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  • af Les Brown
    166,95 kr.

    With its unparalleled level of visual information - paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs - this book is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build one of these famous cruisers.

  • af Aaron Betsky
    361,95 kr.

    "A survey history of architectural theory since 1900, with an emphasis on the applicability of such ideas to other disciplines in the visual arts"--

  • af Jorid Mathiassen
    144,94 - 268,95 kr.

    En smuk og dramatisk fortælling om livslang kærlighed og krigens grusomhed. Baseret på virkelige hændelser under 2. verdenskrig, hvor jugoslaviske krigsfanger blev sendt til Norge for at hjælpe den tyske krigsmaskine. Nordland 2009. Linnea har brug for at komme væk fra sit liv i Oslo og låner et gammelt hus på den lille ø Hjartø i Nordland af en veninde. Linnea har ingen idé om, hvad der venter hende, da hun ankommer til den forblæste ø midt i den mørke tid. Hun får bl.a. tiden til at gå med at gå på opdagelse i det gamle hus, og en dag falder hun over en lille klokke, der sætter hende på sporet af en dramatisk historie fra 2. Verdenskrig. Nordland 1942. Den unge pige Marie forlader sit trygge liv på Hjartø, da hun bliver sendt afsted for at hjælpe til på sin søsters gård inde på fastlandet. Ikke langt fra gården ligger en tysk fangelejr, hvor serbiske soldater lever under kummerlige forhold. Her møder Marie den unge fange Jovan og begynder at mødes med ham i smug. Et forhold, der for enhver pris ikke må blive opdaget. Efterhånden som Linnea finder ud af mere om Maries dramatiske fortid, tager hendes eget liv også en ny drejning.

  • af Gerhard Richter
    395,95 kr.

    With a career spanning more than sixty years, the renowned painter Gerhard Richter is one of the greatest artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This book celebrates the artist's continued dedication to experimentation and innovation. The Abstract Pictures were created when Richter, a few years ago, poured colored enamel paints onto a glass plate and allowed them to flow into one another in order to take shapes. He then captured these ephemeral moments with his camera and selected 100 of these "pictures" for inclusion in the book alongside equally abstract texts formed by randomly generated letter combinations. An artwork of its own, this intimate volume inspires both close looking and a beautiful interpretation of abstraction.

  • af Mike Hollow
    196,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Dennehy
    133,95 kr.

    For families of the heroes who fought on the beaches of Normandy during World War II, for fans of Saving Private Ryan, or for traveller interested in history, here is the complete guide to visiting one of the world’s most historic battlefields.

  • af Fiona Valpy
    123,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Marokko, 1941. Frankrig er besat af nazisterne, og den 12-årige jødiske pige Josie er sammen med sin familie flygtet til Casablanca. Livet i den nordafrikanske by er så anderledes, så intens. Solen brænder, farverne, lydene og lugtene er overvældende. Der er en verden til forskel fra den usikkerhed, de er flygtet fra – og Josie elsker det.70 år senere ankommer Zoe til samme pulserende havneby. Hun har svært ved at falde til og kæmper med sit ægteskab og med rollen som mor. En dag finder hun en dagbog fra 1940’erne under gulvbrædderne i sin datters værelse. Hun begynder at læse og forsvinder ind i den unge pige Josies tanker. Engang var det hende, der stod i en svær situation og kiggede ud ad de samme vinduer, ud over Atlanterhavet og ud på et meget anderledes Casablanca.Langsomt begynder Zoe at se byen og sit nye hjem gennem Josies øjne. Kan det nye perspektiv være med til at lette hendes tunge hjerte, vende modgang til håb og give hende en frisk start?Pressen skriver: Om Biavlerens løfte:”En meget fin historie om at holde fast i den, man er”**** – Femina”En skøn historisk roman. En meget rørende fortælling om kærlighed, mod og styrke”– Bogblogger.dkOm Sanglærkens hemmelighed:”Medrivende og underholdende.”– Lektørudtalelse

  • af Chloe Gong
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Katrine Wessel
    123,95 kr.

    Sommeren står for døren, Christiania Theater holder ferielukket og familien Sommer er flyttet ud på Bygdø. Oda befinder sig dog stadig på teatret, hvor hun er blevet for at hjælpe Ingeborg, da hun modtager en uventet invitation. Imens lider Georg af hjertekvaler på Bygdø. Hvordan skal han vie sit liv til Cecilie, når hans hjerte banker for en anden? Lyst og længsel er fjerde bog i Katrine Wessels debutserie om 1880’ernes teaterverden og bohemernes Kristiania, hvor moral og traditioner udforskes og udfordres og drømme kan blive til virkelighed. Det er en fortælling om fire unge mennesker på tærsklen til voksenlivet, som alle må brolægge sin egen skæbne, hvis de skal klare sig i en foranderlig verden.

  • af Katrine Wessel
    138,95 kr.

    CHRISTIANIA THEATER, 1885. Nationalteatret rammes af en stor skandale, da Oda Madsens store hemmelighed afsløres. Nu overvejer hun at acceptere Eriks tilbud og rejse til Amerika, men kan hun løbe fra alt, hun har kært? Og fra sin egen mor?Ude i sommerlandet forberedes en storstilet fejring af norges nationaldag og både teaterchef Rosenvinge og Fanny, det nye stjerneskud på de skrå brædder, står på gæstelisten. Der tegner sig et festligt forår i horisonten, men det bliver en fejring, som borgerskabet sent vil glemme ...Forårsnætter er tredje bog i Katrine Wessels debutserie om 1880’ernes teaterverden og bohemernes Kristiania, hvor moral og traditioner udforskes og udfordres og drømme kan blive til virkelighed. Det er en fortælling om fire unge mennesker på tærsklen til voksenlivet, som alle må brolægge deres egen skæbne, hvis de skal klare sig i en foranderlig verden.

  • af Edward M. Young
    168,95 kr.

    An exciting account of the aerial battles fought by the USAAF's P38 Lightnings and the Jagdflieger's Bf 109Gs for dominance over North Africa and the Mediterranean.USAAF fighter pilots experienced a baptism of fire when flying the technically advanced but fragile P-38 Lightning over North Africa in the wake of 1942's Operation Torch. Their opponents were battle-hardened jagdflieger of the Jadgwaffe, flying the tried and tested Bf 109 in its very lastest Gustav iteration. Responsible primarily for escorting USAAF bombers attacking Afrika Korps installations in Tunisia, the P-38 units in North Africa had to develop effective tactics to defend the bombers against Luftwaffe fighter attacks. For several months the Lightning squadrons had to also cope with shortages of aircraft and spare parts, steady losses and a lack of replacement pilots. To survive, American aviators had to learn quickly. While it is difficult to definitively attribute victories in air combat, in the air battles over Tunisia and later over Sicily and Italy, the claims made by Lightning pilots were comparable to Luftwaffe claims for P-38s destroyed. Edward M. Young turns his attention to the bitterly fought air war in North Africa and the Mediterranean in 1942-43. Using original archival sources, official records and first-hand accounts from both USAAF and Luftwaffe veterans, as well as newly commissioned artwork and 50 carefully selected photographs from official and personal archives, this book sees two of the most iconic piston-engined fighters of their era pitted head-to-head for control of the skies in a key theatre of World War II.

  • af Cadillac Motor Car Company
    163,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af E V Martindale
    176,95 kr.

    This book offers a detailed guide to the major types of battleships to fight in the two world wars. Explore HMS Dreadnought, the first of a class of fast, big-gun battleships to be developed at the beginning of the 20th century; find out about the destruction of HMS Hood, which exploded after exchanging fire with the Bismarck, which itself was sunk after a trans-Atlantic chase by a combination of battery fire and aircraft-launched torpedoes; and much more.

  • af Kalani Pickhart
    133,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Lorna Cook
    148,95 - 206,95 kr.

    En verden i krig - Én kvinde vil risikere alt - En anden vil afsløre hendes historie 1940: Da øen Guernsey invaderes af nazisterne, er to søstre fast besluttet på at gøre oprør på enhver tænkelig måde. Men da de bliver tvunget til at tage imod en tysk soldat, er de chokerede over at finde et kendt ansigt på deres dørtrin – en barndomsven, som nu er blevet deres fjende. 2016: To generationer senere vender Lucy tilbage til Guernsey efter en fjern kusines død. Mens hun gør det gamle familiehus klar til salg, opdager Lucy en kasse med håndskrevne sedler, hvor ét ord skiller sig ud: modstand. Lucys søgen efter forfatteren vil afsløre historien om en glemt søster, der forsvandt fra øen en nat for aldrig at blive set igen.

  • - Gode Raad fra gamle Dage
    af Gyldendal
    119,95 - 128,95 kr.

    Gode råd er dyre i disse tider. Derfor er det værd at vende tilbage til de gode og praktiske spareråd fra dengang, vores bedsteforældre var unge og levede i nøjsomme tider.Den lille Sparebog indeholder uddrag fra bestselleren Gyldendals Sparebog (1941). Gode – og sjove – råd, der stadig er brugbare i 2022. Her er tips til at lave sin egen te, praktiske spareråd til madlavningen, anvisning til barbering uden sæbe og til at bekæmpe møl og rense pletter af tøjet. Lige som man får en solid håndsrækning til at spare på varme og lys. Den perfekte værtindegave eller til dig, der sværger til de gode råd fra fortiden.

  • af Orlando Figes
    106,95 kr.

  • af Ian Buruma
    133,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Damien Lewis
    166,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Christian Ring
    208,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Yarros
    113,95 kr.

    The Things We Leave Unfinished is a captivating novel written by the talented author, Rebecca Yarros. Published by Transworld Publ. Ltd UK on November 24, 2022, this book is a must-read for all book lovers. The narrative unfolds a mesmerizing story that keeps the reader hooked till the very end. Yarros, known for her unique storytelling style, has once again outdone herself in this latest offering. The genre of the book is a mix of mystery, romance, and drama, making it an engaging read for a wide range of audiences. The Things We Leave Unfinished is a testament to Yarros's literary prowess and is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers. So, don't miss out on this literary gem from Transworld Publ. Ltd UK.

  • af Sinclair McKay
    138,95 - 196,95 kr.

    The Sunday Times-bestselling author of Dresden returns with a monumental biography of the city that defined the twentieth century - Berlin'I loved this book . . . apposite and wise . . . To anyone who knows Berlin a little and is fascinated by it, but would like to understand it better, this is a wonderful aid' David Aaronovitch, The Times Throughout the twentieth century, Berlin stood at the centre of a convulsing world. This history is often viewed as separate acts: the suffering of the First World War, the cosmopolitan city of science, culture and sexual freedom Berlin became, steep economic plunges, the rise of the Nazis, the destruction of the Second World War, the psychosis of genocide, and a city rent in two by competing ideologies. But people do not live their lives in fixed eras. An epoch ends, yet the people continue - or try to continue - much as they did before. Berlin tells the story of the city as seen through the eyes not of its rulers, but of those who walked its streets.In this magisterial biography of a city and its inhabitants, bestselling historian Sinclair McKay sheds new light on well-known characters - from idealistic scientist Albert Einstein to Nazi architect Albert Speer - and draws on never-before-seen first-person accounts to introduce us to people of all walks of Berlin life. For example, we meet office worker Mechtild Evers, who in her efforts to escape an oncoming army runs into even more appalling jeopardy, and Reinhart Cruger, a 12-year-old boy in 1941 who witnesses with horror the Gestapo coming for each of his Jewish neighbours in turn. Ever a city of curious contrasts, moments of unbelievable darkness give way to a wry Berliner humour - from banned perms to the often ridiculous tit-for-tat between East and West Berlin - and moments of joyous hope - like forced labourers at a jam factory warmly welcoming their Soviet liberators.How did those ideologies - fascism and communism - come to flower so fully here? And how did their repercussions continue to be felt throughout Europe and the West right up until that extraordinary night in the autumn of 1989 when the Wall - that final expression of totalitarian oppression - was at last breached? You cannot understand the twentieth century without understanding Berlin; and you cannot understand Berlin without understanding the experiences of its people. Drawing on a staggering breadth of culture - from art to film, opera to literature, science to architecture - McKay's latest masterpiece shows us this hypnotic city as never before.

  • af Tom Hanks
    223,95 kr.

    From the legendary actor and best-selling author: a novel about the making of a star-studded, multimillion-dollar superhero action film...and the humble comic books that inspired it. Funny, touching, and wonderfully thought-provoking, while also capturing the changes in America and American culture since World War II."Wild, ambitious and exceptionally enjoyable." —Matt Haig, best-selling author The Midnight Library, The Humans and Reasons to Stay AlivePart One of this story takes place in 1947. A troubled soldier, returning from the war, meets his talented five-year-old nephew, leaves an indelible impression, and then disappears for twenty-three years.Cut to 1970: The nephew, now drawing underground comic books in Oakland, California, reconnects with his uncle and, remembering the comic book he saw when he was five, draws a new version with his uncle as a World War II fighting hero. Cut to the present day: A commercially successful director discovers the 1970 comic book and decides to turn it into a contemporary superhero movie.Cue the cast: We meet the film’s extremely difficult male star, his wonderful leading lady, the eccentric writer/director, the producer, the gofer production assistant, and everyone else on both sides of the camera.Bonus material: Interspersed throughout are three comic books that are featured in the story—all created by Tom Hanks himself—including the comic book that becomes the official tie-in to this novel’s "major motion picture masterpiece."*Includes a downloadable PDF of the comics from the book and a QR code for access to the original screenplay of Knightshade: The Lathe of Firefall

  • af David Doyle
    226,95 kr.

    A photographic history of the Wehrmacht's heavy armored cars in WWII. Twelve different types are detailed.

  • af Rosalind Ormiston & Michael Robinson
    211,95 kr.

  • af Rosie Talbot
    108,95 kr.

  • af Alan Philps
    126,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Brian Lane Herder
    166,95 kr.

    A fascinating exploration of how between February 1 and March 10, 1942, three small US task forces launched several unexpected raids across the Japanese defensive perimeter in the Central and South Pacific. After the devastating Japanese blows of December 1941, the Allies found themselves reeling with defeat everywhere in the Pacific. Although stripped of his battleships and outnumbered 10:3 in carriers, the US Navy commander-in-chief Admiral Ernest J. King decided to hit back at Japan's rapidly expanding Pacific empire immediately, in an effort to keep the Japanese off-balance. On February 1, 1942, Vice Admiral Bill Halsey led the US Pacific Fleet carriers on their first raid, using high-speed hit-and-run tactics to strike at the Japanese, at a time when most of the Japanese carrier fleet was in the Indian Ocean. Halsey's aggressive commitment inspired its American participants to invent the mythical "Haul Ass With Halsey" club. The last of the 1942 US carrier raids in March 1942 would form a defining moment in the Pacific War, prior to a new phase of high-seas battles between the opposing fleets.This superbly illustrated book documents for the first time in a single volume this little-known but important World War II naval campaign. The fabulous illustrations, including maps and colour artworks, bring to life the US air and naval raids on the Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands, Rabaul, Wake Island, Marcus Island, and Lae and Salamaua in northern New Guinea.

  • af Erich Kastner
    288,95 kr.

    ******Jyllands-Posten*****BerlingskeI 1931 indleverede Erich Kästner et manuskript med titlen Der Gang vor die Hunde til sit forlag, men forlaget fandt romanen alt for politisk sprængfarlig og erotisk udfordrende og udgav den – imod Kästners vilje – i en censureret og udvandet udgave under titlen Fabian (da. 1959).Nu udkommer Erich Kästners originale, ucensurerede mesterværk endelig og for første gang i dansk oversættelse. En stor tysk klassiker, en spændstig og burlesk mellemkrigsroman med slående paralleller til vor tid. Hold på hatten og spring på sporvognen gennem Berlin! Det vil De, kære læser, ikke fortryde!...

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