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  • af Jeffrey Archer
    139,95 - 224,95 kr.

    For at sikre det engelske herresæde Wentworth, der har været i slægtens besiddelse i generationer, tvinges Lady Victoria Wentworth til at afhænde et af familiens klenodier, et verdensberømt og uvurderligt Van Gogh-maleri. Køberen er Bryce Fenston, manden bag en lyssky bankvirksomhed med kontorer i Twin Towers i New York. Men da Victoria myrdes i sit hjem natten til 11. september 2001, forsvinder maleriet sporløst. Anna Petrescu, der arbejder som kunstekspert for Fenston, befinder sig i North Tower, da det første fly rammer. Hun formodes død. Under dække af denne status kæmper hun for at afsløre sin arbejdsgivers dobbeltspil og for at finde maleriet. Men hendes modstander er nådesløs, og kampen bringer hende verden rundt på en krævende og farlig mission. ”Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den.” Daily Telegraph

  • af Andrea Schulte-Peevers
    176,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Germany is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Visit castles in Bavaria, celebrate Oktoberfest and delve into Berlin's history; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • - En Oxford-krimi
    af Cara Hunter
    170,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Nogle gange er mord ikke det værste, der kan ske.Et formodet indbrud viser sig ikke at være helt så ligetil for kriminalinspektør Adam Fawley.Ved midnatstid modtager politiet i Thames Valley et nødopkald om skud på en afsidesliggende gård i udkanten af Oxford. Da Adam Fawley og hans team ankommer, finder de en død mand i køkkenet – skudt på klos hold – og to beboere, der ikke kan forklare, hvad der er sket. Ved første øjekast ligner det et indbrudsforsøg, der er gået galt, men Fawley har en mistanke om, at der ligger mere bag.Da politiet opdager en forbindelse til en tyve år gammel drabssag om et barnemord og en uskyldig, der blev dømt, går pressen amok. Pludselig er Fawley og hans team under mere pres end nogensinde før. Og når man begynder at grave i fortiden, kan man være sikker på at finde et skelet eller to …Død to gange er sjette bind i den populære serie om kriminalinspektør Adam Fawley og hans team fra Thames Valley Police i den på overfladen så trygge by Oxford. Hver bog i serien indeholder en selvstændig historie, og de kan derfor læses uafhængigt af hinanden.

  • af Leila Aboulela
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Isabella Hammad
    188,95 - 218,95 kr.

    En kvinde, der slikker sårene efter en katastrofal kærlighedsaffære, finder kærlighed og fornyet håb i Shakespeare og Palæstina.Efter at have levet i selvvalgt eksil i London vender skuespilleren Sonia Nasir efter mange år tilbage til familien i Haifa for at besøge sin storesøster Haneen. Mens Haneen har skabt sig et liv her, er Sonia blevet i London for at fokusere på sin karriere og sit nu opløste ægteskab. Ved hjemkomsten til Palæstina går det op for hende, at hendes forhold til hjemlandet er mere skrøbeligt, end hun troede.Da Sonia møder den karismatiske Mariam, en lokal teaterinstruktør, slutter hun sig til en opsætning af Hamlet på Vestbredden. Snart terper Sonia replikker på klassisk arabisk med en idealistisk gruppe mænd, som, på trods af store egoer og forskellige prioriteter, alle ønsker at introducere palæstinenserne til Shakespeare. Da premieren nærmer sig og krigen samtidig intensiveres, bliver det klart, hvor mange udfordringer truppen egentlig står over for. Undervejs glider Sonias tidligere tilværelse i baggrunden, og hun øjner muligheden for at genfinde sig selv på sin fædrene jord.Genfærd, ind er lidenskabelig og tankevækkende, en udsøgt roman til tiden om den forbundethed, som kan findes i familien og styrken ved fælles modstand.

  • af Hampton Sides
    363,95 kr.

    "An epic account of the most momentous voyage of the Age of Exploration, which culminated in Captain James Cook's death in Hawaii, and left a complex and controversial legacy still debated to this day ... On July 12th, 1776, Captain James Cook, already lionized as the greatest explorer in British history, set off on his third voyage in his ship the HMS Resolution. Two-and-a-half years later, on a beach on the island of Hawaii, Cook was killed in a conflict with native Hawaiians. How did Cook, who was unique among captains for his respect for Indigenous peoples and cultures, come to that fatal moment? Hampton Sides' bravura account of Cook's last journey both wrestles with Cook's legacy and provides a thrilling narrative of the titanic efforts and continual danger that characterized exploration in the 1700s. Cook was renowned for his peerless seamanship, his humane leadership, and his dedication to science--the famed naturalist Joseph Banks accompanied him on his first voyage, and Cook has been called one of the most important figures of the Age of Enlightenment. He was also deeply interested in the native people he encountered. In fact, his stated mission was to return a Tahitian man, Mai, who had become the toast of London, to his home islands. On previous expeditions, Cook mapped huge swaths of the Pacific, including the east coast of Australia, and initiated first European contact with numerous peoples. He treated his crew well, and endeavored to learn about the societies he encountered with curiosity and without judgment. Yet something was different on this last voyage. Cook became mercurial, resorting to the lash to enforce discipline, and led his two vessels into danger time and again. Uncharacteristically, he ordered violent retaliation for perceived theft on the part of native peoples. This may have had something to do with his secret orders, which were to chart and claim lands before Britain's imperial rivals could, and to discover the fabled Northwest Passage. Whatever Cook's intentions, his scientific efforts were the sharp edge of the colonial sword, and the ultimate effects of first contact were catastrophic for Indigenous people around the world. The tensions between Cook's overt and covert missions came to a head on the shores of Hawaii. His first landing there was harmonious, but when Cook returned after mapping the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, his exploitative treatment of the Hawaiians led to the fatal encounter"--

  • af Louise Kennedy
    145,95 - 198,95 kr.

    "Over grænsen" fortæller historien om forholdet mellem den unge katolske lærer Cushla og den midaldrende protestantiske borgerrettighedsadvokat Michael i de tidlige 1970'eres Belfast, hvor The Troubles var på deres højeste, og diskrimination, frygt, selvtægt og magtmisbrug præger tilværelsen. Cushla lever et stille liv, underviser om dagen, serverer på familiens pub om aftenen. Der møder hun Michael, protestant og gift. Cushla falder for ham og hans sofistikerede verden, og de indleder en affære. Da en ung studerendes far bliver slået ned, vendes der op og ned på Cushlas liv. Om forfatteren:Louise Kennedy er vokset op i Belfast og bor nu i Sligo. "Over grænsen" er hendes første roman. Hun har skrevet for The Guardian, The Irish Times og BBC Radio og arbejdet som kok i 30 år. "Over grænsen" er shortlisted til the Women's Prize for Fiction 2023.

  • af Sophie Kinsella
    96,95 - 156,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Arden
    146,95 kr.

    The sweeping new novel from New York Times bestselling author Katherine Arden.'A wonderful clash of fire and ice ... A book you won't want to let go of.' Diana Gabaldon'A spectacular tour de force ... I love this book so much and want everyone to read it!' Naomi Novik'Well-researched and beautifully written, this is a compelling, memorable novel.' The Guardian'Darkly beautiful and deeply humane ... The Warm Hands of Ghosts will stir your heart, and settle into your bones.' Ava Reid'Visionary, imaginative and brilliantly written.' Anthony Horowitz'This exquisite novel took me over like a haunting ... One of the best historical fantasies I've ever read' Emma Törzs'A historical fantasy that will touch the hearts of many readers' Fantasy Hive______________World War One, and as shells fall in Flanders, a Canadian nurse searches for her brother believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise in this gripping and powerful historical novel from the bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.January 1918. Laura Iven has been discharged from her duties as a nurse and sent back to Halifax, Canada, leaving behind a brother still fighting in the trenches of the First World War. Now home, she receives word of Freddie's death in action along with his uniform -but something doesn't quite make sense. Determined to find out more, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers about ghosts moving among those still living and a strange inn-keeper whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could this have happened to Freddie - but if so, where is he?November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped under an overturned pillbox with an enemy soldier, a German, each of them badly wounded. Against all odds, the two men form a bond and succeed in clawing their way out. But once in No Man's Land, where can either of them turn where they won't be shot as enemy soldiers or deserters? As the killing continues, they meet a man - a fiddler - who seems to have the power to make the hellscape that surrounds them disappear. But at what price?A novel of breath-taking scope and drama, of compulsive readability, of stunning historical research lightly worn, and of brilliantly drawn characters who will make you laugh and break your heart in a single line, The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a book that will speak to readers directly about the trauma of war and the power of those involved to love, endure and transcend it.______________More love for The Warm Hands of Ghosts . . .'Immersive and timeless, and an ode to the enduring power of memory.' Vaishnavi Patel'A page-turner of the highest order ... A haunting, fantastic read!' Helene Wecker'I absolutely devoured it!' Santa Montefiore'Wonderful storytelling. Inventive, haunting and deeply moving.' Sarah Winman'An exquisite, brilliant gem of a story.' Conn Iggulden'Simply stunning.' Kate Quinn'Absolutely incredible; I had chills all through reading it.' Shannon Chakraborty'A sweeping, fantastical tour-de-force of a novel.' I Newspaper'Arden's prose is full of emotion... an unforgettable, inspiring read.' Historical Novel Society'Arden's gripping historical fantasy will draw readers in and keep them engaged.' Library Journal, starred review'Lyrically beautiful prose, a brave heroine and a story shot through with the darkness of war' Daily Mail'Eerie and fanciful, yet gruesomely down-to-earth.' The Spectator'Mixing historical fiction with the paranormal, this haunting, atmospheric tale of separated siblings is a real gem of a book.' Heat Magazine'A gripping tale of loss, mystery, ghosts and queer romance.' BBC Culture Online

  • af Caleb Azumah Nelson
    123,95 - 146,95 kr.

    The one thing that can solve Stephen's problems is dancing. Dancing at Church, with his parents and brother, the shimmer of Black hands raised in praise; he might have lost his faith, but he does believe in rhythm. Dancing with his friends, somewhere in a basement with the drums about to drop, while the DJ spins garage cuts. Dancing alone, at home, to his father's records, uncovering parts of a man he has never truly known.Stephen has only ever known himself in song. But what becomes of him when the music fades? When his father begins to speak of shame and sacrifice, when his home is no longer his own? How will he find space for himself: a place where he can feel beautiful, a place he might feel free?Set over the course of three summers in Stephen's life, from London to Ghana and back again, Small Worlds is an exhilarating and expansive novel about the worlds we build for ourselves, the worlds we live, dance and love within.

  • af Zadie Smith
    123,95 - 156,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Meyer
    139,95 - 224,95 kr.

    East Anglia, 1645. Martha Hallybread, jordemor, healer og tyende, har levet et fredsommeligt liv i mere end fire årtier i sin elskede landsby, Cleftwater. Alle kender Martha, men ingen kan huske hendes stemme mere, for hun har ikke talt i årevis.Da heksejagten kommer til Cleftwater, bliver Martha hvervet til at undersøge de anklagede kvinders kroppe for beviser. For at beskytte sig selv og kvinderne i landsbyen genopliver Martha i desperation en heksedukke, en lille voksfigur, som hun har arvet fra sin mor, i håbet om at den vil bringe beskyttelse. Men kræfterne i heksedukken er sælsomme, og snart vender tidevandet; tiden rinder ud."Hekseflod" udforsker emner som skyld, synd og samvittighed, har et levende og lyrisk sprog og er inspireret af virkelige historiske hændelser. En storslået debut fra Margaret Meyer.Margaret Meyer er født i Canada, opvokset i New Zealand og bor nu i Storbritannien. Hun har tidligere arbejdet som journalist, redaktør og senest psykoterapeut og har tidligere været Director of Literature ved det britiske kulturinstitut, British Council. "Hekseflod" er hendes debutroman.

  • af Rosamunde Pilcher
    44,94 - 133,95 kr.

    Med Konkyliesamlerne er den store engelske familieroman genfødt, skrev aviserne begejstret, da romanen udkom i England. Og siden har bogen gået sin sejrsgang over det meste af verden med over 5 millioner solgte eksemplarer.Konkyliesamlerne er historien om familien Keeling i tre generationer. Penelope Keeling nærmer sig afslutningen på sit liv og ser i glimt tilbage på det persongalleri, der har befolket hendes verden i mere end tres år. Hendes liv har ganske vist ikke været mere bevæget end så mange andres, der levede under og efter 2. Verdenskrig, men det særlige ved Penelope var hendes evne til at samle kærlighed og venner om sig. Det var den egenskab, der førte hende frelst igennem sorger og besværligheder, og som også nu giver hende kræfter til at tage opgøret med to af sine børn og selv tage en beslutning om, hvad der skal ske med Konkyliesamlerne – det billede, hendes far malede og forærede hende, og som er bindeleddet mellem fortid og nutid.Pressen skrev:"Romanen er velskrevet og underholdende, de gode personer er hyggelige bekendtskaber, og de tre kærlighedshistorier er smukke."- Fyens Stiftstidende

  • af Isabel Albiston
    176,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Ireland is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Drive the Ring of Kerry, enjoy a pint in a traditional pub and marvel at the otherworldly Burren; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Nicola Williams
    176,95 kr.

    992 sider gennemillustreret med farvefotos samt 120 detail-kort. Særlig sektion for hyppige besøgende med nye trends og seværdigheder. 3D illustrationer af Louvre, Notre Dame, Versailleslottet, Monte Carlo Casinoet, Mont St-Michel samt Marseille´s Vieux Port.

  • af Ali Smith
    123,95 - 190,95 kr.

    I 1500-tallets England strejfer en forældreløs pige rundt. Det er mørke tider: epidemier raser, brutalitet og barbari råder. Pigen kommer i lære hos en kvindelig smed, og det er netop smedekunsten og et uventet venskab, der holder hende oppe.Femhundrede år senere har en ny epidemi ramt England og verden. Sandy Gray, en billedkunstner midt i livet, frygter at smitte sin skrøbelige far, der er indlagt efter et slagtilfælde. Derfor vil hun heller ikke se nogen mennesker, hun har i det hele taget besluttet sig for at melde sig ud af samfundet. Indtil hun modtager et mystisk opkald fra en fjern bekendt. Kvinden i røret har brug for Sandys hjælp til at løse en gåde, der hænger sammen med en gammel lås, smedet i senmiddelalderen.ANDRE TIDER er en livsbekræftende lovprisning af fællesskab. En både modig og menneskeklog, rørende og provokerende roman, som indkapsler samtiden og indfanger fortiden. Legesygt og lysende viser Ali Smith, hvordan verden hænger sammen, og hvordan en krisetid påvirker os mennesker – på godt og ondt.ANDRE TIDER er en fritstående roman og samtidig et lyrisk og visionært følgebrev til Årstidskvartetten, der tog verden med storm. ***”Et lysende, underholdende og klogt portræt af den verden, vi lever i.” – The Telegraph“ANDRE TIDER er, som livet selv; rodet, underholdende, sørgelig, smuk og fuld af mystik.” – The Guardian

  • af Emily Timberlake
    196,95 kr.

    "Be the talk of the Ton with this first official Bridgerton cookbook from the hugely popular Netflix series. Whether it's a lawn party, a high tea, or a boozy late-night salon, this gorgeous cookbook delivers recipes for finger food, cocktails, mocktails, and entertaining ideas that help you recreate the high society of Regency London in your own home. These forty recipes have been developed with a modern audience in mind, offering mocktail, vegetarian, and gluten-free options to ensure that no fan is left hungry. They are presented alongside mouth-watering food photography, stills from the show, and sidebars explaining essential expertise"--

  • af Dawn Ades
    544,95 kr.

    Tracing a career of more than thirty years, this celebration of the prodigiously talented Dutch photographer includes vibrantly colored portraiture, landscapes, still lifes, abstract compositions and fashion editorials. From her early African-inspired work to her more recent experiments in interventionist techniques, Viviane Sassen has gained international acclaim for her striking, dynamic images that explore a range of themes and subjects-from identity, gender, and the body, to race, fashion, and the environment. This retrospective book brings together both well- and lesser-known works and includes pieces from her recent series, "Paint Studies," in which early photographs are reimagined with ink and painterly marks, and "Venus and Mercury," a collection of exquisite photomontages based on the history of the Palace of Versailles. Illuminating texts by Dawn Ades, Clothilde Morette, Simon Baker, Damarice Amao, and Dan Thawley make this the definitive overview of an important and ever-evolving photographer.

  • af Evie Woods
    96,95 kr.

  • af Nicholas Shakespeare
    196,95 kr.

    A fresh portrait of the man behind James Bond, and his enduring impact, by an award-winning biographer with unprecedented access to the Fleming family papers.*WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER FOR NON-FICTION*Ian Fleming's greatest creation, James Bond, has had an enormous and ongoing impact on our culture, but Fleming's life was more mysterious than anything he wrote.Ian's childhood with his gifted brother and extraordinary mother established his ambition to be 'the complete man'. Only a writer for his last twelve years, his dramatic personal experiences and career in Naval Intelligence put him at the heart of critical moments in world history, while also providing rich inspiration for his fiction.Nicholas Shakespeare is one of the most gifted biographers working today. His talent for uncovering new material that casts fresh light on his subjects is fully evident in this masterful, definitive biography.'Elegant and painstakingly researched' Observer' of the most engaging portraits of a particular period of British history that I have read in a long time' Antonia Fraser'A book so buoyant and delicious that you feel it will be a friend for life' Telegraph*LONGLISTED FOR THE SALTIRE SOCIETY LITERARY AWARD**A The Times, Financial Times, Economist, Spectator and BBC History Magazine Book of the Year*

  • af Rachael Lucas
    123,95 - 188,95 kr.

    ”HERLIG ESKAPISME OG ROMANTIK”– Woman & HomeHarry Robertson har store planer om at renovere det lille hotel i Applemore, men de bliver forpurret, da mediestjernen Ivy Winter kommer til byen kort før jul. Ivy er fast besluttet på at holde sit bryllup i hotellets hyggelige rammer, men der er bare et lille problem: Ivy vil holde et julebryllup, og tiden er knap.Harrys bedste ven, Polly Fraser, insisterer på, at de godt kan nå at sætte hotellet i stand i tide til et julebryllup, hvis de bare hjælper hinanden. Landsbyens gode folk støtter dem, og snart er der gang i alt fra blomsterdekorationer til kagebagning. Men arbejdet forløber bestemt ikke uden udfordringer …Mens sneen daler ned over det skotske landskab, og hele landsbyen knokler, begynder Polly at få varme følelser for Harry. Kan dette julebryllup mon endelig bringe dem sammen?Pressen skriver om Vinter i Applemore:“Fuldstændig herlig!”– Marian Keyes“Rachael Lucas har igen skabt et helt uimodståeligt univers, som man kan drømme sig ind i.”– Louise O’Neill “Skøn eskapisme.”– Liz Fenwick

  • af Alexis Hall
    175,95 kr.

    SØGES. En pæn mand, der kan spille min kæreste, INGEN skandaler og gerne vegetar. Skal kunne begynde med det samme … Luc O’Donnell er pludselig blevet semiberømt. Hans afdankede, fallerede rockstjerne-far har gjort comeback, så Luc befinder sig i offentlighedens søgelys, da et kompromitterende foto dukker op og truer med at ødelægge hans liv.For at redde sit image må Luc finde en pæn og pletfri partner ... og Oliver Blackwood er så pæn og pletfri, som man kan være. Han er advokat, vegetar og absolut skandale-fri. Med andre ord: Han oser af kærestepotentiale. Desværre har Luc og Oliver intet til fælles, bortset fra at de begge er single og virkelig har brug for en date. Så de indgår en aftale om at spille kærester, indtil støvet har lagt sig.Sagen er bare at fake dating pludselig kan gå hen og føles meget ægte … „Kærestepotentiale er et mesterværk.“ – Publishers Weekly„Hvordan blev Kærestepotentiale til? Mit bud er magi. Sikke et studie i karakterudvikling. Jeg vil gøre det  samme med denne roman, som jeg gør med min yndlingscardigan: købe fem, så jeg aldrig løber tør ...” –New York Times- og USA Today-bestsellerforfatter Christina Lauren„Intet mindre end hylende morsom ... Hall rammer en perfekt balance mellem romantik og komedie.“ –Booklist„En sjov, sprudlende, klassisk britisk romantisk komedie om et notorisk rodehoved og et knottent ordensmenneske med et hjerte af guld.“ New York Times-bestsellerforfatter Talia Hibbert„Det er ikke uden grund, at Kærestepotentiale er kåret som en af de 10 vigtigste LGBTQ+-romaner.“ –Litteratursiden

  • af Sam Heughan
    106,95 kr.

    *AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER*'As the title suggests, Waypoints is a rewarding mix of markers, both personal as he reflects on his life and geographical as he leads the reader along the West Highland Way' - The Scotsman'A deeply personal and warmly entertaining memoir that fans of Sam - and Scotland - will have a joyful time devouring' - Heat'From both his walk and his career, the common lesson is the power of persistence.' - The Times'A pleasure for fans of the author, whisky, and Scotland.' - Kirkus'Waypoints is a memoir with a difference! I wanted to tell the stories and share the experiences that have shaped me, but to do that I needed to challenge myself and spend some time in my own company, away from the distractions of everyday life. And for me there's no better place to reflect than in the wild Scottish Highlands.'In this journey of self-discovery, Sam Heughan sets out along the West Highland Way to explore his heritage and reflect on the personal waypoints that define him. The result is a love letter to the wild Scottish landscape that means so much to Sam, and a charming, funny, wise and searching insight to the world through his eyes. The walk itself is the backdrop for this narrative, which tells the story of Sam's life while exploring his outlook, values and interests. Sam is a figure of fascinating contrasts, a Hollywood star with deep roots in rural Scotland, he's both outgoing and content in his own company. He has strong connections with his fans while recognising the fragility and value of anonymity, and in My Peak Challenge he has created a network that brings people together as they chase individual goals. In his new book, while charting a path through a stunning wilderness, Sam maps out the moments that shaped his views on dreams and ambition, family, friendships, love and life.Waypoints is a deeply personal journey that reveals as much to Sam about himself as it does to his readers.Sunday Times in the UK and New York Times bestseller in the US in November 2022.

  • af A. K. Turner
    108,95 kr.

    An intriguing new forensic mystery for Camden mortuary technician Cassie Raven to solve. Perfect for fans of Tess Gerritsen, Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs.

  • af Michael O'Neill
    216,95 kr.

    In Liverpool F.C. - Legends we've collected stories on dozens of Liverpool FC's most celebrated players managers and games. With expert commentary and lavish photography, you'll explore and rediscover the attributes that made these players, managers and teams iconic, as well as the moments that propelled them to greatness. From past greats like Kevin Keegan and Kenny Dalglish to modern giants such as Mo Salah there's something for every Liverpool fan here. Over a century, Liverpool has provided fans with hundreds of unique personalities, countless unforgettable moments and some of the greatest feats of sporting brilliance ever seen. From its humble beginnings in the northwest of England to the global phenomenon it has become today, the club has evolved and changed almost beyond recognition. But the exploits of the soccer heroes of years past continue to stand the test of time.

  • af Peter James
    118,95 - 216,95 kr.

    DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT ROY GRACE returns in a case that will test every emotion in his being.

  • af Clare Mackintosh
    118,95 - 166,95 kr.

    DC FFION MORGAN AND LEO BRADY RETURN IN THE THRILLING SEQUEL TO THE LAST PARTY AVAILABLE TO ORDER NOWPraise for The Last Party:'Superb, with echoes of Agatha Christie' PATRICIA CORNWELL'A dark delight of a murder mystery' JANICE HALLETT'Detectives Leo and Ffion make a storming debut' BELINDA BAUER'Mackintosh is just getting better and better' PETER JAMES'An absolute triumph' CLAIRE DOUGLAS'I fell in love with courageous, complicated DC Ffion Morgan' RUTH WARE'This is the new crime series you need in your life' WILL DEAN'Expertly plotted and relentlessly gripping' LUCY CLARKE

  • af Not For Tourists
    173,95 kr.

    With details on everything from Big Ben to Brick Lane, this is the only guide a native or traveler needs. Whether you’ve called London your home for decades or just arrived last night, there’s information in the Not For TouristsGuide to London that you need to know. This map-based, neighborhood-by-neighborhood guide will help you master this amazing city like an expert. Packed with more than 150 maps and thousands of listings for restaurants, shops, theaters, and under-the-radar spots, you won’t find a better guide to London. Want to score tickets to a big Arsenal or Chelsea football match? NFT has you covered. How about royal sightseeing at Buckingham Palace? We’ve got that, too. The best Indian restaurant, theater experience, bookstore, or cultural site—whatever you need—NFT puts it at your fingertips. This light and portable guide also features: An invaluable street index Profiles of more than one hundred neighborhoods Listings for museums, landmarks, the best shopping, and more You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to solve the mysteries of London; NFT has all the answers!

  • af Donal Skehan
    246,95 kr.

    An essential companion for home cooks, no matter what your skill level. It's packed with tips and personal anecdotes from much-loved Irish cook Donal Skehan.

  • af John Guy
    166,95 kr.

    A groundbreaking examination of how the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn sent shockwaves across a continent and changed England forever.'In many places, where once we had speculation, we now have certainty. This book is at once an education and a joy to read' LITERARY REVIEW'Combines meticulously researched history and contemporary voices with narrative flair' SUNDAY TIMES'Anne Boleyn comes alive in this impressive study . . . Moves and informs' THE TIMES'The most cogent narrative reading of the evidence to date' SPECTATORThe story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is one of the most remarkable in history: a long courtship followed by a shotgun wedding and then a coronation, ending just short of three years later when a husband's passion turned to such hatred that he simply wanted his wife gone. In Hunting the Falcon, John Guy and Julia Fox examine the most recent archival discoveries and peel back layers of historical myth to present Anne and Henry in startlingly new ways. They show how Anne and Henry's relationship was tied almost completely to the major events of international politics at one of the great turning points of European history, and dispel any assumptions that a sixteenth-century woman, even a queen, could exert little influence on the politics and beliefs of a patriarchal society. Anne was in fact a shrewd and ruthless politician in her own right, a woman who steered Henry and his policies - and whom Henry seriously contemplated making joint sovereign. Hunting the Falcon sets the facts and some completely new finds into a wide frame, unearthing the truth about these two extraordinary lives and their tumultuous times. It pays particular attention to the seven 'missing' years that Anne spent in France, and explores how she organised her side of the royal court in novel ways that ultimately sowed the seeds of her own downfall. In this feat of historical research and analysis, Guy and Fox offer a sumptuous retelling of one of the most consequential marriages in history and an exhilarating portrait of love, lust, politics and power.'Better than Wolf Hall because it's all true' ANDREW ROBERTS'A sumptuous drama of lust, intrigue and betrayal, underpinned by the harsh reality of politics' AMANDA FOREMAN

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