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  • af A. J. Kingston
    278,95 kr.

    Are you fascinated by the history of the 20th century and want to discover more about one of the most defining moments of that time period? Look no further than "World War I: The End of an Era," a comprehensive exploration of the war and its aftermath.In this book, you'll explore the causes of World War I, the major battles and campaigns, and the political and social consequences of the conflict. You'll learn about the technological advancements that were made during the war, and the impact of those advancements on the course of the conflict. You'll also delve into the experiences of soldiers and civilians during the war, exploring their daily lives, their struggles, and their triumphs.But this book doesn't just explore the events of the war itself. It also examines the aftermath of the conflict, including the Treaty of Versailles and the establishment of the League of Nations. You'll learn about the impact of the war on international relations and on the development of new political ideologies, including fascism and communism."World War I: The End of an Era" also explores the cultural impact of the war, examining how the conflict influenced literature, art, and music. The book takes a comprehensive approach to the legacy of the war, providing readers with a deeper understanding of how the war continues to influence our world today.Whether you're a history buff or just looking to expand your knowledge of this pivotal moment in history, "World War I: The End of an Era" is the perfect choice. With engaging and accessible prose, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the 20th century. Don't miss out on the chance to learn more about this defining moment in modern history - order your copy of "World War I: The End of an Era" today!

  • af A. J. Kingston
    278,95 kr.

    "World War 2: Beyond the Battlefield" is a comprehensive and illuminating account of one of the most significant and transformative events in human history. This book offers a unique perspective on the war, highlighting the human side of the conflict and exploring the social, political, and cultural impact of the war on a global scale.Throughout the book, readers will be taken on a journey through the experiences of soldiers, civilians, and political leaders from around the world. The complex and often difficult decisions that shaped the course of the war are examined, along with the lasting impact of the war on the world.This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of World War II. With its exploration of the human and social dimensions of the war, "World War 2: Beyond the Battlefield" offers a unique and valuable perspective on this transformative event in human history.Key features:¿ A comprehensive examination of the human and social impact of World War II¿ Highlights the stories of soldiers, civilians, and political leaders from around the world¿ Provides a unique perspective on the war, beyond the typical focus on military strategy and tactics¿ Explores the lasting impact of the war on the worldBenefits:¿ Gain a deeper understanding of the complex and often difficult decisions that shaped the course of World War II¿ Explore the stories of individuals who lived through the war, highlighting the strength of the human spirit in times of adversity¿ Learn about the social, political, and cultural impact of the war on a global scale¿ Gain a new perspective on the war, moving beyond the typical focus on military strategy and tacticsTarget audience:"World War 2: Beyond the Battlefield" is a must-read for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of World War II, and its social, political, and cultural impact on the world. It will be of interest to history enthusiasts, students, and anyone with an interest in this transformative event in human history.Order now:Don't miss out on this unique and illuminating account of World War II. Order "World War 2: Beyond the Battlefield" now and gain a new perspective on this transformative event in human history.

  • af Jim Morse
    193,95 kr.

    The Long Way Around begins in a fictional small, rural Oklahoma town, based upon the author's hometown of Calvin, Oklahoma in the fall of 1941. Similar to the author's own life, the protagonist, fourteen-year-old Jimmy Mueller's life is changed forever on Halloween of 1941 when his father and stepmother are among the five victims of a car that was swept away into "The River" when a bridge washed out. From there, the book weaves a story of a young teenage boy coming of age who experiences the advantages and disadvantages of small town living with people who face their own conflicts and victories. Characters in the story are reminiscent to wholly inspired by people in the author's life. Jimmy must deal with the mystery surrounding accusations of embezzlement against his father. He takes a daring part in solving the crime leading to justice being rendered à la small town, USA. The story transitions as Jimmy moves to Texas to live with other family members and seek broader educational and life experiences until he ends up enlisting in the army in World War II and being shipped to Germany. From being captured as a POW to being liberated and involved in post-war reconstruction efforts, Jim faces many life lessons and experiences love and loss again as he slowly makes his way into adulthood and the appreciation of who and what makes life worth living.

  • af Abhisek Ghosal
    278,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af Manfried Rauchensteiner
    393,95 kr.

    Der mehrfach ausgezeichnete Historiker Manfried Rauchensteiner ist bekannt für seine geschichtlichen Miniaturen, die über Jahrzehnte in verschiedenen Medien erschienen sind. Eine Auswahl seiner pointiertesten Texte liegt nun erstmals in Buchform vor.Viele Jahre hat Manfried Rauchensteiner, Autor zahlreicher Bücher (darunter die Standardwerke "Der Erste Weltkrieg und das Ende der Habsburgermonarchie 1914-1918" und "Unter Beobachtung. Österreich seit 1918"), Beiträge für Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Kataloge und Sammelbände verfasst. Nun liegt erstmals eine Auswahl seiner gelungensten historischen Beiträge in Buchform vor. Rauchensteiners präzise Schilderungen beschäftigen sich u.a. mit Kaiser Maximilian I., österreichischen Galeerensträflingen, den letzten Tagen Kaiser Franz Josephs, Stalins Verbrechen, der Kärntenfrage nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, Hitlers Überfall auf Polen, Österreichs Reaktion auf den Volksaufstand in Ungarn 1956, dem Einmarsch von Truppen des Warschauer Pakts in die Tschechoslowakei 1968, mit Biografien und Erinnerungskultur bis zum Krieg in der Ukraine und der Frage: Warum Krieg? Die Essays werfen Schlaglichter auf einige der prägendsten Ereignisse der letzten 500 Jahre und deren Auswirkungen bis in die Jetztzeit.

  • af Oliver Kühschelm
    693,95 kr.

    Wer erinnert sich heute noch an Uruguay als Aufnahmeland für Flüchtlinge vor dem nationalsozialistischen Regime? Wer der Betroffenen dachte 1938 an eine Flucht nach Uruguay? Warum entschieden sich ExilantInnen für das kleine Land? Und wie viele ÖsterreicherInnen flüchteten seit März 1938 dorthin?Hätten sie die Wahl gehabt, wären die meisten EmigrantInnen, wenn es schon Übersee sein musste, wohl lieber in die USA gegangen. Uruguay galt erst nach dem Verschwinden anderer Möglichkeiten als Alternative. Für die Forschungen zur Emigration nach Uruguay definiert der Autor Personen, die in Österreich geboren wurden oder 1938 hier lebten und jene, die sich selbst als ÖsterreicherInnen bezeichneten, als ÖsterreicherInnen. Insgesamt wurden nach diesen Kriterien 788 Personen erfasst - fast ausschließlich Menschen, die das NS-Regime als Jüdinnen und Juden verfolgte. Zahlreiche biografische Beispiele illustrieren die schikanösen Ausreisebedingungen der ExilantInnen, deren Statusverlust, den Neuanfang in Uruguay und schließlich deren dortiges politisches und soziales Leben.

  • af Janina Hescheles
    168,95 kr.

    Silný zápisník plný surových spomienok na holokaust.Pre¿la si hrôzou a pre¿ila, aby mohla rozprávä príbehy tých, ktorí nemali také ¿¿astie...Pösko, 1943. Tragicky osirelá Janina Hescheles kädý ve¿er recitovala poéziu na pozadí horiacich tiel v tábore Janowski. Jej sugestívne slová upútali pozornos¿ podzemného hnutia a tesne pred zni¿ením tábora a masovým vyvrädením ¿idovských zajatcov ju prepäovali na slobodu. Ukrývajúc sa v Krakove, dostala písacie potreby, aby zachytila brutálne obrazy vo svojej hlave. Ako dvanás¿röná zäala verne zaznamenávä udalosti a mená m¿tvych.Heschelesovej záznamy sa zäínajú v júni 1941 nemilosrdnou nacistickou okupáciou jej milovaného mesta ¿vov. Prostredníctvom ¿ivých spomienok podrobne opisuje násilné uväznenie svojich priate¿ov, rodiny a susedov v gete. Jej jedine¿né svedectvo pripomína bolestnú tú¿bu die¿äa po matke a otcovi, ktorých stratilo v dôsledku sadistickej Tretej rí¿e.V tomto odvá¿nom príbehu o nevinnosti, ktorá bola odobratá v takej mladosti, Hescheles odhäuje krutú kädodennú realitu stränej genocídy ¿idov. Nebála sa zastrelenia, ale pochovania zäiva - osudu vyhradeného pre deti. Tento neoby¿ajný zápisník, napísaný s opisnou bezprostrednos¿ou pöas najhrozivej¿ej epizódy dejín, je in¿piratívnym príkladom svedectva pre¿iv¿ej holokaustu o spomienkach strateného národa. Doplnené sú¿asným predslovom, Hescheles je príkladom toho, ¿e ¿ivot a nádej mô¿u pokräovä aj po nepredstavite¿nej tragédii.Môj ¿vov: Memoáre dvanás¿röného diev¿äa o holokauste sú fascinujúce spomienky, ktoré öivujú desivú udalos¿. Ak máte radi autentické záznamy z prvej ruky, pôsobivé postrehy a dojímavé ¿ítanie, potom si Heschelesovej rozprávanie o detstve zamilujete.

  • af George Frederick Newton Fish
    278,95 kr.

    This is the wartime diary of 492499 Private Fred Fish, of 60th Division 2/13th London Regiment (2nd Kensingtons) and 179 Light Trench Mortar Battery. Joining the war in June 1916 at the age of 19, Fred served in three theatres of World War I - in France on the Western Front, in Greece on the Macedonian Front, and in Palestine in the Battle of Jerusalem - before being shipped home from Egypt with malaria in October 1918.Fred's daily observations, illustrated with contemporary photographs (including many of Fred) and contextualised with excerpts from the Battalion's official War Diaries, offer a window onto the experiences of an ordinary soldier in the Great War: back-breaking work punctuated with moments of poignancy, comedy and terror.

  • af Jack Williams
    238,95 kr.

    Through a clerical error, superintendent of schools Jack Cole finds himself called to active duty in the United States Navy at the beginning of WWII. Cole was never in the Navy and responds accordingly. Thinking he is trying to avoid military service the Bureau of Naval Personnel has him apprehended and flown to Washington DC where he is given the choice of active duty or Portsmouth Naval Prison.Cole accepts active duty and finds himself stumbling from one hilarious situation after another, completely out of his element and totally unprepared to deal with Naval policy and procedures. Aided by the misinterpretation of his actions by his crew and his unusual leadership style, Cole succeeds far beyond his abilities and becomes a valuable asset to naval operations in the Mediterranean. Along the way, he encounters several love interests and quite by accident is able to prevent some top brass from falling victim to embarrassing incidents.When the Bureau of Naval Personnel discovers their clerical error, they realize it would be an embarrassment if the public was to find out. To prevent this from reaching the public, a bloodhound Navy captain is sent to apprehend Cole and remove him from duty without disclosing the Navy's mistake.As the Navy captain tries to close in on Cole, Cole's crew and superiors do everything they can to keep the Bureau of Naval Personnel from finding him. However, after being recognized for heroic actions during the invasion of Sicily, the Navy captain finds Cole and he is put on trial. Things look dire for Cole, but through the intervention of his loyal crew, his superiors, and his love interest's uncle Lyon, who turns out to be Canadian Prime Minister Lyon Mackenzie King, Cole is exonerated.Though fraught with potential peril at every turn, the misunderstandings and outlandish actions of Cole and his crew are one hilarious adventure after another, which epitomize the nature of every American who when faced with a challenge rolls up his or her sleeves and gets the job done. You will laugh and cry as you ride along with Cole and his crew in this adventure, but for everyone who has ever seen military duty or who has been placed in a situation far beyond their abilities and training you should find kindred spirits in this tale to enjoy as they fumble their way to success.

  • af Sven Hanuschek
    1.288,95 kr.

    Erich Kästner hat sich zeitlebens mit der historischen Aufklärung beschäftigt. Namen wie Lessing, Kant, Rousseau, Wieland oder der junge Goethe sind dem Autor Kästner stets präsent. So dürfte sein Roman Fabian ohne Reflexionen über Lessing schwer verständlich bleiben und auch Kästners eigene Dissertation über Friedrich II. ist ein noch weitgehend ungehobener Quellenfundus, dem die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes u.a. kritisch nachgehen.

  • af Alan Caillou
    178,95 kr.

    During World War II Alan Caillou was on a British Intelligence deep penetration patrol in the Western Desert of Africa when he was captured by the Italians in February 1943. This is the story of his capture and subsequent escape after being sentenced for execution for being a spy; brilliantly told as to his experiences during that time. It can be considered not only as an escape book but as a prison book as well.For fans of such prison war films as The Great Escape, Stalag 17, and King Rat.

  • af Kenneth A. Baldwin
    298,95 kr.

  • af Krystal Bailey
    298,95 kr.

    Yorkshire, 1914. Mary Lennox thought her world didn't need to extend past her aunt's secret garden after finally finding a home with her cousin, Colin, and her uncle at Misselthwaite nearly six years ago. But when war breaks out in Europe, Mary realizes that she can't control anything outside the garden walls when her childhood best friend, Dickon Sowerby, announces he's leaving to fight, taking away both his steady companionship and Mary's dream of something more. Things only spiral further with Colin's sudden departure, and Mary is left to run an estate she never planned to manage.As the Great War spreads-bringing wounded soldiers, news of death, and increasing uncertainty to Yorkshire-Mary is forced to reckon with decisions she isn't ready to make. And she can only hope that the mysterious magic of the garden that brought them all together once before reaches far enough to preserve the home and family that she waited so long to find.In this stunning continuation of The Secret Garden, author Krystal Bailey brings readers back to the garden gate and beyond with a story full of heart, familiar faces, and new beginnings.

  • af B. Albertill
    198,95 kr.

    Death occurs once or not at all. So thought Adolph Hitler in war-torn Germany. In current day Poland, a bulldozer cracks the foundation of a secret underground Nazi biochemical lab.

  • af Kitt R. McMaster
    238,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Vladarg Delsat
    126,95 kr.

    Таурис -- уникальный мир, который создал себя сам. Здесь действуют свои беспощадные законы. Демиурги бессильны перед миром Таурис -- они могут только наблюдать...Лира и Виктор -- одаренные, обладающие магическими способностями. Их судьба определена с рождения. Оставленные и преданные собственными семьями, они теперь просто подопытные зверушки. Двое даже не подозревают, какое испытание ждет их впереди. И кто знает, смогут ли они сохранить человечность в нечеловеческих условиях?Головная книга цикла "Миры Таурис".

  • af Charles S. Weinblatt
    228,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af François Roux
    613,95 kr.

    François Roux carries out a panoramic study of the history of Nazism and the Germans, from 1918 to 1946. This book gives access to an intimate, almost physical understanding of the relationship between dictatorship and its subjects.

  • af Jan Davis
    298,95 kr.

    Two aviators making history. Two Americans serving their country. One incredible story spanning fifty years and two generations. Ben Smotherman, a B-17 pilot in World War II, valiantly fought in the European Theater of Operations before being shot down over Holland in July 1943. After enduring twenty-one months as a prisoner of war, he was finally reunited with his loved ones and was able to start a family. Years later, after perusing his Wartime Log, his daughter Jan made discoveries about her father's experiences that shed light on her own life path. As a Space Shuttle astronaut, Jan Davis went through intensive training, flew NASA jets, and completed three spaceflights, spending over 673 hours on orbit. Her experiences and emotions during her launches and space travel echoed those of her father during his combat missions, highlighting the unshakable bond between father and daughter. With Air Born, you can join in on a flight through history as Jan Davis relates her father's heroic service and draws connections between his combat missions and her own spaceflights. Discover the ins and outs of pilot training in the 1940s alongside Ben Smotherman and bear witness to his harrowing capture, interrogation, and imprisonment at Stalag Luft III. Rejoice with the POWs as World War II finally ends and the prisoners are returned home to continue pursuing their life's goals. Shadow Jan Davis as she expertly navigates a career characterized by space exploration, scientific experimentation, and phenomenal feats of engineering. And draw inspiration from the intersection of two completely different yet uniquely connected worlds brought together by a common link of family and flying.

    537,95 kr.

    The Final War of a Great Empire"The official history of the Habsburg empire in the First World War ought to enjoy a better reputation than it does."- Sir Hew StrachanIn August 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in response to the assassination of their heir to the throne, declared war against Serbia. Their army was multi-national and multi-lingual. Backed by Germany and opposed by an alliance between Russia, France, and Great Britain, the conflict would plunge the entire world into five years of brutal warfare.Started just after the Great War ended and completed only one year before the start of the Second World War, this is a comprehensive history of the final conflict of an empire that only half a century prior had been among the most powerful in Europe. With Russia never completing an official history of the Great War, and Italy, Romania, and Serbia's official histories unavailable in English, this is an invaluable and essential resource for any student of the Eastern and Italian Fronts of the First World War.This volume covers the 1914 campaign on the Eastern Front, from Austria's initial mobilization to its first engagements against Russia, Serbia, and Montenegro, culminating in the Battle of Limanowa-Lapanow.

  • af Robert Wilton
    263,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af S. M. Humphreys
    208,95 kr.

  • af Juliet Greenwood
    208,95 kr.

    Four motherless sisters, raised by a distant father in a crumbling, ivy-choked country estate. A terrible war on the horizon that will tear an ancient family apart.

  • af Charles Whiting
    153,95 kr.

    A blow-by-blow account of the epic Battle of Arnhem, the commanders who planned it and the units who paid for their mistakes. Perfect for James Holland, Anthony Beevor and Cornelius Ryan. 'An operation which will inspire our youth with the highest ideals of duty and of daring.' - Winston Churchill. 'The British First Airborne Division not only gave to all the Allied forces one of the most gallant examples of courage in all the war, but by drawing upon themselves the bulk of the German counter-attack, they enabled us to hold the important bridges.' - General Dwight D. Eisenhower. 'In years to come it will be a great thing for a man to be able to say: I fought at Arnhem.' - Field Marshal Montgomery. 'We have no regrets.' - General R. Urquhart, Commander First Airborne Division. Operation Market Garden was designed to open a corridor through Nazi-held Holland, bypass the Siegfried Line and crush the 1,000 Year Reich before Christmas. Yet, despite the courage of the elite First British Airborne Division, who were ordered to capture the key bridge across the Lower Rhine at Arnhem, the battle developed into an unmitigated disaster. Utilising a wide array of eyewitness accounts from both the Allied and Axis sides Charles Whiting uncovers the course of this battle from its planning stages through to its tragic denouement. A Bridge at Arnhem is the towering story of the greatest airborne operation in history, it should be essential reading for all interested in this fateful battle.

  • af Sonja DuBois
    223,95 kr.

    Born in 1940 in Rotterdam, Clara van Thijn was separated from her parents on July 29, 1942 when they reported for the first Jewish transport headed for Auschwitz, where they were murdered shortly after their arrival. Entrusted into the arms of family friend Dolf Henkes, rescued by a Dutch Christian couple, she spent the postwar years in Schiedam as Sonja, the foster child of Willem and Elisabeth van der Kaden. Although she was also surrounded by her surviving Jewish aunts and uncles, she was not told of their relationship to her, nor was she told of her birth parents death. In 1952 the van der Kaden family emigrated to the United States, where Sonja continued to be surrounded by her Jewish relatives who had settled there. After she graduated from college, she married and raised two children. A newspaper inquiry by the now famous painter Dolf Henkes led to their reunion in 1987, although she only learned pieces of her past. It was not until age 60 that she was able to overcome her reluctance to probe into her past. She discovered her Jewish roots with the help of new friends whom she met at a hidden children's conference. Her journey continues to overcome the denial, pain, and anger she felt during most of her life, and to deepen her knowledge of her Jewish heritage. The commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2015 in Rotterdam, brought her story to full circle. Her amazing story of resilience and love raises ageless and universal questions about overcoming childhood trauma and finding one's true identity.

  • af Philip E. Meza
    1.177,95 kr.

    This book provides a detailed historical account of how people and institutions of San Francisco and the Bay Area during World War II shaped the world we live in today. It discusses the invention of the atomic bomb, the migration of Black Americans to the San Francisco area, and the internment of Japanese Americans.

  • af Harold Robbins
    188,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey L Richards
    278,95 kr.

    Told from the important and often overlooked perspective of a young gay man imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps, We Are Only Ghosts evocatively portrays how the things that happen to us, both tragic and beautiful, shape who we are, and how we have the power to choose who we become in spite of our suffering. This gripping testament to the strength of the human spirit will both haunt and inspire you.

  • af John E Schmitz
    367,95 kr.

    John E. Schmitz examines the causes, conditions, and consequences of America’s selective relocation and internment of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans during World War II.

  • af Tom McCarthy
    193,95 kr.

    Here are stunning long-buried stories that give proof to the words Admiral Chester Nimitz used to describe the hero Marines on Iwo Jima: "Uncommon valor was a common virtue." Painstakingly selected from the most moving battle accounts about American heroism and breathtaking courage during the largest war in world history, this anthology brings readers to the front lines in inspiring detail.Courage, duty, and honor became watchwords for Americans in combat-most of whom were volunteer soldiers, sailors and Marines. Freedom and principle mattered more than their own lives. Moving, emotional, and gripping, Great American WWII Stories offers hidden gems from major battles like Iwo Jima and Okinawa. It puts readers on Omaha Beach during D-Day. But here also is the story of USS Nautilus, which engaged the Japanese on fourteen different patrols, from the Battle of Midway to the liberation of the Philippines. Here too is the story of Operation Tidal Wave, the bloodiest air battle in the history of war; and a gripping account of American paratroopers, isolated behind enemy lines, fighting the elite German SS in Normandy after D-Day. Great American WWII Stories is a magnificent collection of gripping accounts of battles great and small. It is tribute to Americans who were willing to risk it all, and in many cases did.

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