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  • af Moisés Wagner Franciscon
    613,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage est composé de trois articles qui constituent ensemble une histoire du cinéma de guerre soviétique. Certains thèmes des films de guerre produits en URSS ne sont pas abordés, comme la campagne en Afghanistan, qui a donné lieu à des films au contenu héroïque jusqu'au milieu des années 1980, et au contenu critique dans les dernières années du régime. L'accent est mis sur les deux grandes étapes de ce genre cinématographique : la guerre civile russe et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le premier chapitre cherche à démontrer que le cinéma de l'école du réalisme socialiste n'a pas disparu après le renouveau artistique qu'a connu la cinématographie soviétique dans les années 1950 et 1960. Il a toujours trouvé sa place dans le cinéma historique, notamment le plus oufaniste d'entre eux : la Grande Guerre patriotique de 1941-45. Des films comme Ozvobozhdenie, de 1969, ou Bitva za Moskvu, de 1985, de Yuri Ozerov, présentent des compositions, des angles, des détails dérivés des peintures réalisées par les artistes du réalisme socialiste dans l'immédiat après-guerre, surtout entre 1945 et 1953, les années où Staline était à la tête du pays et où Zhdanov, mort en 1949, entendait dicter les voies de l'art.

  • af Moisés Wagner Franciscon
    613,95 kr.

    Questo lavoro è composto da tre articoli che insieme costituiscono una storia del cinema di guerra sovietico. Non vengono trattati alcuni temi dei film di guerra prodotti in URSS, come la campagna in Afghanistan, che ha prodotto film dal contenuto eroico fino alla metà degli anni Ottanta, e dal contenuto critico negli ultimi anni del regime. L'attenzione si concentra sulle due fasi principali di questo genere cinematografico: la guerra civile russa e la seconda guerra mondiale. Il primo capitolo cerca di dimostrare che il cinema della scuola del realismo socialista non è scomparso dopo il rinnovamento artistico che la cinematografia sovietica ha presentato negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Ha sempre trovato spazio nel cinema storico, soprattutto in quello più ufologico: la Grande Guerra Patriottica del 1941-45. Film come Ozvobozhdenie, del 1969, o Bitva za Moskvu, del 1985, di Yuri Ozerov, presentano composizioni, angolazioni, dettagli derivati dai quadri realizzati dagli artisti del realismo socialista nell'immediato dopoguerra, soprattutto tra il 1945 e il 1953, gli anni in cui Stalin era alla guida del Paese e Zhdanov, morto nel 1949, mirava a dettare i percorsi dell'arte.

  • af Mojzes Vagner Franciskon
    853,95 kr.

    Jeta rabota sostoit iz treh statej, kotorye wmeste sostawlqüt istoriü sowetskogo woennogo kino. Nekotorye temy woennyh fil'mow, snqtyh w SSSR, ne rassmatriwaütsq, naprimer, kampaniq w Afganistane, gde do serediny 1980-h godow snimalis' fil'my geroicheskogo soderzhaniq, a w poslednie gody suschestwowaniq rezhima - kriticheskogo. V centre wnimaniq - dwa osnownyh ätapa razwitiq ätogo kinozhanra: Grazhdanskaq wojna w Rossii i Vtoraq mirowaq wojna. Perwaq glawa prizwana pokazat', chto kino shkoly socialisticheskogo realizma ne ischezlo posle hudozhestwennogo obnowleniq, kotoroe sowetskij kinematograf perezhil w 1950-1960-e gody. Emu wsegda nahodilos' mesto w istoricheskom kino, osobenno w samom ufanisticheskom iz nih - o Velikoj Otechestwennoj wojne 1941-45 godow. Takie fil'my, kak "Ozdorowlenie" 1969 goda ili "Bitwa za Moskwu" 1985 goda Juriq Ozerowa, predstawlqüt kompozicii, rakursy, detali, wzqtye iz kartin hudozhnikow socialisticheskogo realizma srazu posle wojny, osobenno mezhdu 1945 i 1953 godami, kogda wo glawe strany stoql Stalin, a Zhdanow, umershij w 1949 godu, stremilsq diktowat' puti iskusstwu.

  • af Moisés Wagner Franciscon
    614,95 kr.

    Diese Arbeit besteht aus drei Artikeln, die zusammen eine Geschichte des sowjetischen Kriegskinos bilden. Einige Themen der in der UdSSR produzierten Kriegsfilme werden nicht behandelt, wie z. B. der Feldzug in Afghanistan, der bis Mitte der 1980er Jahre Filme mit heroischem Inhalt hervorbrachte, und kritische Inhalte in den letzten Jahren des Regimes. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den beiden wichtigsten Etappen dieses Filmgenres: dem russischen Bürgerkrieg und dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Das erste Kapitel soll zeigen, dass das Kino der Schule des sozialistischen Realismus nach der künstlerischen Erneuerung, die die sowjetische Kinematographie in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren erlebte, nicht verschwunden ist. Es hat immer einen Platz im historischen Kino gefunden, insbesondere im ufanistischsten von allen: dem Großen Vaterländischen Krieg von 1941-45. Filme wie Ozvobozhdenie (1969) oder Bitva za Moskvu (1985) von Yuri Ozerov zeigen Kompositionen, Blickwinkel und Details, die von den Gemälden der Künstler des sozialistischen Realismus unmittelbar nach dem Krieg abgeleitet sind, insbesondere zwischen 1945 und 1953, als Stalin an der Spitze des Landes stand und der 1949 verstorbene Zhdanov die Wege der Kunst diktieren wollte.

  • af Kimberly Nixon
    223,95 - 358,95 kr.

  • af Jose Eustasio Rivera
    115,95 kr.

    The 100th anniversary edition of a classic.A classic of twentieth-century Latin American literature, José Eustasio Rivera's The Vortex follows the young poet Arturo Cova and his lover Alicia as they elope from Bogotá and embark on an adventure through Colombia's varied and magical landscapes, with their rich biodiversity. After becoming separated from Alicia in the rainforest, Arturo witnesses the appalling conditions of the workers forced or tricked into tapping rubber trees. Newly translated for its 100th anniversary, The Vortex is both a denunciation of the horrific human-rights abuses that took place during the Amazonian rubber boom, and one of most enduring renderings of the natural environment in Latin American literature.

  • af John Townsend
    143,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Heather Mary Pelmear
    98,95 kr.

    During World War Two, a young girl was seen around the Stoke Bishop area of Bristol riding her bike or a pony; climbing trees; building dens, playing with the 'gang' in Blaise Castle Woods, and a lot more besides! This seemingly carefree life had its darker side as the storm clouds of war thickened and broke overhead. Riding Through the Storm recalls the author's life before, during and after the war. It is tinged with humour and remarkable occurrences and mirrors that time with insights into how people lived during those dark days. Nearly eighty years after the storm subsided, the full significance of what the author had lived alongside came to light and propelled this drama almost into the realms of make-believe!

  • af Victor Urban
    218,95 kr.

    This is the story of my family and their struggles through a very tough time during WWII and their strength, faith in God, and tenacity during a very dark period in history--a story of a family finding strength and courage to carry on when all was dark. It begins with the birth of my dad and carrying on to the time of new beginnings for my family in America. Enjoy a tale of time.

  • af Todd Cronan
    408,95 kr.

    A critical look at the competing motivations behind one of modern architecture’s most widely known and misunderstood movements  Although “mid-century modern” has evolved into a highly popular and ubiquitous architectural style, this term obscures the varied perspectives and approaches of its original practitioners. In Nothing Permanent, Todd Cronan displaces generalizations with a nuanced intellectual history of architectural innovation in California between 1920 and 1970, uncovering the conflicting intentions that would go on to reshape the future of American domestic life.Focusing on four primary figures—R. M. Schindler, Richard Neutra, and Charles and Ray Eames—Nothing Permanent demonstrates how this prolific era of modern architecture in California, rather than constituting a homogenous movement, was propelled by disparate approaches and aims. Exemplified by the twin pillars of Schindler and Neutra and their respective ideological factions, these two groups of architects represent opposing poles of architectural intentionality, embodying divergent views about the dynamic between interior and exterior, the idea of permanence, and the extent to which architects could exercise control over the inhabitants of their structures.Looking past California modernism’s surface-level idealization in present-day style guides, home decor publications, films, and television shows, Nothing Permanent details the intellectual, aesthetic, and practical debates that lie at the roots of this complex architectural moment. Extracting this period from its diffusion into visual culture, Cronan argues that mid-century architecture in California raised questions about the meaning of architecture and design that remain urgent today.

  • af Vivienne Lorret
    98,95 kr.

    It's all fun and games ... until someone falls in love. Oliver Goswick, Viscount Rathburn, needs money?and soon. With time ticking away and his inheritance held hostage until he's properly wed, Rathburn's slim options point to a single solution: a faux engagement. In need of the perfect bride, he knows of only one candidate: his best friend's wallflower sister. The plan seems flawless, except for one problem ... He can't help falling in love with her.Poised, polished Emma Danvers knows nothing good can come of Rathburn's scheme. Spending the next two months engaged in a mock courtship is not what she'd imagined for her final season. Yet, charmed by his roguish ways and the inexplicable hammering he causes in her heart, she accepts his challenge.For Emma, keeping the secret seemed easy when it was just a game ... But as Rathburn begins to see past her reserved exterior to the passionate woman within, the risk of losing her heart becomes all too real.

  • af Hans von Luck
    98,95 kr.

    A stunning look at World War II from the other side...From the turret of a German tank, Colonel Hans von Luck commanded Rommel's 7th and then 21st Panzer Division. El Alamein, Kasserine Pass, Poland, Belgium, Normandy on D-Day, the disastrous Russian front--von Luck fought there with some of the best soldiers in the world. German soldiers.Awarded the German Cross in Gold and the Knight's Cross, von Luck writes as an officer and a gentleman. Told with the vivid detail of an impassioned eyewitness, his rare and moving memoir has become a classic in the literature of World War II, a first-person chronicle of the glory--and the inevitable tragedy--of a superb soldier fighting Hitler's war.

  • af Nada Telarevic
    198,95 kr.

    Dok Sofija u¿iva u djetinjstvu sa svojim drugaricama Tijanom, Jelom, Katom i Kirom, njen krhki i siromäni drug Niko, sa plavim o¿ima, iznenada misteriozno nestaje iz razreda, ostavljajuc¿i Sofiju sa mnogim pitanjima i poplavom emocija bez odgovora.Iako je ro¿ena u siromänoj porodici, Sofija obo¿ava ¿kolu i mäta da postane u¿iteljica. Me¿utim, njen ¿ivot krec¿e u drugom smjeru nakon o¿eve smrti i svjetskim ratom na pragu. Sa petnaest godina pridru¿uje se grupi hrabrih ¿kolaraca ¿eljnih da se bore protiv fäizma, da promijene svijet i grade bolju buduc¿nost. Sa sedamnaest, ¿eli da pobjegne iz grada i träi uto¿i¿te kod partizana. Iznenada srec¿e starog prijatelja koji joj oduzima dah i daje razlog za ¿ivot.Ali kako mo¿e da gleda u buduc¿nost i da se nada u tako turbulentnim vremenima, gdje je smrt normalnija od ¿ivota?

  • af Londrain
    188,95 kr.

    Surrexit de Caelo es una novela de ciencia ficción que te sumerge en un mundo alternativo lleno de misterio y suspense. La historia se desarrolla en un escenario donde la realidad tal como la conocemos ha sido alterada y los nazis han conquistado gran parte del planeta gracias a supuestos ángeles caidos del cielo. La trama sigue a una serie de personajes que luchan por sobrevivir en este mundo distópico. Entre ellos se encuentra Armandek, un hombre que despierta en un laboratorio sin recuerdos de su pasado. A lo largo de la historia se enfrentará a desafíos y momentos inesperados, mientras intenta descubrir la verdad sobre su identidad y su mundo.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    404,95 kr.

    En Syrie, aucune intervention humanitaire autorisée par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies n'a été lancée jusqu'à présent. Les tentatives de cessez-le-feu entre les parties impliquées ont échoué à plusieurs reprises. Cette étude examine le bilan de trois acteurs internationaux en ce qui concerne la doctrine de la responsabilité de protéger (R2P). Plus précisément, elle examine l'option consistant à institutionnaliser la responsabilité en matière d'intervention humanitaire. Pour ce faire, la doctrine de la responsabilité de protéger est analysée à travers deux organisations internationales, l'OTAN et l'UE, et un acteur national important, les États-Unis. Pour les États-Unis, les facteurs géopolitiques jouent un rôle majeur, et il est expliqué que la structure politique et les décisions du président sont cruciales pour les choix du pays. Pour l'OTAN, le manque de légitimité joue un rôle central en ce qui concerne la R2P, ainsi que le précédent historique de son implication dans le conflit en Libye en 2011. Enfin, l'UE est décrite en mettant l'accent sur les limites institutionnelles et son potentiel à devenir une autorité normative en matière de R2P. L'analyse de ces acteurs internationaux permet de replacer le conflit syrien dans une large perspective internationale.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    403,95 kr.

    In Siria, finora non è stato avviato alcun intervento umanitario autorizzato dal Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. I tentativi di cessate il fuoco tra le parti coinvolte sono falliti ripetutamente. Questo studio analizza tre attori internazionali in relazione al loro operato in merito alla dottrina della responsabilità di proteggere (R2P). Più specificamente, viene esaminata l'opzione di istituzionalizzare la responsabilità per l'intervento umanitario. A tal fine, la dottrina R2P viene analizzata attraverso due organizzazioni internazionali, la NATO e l'UE, e un importante attore nazionale, gli Stati Uniti. Per gli Stati Uniti, i fattori geopolitici giocano un ruolo fondamentale e viene spiegato che la struttura politica e le decisioni del presidente sono cruciali per le scelte del Paese. Per la NATO, la mancanza di legittimità gioca un ruolo centrale quando si parla di R2P, insieme al precedente storico del suo coinvolgimento nel conflitto in Libia nel 2011. Infine, l'UE è descritta con enfasi sui limiti istituzionali e sul suo potenziale di diventare un'autorità normativa in materia di R2P. Attraverso l'analisi di questi attori internazionali, si cerca di collocare il conflitto siriano in un'ampia prospettiva internazionale.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    404,95 kr.

    In Syrien wurde bisher keine vom Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen genehmigte humanitäre Intervention eingeleitet. Versuche, einen Waffenstillstand zwischen den beteiligten Parteien zu erreichen, sind wiederholt gescheitert. In dieser Studie werden drei internationale Akteure im Hinblick auf ihre Haltung zur R2P-Doktrin (Responsibility to Protect) untersucht. Insbesondere wird die Option untersucht, die Verantwortung für humanitäre Interventionen zu institutionalisieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird die R2P-Doktrin anhand von zwei internationalen Organisationen, der NATO und der EU, und einem wichtigen nationalen Akteur, den Vereinigten Staaten, analysiert. Für die USA spielen geopolitische Faktoren eine große Rolle, und es wird erläutert, dass die politische Struktur und die Entscheidungen des Präsidenten für die Entscheidungen des Landes entscheidend sind. Für die NATO spielt der Mangel an Legitimität eine zentrale Rolle, wenn es um R2P geht, zusammen mit dem historischen Präzedenzfall ihrer Beteiligung am Konflikt in Libyen 2011. Schließlich wird die EU beschrieben, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den institutionellen Beschränkungen und ihrem Potenzial liegt, eine normative Autorität für R2P zu werden. Durch die Analyse dieser internationalen Akteure wird der Versuch unternommen, den Syrienkonflikt in eine breite internationale Perspektive zu stellen.

  • af Laura Stinbrink
    404,95 kr.

    V Sirii do sih por ne nachata gumanitarnaq interwenciq, sankcionirowannaq Sowetom Bezopasnosti OON. Popytki dobit'sq prekrascheniq ognq mezhdu storonami neodnokratno terpeli neudachu. V dannom issledowanii rassmatriwaütsq tri mezhdunarodnyh aktora s tochki zreniq ih otnosheniq k doktrine "Otwetstwennost' za zaschitu" (R2P). Bolee konkretno, rassmatriwaetsq wariant institucionalizacii otwetstwennosti za gumanitarnoe wmeshatel'stwo. Dlq ätogo doktrina R2P analiziruetsq na primere dwuh mezhdunarodnyh organizacij, NATO i ES, i odnogo wazhnogo nacional'nogo igroka, SShA. Dlq SShA osnownuü rol' igraüt geopoliticheskie faktory, i ob#qsnqetsq, chto politicheskaq struktura i resheniq prezidenta imeüt reshaüschee znachenie dlq wybora strany. Dlq NATO otsutstwie legitimnosti igraet glawnuü rol', kogda rech' zahodit o R2P, narqdu s istoricheskim precedentom ee uchastiq w konflikte w Liwii w 2011 godu. Nakonec, ES opisywaetsq s akcentom na institucional'nyh ogranicheniqh i ego potenciale stat' normatiwnym awtoritetom w oblasti R2P. Cherez analiz ätih mezhdunarodnyh aktorow delaetsq popytka predstawit' sirijskij konflikt w shirokoj mezhdunarodnoj perspektiwe.

  • af Wade Beauchamp
    208,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • - August 1914 To January 1915 (1916)
    af Mina MacDonald
    233,95 - 234,95 kr.

    Some Experiences In Hungary: August 1914 To January 1915 is a book authored by Mina MacDonald and published in 1916. The book is a personal account of the author's experiences during her stay in Hungary from August 1914 to January 1915, which was the period of the First World War. The author narrates her observations and experiences of the war and its impact on the Hungarian people. She describes the daily life of the people, their struggles, and the changes that the war brought to their lives. The book also includes the author's reflections on the political situation in Hungary at that time. The author provides an intimate and compelling account of her experiences in Hungary during a tumultuous time in history. The book is a valuable historical document that offers insights into the impact of war on ordinary people's lives.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Wendy Holden
    213,95 kr.

    ?An astonishing and deeply moving work.??Booklist (starred review)?An engrossing, intense, and highly descriptive narrative chronicling the ghastly conditions three pregnant women suffered through at the hands of the Nazis.??Kirkus ReviewsAmong the millions of Holocaust victims sent to Auschwitz II-Birkenau in 1944, Priska, Rachel, and Anka each pass through the concentration camp's infamous gates with a secret. Separated from their husbands and strangers to one another, they are pregnant and scared. After losing so many other loved ones to the Nazis, these women are determined to hold on to all they have left: their lives and those of their unborn babies.Born Survivors follows them as, against all the odds, they give birth to their babies and go on to build new lives with their children after World War II. Theirs are stories of hardships and miracles as they narrowly escape the clutches of Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz; conceal their condition after they are sent to a Nazi slave-labor camp, where they are half-starved and almost worked to death; and as the Allies close in, survive a seventeen-day train journey to Mauthausen in Austria. By the time they arrive, all three babies have been born?but because the camp has run out of Zyklon B, their lives and those of their mothers are saved. Sixty-five years later, the three ?miracle babies? share a remarkable, inspirational story of three mothers who defied death at the hands of the Nazis to give their children life.

  • af Jack Sacco
    208,95 kr.

    In this riveting book, Jack Sacco tells the realistic, harrowing, at times horrifying, and ultimately triumphant tale of an American GI in World War II as seen through the eyes of his father, Joe Sacco -- a farm boy from Alabama who was flung into the chaos of Normandy and survived the terrors of the Bulge.As part of the 92nd Signal Battalion and Patton's famed Third Army, Joe and his buddies found themselves at the forefront of the Allied push through France and Germany. After more than a year of fighting, but still only twenty years old, Joe had become a hardened veteran. Yet nothing could have prepared him and his unit for the horrors behind the walls of Germany's infamous Dachau concentration camp. They were among the first 250 American troops into the camp, and it was there that they finally grasped the significance of the Allied mission. Surrounded by death and destruction, the men not only found the courage and will to fight, but they also discovered the meaning of friendship and came to understand the value and fragility of life.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    403,95 kr.

    Na Síria, até à data, não foi iniciada qualquer intervenção humanitária autorizada pelo Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas. As tentativas de cessar-fogo entre as partes envolvidas falharam repetidamente. Este estudo analisa três actores internacionais no que diz respeito ao seu historial relativamente à doutrina da Responsabilidade de Proteger (R2P). Mais especificamente, é analisada a opção de institucionalizar a responsabilidade de intervenção humanitária. Para este efeito, a doutrina R2P é analisada através de duas organizações internacionais, a NATO e a UE, e de um ator nacional importante, os Estados Unidos. Para os EUA, os factores geopolíticos desempenham um papel importante, e explica-se que a estrutura política e as decisões do presidente são cruciais para as escolhas do país. Para a NATO, a falta de legitimidade desempenha um papel central no que diz respeito à R2P, juntamente com o precedente histórico do seu envolvimento no conflito na Líbia em 2011. Por último, a UE é descrita com ênfase nas limitações institucionais e no seu potencial para se tornar uma autoridade normativa em matéria de R2P. Através da análise destes actores internacionais, procura-se situar o conflito sírio numa perspetiva internacional alargada.

  • af George Aspley
    123,95 kr.

    Amphibious Assault First Wave on Guam & Okinawa. Another Pacific War memoir about one young man's wartime experience. First Wave on Guam & Okinawa is not written as a novel with characters, it is written more as a military report which also gives it legitimacy as being a good historical research book on the topic.

  • af Loretto M Thompson
    398,95 kr.

    An Unexpected Coddiwomple takes you on a journey through a captivating collection of World War II (WWII) letters abundant with humor, intrigue, and romance across the U.S., to the U.K., and back again. Join S/Sgt. Frank G. Thompson and his daughter Loretto on parallel "missions." Frank's mission is to survive the war as a B-17 radio operator gunner and get on with his life; Loretto's is to discover whatever she can about the father she never knew. Frank wrote his family almost daily, which transports you to the everyday life of a WWII soldier from the day he reports to the day he is discharged. Frank's story could belong to any one of the 16 million WWII soldiers who served. Not since The Diary of Anne Frank has a window with such an intimate view of WWII been opened to the world, seen this time through the eyes of a soldier. ---Learn from the pilot himself, "Big Sundin," what happened when they ditched Heavy Date in the North Sea in 1945, saving the lives of the entire crew. Had Big Sundin not executed a "perfect ditching," Loretto and her six siblings would not have been born. Through her father's words, she uncovers truths about her parentage that were buried with him in 1965, solving decades of mysteries that culminate with an invitation to Buckingham Palace. It's a story of family, duty, faith, and a life transformed. It's a story of love.---... By the time Loretto discovered the cache of WWII letters, her father had been dead almost 50 years. She'd accepted she would never know him. That changed when she decided to type his 500+ letters for her siblings. With each letter, she heard her father's voice. With each place she visited, each person she met, the 50 years without him melted away, and the enduring gap that had opened between them when she was four years old gradually began to close...----Coddiwomple (v.): To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague, as-yet-unknown destination.

  • af Lauren Grodstein
    298,95 kr.

  • af Robert Richardson
    388,95 kr.

    A young pilot disappears on a routine mission, resulting in a rescue attempt on a remote and inhospitable island in the South Pacific.

  • af Byron Stratford Davis
    118,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af David Tetlow
    88,95 kr.

    In the latter part of 1939, German leader Adolf Hitler made a pact with the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to invade Poland. Confident that British and French leaders would opt for a weak peace settlement, Hitler's army stormed in from the north, south and west on September 1st, while Stalin's Red Army invaded from the east on September 17th. This story, part fact and part fiction, is an account of the suffering endured by the Polish people at this time, many of whom were imprisoned in Siberia and forced to work under dreadful conditions. Yet when Hitler turned on Stalin and invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Poland's exiled found common cause with their Russian captors to take up arms against Nazi oppression. Though the Allies emerged victorious in 1945, a heavy price was exacted from occupied Poland. Many survivors discovered they no longer had homeland to which they could return, their former communities now under firm Soviet control.

  • af Adrian John Caro
    133,95 kr.

    I am now over 80 and a working silversmith. I tell the story of my early life at the end of the Second World War and its aftermath of shortages and rationing. I continue with the great difficulty I had with reading and writing leading to my disastrous failures at school and my first employment as a scientific assistant in the nuclear industry. During my first job my life changed in two major ways while working for the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Their very forward-looking attitude to further education allowed me to add more 'O' levels, including the very important English, but as importantly, during that time I got married and before long had a daughter as well. I then decided to make the leap and try to obtain a medical degree but with only very basic 'O' levels I would first have to gain higher qualifications. I left full time employment for a Technical College in an attempt to add the three 'A' levels required for admission to Medical School but this was of course complicated by having wife and young daughter. To support us during this time I worked as a toolmaker, chauffeur, gardener and eventually trained as a London Ambulance driver. This very tortuous journey eventually gained me a place at Guy's Hospital Medical School. I continue the tale with a number of vignettes of life at Guy's Hospital as a medical student and the many unusual ways I increased my income during my studentship. I cover the time spent after qualification as a houseman in other hospitals. I finish with life as a General Practitioner and in Medical Research where I gained a PhD. I found that the higher up the academic tree I climbed the less my dyslexia, which I discovered I had when a medical student, impinged on my work and life. As an aside I hope that any youngsters with dyslexia reading this account will take heart that being dyslexic is not the end of the world.

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