgaande invloed ervan op de moderne samenleving. Dit eenvoudige en informatieve boek geeft een grondige bespreking van de belangrijkste uitvindingen van de industriële revolutie, waaronder de stoommachine en de verbrandingsmotor. Het bevat ook een volledige biografie van de hoofdrolspelers, waaronder James Watt en Thomas Edison, een waardevolle inleiding tot de economische context en een evaluatie van de impact van de industriële revolutie, waardoor u alle essentiële informatie krijgt over deze cruciale periode die de moderne samenleving heeft gevormd.

  • af Mélanie Mettra
    123,95 kr.

    Op 6 juni 1944 landden geallieerde troepen, aangevoerd op schepen samen met wapens en tanks, op de stranden van Normandië. De landing in Normandië, ook bekend als de D-Day landingen, was een van de belangrijkste operaties van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en maakte de weg vrij voor de geallieerde overwinning aan het Westelijk Front. Bij de grootste invasie over zee in de geschiedenis landden ongeveer 150 000 voornamelijk Britse, Amerikaanse en Canadese soldaten in Normandië en bevrijdden vervolgens een aantal steden langs de kust. Hun heldenmoed was een van de meest gedenkwaardige episodes van de oorlog en betekende de eerste stap naar de bevrijding van Europa. In slechts 50 minuten leer je over de gebeurtenissen die leidden tot de landing in Normandië en begrijp je waarom deze overwinning zo belangrijk was voor de geallieerden. Dit eenvoudige en informatieve boek geeft een grondige analyse van de achtergrond van Operatie Overlord en de belangrijkste fasen van de landing in Normandië. Het bevat ook biografieën van de belangrijkste commandanten en leiders, waaronder Dwight Eisenhower en Bernard Law Montgomery, een waardevolle inleiding tot de politieke en sociale context en een evaluatie van de impact van de landingen, waardoor u alle essentiële informatie over deze gedurfde operatie krijgt.

  • af Mélanie Mettra
    123,95 kr.

    Il 6 giugno 1944 le truppe alleate, imbarcate su navi con armi e carri armati, sbarcarono sulle spiagge della Normandia. Lo sbarco in Normandia, noto anche come sbarco del D-Day, è stata una delle operazioni più importanti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e ha aperto la strada alla vittoria degli Alleati sul fronte occidentale. Nella più grande invasione marittima della storia, circa 150.000 soldati, principalmente britannici, americani e canadesi, sbarcarono in Normandia e poi liberarono diverse città lungo la costa. Il loro eroismo fu uno degli episodi più memorabili della guerra e segnò il primo passo verso la liberazione dell'Europa. In soli 50 minuti, potrete conoscere gli eventi che hanno portato allo sbarco in Normandia e capire perché questa vittoria è stata così importante per gli Alleati. Questo libro semplice e informativo fornisce un'analisi approfondita dei retroscena dell'Operazione Overlord e delle principali fasi dello sbarco in Normandia. Include inoltre le biografie dei principali comandanti e leader, tra cui Dwight Eisenhower e Bernard Law Montgomery, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico e sociale e una valutazione dell'impatto dello sbarco, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali su questa audace operazione.

  • af Marie Fauré
    123,95 kr.

    Scoprite tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Progetto Manhattan in meno di un'ora! Mentre la minaccia nazista si diffondeva in Europa, il Progetto Manhattan, un programma ultra-segreto istituito dal presidente americano Franklin D. Roosevelt nell'estate del 1942, aveva la missione di sviluppare la prima bomba atomica della storia, con un motto: arrivare prima dei tedeschi. Un'impresa colossale, sia dal punto di vista finanziario che del personale, frutto di una collaborazione senza precedenti tra l'industria, la scienza e le forze armate statunitensi, basata su grandi progressi nella ricerca nucleare combinati con una potente industria chimica.

  • af Jérémy Rocteur
    153,95 kr.

    La rivoluzione industriale è stata un periodo di modernizzazione iniziato in Gran Bretagna e poi diffusosi nel resto d'Europa. Durante questo periodo, molti Paesi del mondo occidentale si sono trasformati da prevalentemente agricoli a più meccanizzati, accelerando la crescita demografica e provocando cambiamenti economici senza precedenti. In soli 50 minuti, scoprirete come questa rivoluzione ha plasmato l'Europa per i secoli a venire e capirete il suo profondo impatto sulla società moderna. Questo libro, semplice e istruttivo, offre una trattazione approfondita delle principali invenzioni della Rivoluzione industriale, tra cui il motore a vapore e il motore a combustione interna. Include inoltre una biografia completa dei protagonisti, tra cui James Watt e Thomas Edison, una preziosa introduzione al contesto economico e una valutazione dell'impatto della Rivoluzione industriale, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali su questo periodo cruciale che ha plasmato la società moderna.

  • af Rachelle Unreich
    196,95 kr.

    The powerful true story of a Holocaust survivor told by her daughter that is as uplifting and astonishing as it is heart wrenching.

  • af Steven Ujifusa
    328,95 kr.

    From critically-acclaimed historian Steven Ujifusa, a propulsive human drama with global ramifications set at the turn of the 20th Century: this is the story of the mass exodus of Jews out of Eastern Europe and the titans of industry who made it possible.

  • af Gail Kittleson
    223,95 kr.

    1943The world is at warand the outcome is anything but sureIn the heartland, communities like Caroline, Iowa, must bind together to support The Cause. As the war drags on, few families escape paying the untimate price.But the unity of this close-knit community is threatened by a violent death-a murder committed in the basement of the town's beloved Church Street United Brethren. Everyone, including the congregation's handsome new pastor, becomes a suspect.The underpinnings to the mystery delve deep into the town's past... and extend far beyond its borders.

  • af Kuno Gross
    248,95 kr.

    Most probably the readers of this magazine have never heard of the original TRACKS. I was in the very same situation until by the end of 2020, when NZ LRDG-historian Brendan OCarroll has provided me with a hardly readable copy of the June 1941 issue of TRACKS. I was immediately fascinated by these windows into the past and just thought: "We should revive TRACKS! " The editor of the original Tracks was, that time 20 years old, TA Sgt. N.A Moore, a clerk attached to LRDG Group HQ. The June 1941 issue was created by him when the LRDG HQ was located at Kufra. There he got the idea to create a "house paper" for the unit. He recalled in a letter which was published in the 1991 Newsletter of the LRDG Association, that there were only a very limited number of people who were willing to contribute and that this first edition was mainly launched thanks to the contribution of Lieut. Col. Bagnold and Captain Kennedy Shaw. And indeed, the June 1941 remained the single and only issue of Tracks - it was never published again.... until today! After TRACKS 2021 and TRACKS 2022 is now the third issue of the "re-vived" magazine.

  • af Richard Barlow Adams
    308,95 kr.

    Charlie's Ashes: A Greatest Generation StorySam Lombardo (100 years old), an Italian immigrant, retired Army lieutenant colonel, and twice widowed, has had enough of his WWII buddies passing away while he awaits his turn at Patriot House Senior Living Facility in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Whether it was the little girl with the pink Eiffel Tower applique on her white T-shirt or the rich cabernet sauvignon from Saint Emilion, he didn't know. But he was decided. He would think and go on the offense, just as he had in the Battle of the Bulge and the other battles fought before and after crossing the Rhine into the heart of Hitler's Germany. But first, he would lay the gauntly squarely before John Beard (101), Bill McCoween (93), and Joe Gossen (94).

  • af Susan Blumberg-Kason
    153,95 kr.

    Meet the Jewish salon host in 1930s Shanghai who brought together Chinese and expats around the arts as civil war erupted and World War II loomed on the horizon.

  • af Marjorie S. Chilton
    263,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Darvin Babiuk
    193,95 kr.

    How did ULTRA shape the course of the war? At times, it played a major role in the turning of battle, at other times did not, at still others was fatally misused, and at still others was beneficial but not necessary to bring about victory in any case. Unfortunately, good intelligence is often badly used by its masters. ULTRA was no different. Did ULTRA win the war? No, men and tanks and bombs and airplanes did. Did ULTRA shorten the war? Given the extent to it which it provided foreknowledge, once the balance of military forces was relatively close the answer must be yes. Did ULTRA prevent an earlier end to the war either by creating such confidence that avoidable mistakes were made in the rush for glory, or by preventing acceptance of an outcome short of unconditional surrender, or by causing the Allies to discount internal German opposition and a possible suicide attempt on Hitler? No, for its benefits outweighed its negative. Does the glory of the victory become tainted in light of ULTRA? Yes, for not only does it reveal the extent to which our commanders knew in advance of German battle strengths and location, thus giving them a decided advantage, it also points out several egregious errors on their part despite possession of ULTRA. Can intelligence be counted on to provide us victory in future conflicts. No. ULTRA use and implementation was clearly deficient for two to three years, and came about only with the help of Polish and French contributions which we cannot count on in the future. As Welchman points out, that may well mean suicide in a world where computers and ICBM's reduce the drag time to seconds from years. What role did ULTRA play? To quote one of the examiners: "Ultra was a war winner" even if not "the war winner."

  • af Davis Truman
    148,95 kr.

    The Nazi regime of Germany during World War II is known for its atrocities, including the systematic persecution and extermination of millions of Jews and other minorities. However, the unethical medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on prisoners are less widely known, which were rooted in the ideology of Darwinism and racial purification. These experiments involved subjecting prisoners to brutal and often deadly procedures in the name of scientific advancement and the supposed improvement of the Aryan race. The ethical implications of these experiments and how they were justified by pseudoscientific theories of racial superiority continue to raise important questions about the role of science and medicine in society and the need for ethical guidelines and oversight in research. This paper explores the ethical dilemmas presented by the Nazi medical experiments, the relationship between Darwinism and racial purification, and the ongoing implications of these issues for contemporary society.

  • af Debbie Taussig-Boehner & Lauren Housman
    298,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Massimiliano Afiero
    238,95 kr.

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