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  • af Greater Than a. Tourist
    143,95 kr.

    Are you excited about planning your next trip? Do you want to try something new? Would you like some guidance from a local? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this Greater Than a Tourist book is for you. Greater Than a Tourist - Gothenburg, Sweden by Christina De Paris offers the inside scoop on Gothenburg. Most travel books tell you how to travel like a tourist. Although there is nothing wrong with that, as part of the Greater Than a Tourist series, this book will give you travel tips from someone who has lived at your next travel destination.In these pages, you will discover advice that will help you throughout your stay. This book will not tell you exact addresses or store hours but instead will give you excitement and knowledge from a local that you may not find in other smaller print travel books.Travel like a local. Slow down, stay in one place, and get to know the people and the culture. By the time you finish this book, you will be eager and prepared to travel to your next destination.

  • af Kristin Harmel
    148,95 kr.

    Finalist i Goodreads Choice Awards for bedste historiske romanEn gribende roman om en ung kvinde, der hjælper hundredvis af børn med at flygte fra nazisterne, baseret på en virkelig historie fra anden verdenskrig.Den unge Eva må i 1942 flygte fra Paris, fordi hendes far, som er polsk jøde, bliver arresteret. Flugten fører hende til en lille landsby, hvor hun kommer med i en modstandsgruppe, der smugler jødiske børn over grænsen til Schweiz. I forbindelse med flugten får børnene ny identitet, og for at deres oprindelige navne ikke skal blive glemt for eftertiden, skriver Eva og hendes ven Rémy dem ind i en gammel bog ved hjælp af kodeskrift. Mere end 65 år senere arbejder Eva som bibliotekar i Florida. En morgen ser hun til sin store overraskelse et fotografi i avisen af den gamle bog med børnenes navne. Bogen er nu placeret på et bibliotek i Berlin, og den ser ud til at indeholde en kodeskrift, men forskerne ved hverken, hvor bogen kommer fra, eller hvad koderne betyder. Kun Eva kan svare på gåden – men har hun kræfter nok til at opsøge gamle minder om krigens grusomheder?”En hjertegribende fortælling om overlevelse og heltemod.” – People Magazine”Hvis du elskede Martha Hall Kellys Blomstrende syrener og Kristin Hannahs Nattergalen, vil du også elske De glemte børns bog. Anbefales til alle fans af historiske romaner om anden verdenskrig.” – Library Journal”Kristin Harmels bøger vækker glemte, men hjerteskærende ægte historier fra anden verdenskrig til live, altid med et drys af spænding og kærlighed.” – Booklist

  • - Efter Albert Camus' roman
    af Jacques Ferrandez
    206,95 kr.

    Meursault lever et passionsløst liv i Algeriet. Hans mor dør, men hun er gammel og på plejehjem, så det rører ham ikke videre. Han registrerer kvarterets beboere, passer sit job, bliver tilfældigt ven med den småkriminelle Raymond, og da den smukke Marie spørger, om han elsker ham, svarer han ”det betyder ikke noget, men det tror jeg ikke …”Tilsyneladende uden grund skyder og dræber Meursault en mand, han aldrig har mødt før, og da retssagen mod hans udåd indledes, angrer han ikke eller søger tilgivelse.Med temaer som tilværelsens meningsløshed og jegets fremmedgørelse er Albert Camus’ (1913-1960) litterære gennembrud fra 1942 en af den moderne romans mest berømte værker. Overført til tegneseriemediet af landsmanden Jacques Ferrandez, der i lighed med Camus er født op opvokset i Algeriet, gengives her en af det tyvende århundredes vigtigste fortællinger om menneskets vilkår.

  • af Phaedra Patrick
    199,95 - 206,95 kr.

    En ensom enlig far får en uventet ny chance for kærlighed. Kun hans datter Poppy ved, at bag hans afvisende ydre er Mitchell Fisher dybt ensom. Han har måske nok vendt al socialt liv og romantik ryggen og koncentrerer sig om sin datter og sit job, som består i at klippe forelskede pars hængelåse af gelænderet på hans hjembys berømte Kærlighedsbro ... men bag facaden sørger han stadig over tabet af Poppys mor.En varm sommerdag ændrer alt sig, da Mitchell modigt redder en kvinde, der er faldet i floden. Mod sine principper bliver han betaget af kvinden, men før han når at få talt med hende, er hun forsvundet.Mitchell får hjælp af sin friske søster Liza til eftersøgningen af den mystiske kvinde, som har efterladt sig et enkelt spor – en hemmelig besked på hængelåsen, som hun efterlod på Kærlighedsbroen ...

  • af Lone Theils
    138,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Diana mistede livet i en voldsom bilulykke i Paris natten til den 31. august 1997. Da den chokerende nyhed gik verden rundt, sørgede millioner af mennesker over tabet af Folkets Prinsesse, et ikon og en helt ekstraordinær kvinde, der havde formået at røre deres hjerter som ingen anden i det britiske kongehus.Forfatter Lone Theils var igennem seksten år korrespondent i London, og hun var på arbejde den dag, Diana døde. I denne bog fortæller hun om den karismatiske kvinde, der i en alder af kun tyve år blev gift ind i et af de mest traditionsbundne og lukkede kongehuse i verden. Et kongehus, som på mange måder blev en spændetrøje for Diana, indtil hun fandt modet til at gøre oprør.

  • af Downton Abbey
    363,95 kr.

    This gift set edition captures the essence of teatime at Downton Abbey, pairing an exclusive tea towel with the Afternoon Tea Cookbook, featuring classic recipes for sweets and savories, etiquette notes, and lavish imagery.The Official Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea Cookbook - Gift Set Edition presents over 55 recipes of the revered and treasured English teatime tradition. With an exclusive tea towel and an alluring and vibrant cookbook, fans of the PBS series and anglophiles alike can stage every stylish element of this cultural staple of British society at home. Spanning sweet and savory classics?like Battenberg Cake, Bakewell Tart, toffee puddings, cream scones, and tea sandwiches?the recipes capture the quintessential delicacies of the time, and the proper way to serve them. This charming cookbook also features a detailed narrative history and extols the proper decorum for teatime service, from tea gowns and tearooms to preparing and serving tea. Gorgeous food photographs, lifestyle stills from the television series and recent movie, and character quotes bring the characters of Downton Abbey?and this rich tradition?to life in contemporary times. • Includes 1 Tea Towel; 100% cotton. Size: 15" x 24" inches.

  • af Lynne Greenberg
    233,95 kr.

    A wide-ranging and appealingly fairy-sized treasury of fantastical poems from across the centuries and around the world, in a gorgeously jacketed small hardcoverFascination with fairies spans centuries and cultures. With ancient roots in pagan belief, fairies have long populated mythology, folklore, and oral and written poetry. They have seen repeated surges of renewed popularity from the Renaissance to the present fantasy-besotted moment.Elves, changelings, mermaids, pixies, and sprites, England’s Queen Mab, France’s Morgana, Scandinavian nixies, and Irish banshees: these magical creatures are sometimes mischievous, sometimes dangerous, but always enchanting. This collection brings together a diverse array of literary fairies: here are Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Shakespeare‘s Titania, and Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci,” but also Arthur Rimbaud’s “Fairy,” Goethe's "Erlking," Claude McKay’s “Snow Fairy,” Denise Levertov’s “Elves,” Sylvia Plath’s “Lorelei," and Christopher Okigbo's "Watermaid."Everyman's Library pursues the highest production standards, printing on acid-free cream-colored paper, with full-cloth cases with two-color foil stamping, decorative endpapers, silk ribbon markers, European-style half-round spines, and a full-color illustrated jacket.

  • af Stuart Fisher
    341,95 kr.

    Canals of Britain is the most comprehensive and absorbing survey of Britain's canal network ever published.It provides a fascinating insight into the linked up waterways as well as the isolated cuts and quiet waters which may not be fully navigable by larger craft. Infinitely varied, it passes picturesque open countryside, wild moorland, coastal harbours, historic industrial buildings, modern city centres, canalside public houses and abundant wildlife.Stuart Fisher looks at every aspect of the canals - their construction, rich history, stunning scenery, heritage, incredible engineering, impressive architecture and even their associated folklore, wildlife and art. Enticing photographs give a flavour of each place and places of interest close to the canals are included. Each canal is intricately mapped.For those who are keen to explore that little bit further, the book goes to points beyond which others usually turn back, with information on little-known parts of the system, offering a new insight into this country's unique, surprising and beautiful canal network. Attractive, inspiring and also a practical guide, The Canals of Britain has proved very popular with walkers, cyclists, narrowboaters, canoeists, kayakers and others wanting to get the most out of Britain's canals. This fourth edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the ever-changing landscape of Britain's canals, and includes many new colour photographs to help bring them to life.

  • af John Julius Norwich
    353,95 kr.

  • af Mike Pescod
    246,95 kr.

    Guidebook to the best winter climbing routes around Scotland's Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. All the buttresses, ridges and gullies on the NE face of Ben Nevis, Carn Dearg, Aonachs Mor and Beag, the Mamores, Glencoe, Aonach Dubh, Bidean nam Bian, Coire Gabhail, Buchaille Etive Mor, Glen Etive and Stob a'Ghlais Choire. 960 routes, 89 photo topos. The peaks of Glen Coe and the surrounding mountains give some of the best snow and ice climbing anywhere in Europe, when the conditions are right with climbers coming from as far afield as Poland, Australia, France, Italy and the US. It's justifiably a good 'tick' on any discerning world traveller's itinerary and access to the crags has greatly improved in recent years. Many of the routes are longer than experienced anywhere else in British hills and of alpine-like seriousness. Essential for all winter climbers.

  • af Jennifer Bohnet
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Enhver slutning er begyndelsen på noget nyt …Da Pixie Sampsons mand pludselig dør, arver hun det franske slot Château Quiltu i Bretagne. Ulykkelig og i dyb sorg rejser hun sammen med sin eventyrlystne mor, Gwen, til Frankrig for at sætte det til salg. Men hvad hun ikke ved er, at der med slottet også følger en ukendt logerende, Justine Martin, og dennes fireårige søn, Ferdie.Lige så stille hvirvles Pixie og Gwen ind i et mysterium, der trækker tråde tilbage til fortiden: For hvem er denne Justine? Hvorfor bor hun på slottet, og hvordan kendte hun Pixies mand?Hen over sommeren kommer fortielser og hemmeligheder op til overfladen, gamle sår begynder at hele, og noget nyt kan begynde …Pressen skrev om Den franske villa og Vores sommer i Provence:»Bohnet skriver skønne romaner, der emmer af varme og sommerstemning. Et skønt og varmt persongalleri.«–”Rigtig hyggelig bog om at finde nye retninger i livet, ny kærlighed og nye venskaber.”– Bøgerne i mit liv”En skøn og varm feriebog.” –”Denne roman er fuld af sorg, uforløst kærlighed, familieintriger, hemmeligheder og altomvæltende overraskelser. Helt klart guf til en, der elsker virkelig god feelgood-sommerlæsning.”–”Varme og velvære til alle, der kan lide feelgood-bøger.”– Lektørudtalelse

  • af Rachael Lucas
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Nogle gange sker der langt mere i en lille landsby end i storbyenDen idylliske landsby Little Maudley er det perfekte sted at søge hen for den udbrændte historielærer Lucy. Her finder hun et lille hus og får endda nedsættelse i huslejen, hvis bare hun vil holde lidt ekstra øje med den halvsure nogle-og-90-årige nabo, Bunty.Lucy har to mål med opholdet: at slappe af og fordybe sig i historien om det nærliggende Bletchley Park, der spillede en central rolle i modstandskampen under 2. Verdenskrig. Men lokalbefolkningen i Little Maudley har andre planer, og før Lucy ved af det, er hun dybt engageret i at forvandle bytorvets gamle telefonboks til et lille bibliotek.Imens spirer venskabet til den lokale snedker, Sam, og også den charmerende landsby med alle de hyggelige beboere gør indtryk på hende. Samtidig viser det sig, at Bunty har en helt særlig forbindelse til Bletchley Park og den gamle telefonboks. Noget, hun har holdt hemmeligt i årtier, og som nu endelig kommer op til overfladen …

  • af Jonathan Coe
    158,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Middle England and Mr Wilder and Me comes a brilliant new state of the nation novelIn the Birmingham suburb of Bournville, a family celebrate VE Day in 1945. With the joy of such an occasion there also come larger national questions about the nature of the horrific war the country has just been through. Following this family through generations as they navigate seventy-five years of drastic social change, from wartime nostalgia and English exceptionalism to the World Cup and coronavirus, domestic secrets and national myths leave characters and a country adrift, bewildered and divided.Bournville is the story of who we are - at our worst, and best. From bestselling author Jonathan Coe comes a novel of rare humour and humanity, a novel that holds up a mirror to our past and our present.

  • af Estelle Paranque
    126,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Downton Abbey
    258,95 kr.

    A cookbook that captures the essence of teatime at Downton Abbey with classic recipes for sweets and savories, etiquette notes, tea service knowhow, and imagery to recreate this British tradition.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    245,95 kr.

    Neil Gaiman's complete original scripts for the highly anticipated six-episode original series, adapted from the classic novel he wrote with Terry PratchettFirst published nearly thirty years ago, the novel Good Omens has sold more than five million copies worldwide and is beloved by Gaiman and Pratchett fans alike. Collected here are Neil Gaiman's original scripts for the Good Omens television series, offering readers deeper insight into Gaiman's brilliant new adaptation of a masterwork.A tale of good and evil and the end of the world, Good Omens stars Michael Sheen as the angel Aziraphale, David Tennant as the demon Crowley, and Jon Hamm as the archangel Gabriel, as well as Anna Maxwell Martin, Josie Lawrence, Adria Arjona, Michael McKean, Jack Whitehall, Miranda Richardson, and Nick Offerman.

  • af Grenville Bird
    444,95 kr.

    A fresh study of the tumultuous events of August 1870 when Prussia overthrew the established order in Europe, laying the foundations for a military and political hegemony lasting into the 20th Century.

  • af Robert Kirk
    293,95 kr.

    The Secret Commonwealth is a fascinating and enigmatic text about Celtic fairies. Written in 1691 by a Scottish clergyman, Robert Kirk, though not printed until the early 19th century, this work is an unusual account of the fae, and a complex of still mysterious extrasensory phenomena including poltergeists, clairvoyance, and 'co-walkers'.This edition was issued in 1893 in a very limited edition by the London the London publisher David Nutt. It incorporates commentary by folklorist Andrew Lang. Rebel Satori here presents a facsimile of the 1893 edition in hardback format.

  • af Karen Swan
    123,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af David Sinclair
    245,95 kr.

    By Philippe Margotin with a foreword by David Sinclair. Pop Rock Icons takes us into the extraordinary world of London, England at the time of the greatest countercultural upheaval that the country has known.

  • af Tom Cox
    126,95 kr.

    There's so much to know. It will never end, I suspect, even when it does. So much in all these lives, so many stories, even in this small place.Villages are full of tales: some are forgotten while others become a part of local folklore. But the fortunes of one West Country village are watched over and irreversibly etched into its history as an omniscient, somewhat crabby, presence keeps track of village life.In the late sixties a Californian musician blows through Underhill where he writes a set of haunting folk songs that will earn him a group of obsessive fans and a cult following. Two decades later, a couple of teenagers disturb a body on the local golf course. In 2019, a pair of lodgers discover a one-eyed rag doll hidden in the walls of their crumbling and neglected home. Connections are forged and broken across generations, but only the landscape itself can link them together. A landscape threatened by property development and superfast train corridors and speckled by the pylons whose feet have been buried across the moor.Tom Cox's masterful debut novel synthesises his passion for music, nature and folklore into a psychedelic and enthralling exploration of village life and the countryside that sustains it.

  • af George Orwell
    198,95 kr.

    “Ægte genialitet … al hans vrede og frustration fandt deres første rigtige udtryksmiddel i Vejen til Wigan Pier.” – Peter Ackroyd, The TimesVejen til Wigan Pier er en berømt reportageroman af George Orwell. Bogen har ikke tidligere været oversat til dansk og udkommer her for første gang på dansk.Bogens første del er en af Orwells mest berømte reportager fra hans ophold blandt kulminearbejdere i Nordengland i vinteren 1936. I sin usædvanligt klare og enkle stil beskriver han minearbejdernes hårde arbejde, den usle løn og de elendige boligforhold, som han også prøvede på egen krop.Bogens anden del er et essay, hvor Orwell beskriver og analyserer det engelske klassesamfund med afsæt i skildringer af sit eget liv og opvækst. Med et eminent blik for detaljerne viser han, hvordan de skarpe klasseskel står i vejen for socialismens fodfæste i England, hvilket han anser for et tvingende nødvendigt værn mod fascismens fremmarch.Opholdet i Wigan gjorde Orwell til overbevist socialist, idet han så den økonomiske ulighed, kapitalismen kunne medføre. Han var dog kritisk overfor flere af de socialistiske bevægelser og spidder i bogen den overfladiske socialisme, hvor man sympatiserer med arbejderne, men ikke omgås dem. Resultatet var, at Orwell provokerede både det politiske venstre og højre, der begge tog afstand fra ham eller brugte ham ved at tage ham til indtægt for egne synspunkter.Vejen til Wigan Pier er nr. 39 på The Guardians liste '100 best nonfiction books of all time'."... fremragende reportage fra Nordenglands barske kulminer (...) Kulminekapitlerne vokser til en blændende karakteristik af det britiske klassesamfund (...) hvis man vil ind under huden på manden, som skrev nogle af det tyvende århundredes væsentligste romaner – 'Animal Farm' (senest udsendt på dansk under titlen 'Dyregården') samt '1984', hans klassiker om Storebror-samfundet – er det denne bogs anden halvdel, man skal læse." – Jes Stein Pedersen, Politiken ❤❤❤❤❤ Langt om længe udkommer George Orwells The Road to Wigan Pier på dansk. En kras reportage fra klassesamfundets mørkeland og et sylespidst opgør med salonsocialismen … reportagejournalistik i mesterklassen … en kongenial oversættelse af Lærke Pade og med et indsigtsfuldt efterord af Per Stig Møller … Hvis man holder af 1984 og Dyregården, som begge blev genudgivet i fjor, vil man ved læsningen af Vejen til Wigan Pier se tegningen til den kritik af masseforførelse og underkastelse, som begge disse klassikere på forskellig vis kredser om.” – Adam Holm, Weekendavisen“I dette år, 1936, blev George Orwell med sine rejser til Wigan og Barcelona til den George Orwell, der skrev sig ind historien.” – Per Stig Møller, Efterord, Vejen til Wigan Pier“Orwells originalitet som forfatter består i uvilligheden til at acceptere udsagn og teorier, som ikke har bund i det selvoplevede. (…) Som en vigtig påmindelse om, at vores samfundsmæssige virkelighed nok er mere speget og indfældet, og vi mennesker repræsenterer langt mere kultur og vaner og religion, end vi normalt er klar over, er Orwells bog pligtlæsning.” – Henrik Gade Jensen,“Lyden af en stor forfatter, der finder sin autentiske stemme.” – Robert McCrum, The Guardian“Reportageromanen er intensiv læsning fra start til slut, og der er uden tvivl meget visdom at hente i Orwells ord (...) Det intense i livet, der bliver beskrevet, er eviggyldigt, og hans tanker om vores verden og samfund er lige så gyldige nu, som de var det dengang.” ­– Louise Trankjær, Skriv for livet“Orwell er en forfatter med en exceptionel umiddelbarhed, friskhed og energi – han er påståelig og dristig, skiftevis vred og meget blid … kvaliteterne i Orwells prosa er først og fremmest, at den normalt er forbilledlig klar og enkel.” – Richard Hoggart, Introduction, The Road to Wigan Pier, Penguin, 1989“Afskyeligheden i indledningen … er uovertruffen. Han synes at påvirke den moderne verden, som Engels påvirkede 1840-50’ernes verden. Men med den forskel, at Orwell er en født forfatter, hvor Engels, trods sin fyrige og strålende karakter, ganske enkelt ikke var forfatter.” – Edith Sitwell

  • af Alois Guinut
    126,95 kr.

  • af A-Z Maps
    198,95 kr.

    Discover the best biking routes around Europe.The definitive European motorcycle touring bible, with the best biking roads presented in 100 easy-to-follow, tried-and-tested routes from motorcycle journalist, author and traveller Simon Weir.

  • af Ben Miles
    196,95 kr.

    A photography book that is a vital accompaniment to the many fans of Hilary Mantel's bestselling Wolf Hall Trilogy, now a major TV series

  • af Kris Manjapra
    106,95 kr.

    'One of the most important and timely books I've had the privilege to read' Corinne Fowler, author of Green Unpleasant LandA revelatory historical indictment of the long afterlife of slavery in the Atlantic world To fully understand why the shadow of slavery haunts us today, we must confront the flawed way that it ended. We celebrate abolition - in Haiti after the revolution, in the British Empire in 1833, in the United States during the Civil War. Yet in Black Ghost of Empire, acclaimed historian Kris Manjapra argues that during each of these supposed emancipations, Black people were dispossessed by the moves that were meant to free them. Emancipation, in other words, simply codified the existing racial caste system - rather than obliterating it. Ranging across the Americas, Europe and Africa, Manjapra unearths disturbing truths about the Age of Emancipations, 1780-1880. In Britain, reparations were given to wealthy slaveowners, not the enslaved, a vast debt that was only paid off in 2015, and the crucial role of Black abolitionists and rebellions in bringing an end to slavery has been overlooked. In Jamaica, Black people were liberated only to enter into an apprenticeship period harsher than slavery itself. In the American South, the formerly enslaved were 'freed' into a system of white supremacy and racial terror. Across Africa, emancipation served as an alibi for colonization. None of these emancipations involved atonement by the enslavers and their governments for wrongs committed, or reparative justice for the formerly enslaved-an omission that grassroots Black organizers and activists are rightly seeking to address today. Black Ghost of Empire will rewire readers' understanding of the world in which we live. Paradigm-shifting, lucid and courageous, this book shines a light into the enigma of slavery's supposed death, and its afterlives.

  • af Eloisa James
    99,94 kr.

    The rules of marriage . . . according to Miss Annabel EssexA husband must be:Rich.Make that very rich. She's had enough of leaky roofs and thread-worn clothing.English.London is the center of the civilized world, and Annabel has a passion for silk and hot water.Amiable.Good-looking would be nice, but not necessary. Same for intelligent.Isn't she lucky? She's found just the man! And her chosen spouse is nothing like the impoverished Scottish Earl of Ardmore, who has nothing but his gorgeous eyes, his brainand his kissesto recommend him.So what cruel twist of fate put her in a carriage on her way to Scotland with just that impoverished earl and all the world thinking they're man and wife? Sleeping in the same bed? Not to mention the game of words started by the earlin which the prize is a kiss. And the forfeit . . . Well. They are almost married, after all!

  • af Christine de Pizan
    143,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    198,95 kr.

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