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Bøger om Ukraine

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  • af Igor Narovski
    98,95 kr.

    This is a unique record of a unique journey - of two brave clowns who travel into a warzone. The reader is transported through the magical metaphor of space travel, into the poetic and playful imagination of the clowns. They attempt to offer mutual aid and humanity to a nation (Ukraine) that is being systematically dehumanized by its oppressor (Russia). As we enter the warzone with the clowns, we see it, not as darkness and horror, but through a lens of imagination, colour, and hope.This book speaks to trauma and the different and complex ways that we experience it. We see how human contact, facilitated by clowns, helps people to deal with this trauma and to overcome it. The reader is invited inside these experiences, living them through the clown's playful and poetic perspective.The Pretzels Space Odyssey gives a deep and fascinating insight into the practice of healthcare clowning, the skills, techniques, and state of being required to bring humanistic values into institutional systems that prize efficiency and order above all else. It gives insights into how healthcare clowns empower, validate, and celebrate the people they meet through play, imagination, and presence.

  • af Malcolm Garrett
    108,95 kr.

    At 3.00 a.m. on 18th July, 2014, Mal Garrett and his wife Liz were awakened in Paris by a phone call with the sort of news no one ever wishes to receive: Liz's sister Jill and Jill's husband Roger, from whom they had parted only two days before after a delightful river cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam, had been on their way home to Australia on flight MH17, when it was blasted out of the skies over Ukraine. In the days, months, and years ahead, Mal found solace in expressing his pain in poetry. As a former English teacher and author of English textbooks, this was a natural medium for him. Having found his poetic voice, Mal has continued to write poems, both in response to loss but also to capture joy and to reflect on current issues. A particular joy has been that of being a grandparent. Mal is dedicating any income made from the sales of this anthology to assisting the people of Ukraine.

    134,95 kr.

    В книге собраны заметки и очерки Анатолия Стреляного (@AnatoliStrelianyi), написанные в Украине в 2022-2023 годах.Анатолий Стреляный (р. 1939) - журналист, писатель, был комментатором проекта Намедни. Наша эра, работал на радиостанции Свобода, где вёл передачу Ваши письма.

    242,95 kr.

    Книга Песня Церкви - драгоценный кладезь мудрости и сокровищница опыта духовников и старцев нашего времени.

  • af Brendan Noble
    373,95 kr.

    Death claims the living realm.Scarred by the demon's influence, Waclaw cannot forget the horror he caused in Vastroth. He knows he must be strong to face Koschei and the Frostmarked Horde, but powerful magic protects the deathless sorcerer. With everyone Waclaw loves at risk, can he control his power and find the key to slaying Koschei's soul as his tribe burns?Anointed by the Vastrothie, Otylia has found worshipers and new strength in the force of endings, but it's nothing without her mother. She finally knows where to find Dziewanna. Can she save her before the pacts she's woven with her enemies come due?Charge into the fast-paced fourth entry of The Frostmarked Chronicles as gods, spirits, and demons from Slavic myths clash for control of the Three Realms.

  • af Svetlana Aleksijevitj
    178,95 kr.

    1. redigerede udgave, 1. oplag hos Palomar. (Er tidligere udkommet på Lindhardt & Ringhof). Bogen udgives nu i en revideret udgave på Palomar. Dette er Svetlana Aleksijevitjs fjerde bog i hendes store værk om Sovjetunionen og Det røde menneskes historie. Den er oprindelig fra 1997 og har været brugt som forlæg for den store tv-serie ”Chernobyl” fra 2019.

  • af Carsten Müller Nielsen
    238,95 kr.

    Irena er eneste tilbageværende beboer i ejendommen, alle andre er flygtet på grund af krigen og hun påtager sig at se efter de tomme lejligheder. Hun lægger små sedler med beskeder om, hvad hun har ordnet og lånt: "Kære Oleksandr og Kateryna. Jeg skal nok tage mig af hunden. Den stod og peb. Det var synd for den. Jeg ved jo heller ikke, hvornår I er tilbage. Jeg har smidt liljerne ud ..." Ved slutningen af en vinters roman er beretningen om krig set fra et stilfærdigt stædigt menneskes vindue. Skrevet af Carsten Müller Nielsen, bl.a. kendt for den DR-prisvindende og lige så smukke roman de døde fylder dagene med en smag af mønter.

  • af Oleksandr Mykhed
    198,95 kr.

    When everyday life becomes a state of emergency, how can yesterday's words suffice?'We were so happy and didn't know it...'A thirty-three-year-old writer lives in a quiet European suburb with his wife and his dog. His parents have bought an apartment nearby. On weekends they go out for brunch, cook and see friends. Life is good; it is normal. Then the invaders come.The Language of War is about what happens when your world changes overnight. When you wake up to the sound of helicopters and the smell of gunpowder. When your home is hit by shells or broken into by gunmen, and you spend another night in a basement-turned-bomb shelter. When, even though you've never held a weapon before, you realise the only choice is to fight back. It is about things one can never forget, or forgive.Bringing together Oleksandr Mykhed's vivid day-by-day chronicles of the invasion of Ukraine with a chorus of other voices - his family, friends in exile, those who have fought and have witnessed unimaginable atrocities - this book is both a record, and a reckoning. Haunting and timeless, it asks how it is possible to find the words to describe a new reality; how you can still make sense of the world when the only language you can speak is the language of war.

  • af Manfred Kleine-Hartlage
    177,95 kr.

    Die Politik der Bundesregierung im Ukrainekrieg ist symptomatisch für das Versagen der politischen Klasse der BRD, die sich auf nahezu allen Politikfeldern in Teufelskreise begeben hat, aus denen sie nicht mehr herausfindet, und die immer gefährlichere Dimensionen annehmen.Manfred Kleine-Hartlage analysiert die selbstzerstörerische Dynamik dieser Politik am Beispiel der Außenpolitik, aber unter Einbeziehung der seit spätestens 2010 kumulierten Großkrisen, also der Kombination aus Währungs-, Wirtschafts-, Energie-, Migrations-, Sicherheits- und Verfassungskrise.Die Außenpolitik im Ukrainekrieg ist ein weiteres Glied in einer Kette von Fehlentscheidungen, deren Wirkungen sich wechselseitig potenzieren, zugleich aber denkbare Lösungswege verbauen. Die pathologische Lernunfähigkeit der politischen Klasse führt dazu, dass ihr Mangel an Problemlösungskompetenz mit jeder Krise deutlicher hervortritt, sie diesen Sachverhalt aber nicht wahrhaben will und darf und ihr daher Heil in autoritärem Auftrumpfen und der Diffamierung ihrer Kritiker sucht.Dieses Buch wurde im Frühjahr 2022 verfasst, wird aber über den Ukrainekrieg hinaus als Lehrbeispiel für Politikversagen seine Gültigkeit behalten.

  • af Oleksandr Klymenko
    278,95 kr.

    This book has come out of the art project "Icons on Lids of Ammunition Boxes" initiated and led by Sofiia (Sonya) Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko. Painted on fragments of empty cartridge containers brought back from the front, the icons are silent witnesses to Russia's covert war against Ukraine in the Donets Basin in 2014-2021. At the same time, they are testimony to the victory of life over death - not only in symbolic but also in real terms. Since the spring of 2015, the project was a volunteer initiative whose revenues support the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. This unit provided medical assistance to military personnel and civilians in the Anti-Terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation zone.The contributors to the book include Volodymyr Rafeyenko, Hennadiy Druzenko, Archimandrite Kyrylo Hovorun, George Weigel, and Zoya Chegusova.

  • af Alexander Strashny
    261,95 kr.

    Alexander Strashny examinines what defines Ukrainians as a people and makes them tick. Based on an analysis of Ukraine¿s history, everyday life, economy, military affairs, gender, religion, art, music, and other cultural aspects, the Strashny, a trained psychoanlyst and prolific author, outlines those psychological features of Ukrainians that define them as a distinctive nation. Upon examining similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Europeans, on the one hand, and Russians, on the other, the author singles out the fifty most salient features of the Ukrainian outlook, whose combination constitutes the essence of the Ukrainian mentality. The book explains how the population of a relatively small country successfully resists a more powerful and ruthless aggressor.

  • af Leonid Ushkalov
    528,95 kr.

    Based on a rich collection of primary and secondary sources, Leonid Ushkalov presents his biography of the famous Ukrainian philosopher and theologian Hryhorii (Gregorius) Skovoroda (1722-1794). However, this book not only a biography of a prominent person, but also a vivid presentation of the life and culture of eighteenth-century Ukraine. The eleven chapters of the book describing Skovoroda's development are framed by two separate stories, a Prelude and a Finale. They are intended to give Skovoroda's biography as much depth as possible and to show his paramount role in the Ukrainian spiritual tradition.

  • af Markus A. Denzel
    1.123,95 kr.

    Russlands äußerst brutaler Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine richtet sich gegen alle Ukrainer:innen und alles Ukrainische, gegen die ukrainische Geschichte und ihre Vorstellungen von einer eigenständigen Zugehörigkeit zu Europa. Der Band versammelt Perspektiven in Deutschland lebender internationaler Wissenschaftler:innen, darunter auch geflüchtete ukrainische Historiker:innen, auf die ukrainische Geschichte unter den Bedingungen des russischen Angriffskrieges. Inszeniert als Reenactment des so genannten "Großen Vaterländischen Krieges", hat Russlands Krieg das offensichtlich nationalrussische und neoimperiale Ziel der "Ent-Ukrainisierung" der Ukraine. Dies schärft den Blick auf historische Unterscheidungen zwischen der Ukraine und Russland. Die Beiträger:innen arbeiten diese Unterschiede heraus und diskutieren (anti-/post-/ und de-) koloniale Perspektiven auf die Neueste und die Neuere Geschichte, die frühe Neuzeit und das späte Mittelalter. Darüber hinaus skizzieren sie im Rahmen der postkolonialen Geschichtswissenschaft transnationale und -regionale Zugänge zur ukrainischen Geschichte am Beispiel einer transosmanischen Perspektive, die eine gemeinsame nahöstliche und osteuropäische Geschichte zum Untersuchungsgegenstand macht.

    273,95 kr.

    Інститутка - про життя у вищих навчальних закладах для дівчат у XIX столітті, показує, як важливо було знайти своє місце в суспільстві

  • af Wen Jian Chung
    228,95 kr.

    Examines the development of Soviet legacy MBTs by Ukraine in the post-Soviet era into models including the Bulat and Oplot, and the refurbishment and modernization of T-64, T-72 and T-80 models.The two largest heirs to the massive Soviet tank force that faced NATO during the Cold War - Russia and Ukraine - have been fighting one another since 2014 in what has now become the largest war in Europe since 1945.Volume 5 of the War in Ukraine series examines the development of Soviet legacy MBTs by Ukraine in the post- Soviet era into models including the Bulat and Oplot, and the refurbishment and modernization of T-64, T-72 and T-80 models to meet the need to respond to the war ongoing since 2014. Furthermore, this volume examines the organization and training of the opposed Russian and Ukrainian MBT forces and presents a number of case studies of their employment since 2014. The volume is completed with appendices on Explosive Reactive Armor as used in its various forms in this conflict, and the various types of 125mm gun ammunition and gun-launched anti-tank guided missiles used by both sides.This volume, extensively illustrated with full color images, is essential reading for the reader interested in post-Soviet Ukrainian MBT design, and the forces employed by both sides in the current war in Ukraine. The full history of the Russo-Ukrainian War remains to be written, but this book aims to at least give a background and a glimpse into one particular aspect of the war, as well as the role the MBT has played in the largest war of the twenty-first century so far.

  • af Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen
    198,95 kr.

    Ruslands invasion af Ukraine 24. februar 2022 var det første skud i en verdensomspændende magtkamp, hvor Rusland og Kina udfordrer USA og resten af Vesten. Men Rusland har længe været i krig med Vesten – også selvom vi i Vesten ikke har oplevet det sådan. Ifølge professor Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen rejser Ukrainekrigen en række svære spørgsmål for Danmark: Skal Ukraine være medlem af EU og NATO? Vil Kina og USA ende i krig med hinanden? Vil Tyskland dominere EU og Europa efter Ukrainekrigen? Vil konflikten i Mellemøsten føre til et brud mellem EU og USA? Svarene på de spørgsmål er vigtige i en verden, hvor krigen er tilbage. OM FORFATTEREN: Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen (f. 1973) er professor i statskundskab på Københavns Universitet. Han leder bestyrelsen af INVI (Institut for Vilde Problemer), har tidligere ledet udviklingssekretariatet i Forsvarsministeriet og før da Center for Militære Studier. Desuden skriver han en klumme om udenrigspolitik i Weekendavisen og har udgivet en lang række bøger og artikler om dansk udenrigspolitik og internationale konflikter.

    190,95 kr.

    Гайдамаки - це один з менш відомих, але не менш цінних творів Марко Вовчок. Він розповідає про події Гайдамацького повстання 1768 року

  • af Stefan Hansen
    1.148,95 kr.

    The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine represents a Zeitenwende - a turning point - in German foreign and security policy, which requires a complete redefinition of Germany's role within the future European security order. Through contributions by renowned experts, this anthology provides information on the causes, developments and foreseeable consequences of the Russian war of aggression. This open access book will appeal to scholars, decision-makers, students, and anyone interested in international politics, conflict studies, and military-strategic dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

  • af Stefania Knecht-Turkanik
    1.148,95 kr.

    Despite peacebuilding efforts between Ukraine and Poland, the author shows that the conflict between the two nations, with its violent zenith in the 20th century, remains unresolved. Looking at Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic metropolitan between 1901 and 1944, as well as the insights from conducting qualitative research with contemporary representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the author argues that Sheptyts'kyi must be considered a peacebuilder, and that, following his example, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are uniquely situated to be peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Lastly, the author suggests several avenues for future peacebuilding.

  • af Ian T Proud
    168,95 kr.

    British government pronouncements since Russia's 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine have been resolute yet self-congratulatory. The UK is leading the way among western allies in providing Ukraine with the support it needs. Putin's regime is globally isolated as never before. The Russian economy is crumbling under unprecedented sanctions. Let's stick with the plan. Our strategy is working! But is that really true? How engaged was the Conservative government in efforts to prevent conflict in Ukraine after tensions with Russia ramped up ten years ago? Have any of the seven Foreign Secretaries since 2014 altered Putin's calculus? Have western sanctions really worked? And does 'the best diplomatic service in the world' have the skills to understand and outsmart Russia? From seeing Putin in Northern Ireland in 2013, to living through the expulsion of British diplomats from Moscow in 2018, then authorising sanctions against Russia in 2022, Ian casts a sceptical eye over these questions. Ian Proud was a member of HM Diplomatic Service from 1999 to 2023. Ian organised the 2013 G8 Summit in Northern Ireland which marked Vladimir Putin's last visit to the UK. From July 2014 to February 2019 he was posted to the British Embassy in Moscow where he advised UK Ministers on sanctions against Russia. He was Chair of the Russia Crisis Committee, Director of the Diplomatic Academy for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Anglo-American School of Moscow. He speaks Russian and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.

  • af Joseph Howse
    178,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Yaroslav Trofimov
    223,95 kr.

    A revelatory eyewitness account of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and heroism of the Ukrainian resistance by Pulitzer Prize finalist Yaroslav Trofimov, the chief foreign-affairs correspondent for The Wall Street Journal.'Reads like a great novel' SEBASTIAN JUNGER'An instant classic' STEVE COLL----Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Yaroslav Trofimov has spent months on end at the heart of the conflict, very often on its front lines. In this authoritative account, he traces the war's decisive moments-from the battle for Kyiv to more recently the gruelling and bloody arm wrestle involving the Wagner group over Bakhmut-to show how Ukraine and its allies have turned the tide against Russia in a modern-day battle of David and Goliath. Putin had intended to conquer Ukraine with a vicious blitzkrieg, in a few short weeks. But in the face of this existential threat, the Ukrainian people fought back, turning what looked like certain defeat into a great moral victory, even as the territorial battle continues to seesaw to this day. This is the story of their epic bravery in the face of almost unthinkable aggression.For Trofimov, this war is deeply personal. He grew up in Kyiv and his family has lived there for generations. He tells the story of how everyday Ukrainian citizens-doctors, computer programmers, businesspeople, and schoolteachers-risked their lives and lost loved ones. At once heart-breaking and inspiring, and combining vivid reportage with expert military analysis and rare insight into the thinking of Ukrainian leadership, Our Enemies Will Vanish tells the riveting story Ukraine's fight for survival and refusal to surrender as it has never been told before.----'An essential first draft' ANNE APPLEBAUM'Essential reading' CLARISSA WARD'Outstanding' PETER FRANKOPAN'Achieves the highest level of war reporting I did not really understand Ukraine until I read Trofimov's account' SEBASTIAN JUNGER, bestselling author of The Perfect Storm 'A stunning work of eyewitness reportage and literary nuance that brings alive both the brutalities of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war's small absurdities and comic interludes' STEVE COLL, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Ghost Wars 'An essential document for our times' DEXTER FILKINS, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Forever War 'Takes the reader from the corridors of power to frontline trenches. Trofimov's gripping account is full of crisp details' QUENTIN SOMERVILLE, BBC Middle East Correspondent

  • af Sergij Zjadan
    278,95 kr.

    Den unge historiker Herman arbejder som uafhængig ekspert i Kharkiv, det står der i hvert fald på hans visitkort; selv er han i tvivl om, hvad han egentlig laver. Straks mere håndgribeligt er det, at hans bror driver en benzintank ude i Donbas. Men så forsvinder broderen pludseligt, er ifølge rygter rejst til Holland. Herman drager mod Donbas i en sort folkevogn med en høne på køleren for at rede trådene ud og vende hurtigst muligt tilbage til Kharkiv. Men ikke alt går, som præsten prædiker …Mellem en enorm himmel og uendelige majsmarker: Jazz i Donbas er ukrainske Sergij Zjadans prisbelønnede epos fra før verden gik af lave, en usentimental røverhistorie og en medrivende roadroman om bl.a. korruption, musik, gamle venner, nye fjender og – måske mest af alt – ansvarlighed og taknemmelighed.

  • af Aiden Aslin
    106,95 kr.

    Brought to you by Penguin.Aiden Aslin joined the Ukrainian marines in 2018, compelled to defend his adopted homeland from the growing threat of Russian invasion. In February 2022, as Russia mounted a full-scale offensive, Aiden and his unit were stationed at the frontline at Mariupol.Pinned down at a Mariupol steelworks, after a month-long siege and running out of supplies, Aiden was part of the mass surrender of over a thousand Ukrainian troops, in April 2022. Then his real ordeal began.Singled out for his British passport, Aiden was interrogated, tortured, stabbed, turned into a propaganda zombie, tried by a kangaroo court and then sentenced to death. A victim of a catalogue of abuses of international law, Aiden struggled to cling on to any hope of survival. Certain that he was going to be executed, he was eventually freed in a prisoner exchange and permitted to return home.In Putin's Prisoner, Aiden will tell the full, harrowing story of his time fighting in Putin's war, of his six months in Russian captivity, and of his hardened resolve to defend the freedoms of the people of Ukraine.(c)2023 Aiden Aslin & John Sweeney (P)2023 Penguin Audio

  • af Emil Filtenborg
    233,95 kr.

    Russerne fyldte en fredelig forstads gader med død. Her er de overlevendes historie.Den aldrende bedstefar kravlede forsigtigt frem og mærkede efter i lommerne. De fire håndgranater lå klar.Ude på vejen hørte han de russiske kampvogne køre forbi. Han kiggede forsigtigt over hegnet og affyrede sin eneste anti-tank raket. Lige bagefter kastede han også sine håndgranater mod kolonnen, men stoppede, da han kom til den sidste. ”Den her gemmer jeg til mig selv,” tænkte han.Bedstefaren Valentins kamp mod russerne var startskuddet på Ruslands besættelse af Butja - en ellers fredelige forstad til Kyiv. Da den ukrainske hær generobrede Butja fandt grufulde videoer vej til mediernes sendeflader. Verden blev vidne til massakren på Æblevej og andre gader i Butja. Det flød med lig, og flere hundrede civile var blevet dræbt af russiske soldater i blodrus. Kvinder var blevet voldtaget. Mød skæbnerne, som blev fanget i den massakre, der vendte op og ned på Vestens forståelse af Vladimir Putins krig imod Ukraine. De overlevende fortæller hele historien om den månedlange besættelse. Om vold og overgreb. Om død og tilfældighed. Om håb og befrielse.

  • af Blair A. Ruble
    298,95 kr.

    The Ukrainian response to the 2022 Russian invasion has inspired a new appreciation for their country both within and beyond Ukraine. The steadfastness of Ukrainians in the defense of their country has surprised many. The stories presented here highlight the ways in which Ukrainians have long explored the meaning of their country and culture through the arts; and the manner in which the arts and their creators have empowered Ukrainians to confront the Russian invaders. These developments also offer intriguing clues about the culture, society, and politics of a post-war Ukraine.

  • af &1089, &1080, &1085, mfl.
    240,95 - 440,95 kr.

  • - Чорний кінь і Білий кінь всиновлюють дитину
    af Kamilla Heinze
    238,95 kr.

    Sort Hest og Hvid Hest får et plejebarn er skrevet og illustreret af forfatter Kamilla Heinze.Hver side er med både dansk og ukrainsk tekst. Så man kan læse bogen sammen med både danske og ukrainske børn. I denne bog får de to heste et plejebarn, da de tager imod den lille ukrainske pige Mira og hendes due. Mira er sammen med sin mor flygtet fra det krigsramte Ukraine, men de er blevet væk fra hinanden undervejs. De to heste tager sig kærligt af Mira og gør alt, hvad de kan for at få hende til at føle sig hjemme, selvom de ikke deler modersmål. Igennem kreative lege lærer hestene og Mira hinandens sprog, og Mira føler sig hurtigt tryg hos de to heste. Men på trods af hestenes omsorgsfuldhed, savner Mira sit hjemland og mest af alt sin mor. Hestene sætter straks en eftersøgning i gang, så mor og datter kan genforenes. Der bliver brugt alt fra papirfly til sneglepost for at finde Miras mor. Undervejs i eftersøgningen får de også hjælp af en sød gartner, der taler ukrainsk og hjælper Mira med at dele sin historie. Sort Hest og Hvid Hest får et plejebarn er en dejlig og rørende historie om familie, kærlighed og venskab. Med denne bog viser Kamilla Heinze også, at sproglige forskelle kan overkommes, når man møder hinanden med omsorg og forståelse.

  • af Jan Grarup and Adam Holm
    1.846,95 kr.

    The war in Ukraine is the largest war Europe has seen since 1945. War photographer Jan Grarup and journalist/historian Adam Holm have documented the bloody struggle of the Ukrainians, in both the hinterland and on the front lines of eastern Ukraine (Zaporizjza, Donbas and Kharkiv). Through photography and reportage, they paint a picture of a country where death reaps its harvest daily. A country in which the fear of impending nuclear war is real and where an entire generation of children and adolescents carry iodine tablets and receive schooling inside basements and bunkers.The limited edition comes with a clothbound clamshell boxset, incl. a signed art-print and a piece of shrapnel from the war. The books will be editioned and signed by the photographer and the author.Paper: 150 gr. fedrigoni tatami white, 100 gr. Tauro offsetBinding: clothbound and foil stamped hardback

  • af Olga (National Research University Higher School of Economics Baysha
    229,95 - 550,95 kr.

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