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  • af Kelly Bowen
    116,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Hemmeligheder, kærlighed og modstandskamp i hjertet af en gammel fransk slotshave Normandiet, 1940. Stasia har altid fundet ro i den gamle slotshave ved Chateau de Montissaire. Men mørke skyer truer nu hendes barndoms paradis. Som en nøglefigur i modstandsbevægelsen er hun eftersøgt af nazisterne. Skal den slotshave, der engang var fyldt med uskyldige eventyr, nu blive hendes sidste tilflugtssted?Normandiet, 2021. Isabelles kærlighed til gamle slotte fører hende til et faldefærdigt slot i Rouen, som vækker søde minder om hendes barndom. Nu øjner hun muligheden for at udforske det gådefulde slot og genoptage kontakten til sin søster. Men da de to søstre afslører en chokerende hemmelighed om familiens fortid, bliver alting ændret for evigt.Slottets hemmeligheder er en uforglemmelig fortælling inspireret af virkelige hændelser under Anden Verdenskrig. Det er en historie om mod, kærlighed og de ofre, vi er villige til at bringe for dem, vi elsker.Pressen skrev:”En læseværdig oplevelse”– om Lejligheden i Paris

  • af Vannevar Bush
    208,95 kr.

    "An insider's perspective into technological innovation and public affairs during the 20th century, from the distinguished scientist and policy-maker who played an active and decisive role in shaping them. Vannevar Bush offers lessons and observations from one of the most fruitful periods of the innovation ecosystem, and shares insights for future generations seeking to advance scientific and technological progress"--

  • af Geirr H Haarr
    295,95 kr.

    This book is a methodical, unbiased compilation of primary sources and archival material. It details the sequence of events leading to the sinking of the Blücher, the flagship of the force that was to seize Oslo, from setting sail for Norway, to evading British submarines in the Skagerrak, and finally sinking to the bottom of the Drøbak Narrows after being struck by Oscarsborg fortress gunfire and torpedoes.

  • af Marvin Close
    126,95 kr.

    1923: Life in Football 100 Years Ago takes a deep dive into the matches, personalities and events that lit up the game a century ago. It's also a social history of how fans and footballers lived day to day. From the White Horse Cup Final to the murder of footballer Tommy Ball, it's a unique look at a memorable year in football and beyond.

  • af Dennis Oliver
    186,95 kr.

    Drawing on official documentation and unit histories, Dennis investigates the formations that operated these vehicles and uses archive photos and extensively researched color illustrations to examine the markings, camouflage and technical aspects of the Sdkfz 234/2, 234/3 and 234/4 armored cars that served on the Western and Eastern Fronts.

  • af Jerry Saltz
    246,95 kr.

  • af Kristin Harmel
    148,95 kr.

    Finalist i Goodreads Choice Awards for bedste historiske romanEn gribende roman om en ung kvinde, der hjælper hundredvis af børn med at flygte fra nazisterne, baseret på en virkelig historie fra anden verdenskrig.Den unge Eva må i 1942 flygte fra Paris, fordi hendes far, som er polsk jøde, bliver arresteret. Flugten fører hende til en lille landsby, hvor hun kommer med i en modstandsgruppe, der smugler jødiske børn over grænsen til Schweiz. I forbindelse med flugten får børnene ny identitet, og for at deres oprindelige navne ikke skal blive glemt for eftertiden, skriver Eva og hendes ven Rémy dem ind i en gammel bog ved hjælp af kodeskrift. Mere end 65 år senere arbejder Eva som bibliotekar i Florida. En morgen ser hun til sin store overraskelse et fotografi i avisen af den gamle bog med børnenes navne. Bogen er nu placeret på et bibliotek i Berlin, og den ser ud til at indeholde en kodeskrift, men forskerne ved hverken, hvor bogen kommer fra, eller hvad koderne betyder. Kun Eva kan svare på gåden – men har hun kræfter nok til at opsøge gamle minder om krigens grusomheder?”En hjertegribende fortælling om overlevelse og heltemod.” – People Magazine”Hvis du elskede Martha Hall Kellys Blomstrende syrener og Kristin Hannahs Nattergalen, vil du også elske De glemte børns bog. Anbefales til alle fans af historiske romaner om anden verdenskrig.” – Library Journal”Kristin Harmels bøger vækker glemte, men hjerteskærende ægte historier fra anden verdenskrig til live, altid med et drys af spænding og kærlighed.” – Booklist

  • af Gijs van Hensbergen
    293,95 kr.

    An illuminating biography of one of the most famous--and most famously unfinished--buildings in the world, the Sagrada Familia of Barcelona.The scaffolding-cloaked spires of Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, dominate the Barcelona skyline and draw in millions of visitors every year. More than a century after the first stone was laid in 1882, the Sagrada Familia remains unfinished, a testament to Gaudí's quixotic ambition, his religious devotion, and the sensuous eccentricity of his design. It has defied the critics, the penny-pinching accountants, the conservative town-planners, and the devotees of sterile modernism. It has enchanted and frustrated the citizens of Barcelona. And it has passed through the landmark changes of twentieth-century Spain, surviving two World Wars, the ravages of the Spanish Civil War, and the "Hunger Years" of Franco's rule.Gijs van Hensbergen's The Sagrada Familia explores the evolution of this remarkable building, working through the decades right up to the present day before looking beyond to the final stretch of its construction. Rich in detail and vast in scope, this is a revelatory chronicle of an iconic structure, its place in history, and the wild genius that created it.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    176,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Halfdan Rasmussen & Tage Lau
    208,95 - 298,95 kr.

    I sommeren 1938 satte Halfdan Rasmussen og hans kammerat Tage Lau afsted på tandem fra København til den spanske grænse. Sammen cyklede, blaffede og gik de over 2.500 km gennem et ulmende Europa på randen af sammenbrud mellem to verdenskrige. Trods politisk engagement er det hverdagen, der fylder i de dagbøger, Halfdan og Tage betroede sig til, og som udgives for første gang. De to eventyrlystne unge møder farverige anarkister, esperantister og lokale, ser på seværdigheder i Antwerpen, drikker øl i Bruxelles, begærer Paris og bader i Atlanterhavets kolde bølger. Og mens de slider skosålerne op og planker andre rejsende for cigaretter, filosoferer de over den forunderlige klode, slås med blodsugende myg og mærker sulten i de slunkne maver. Bare det ikke bliver regnvejr. Sommeren 38 giver et enestående indblik i et tidligt kapitel af den spirende digter Halfdan Rasmussens liv. Bogen suppleres med forord af hans søn, Tom Nagel Rasmussen. Der er indledning og forklarende noter af historiker Svend Rybner.

  • af Don Keith
    116,95 kr.

    "Bold, brash, and brimming with courage, Chuck Yeager burst onto the scene as a national hero in 1947, when he became the first to fly an airplane faster than the speed of sound. Yet even before his days as America's most famous test pilot, Yeager was a young fighter ace in the US Army Air Force, flying a P-51 Mustang over Nazi-occupied Europe. His exploits are the stuff of legend"--

  • af Christopher R Browning
    208,95 kr.

    "A remarkable--and singularly chilling--glimpse of human behavior. . .This meticulously researched book...represents a major contribution to the literature of the Holocaust."--Newsweek Christopher R. Browning's shocking account of how a unit of average middle-aged Germans became the cold-blooded murderers of tens of thousands of Jews--now with a new afterword and additional photographs. Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.While this book discusses a specific Reserve Unit during WWII, the general argument Browning makes is that most people succumb to the pressures of a group setting and commit actions they would never do of their own volition. Ordinary Men is a powerful, chilling, and important work with themes and arguments that continue to resonate today.

  • af Karel Capek
    106,95 kr.

    The Gardener's Year is a charming and light-hearted insight into the life of an amateur gardener. Structured loosely around what to plant, grow or cultivate each month, Karel Capek takes us on a rollicking journey through a year in his own small garden.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features lively black and white illustrations by Czech artist Josef Capek and is translated by M. and R. Weatherall.From making puddles with an untamable hose to sowing luxuriant weeds instead of grass, Capek reveals how a gardener grows into his surroundings 'spurred on by each new failure'. Subverting the tradition of a 'how to' gardening book, he teaches his readers about the magic of seeds, the perils of planting vegetables and the thrilling surprises of a rock garden. As the year progresses and frail buds turn from flowering stems to drooping bulbs and falling leaves, Capek's small garden buzzes with life, wisdom and humour.

  • af Rachael Lucas
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Nogle gange sker der langt mere i en lille landsby end i storbyenDen idylliske landsby Little Maudley er det perfekte sted at søge hen for den udbrændte historielærer Lucy. Her finder hun et lille hus og får endda nedsættelse i huslejen, hvis bare hun vil holde lidt ekstra øje med den halvsure nogle-og-90-årige nabo, Bunty.Lucy har to mål med opholdet: at slappe af og fordybe sig i historien om det nærliggende Bletchley Park, der spillede en central rolle i modstandskampen under 2. Verdenskrig. Men lokalbefolkningen i Little Maudley har andre planer, og før Lucy ved af det, er hun dybt engageret i at forvandle bytorvets gamle telefonboks til et lille bibliotek.Imens spirer venskabet til den lokale snedker, Sam, og også den charmerende landsby med alle de hyggelige beboere gør indtryk på hende. Samtidig viser det sig, at Bunty har en helt særlig forbindelse til Bletchley Park og den gamle telefonboks. Noget, hun har holdt hemmeligt i årtier, og som nu endelig kommer op til overfladen …

  • af Jonathan Coe
    158,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Middle England and Mr Wilder and Me comes a brilliant new state of the nation novelIn the Birmingham suburb of Bournville, a family celebrate VE Day in 1945. With the joy of such an occasion there also come larger national questions about the nature of the horrific war the country has just been through. Following this family through generations as they navigate seventy-five years of drastic social change, from wartime nostalgia and English exceptionalism to the World Cup and coronavirus, domestic secrets and national myths leave characters and a country adrift, bewildered and divided.Bournville is the story of who we are - at our worst, and best. From bestselling author Jonathan Coe comes a novel of rare humour and humanity, a novel that holds up a mirror to our past and our present.

  • af Camilo Jose Cela
    166,95 kr.

    "The translator Anthony Kerrigan has compared the work of Camilo Josâe Cela, the 1989 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, to that of Louis-Ferdinand Câeline and Curzio Malaparte. These are, Kerrigan writes, "ferocious writers, truculent, badly spoken, foul mouthed." However provocative and disturbing, they are also flat-out dazzling as writers, whose sentences, as rigorous as riotous, lodge like knives in the reader's mind. Cela called himself a proponent of "uglyism," of "nothingism." But he has the knack, the critic Amâerico Castro reminds us, of deploying those "nothings and lacks" to construct beauty. The Hive is set over the course of a few days in the Madrid of 1943, not long after the end of the Spanish Civil War and when the regime of General Francisco Franco was at its most oppressive. The book includes more than three hundred characters whose comings and goings it tracks to hypnotic effect. Scabrous, scandalous, and profane, this virtuosic group portrait of a wounded and sick society was first published in Buenos Aires in 1950 because in Spain it could not be published at all. This new translation by James Womack is the first in English to present Cela's masterpiece in uncensored form"--

  • af Smedley Butler
    113,95 kr.

    Critics of war are often labeled treasonous lunatics. Even those who are critical of the government are scrutinized and dragged through the mud. Young men and women volunteer to fight wars on their nation's behalf, and we should commend them for their actions, but we should question the steps to board ships and planes bound for foreign soil before their military service is required.Major General Smedley Butler was a 2x Medal of Honor recipient and an advocate for those he lead to war. His legacy is rich with valor in combat but also the bureaucratic fight on the homefront. From exposing war-profiteering to campaigning for veterans benefits that provide returning US troops with rich opportunities in the present day, "Old Gimlet Eye" was an American hero you surely did not read about in school."War is a racket, it always has been," and it still is.

  • af Markus Zusak
    208,95 kr.

  • af William E. Hiestand
    126,95 kr.

    A new illustrated study of the devastating, but little-known, Soviet armored blitzkrieg against the Japanese in the last weeks of World War II, and how it influenced Soviet tank doctrine as the Cold War dawned.Although long overshadowed in the West by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR's lightning strike into Manchuria in August 1945 was one of the most successful and unique campaigns of the era. Soviet forces, led by over 5,500 tanks and self-propelled guns, attacked across huge distances and deserts, marshes, and mountains to smash Japan's million-strong Kwantung Army in a matter of days.Japanese forces were short of training and equipment, but nevertheless fought fiercely, inflicting 32,000 casualties on the Soviets. Red Army operations were characterized by surprise, speed, and deep penetrations by tank-heavy forces born of the brutal lessons they had learned during years fighting the Wehrmacht. Lessons from the campaign directly shaped Soviet Cold War force structure and planning for mechanized operations against the West.Illustrated with contemporary artwork and rare photos from one of the best collections of Soviet military photos in the West, this fascinating book explains exactly how the last blitzkrieg of World War II was planned, fought, and won, and how it influenced the Red Army's plans for tank warfare against NATO in Europe.

  • af Robert Zeller
    378,95 kr.

    New Surrealism: The Uncanny in Contemporary Painting by Robert Zeller offers a sweeping exposition of both historical Surrealism and its legacy in the world of contemporary art. It demonstrates the many ways in which the most significant art movement of the last century continues to be relevant today, featuring an international selection of contemporary artists whose compositions and studio practice reveal its influence. There are many modalities of historical Surrealism that still maintain contemporary currency: presenting the familiar as unfamiliar and uncanny, the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated imagery, the use of absurdity to critique political or social issues, and the use of erotic imagery in an irrational, non-linear context. Not all the artists brought together in this book self-identify as Surrealist, per se, but each uses some variation of Surrealism in a personal manner. The book begins with a study of the origins, leadership, participating artists, and major milestones of historical Surrealism. Zeller chronicles the movement starting at the end of World War I and the birth of Dada. The most important players and events emerge throughout the timeline of events-including World War II, and such notable artists as Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Leonora Carrington, and many others-up until the death of its leader Andre Breton in 1966. Zeller then explores how elements of New Surrealism are being put into practice in the contemporary art world. Section Two offers a survey of 29 contemporary artists who engage in New Surrealism's seemingly unlimited variations of the movement's original themes, including Rosa Loy, Glenn Brown, and Arghavan Khosravi. Section Three features 14 artists, including important contemporary artists such as Inka Essenhigh, Ginny Casey and Anna Weyant, who speak to Surrealism's influence on their studio practice, detailing in their own words how they create a composition from start to finish.

  • af Walter J Ciszek
    168,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    198,95 kr.

    “Ægte genialitet … al hans vrede og frustration fandt deres første rigtige udtryksmiddel i Vejen til Wigan Pier.” – Peter Ackroyd, The TimesVejen til Wigan Pier er en berømt reportageroman af George Orwell. Bogen har ikke tidligere været oversat til dansk og udkommer her for første gang på dansk.Bogens første del er en af Orwells mest berømte reportager fra hans ophold blandt kulminearbejdere i Nordengland i vinteren 1936. I sin usædvanligt klare og enkle stil beskriver han minearbejdernes hårde arbejde, den usle løn og de elendige boligforhold, som han også prøvede på egen krop.Bogens anden del er et essay, hvor Orwell beskriver og analyserer det engelske klassesamfund med afsæt i skildringer af sit eget liv og opvækst. Med et eminent blik for detaljerne viser han, hvordan de skarpe klasseskel står i vejen for socialismens fodfæste i England, hvilket han anser for et tvingende nødvendigt værn mod fascismens fremmarch.Opholdet i Wigan gjorde Orwell til overbevist socialist, idet han så den økonomiske ulighed, kapitalismen kunne medføre. Han var dog kritisk overfor flere af de socialistiske bevægelser og spidder i bogen den overfladiske socialisme, hvor man sympatiserer med arbejderne, men ikke omgås dem. Resultatet var, at Orwell provokerede både det politiske venstre og højre, der begge tog afstand fra ham eller brugte ham ved at tage ham til indtægt for egne synspunkter.Vejen til Wigan Pier er nr. 39 på The Guardians liste '100 best nonfiction books of all time'."... fremragende reportage fra Nordenglands barske kulminer (...) Kulminekapitlerne vokser til en blændende karakteristik af det britiske klassesamfund (...) hvis man vil ind under huden på manden, som skrev nogle af det tyvende århundredes væsentligste romaner – 'Animal Farm' (senest udsendt på dansk under titlen 'Dyregården') samt '1984', hans klassiker om Storebror-samfundet – er det denne bogs anden halvdel, man skal læse." – Jes Stein Pedersen, Politiken ❤❤❤❤❤ Langt om længe udkommer George Orwells The Road to Wigan Pier på dansk. En kras reportage fra klassesamfundets mørkeland og et sylespidst opgør med salonsocialismen … reportagejournalistik i mesterklassen … en kongenial oversættelse af Lærke Pade og med et indsigtsfuldt efterord af Per Stig Møller … Hvis man holder af 1984 og Dyregården, som begge blev genudgivet i fjor, vil man ved læsningen af Vejen til Wigan Pier se tegningen til den kritik af masseforførelse og underkastelse, som begge disse klassikere på forskellig vis kredser om.” – Adam Holm, Weekendavisen“I dette år, 1936, blev George Orwell med sine rejser til Wigan og Barcelona til den George Orwell, der skrev sig ind historien.” – Per Stig Møller, Efterord, Vejen til Wigan Pier“Orwells originalitet som forfatter består i uvilligheden til at acceptere udsagn og teorier, som ikke har bund i det selvoplevede. (…) Som en vigtig påmindelse om, at vores samfundsmæssige virkelighed nok er mere speget og indfældet, og vi mennesker repræsenterer langt mere kultur og vaner og religion, end vi normalt er klar over, er Orwells bog pligtlæsning.” – Henrik Gade Jensen,“Lyden af en stor forfatter, der finder sin autentiske stemme.” – Robert McCrum, The Guardian“Reportageromanen er intensiv læsning fra start til slut, og der er uden tvivl meget visdom at hente i Orwells ord (...) Det intense i livet, der bliver beskrevet, er eviggyldigt, og hans tanker om vores verden og samfund er lige så gyldige nu, som de var det dengang.” ­– Louise Trankjær, Skriv for livet“Orwell er en forfatter med en exceptionel umiddelbarhed, friskhed og energi – han er påståelig og dristig, skiftevis vred og meget blid … kvaliteterne i Orwells prosa er først og fremmest, at den normalt er forbilledlig klar og enkel.” – Richard Hoggart, Introduction, The Road to Wigan Pier, Penguin, 1989“Afskyeligheden i indledningen … er uovertruffen. Han synes at påvirke den moderne verden, som Engels påvirkede 1840-50’ernes verden. Men med den forskel, at Orwell er en født forfatter, hvor Engels, trods sin fyrige og strålende karakter, ganske enkelt ikke var forfatter.” – Edith Sitwell

  • af Joseph P. Farrell
    208,95 kr.

    Offers a range of exotic technologies the Nazis researched, and challenges to the conventional views of the end of World War Two, the Roswell incident, and the beginning of MAJIC-12, the government's alleged secret team of UFO investigators.

  • af Neal Stephenson
    88,95 kr.

    A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe -- London street urchin-turned-legendary swashbuckling adventurer -- risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly maddening from the pox. . . and Eliza, rescued by Jack from a Turkish harem to become spy, confidante, and pawn of royals in order to reinvent a contentious continent through the newborn power of finance.

  • af Neal Stephenson
    98,95 kr.

    The trials of Dr. Daniel Waterhouse and the Natural Philosophers increase one hundredfold in an England plagued by the impending war and royal insecurities -- as the beautiful and ambitious Eliza plays a most dangerous game as double agent and confidante of enemy kings.

  • af Kate Quinn
    88,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Baseret på en sand historie, om heltemod, der er vokset ud af desperation, om en mor, der blev soldat, og om en kvinde, der fandt sin plads i verden og ændrede historiens gang for altid. Ljudmila Pavlitjenko, en nørdet og pligtopfyldende historiestuderende fra Kyiv, er ikke i tvivl. Hun vil kæmpe – kæmpe for sit lands, sit livs og sin søns fremtid. Da Hitler invaderer Sovjetunionen, tager Milas liv en helt ny drejning. Hun tager kampen op og forvandles fra flittig studine til livsfarlig snigskytte. 309 drab senere og nationalhelt, bliver hun hjemkaldt fra fronten for at blive sendt på charmetur til Amerika som det gode eksempel. Krigen har sat sine spor, og hun føler sig isoleret og ensom, indtil et uventet venskab med USA’s førstedamen Eleanor Roosevelt og et endnu mere uventet venskab med en tavs ligemand tænder lidt lys i et mørkt liv. Men da en gammel fjende dukker frem fra fortiden, er det ikke kun egne dæmoner, Mila tvinges til at tage kampen op imod.

  • af Estate Of Hiroo Onoda
    283,95 kr.

  • af R A Bob Hoover
    186,95 kr.

  • af Gordon Parks
    502,95 kr.

    By 1944, Gordon Parks had established himself as a photographer who freely navigated the fields of press and commercial photography, with an unparalleled humanist perspective. That year, Roy Stryker-the former Farm Security Administration official who was now heading the public relations department for The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey)-commissioned Parks to travel to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to document the Penola, Inc. Grease Plant.Employing his signature style, Parks spent two years chronicling the plant's industry-critical to Pittsburgh's history and character-by photographing its workers and the range of their activities. The resulting photographs, dramatically staged and lit and striking in their composition, showed the range of activities by black and white workers, divided by roles, race and class. The images were used as marketing material and made available to local and national newspapers, as well corporate magazines and newsletters. However, they served as much more than documentation of industry-enduring as an exploration of labor and its social and economic ramifications in World War II America by one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.Featuring more than 100 photographs, many previously unpublished, this is the first book to focus exclusively on Parks' photographs for The Standard Oil Company, illuminating an important chapter in his career prior to his landmark career as a staff photographer for Life magazine.

  • af Dieter Scholz
    348,95 kr.

    THE COLLECTION OF THE NEUE NATIONALGALERIE, BERLINThe Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, the last building designed by Mies van der Rohe, has been closed a full six years for refurbishment. To mark its reopening the museum is presenting the highlights of its classical modernist collection under the title "The Art of Society, 1900-1945". Visionary, critical, resigned or utopian, the paintings and sculptures bear witness to art's dialogue with prevailing social conditions - from the German Empire to the First World War, the Weimar Republic and ultimately National Socialism. The catalogue documenting all works in the exhibition traces the major artistic tendencies during the first half of the 20th century in thirteen chapters. "The Art of Society, 1900-1945" offers a renewed encounter with works by Edvard Munch, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Tamara de Lempicka, Lotte Laserstein, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Max Beckmann, and many others that is as captivating as it is illuminating.

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