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  • af J. Daniel Reed
    163,95 kr.

    Whispers in a Phone Booth: A Depression-Era Tale of Danger and Deception a riveting new novel from the author of The First Wolf Pack: A Dog's Fable As World War I ravages Europe, two beautiful and courageous sisters make a miraculous escape to America from their bitter lives in Poland, thanks to their selfless mother. They settle with their aunt in an immigrant enclave on the north side of Chicago. It's the same neighborhood where two gifted young men, a steelworker and a pharmacist, proceeded them just as war exploded upon the Continent.Soon the sisters' lives diverge. In the midst of the Great Depression and after sixteen years of estrangement, Martha unexpectedly sends Helen a letter suspiciously offering reconciliation, returning to visit Chicago. Helen's bored and rebellious teenage son, Wally, quickly falls under the captivating spell of his mysterious and glamorous aunt.After Martha's visit, the neighborhood is beset by two perfect, high-profile robberies, leaving the police baffled. Only secrets whispered in a pharmacy's phone booth, if shared in time, might save Martha, Wally, and many others from the very incarnation of evil. But can the enigmatic outcast who overhears the secrets, accept the devastating personal consequences of letting the whole truth become known?

  • af Erin Litteken
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Sommeren 1941 og krigen raser i Europa. Tyskerne marcherer mod Ukraine. De tre kvinder Halya, Liliya og Vika har prøvet modgang før. De mistede deres familier og venner under hungersnøden og Stalins udrensning. Og endnu en gang er deres elskede Ukraine truet af krig. "Ukraines døtre" er en rørende historie om menneskelig styrke og store tab i skyggen af krig og konflikt, og historien om, hvordan kærligheden finder vej i selv de mørkeste tider. Om forfatteren:Erin Litteken er historiker og international bestsellerforfatter. Som ung blev hun grebet af sin families historie i Ukraine før, under og efter Anden Verdenskrig, og der ligger stor research bag hendes to historiske romaner. Hun bor i Illinois, USA med sin mand og sine børn.

  • af Erin Litteken
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    16-årige Katya og hendes familie lever et enkelt liv på landet. Da Stalins mænd kommer for at kollektivisere jorden og deportere enhver, der nægter, bliver landet ramt af en altomfattende hungersnød. Elskende bliver adskilt, venner bliver fjender, og kun glimt af menneskelighed, mod og kærlighed levner håb. Halvfjerds år senere finder den unge enke Cassie sin bedstemors dagbog fra Ukraine. Endelig forstår hun familiens mørke hemmeligheder og den fortid, der var for grum til at blive givet videre. Om forfatteren:Erin Litteken er historiker og international bestsellerforfatter. Som ung blev hun grebet af sin families historie i Ukraine før, under og efter Anden Verdenskrig, og der ligger stor research bag hendes to historiske romaner. Hun bor i Illinois, USA med sin mand og sine børn. "Minder fra Kyiv" er inspireret af forfatterens egen historie fra Ukraine under den store hungersnød i 1930'erne og i årene op mod Anden Verdenskrig. Romanen er oversat til 14 sprog og vandt i 2022 prisen She Reads Best Historical Fiction Award.

  • af Anita Frank
    100,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af Marcus Caldwell
    193,95 kr.

    Step into 1915 a pivotal year in World War I, marked by profound shifts in military tactics and the very nature of warfare. This concise and engaging book delves into how the events of 1915 reshaped the global conflict, altering the course of history.Without focusing on specific battles, the narrative examines the introduction of new, more lethal forms of warfare, including the first widespread use of chemical weapons. These developments brought about unprecedented challenges and horrors, testing the resolve and adaptability of soldiers and commanders alike.The book also sheds light on the strategic miscalculations and bold gambits that characterized this year, highlighting how the war's nature transformed from traditional combat to a more complex, multifaceted struggle. It delves into the impact of these changes on the soldiers in the trenches, the commanding generals, and the home fronts, offering a comprehensive view of the war's evolving dynamics.An insightful look into a year that significantly influenced the trajectory of the First World War. It is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities and transformative nature of this global conflict.Featuring the following battles:¿¿Battle of Neuve ChapelleSecond Battle of YpresSecond Battle of ArtoisBattle of LoosSecond Battle of ChampagneBattles of the IsonzoSiege of Przemy¿lBattle of Humin-BolimówCarpathian Winter WarSecond Battle of the Masurian LakesFirst Battle of PrzasnyszBattle of ¿om¿aSecond Battle of the Vistula RiverAttack of the Dead MenGorlice-Tarnów OffensiveBug-Narew OffensiveVistula-Bug OffensiveRiga-Schaulen OffensiveBattle of DniestrBattle of Zolota LypaRovno OffensiveVilno-Dvinsk OffensiveLanding at Cape HellesLanding at Anzac CoveThird Attack on Anzac CoveAugust Offensive

  • af Rebecca Connolly
    278,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Connolly
    278,95 kr.

  • - MiG Madness
    af Yann
    228,95 kr.

    I begyndelsen af 1950’erne står verden på tærsklen til atomkrig, da øst- og vestmagter tørner sammen i en blodig konflikt på den koreanske halvø, hvor det kinesiske flyvevåbens sovjetiske MiG-fly er de umoderne amerikanske kampfly overlegne. Angela McCloud gør tjeneste som flyveinstruktør i Florida, da CIA sender hende på en tophemmelig mission i Korea. De har brug for en flykyndig kvindelig agent til en mission bag fjendens linjer. Opgaven går ud på at befri to tilfangetagne amerikanske kamppiloter, hvoraf den ene viser sig at være Angelas kæreste, Rob Clower.Ekstra: Ordliste med militære begreber, flytyper og stednavne samt de virkelige personer, der medvirker.Mens de første seks bind i serien om Angela ”Angel” McCloud foregik under Anden Verdenskrig i Burme og i Stillehavet, foregår bind 7 og 8 under Koreakrigen. Bind 8 udkommer efteråret 2024.Pressen skrev om de tidligere bind:“Lækkert udført album … autentisk med historiske fodnoter og fantastisk detaljerede flytegninger … som en eventyrfilm af Howard Hughes fra Hollywoods guldalder.”**** –Berlingske“Eminent håndværk. Nej, håndværk er et for sølle ord. Kunstværk, snarere … Illustrationerne er vingesus og skyblå himmel.”**** – Serieland“Fly, fly og atter fly, men også flybaser og landingsbaner og landskaber. Der er også de obligatoriske kønne kvindeansigter og uniformer med masser af buler i … Et imponerende visuelt udtryk.”–“Blandingen af død og sensualitet i den burmesiske jungle fungerer fint i Hugault realistiske streg.”– DBC lektør

  • af Gregory G. Fletcher
    263,95 kr.

  • af Larry Alexander
    263,95 kr.

  • af Quillen Debruney
    158,95 kr.

    Ilse Eder is a jewel of Viennese society, even while pushing its boundaries. But Ilse carries heavy secrets. Few get close enough to see through the façade...few, that is, until Junius von Hess comes back into her life.

  • af Marie Louise Cornelius
    188,95 - 199,94 kr.

    Mellem lys og skygge er første bind i en medrivende familiekrønike, der folder sig ud med det 20. århundredes politiske, videnskabelige og kulturelle fremskridt som kulisse.Ved indgangen til 1910 gør landsdommer Kroghs datter Dottie sig klar til at indtage livet uden for herskabslejligheden i indre København og sin mors korreksende opsyn. På Det Kongelige Teaters kringlede gange tackler hendes onkel, den charmerende operasanger Johannes Petersen, efterveerne af at have forladt sit ægteskab til fordel for den livlige, unge balletdanserinde Ella Bolin. Og i doktor Bergsøes hjem på Sankt Annæ Plads nærer veninden Rebecca en inderlig ambition om at følge i sin fars lægefaglige fodspor.De lever midt i en historisk brydningstid, hvor et opgør med familien som institution har konsekvenser for høj som lav. Og især kvinderne må sige farvel til det velkendte og sikre, hvis de vil tage kampen op mod de regler og kulturelle spændetrøjer, samfundet til stadighed strammer hårdere om dem.

  • af Sl Beaumont
    158,95 kr.

    1943 - Bletchley Park, England Mae Webster, immersed in the clandestine world of codebreaking at Bletchley Park, is recruited to help unveil a spy who's on the brink of exposing Britain's most guarded secret: the cracking of the Enigma code. As war rages around her, Mae's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls in love with the enigmatic New Zealand war photographer Jack Knight. Their relationship develops at pace, but tragedy strikes when one of Jack's photographs risks unmasking an elusive double agent. 1989 - Berlin, GermanyRachel Talbot, a globetrotting photojournalist, ventures into the heart of a fractured Berlin in search of the Stasi officer whom her beloved grandmother Mae blames for betraying their family. Rachel finds herself entangled in the East German uprising and is irresistibly drawn to a charismatic activist. As the Cold War threatens to boil over, Rachel races to expose a traitor before it's too late.

  • af Alyson Roy
    1.163,95 kr.

    Rome was an empire of images, especially images that bolstered their imperial identity. Visual and material items portraying battles, myths, captives, trophies, and triumphal parades were particularly important across the Roman empire. But where did these images originate and what shaped them? Empire of Images explores the development of the Roman visual language of power in the Republic in Iberian Peninsula, the Gallic provinces, and Greece and Macedonia, centering the development of imperial imagery in overseas conquest. Drawing on a range of material evidence, this book argues that Roman imperial imagery developed through prolonged interaction with and adaptation by subjugated peoples. Despite their starring role in Roman imagery, the populations of Rome's provinces continuously reinterpreted and reimagined Roman images of power to navigate their membership in the new imperial community, and in doing so, contributed to the creation of a universal visual language that continues to shape how Rome is understood.

  • af Amelia Green
    323,95 kr.

    Eigentlich sollten Clifford Walker, Laurentius Newcombe und Adriana Shilling nur im Fall einer gestohlenen Uhr ermitteln. Doch als sie auf dem düsteren Landhaus Lonemoor Estate eintreffen, wendet sich das Blatt: Ein Schneesturm zieht herauf und zwingt die Detektive dazu, fünf rätselhaften Fremden, die durch das Wetter ihre Reise unterbrechen müssen, im Haus Unterschlupf zu gewähren. Kaum wird es Nacht, wird einer der ungebetenen Gäste in der verschlossenen Bibliothek kaltblütig ermordet.Durch den Schnee im Haus gefangen, machen sich Clifford, Laurentius und Adriana daran, den Mord aufzuklären. Aber es scheint, als wären sie alle nur Marionetten in den Händen eines Mörders, der unter ihnen heimlich die Fäden zieht.

  • af Marc Walter
    678,95 kr.

    Zwischen dem Deutsch-Französischen Krieg und dem Ersten Weltkrieg erlebte Frankreich ein goldenes Zeitalter von Frieden, Fortschritt und Wohlstand. Diese Ausgabe präsentiert Fotochrome, Vintage-Fotografien, Postkarten und Plakate aus der Zeit um 1900. Von den Pariser Boulevards bis zur Côte d'Azur zeigt sich die Belle Époque in schillernden Farben.

  • af Frank F Fiore
    208,95 kr.

    Coming of age against the backdrop of World War II Japan, an American boy, Connor Williams, tormented by his personal alienation and the horrors of war, places himself in harm's way and into the turmoil of a plot to overthrow the Emperor.Whether it was out of fear, revenge, honor or personal salvation, in 1945 this American teenager sat himself, of his own free will, in the pilot's seat of a Mitsubishi Zero, to join other young Kamikaze pilots hell-bent on attacking the powerful American fleet off the coast of Japan.In the Hands of the Gods, Book 1 of The IJIN Trilogy traces the Japanese historical period between 1936 through the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, telling the story of World War II from the Japanese perspective. Using historical and fictional characters, IJIN explores the political, military, cultural and social events affecting the lives of Connor's adopted Japanese family and the political and military individuals they encounter.

  • af Capt. Gordon Bates
    248,95 kr.

    Captain Gordon Bates is a pseudonym for American author Josephine Chase. Born about 1878 in Pennsylvania to Edward H. Chase and Mary Arrner Chase. Chase was the author of the popular Grace Harlowe series of 27 books for girls, written between 1910 and 1924. The books fall into four separate series, including a high school series, college series, Overseas series, and Overland Riders series. Chase died February 8, 1931 in Philadelphia. She never married and was survived by her sister, Edna Chase.The author was also known by other pseudonyms including Pauline Lester (The Marjorie Dean series), Ames Thompson (The Adventure Boys series), Jessie Graham Flower (Grace Harlowe series), Grace Gordon (The June Allen series), and Dale Wilkins.

  • - A Novel of the Battle of Midway
    af Jeff Shaara
    148,95 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Owen Johnson
    188,95 kr.

    "In the Name of Liberty" is a novel written by Owen Johnson, an American author best known for his stories and novels dealing with social issues and the complexities of human relationships. The book was published in 1925.The novel is set against the backdrop of World War I and explores themes related to patriotism, sacrifice, and the impact of war on individuals and society. The story follows the lives of several characters, each dealing with the challenges and moral dilemmas posed by the war.The narrative weaves together the experiences of soldiers on the front lines and civilians at home, offering a multifaceted view of the war's effects. It delves into the personal struggles, relationships, and sacrifices made by individuals caught up in the turmoil of a global conflict.The title, "In the Name of Liberty," suggests a central theme of exploring the various interpretations and justifications for the sacrifices made during times of war. It raises questions about the nature of liberty and the lengths to which individuals are willing to go to defend it.Owen Johnson's writing is known for its social commentary and exploration of moral and ethical dilemmas. The novel is likely to provide a thought-provoking reflection on the consequences of war and the choices people make in the pursuit of freedom and justice. Keep in mind that specific details of the plot and characters may vary, so it's recommended to read the book for a comprehensive understanding of its themes and narrative.

  • af Paolo Crippa
    263,95 kr.

    Having been defeated in the First World War, Bulgaria, as a result of the implementation of peace treaty clauses, could not purchase tanks until the early 1930s. Due to the lack of industrialisation, it was forced to turn to the countries that were the main producers of armoured vehicles at that time. Thus, the CV33 fast tanks were purchased from Italy, the Vickers Mk. E from England and the LT vz. 35. After the first units were established, thanks to Germany, into whose sphere of influence Bulgaria had entered, French wartime French tanks, the Renault R35, and new Czechoslovak tanks were purchased. In 1943, with the establishment of the Bronirana Brigada, Panzer IVs and StuG IIIs arrived. In 1944, after the coup d'état, Bulgaria changed allegiance and joined the Red Army in the liberation of Yugoslavia and Hungary, fighting the Germans with its armoured units until the end of the conflict in May 1945.

  • af Paolo Crippa
    278,95 kr.

    Uscita sconfitta dalla Prima Guerra Mondiale, la Bulgaria, a seguito dell'applicazione delle clausole del trattato di pace, non poté acquistare carri armati sino ai primi anni '30. A causa della scarsa industrializzazione, fu giocoforza rivolgersi alle nazioni che in quegli anni erano i principali produttori di mezzi corazzati. Vennero quindi acquistati dall'Italia i carri veloci CV33, dall'Inghilterra i Vickers Mk.E e dalla Cecoslovacchia i LT vz. 35. Dopo aver costituito i primi reparti, grazie alla Germania, nella cui sfera d'influenza la Bulgaria era entrata, furono poi acquistati carri armati francesi preda bellica tedesca, i Renault R35, e nuovi carri cecoslovacchi. Nel 1943, con la costituzione della Bronirana Brigada, arrivarono i Panzer IV e gli StuG III. Nel 1944, dopo il colpo di stato, la Bulgaria cambio alleanza, affiancando l'Armata Rossa nella liberazione della Jugoslavia e dell'Ungheria combattendo con i suoi reparti corazzati i tedeschi, fino al termine del conflitto nel maggio 1945.

  • af Marko Männistö
    443,95 kr.

    Ihmiskohtaloita, tarinoita ja historiaa Oulun ruutukaava-alueen eteläosista. Heinäpää on erikoinen alue: Sillä ei ole selkeitä rajoja, mutta sillä on ollut oma passinsa. Toisinaan se näkyy kartoissa ja opasteissa, toisinaan ei. Siellä sijaitseva kuvitteellisen henkilön kuvitteellinen kapakka toimii oikean kapakan tiloissa. Oulun Heinäpään hurja maine on elänyt viime vuosikymmeniin saakka. Maine on pitänyt joskus paikkansa, mutta sotien jälkeiset vuosikymmenet muuttivat kaiken. Heinäpään puutalot purettiin ja poltettiin. Samalla kuoli seudun rikas hevoskulttuuri ja elämäntapa. Moni menestyjä on lähtenyt pirtun katkuisista Heinäpään kortteleista ja hellahuoneista maailmalle. Heidän joukossaan on muun muassa tunnettuja hevosmiehiä, urheilijoita, säveltäjiä, kirjailijoita ja runoilijoita. Vaikka kaupunginosan enimmät särmät ovat hioutuneet, on sillä edelleen synkkä puolensa, joka aika ajoin nousee pinnalle.Millaista elämää Heinäpäässä on vietetty? Siihen vastaavat 1940-60-luvuilla Heinäpäässä asuneet henkilöt. Lehtiarkistot paljastavat arjen karun todellisuuden 1800-luvulta alkaen. Runsaasti kuvitettu teos valaisee myös seudun rikos- ja rakennushistoriaa ja tarinoita niiden takana. Vanha Heinäpää on kuollut, mutta tämä epävirallinen kaupunginosa elää ikuisesti lukuisissa lauluissa ja teksteissä.

  • af Tom Zola
    187,95 kr.

    Erleben Sie den Auftakt zu Tom Zolas erfolgreicher Alternativwelt-Serie über einen anderen 2. Weltkrieg jetzt als rundum überarbeitete Neuausgabe! Nie war Military Fiction besser!Synopsis: Im Herbst 1942 geschieht das Unglaubliche: Der ¿Führer¿ des Deutschen Reichs verunglückt bei einem Flugzeugabsturz. Die höchsten Offiziere der Wehrmacht ergreifen die Gunst der Stunde und bilden eine Militärregierung. Sie wollen die Strategie im Krieg neu ausrichten, um die Niederlage abzuwenden.Ihre ersten Befehle lauten, die 6. Armee aus Stalingrad herauszuziehen, ehe sie eingekesselt werden kann, und das Afrika Korps heimzuholen. Danach fasst das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht den Frontbogen von Kursk ins Auge. Dort könnten mit einem konzentrierten Zangenangriff mehrere sowjetische Panzerarmeen vernichtet werden. Ein Sieg bei Kursk würde die Sowjetunion an den Verhandlungstisch zwingen, so das Kalkül.Und so bahnt sich im Frontbogen von Kursk die größte Panzerschlacht in der Geschichte der Menschheit an ¿ Können die deutschen Truppen durch einen vorgezogenen Angriff die sowjetischen Abwehrlinien überwinden?Im Mittelpunkt dieser historisch detaillierten Alternativwelt-Serie stehen die lebendigen Figuren: Der Panzeroffizier Josef Engelmann, der Agent der Abwehr Thomas Taylor, der Infanterist Franz Berning. Über 12 Bände hinweg machen sie lebensverändernde Entwicklungen durch, während Deutschland, die Sowjetunion und die Westalliierten über die Vorherrschaft Europas ringen. Und über allem schwebt die spannende Frage: Was wäre, wenn ¿?Profitieren Sie zudem von dieser Neuausgabe, die der Autor inhaltlich und sprachlich vollständig überarbeitet hat. Erleben Sie Stahlzeit jetzt in seiner besten Version!Was Sie von dieser Serie erwarten dürfen:Keine Rücksicht! Erleben Sie den Pulverdampf, die Kämpfe und menschliche Abgründe in all ihren Facetten.Packende Schlachtszenen und berührende Figuren werden Sie bis zum letzten Satz fesseln.Historisch akkurat und glaubhaft entfaltet sich vor Ihren Augen eine alternative Zeitlinie, die aufzeigt, wie der Krieg auch hätte verlaufen können.Die nach 12 Bänden abgeschlossene Stahlzeit-Serie, ursprünglich erschienen zwischen 2014 und 2017, konnte bereits tausende Leser fesseln und begeistern.Tauchen auch Sie jetzt in das vielschichtige Stahlzeit-Universum ein ¿ mit der besten Version, die es jemals gab! Freuen Sie sich zudem auf stetigen Lese-Nachschub, denn alle zwei Monate erscheint ein neuer Band!

  • af Sabaree Mitra
    494,95 - 1.528,95 kr.

    This book looks at Chinäs May Fourth Movement and how it has been contextualized in modern Chinese history. Tracing the roots of the movement and of modern Chinese literary and intellectual traditions it analyses how it transformed ideas, culture and social practices in the country.

  • af Benjamin Patton
    248,95 kr.

  • af Jaroslav Hašek
    163,95 kr.

    Gathering work from across Jaroslav Häek's brief but prolific career, this collection showcases the outrageous wit and biting social commentary that made him the most popular Czech writer of all time. Much like his beloved novel The Good Soldier ¿vejk, these sixteen tales-previously unavailable in English-are populated with unforgettable characters: various cranks, conmen, and secret geniuses. The Man Without a Transit Pass further solidifies Häek's place as one of the 20th century's greatest satirists.

  • af Siegfried Sassoon
    218,95 kr.

    Before its publication, Siegfried Sassoon's reputation rested entirely on his poetry, primarily written during and about World War I. Only ten years after the war ended, after some experience in journalism, did he feel ready to branch out into prose. So uncertain was he of the wisdom of this move that he anonymously published Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man. It depicts his early years as an autobiographical novel, with false names given to the central characters, including Sassoon himself, who appears as "George Sherston.". Sassoon was motivated to write the work by a war incident when a fox was loose in the trenches, and one of his friends shot and killed it. However, the book draws heavily on his pre-war life, with riding and hunting among his favorite pastimes.Much of the material for the novel came from Sassoon's diary. He said he was inspired by the work of Marcel Proust, saying, "A few pages of Proust have made me wonder whether insignificant episodes aren't the most significant.". In particular, his relationship with "Aunt Evelyn," a fictionalized representation of his mother, Theresa, is revealed as a significant influence in his upbringing.

  • af Danny Orbach
    298,95 kr.

  • af Annie Lyons
    198,95 - 295,95 kr.

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