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  • af Francis Vielé-Griffin
    103,95 kr.

  • af W James Ehrlich
    119,95 kr.

    A collection of short stories exploring glimpses of how the world is connected in ways that we would never expect but at the same time make perfect sense with reason beyond our own. The collection covers a weeklong trip by an American to the Netherlands for a physics conference in Groningen.

  • af James Cant
    378,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Philip T. Sicker
    778,95 kr.

    An indispensable resource for scholars and students of James Joyce, Joyce Studies Annual gathers essays by foremost scholars and emerging voices in the field.

  • af Robert Hardman
    358,95 - 445,95 kr.

    The dramatic story of the new king's evolution over the past year from Prince of Wales to King Charles III, from one of the most acclaimed royal biographers writing today.No British monarch has had a tougher act to follow. Now, after seventy years of waiting and preparation, King Charles III is not just the head of the most famous family in the world. He is the custodian of a thousand-year-old institution which must redefine its place in the digital age while others insist on rewriting the past. With unrivaled access to the king, the royal family, and the court, leading royal authority Robert Hardman brings us the inside story on the most pivotal and challenging year for the monarchy in living memory. From the death of Elizabeth II through to the ancient spectacle of the Coronation, from the rise of a new Prince and Princess of Wales to the latest "truth bombs" from the Sussexes, this is the story of the making of a monarch.

  • af Val McDermid
    138,95 kr.

    1989. Verden er på randen af en revolution, og journalisten Allie Burns er tilbage. Ældre og måske lidt klogere, leder hun nu nyhedsafdelingen på The Sunday Globe i Glasgow. Hun er ikke længere graverjournalist, men nyhedsredaktør og stadig skrækslagen for at ende i rendestenen sammen med de brutale britiske tabloidmedier. Og hun får travlt. Året begynder med en mindegudstjeneste for ofrene fra Lockerbie-bombningen, og Allie har knap nok leveret den historie, før hun falder over en chokerende historie om aids-patienter. Den avisverden hun opererer i er under stærk forandring, og den kolde krig præger tiden. Da et mord sker, bliver Allie tvunget til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved flere af sine gamle overbevisninger.1989 er anden bog i en planlagt serie på fem bind om Allie Burns. Vi følger hende fra 1979 og frem gennem fem årtier, på rejsen fra ung journalist til garvet ekspert, gennem mordsager og op- og nedture i karrieren, med Storbritanniens historie som medrivende bagtæppe. Allie Burns er baseret på Val McDermids egne erfaringer som ung journalist i 1970’ernes Glasgow.

  • - Miss Austen efterforsker 1
    af Jessica Bull
    224,95 kr.

    En ung Jane Austen er optaget af at sikre sig et frieri fra den kække Tom Lefroy ved et lokalt bal. Men da liget af en hattemager dukker op i et linnedskab, bliver Jane involveret i et uventet mordmysterium. Mens hun kæmper mod uret for at rense sin elskede bror Georgys navn, bruger Jane sin fornuft til at navigere i samfundets forræderiske farvande, mens hun afslører hemmeligheder og skjulte motiver undervejs. Slut dig til Jane i jagten på retfærdighed, hvor hun står over for fare, bedrag og skandale blandt sine egne venner og naboer. Vil hun afsløre sandheden i tide, eller vil den rigtige morder gå fri? En ting er sikkert: I Hampshire er intet, som det ser ud til...

  • - Stamfordmysterierne 1
    af E.C. Bateman
    198,95 kr.

    Da Felicia Grants far falder og brækker benet, føler hun sig tvunget til at tage tilbage til sin families auktionshus i Stamford for at lede den forestående auktion. Hun lover sig selv, at det kun bliver for en kort bemærkning. Men da hammeren falder på det sidste bud, vælter liget af hendes fars forretningsrival ud det skab, der var under hammeren. Og han er blevet myrdet midt under den tætpakkede auktion! Snart er Felicia hvirvlet ind i et mysterium, hvor alle i lokalsamfundet er under mistanke, inklusiv hende selv. Efterhånden som flere lig dukker op, og de mennesker, hun elsker, bliver truet, tager Felicia sagen i egen hånd. Men selv de mest idylliske byer har deres hemmeligheder..

  • af Georgette Heyer
    74,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Den elegante og fandenivoldske adelsmand og forfører Dominic Alistair er af omtale bedst kendt som Djævelens Søn – dels på grund af sin fars mange udskejelser, dels på grund af sin egen vilde livsstil. Efter at have såret sin modstander i en duel, tvinges Dominique til at forlade England og rejse til Frankrig. Han har planer om at tage den borgerlige og charmerende miss Sophia Challoner med sig som sin elskerinde. Men Sophias søster og modsætning, den altid beherskede og kloge Mary, nægter at lade Djævelens Søn ødelægge sin søsters ry, og beslutter sig for i forklædning at tage Sophias plads på rejsen. Pludselig er Mary på vej mod Frankrig i selskab med en af Londons mest berømte og berygtede ungkarle …Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet og første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Analogue
    148,95 kr.

    By mixing text, 3D animation and a dynamic physicality, this play is a powerful look at the ripple effects of one man's decision.

  • af R. J. Hunter
    256,95 kr.

    Born in County Meath, Robert John Hunter was educated at Wesley College and Trinity College, Dublin. After graduation he began his extensive and all-consuming research on the Ulster Plantation. Through his meticulous research he gained an encyclopaedic knowledge of his subject acquiring a reputation as one of the great experts on this seminal event in Irish history.Published for the first time is Bob Hunter's MLitt dissertation 'The Ulster Plantation in the Counties of Armagh and Cavan 1608-41, a fascinating study of two counties that were an integral part of the Plantation of Ulster.In his penetrating analysis of the impact of Plantation in Armagh and Cavan, R.J. Hunter demonstrates his mastery of the sources, his eye for detail and his succinctness of presentation. Hunter's command of his subject - in places magisterial - was grounded on a strong chronological foundation, in which each development was located in its proper time and place.The depth of understanding that Hunter brings to these and other aspects of plantation society is matched by the depth of the archival research that underpins it.

  • af Bertrand Lavigne
    359,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    313,95 - 446,95 kr.

  • af Leopold Delisle
    360,95 - 363,95 kr.

    Chronique de Robert de Torigni, abb����� du Mont-Saint-Michel, est un livre �����crit par L�����opold Delisle en 1873. Il s'agit du deuxi�����me volume de cette chronique, qui relate l'histoire de l'abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel et de la Normandie au Moyen �����ge. Robert de Torigni �����tait un moine b�����n�����dictin qui a v�����cu au XIIe si�����cle et qui a �����t����� abb����� du Mont-Saint-Michel pendant plusieurs ann�����es. Il a �����crit une chronique d�����taill�����e de son temps, qui est une source importante pour l'histoire de cette p�����riode. Le livre de Delisle est une �����dition critique de la chronique de Robert de Torigni, avec des notes et des commentaires pour aider les lecteurs ������ comprendre le texte. Il est �����crit en fran�����ais et est destin����� aux historiens et aux �����tudiants int�����ress�����s par l'histoire de la Normandie et du Mont-Saint-Michel.This Book Is In French.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Thabisile Mnqayi
    403,95 kr.

    Este livro foi escrito a favor das pessoas que gostariam de explorar as vidas e as lutas dos aprendentes de uma segunda língua na África do Sul, na província de KwaZulu Natal, em Durban, na cidade de Umlazi, que serve de exemplo a todos os aprendentes de uma segunda língua que têm a sua língua materna como a única língua com que se deparam em quase todas as esferas das suas vidas, mas que têm de aprender uma segunda língua, na qual se deparam com muitos desafios na sua tentativa de aprender.

  • af Tabisile Mnkaji
    404,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga napisana dlq teh, kto hotel by izuchit' zhizn' i trudnosti izuchaüschih wtoroj qzyk w Juzhnoj Afrike, w prowincii Kwazulu-Natal, w Durbane, w poselke Umlazi, kotoryj sluzhit obrazcom dlq wseh izuchaüschih wtoroj qzyk, dlq kotoryh rodnoj qzyk qwlqetsq edinstwennym qzykom, s kotorym oni stalkiwaütsq pochti wo wseh sferah swoej zhizni, no wynuzhdeny izuchat' wtoroj qzyk, na kotorom oni stalkiwaütsq s mnozhestwom problem w swoem stremlenii k obucheniü.

  • af Amy Raine
    100,95 kr.

    Charlie, a young and struggling waitress, supports her alcoholic mother in working-class Liverpool. Out of desperation, she turns to sex work to make ends meet. A chance encounter with a wealthy hotelier sparks an intense romance crossing rigid social boundaries. Charlie dreams of equality in their relationship, but deep down doubts whether their passion can overcome the vast differences in their backgrounds. Yet she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her enigmatic lover as they navigate the conflicts between their contrasting worlds.

  • af Maureen Thornton
    115,95 kr.

    Parallel Lives is a romantic story set in the past and the present. Aine Masterson, a young Irish woman inherits an 18th century mansion and estate called Benbulbin that lies along the Sligo and Fermanagh border. Although her marriage is on the rocks, not being able to stop herself, she falls in love with it. Throwing away all thoughts of a high-powered career in the EU and against her husband's wishes, and those of some of the locals who know it's cursed, she sets out to restore Benbulbin. Unbeknown to her, Benbulbin already has a resident. A young man, William Fitzwilliam, son of the original owner of the house, a ghost since the 18th century. He has been seeking release from the curse of the 'Slaughtered' and his responsible death of his wife-to-be. Aine is the key to releasing him from his purgatory. But there are London villains seeking the house and what lies beneath it.

  • af Walter Stephen
    152,95 kr.

    Twelve Great Scots and their Roots brings together People - the Great Scots, Place - where they were shaped and flourished, and Fame - their legacy. None of the Great Scots was born great. There is no Robert the Bruce here, no Mary, Queen of Scots. (Although Robert III and James I get a mention). There are four knights in the list, but they all came from modest beginnings and made their way up the greasy pole by native genius and hard work. Two of the Great Scots are still alive, and it is particularly satisfying that Dr Jim Swire and Lockerbie are given close attention. The Great Scots selected may be celebrated in their own fields and internationally, but some may be new to some. All are interesting in their own way, but one or two pose a puzzle. Who turned geology upside-down? What has number 38 in the Periodic Table of Elements to do with a little Highland village? What is a thrum? What do a great Canadian city and an obscure hamlet in Mull have in common? Familiar or not we have twelve interesting places with twelve interesting - and sometimes unlikely - stories behind them. A feature of the book is its emphasis on first-hand observation and thinking for oneself - based on evidence. Consequently, each chapter has a trail, so that the reader can check the veracity of the author's stories and even be inspired to cover the ground.

  • af Anna Cutler
    79,95 kr.

    What was your experience of art in school? Was it all doilies, cheap paint, and crusty brushes? Or was it better than that but you still wondered why it seemed to be the runt of the educational litter. In this humorous, engaging, and thought-provoking book, Anna Cutler, a leading figure in art education, takes you on a journey through her personal experiences and reflections on the value of art in schools. By the end you'll come to realise that the stakes are surprisingly high for the social, emotional, and intellectual development of our children. It is an impassioned plea to nourish, within and beyond schools, the one resource that will never run out: the human capacity to create. "Engagingly informal and on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, this wise and witty book can be absorbed quite effortlessly in one sitting. It leaves you with the sense that you've enjoyed one-on-one tuition from the favourite teacher you never had." Dr Shane Kinghorn, Manchester Metropolitan University. "I learned a great deal reading this book and laughed in all the right places. It is a powerful, persuasive 'Call to Arts'." Andrew McGuinness, author.

  • af Terence Roberts
    94,95 kr.

    In the depths of industrial West Yorkshire during the transformative era of the 1960s and 1970s, Red Bricks and Loose Dogs takes readers on a profound journey of introspection. Inspired by the unwavering honesty of Father Jim, a trusted and wise man, the story unravels the truth behind the boy who grew into a man. Father Jim, revered for his wisdom, kept a powerful revelation hidden until his final moments. He shattered the illusion of his authority to grant heavenly visas or offer absolution, asserting that it is our personal responsibility to face the truth and examine our own past behaviours. Guided by Father Jim's honesty, the author of this remarkable memoir transports readers to the vibrant tapestry of his youth, set against the gritty industrial landscapes of West Yorkshire. Within this backdrop, the author rediscovers the influential people and defining moments that shaped his thinking and character for years to come.

  • af Benno Schlicker
    137,95 kr.

    In the aftermath of the Siege of Toulon, Napoleon emerges triumphant, driving the British from the Midi Region of Southern France. Yet, the shadow of war with Austria looms ominously. While battling external foes, Napoleon faces internal demons: the treacherous political landscape of Paris, the snare of Barras, and a corrupt Directory eager to undermine him. Despite saving a government that once sought his demise, having him imprisoned during the chilling Jacobin purges post-Robespierre, Napoleon's resilience shines. His decisive 'Whiff of Grapeshot' during the Vendemaire crisis not only earns him accolades and the command of the Army of Italy, holding back Austrians in the rugged terrains of Genoa and Piedmont but also the heart of Josephine de Beauharnais, his legendary love. Napoleon General: Mountain Paths meticulously chronicles this turbulent era, offering readers an immersive journey into warfare's evolving artistry and Napoleon's growing genius within it.

  • af Penelope Kanaar
    129,95 kr.

    Following the tumultuous few months of courtship, Yvonne and Ricard settle in to enjoy their honeymoon in the English New Forest, when an unexpected phone call sends them into a tailspin and drags them and his parents back to their farm in France, where they are greeted by the police to find things are not as they'd left them. How much of what is revealed to the police during their investigations is true? And where are the red herrings leading everyone? During the inquiries which continue during the ensuing weeks, insights into the personal lives of the characters are opened up; while adapting to her new role as wife and step-mother, Yvonne begins to discover some truths that throw her off course, making her doubt everything she has known and come to love about Ricard; Ricard discovers events he never knew about his parents and tries to overcome his constant jealous streak which has plagued their relationship for years and his and Yvonne's from the time they first met.

  • af Abdullahi Osman Mohamed
    92,95 kr.

    The stories in this book are about a man who was born on an unknown date in the wilderness of a countryside in the continent of Africa. When he was a boy, he struggled to come and live in his country's capital city. After seeing some children of his age going to school, he strived to find education for himself with minimal help from some relatives. After a long adventurous life with awkward, complicated education and rough work experiences, followed by a disheartening civil war exposure in his country, he ended up working with a British school in England. Then, he started to educate a rainbow of multicultural children from all over the world, to build their future in Britain. He also helped the school to interpret four foreign languages and his own mother's language. He then assisted the school to build a bridge between the culture gap of the communities and the school. These adventurous stories are interesting and are real inspiration to anyone who would like to know how disadvantaged people can be successful and helpful to others. The stories in this book are powerful and moving memoirs. They show some incredibly emotive experiences. They reveal how the writer has tackled some difficult incidents that are all true. He tells the stories in an honest way. The stories are emotional, and unforgettable. They show how the writer dealt with a span of cultures despite being an outsider. So, dive in and find out how all these adventurous stories happened. One thing is for sure, you will enjoy reading them to the end.

  • af Lois Sinclair
    85,95 kr.

    Scruffy, deaf, and homeless, life on the streets is tough for young Albi. What could the future possibly hold for an abandoned Spanish Podenco puppy that has been hit by a car and can't hear? Yet despite a traumatic start, Albi's life changes when he is rescued, brought to the UK, and fostered by Lois Sinclair, founder of the rescue charity, Gracehounds, and a passionate dog lover who has shared her life and home with numerous canine companions. Before long, Lois and Albi's lives become interwoven. With Lois's nursing background and Albi's intuitive nature, the pair soon find themselves volunteering in the animal healthcare sector. Albi also develops a reputation as a transition dog, offering support to other dogs and their owners during times of loss. But Albi is a free spirit. He also has health issues. And while his sensitive nature earns him many friends and admirers, there will be challenges ahead, including surgery. As Albi continues to enrich Lois's life, questions remain. Albi may have found a forever home but can the love and hope which bind him and Lois sustain him? And does this unique animal have the strength to live the life that every dog deserves?

  • af Christine Cartledge
    92,95 kr.

    Parallel Lives presents an enchanting tapestry of tales woven with the threads of ordinary lives touched by the extraordinary. From the bustling streets of the United Kingdom to the sun-drenched vistas of Italy, each story beckons readers into worlds both familiar and fantastical. Dive into the lives of vibrant characters, young and old, as they embark on soul-stirring journeys. Whether it's the gentle sway of a cruise ship or the spirited energy of a racing stable, the hallowed quiet of a church or the mesmerizing allure of a witch's den, every setting is a doorway to wonder. Journey to a Welsh farm, soar through the bustling hubbub of an airport, seek solace in a convent, marvel at the artistry of a tattoo parlour, and find warmth in a care home for the elderly. Along the way, encounter people from all walks of life, each with a unique tale to tell, a lesson to learn, or a secret to share. And in the midst of this rich tapestry, discover the charm of an imaginary companion who binds these tales together. In Parallel Lives, every page is an invitation to step into a realm where the mundane meets the magical, and life's simplest moments hold the promise of wonder.

  • af Sheila Longman
    100,95 kr.

    On a long car journey to Norfolk, Little Jo's repetitive chant, 'We're going to the wide, flat land, the wide, flat land, the wide, flat land,' resonates through the car, much to her older brother's annoyance. Hailing from Surrey, the siblings have always been enchanted by the charm of East Anglia's countryside, their anticipation heightened by the nostalgic tales of their mother's own childhood holidays on the north-east coast. Upon arrival at their quaint holiday cottage, a chance encounter with a neighbour sets them on a path that will change their lives forever. The Pritchards are soon faced with the unsettling shadows of their mother's past. Through this unexpected journey, they learn the essence of overcoming, the grace of empathy, and the power of loving support in encouraging others. Amidst the expansive tranquillity of the wide, flat land, they discover a healing peace, a calming beauty, a secure haven, and a renewed hope for the future of their extended family.

  • af Tim Crouch
    140,95 kr.

    And that's the moment when I leave.The moment when the jokes fail us. When I fail. I fail.This precise moment here, look, see with your ears.The Fool leaves King Lear before the blinding. Before the killing starts. Before the ice-creams in the interval.In his new solo work, playwright Tim Crouch draws on ideas of virtual reality to send the Fool back to the future of the play that he left. Back to a world without moral leadership or integrity; a world where wealth covers vice; where the poor are dehumanised; where the jokes fall flat; where live art has become the privilege of the few.Truth's a Dog Must to Kennel is a daringly unaccommodating piece of theatre that switches between scathingly funny stand-up and an audacious act of collective imagining. King Lear meets stand-up meets the metaverse. Crouch's previous celebrated works include An Oak Tree, The Author, Adler & Gibb, Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation, and Beginners.This edition was published to coincide with the production at The Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh in August 2022.

  • af Mandy Robotham
    98,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Juli, 1940. Blitz-ramte London: Marnie Ferns liv bliver revet fra hinanden, da hendes bedstefar bliver dræbt i et luftangreb. Men da hun opdager, at han har arbejdet undercover som radiooperatør for den hollandske modstandsbevægelse, ved Marnie, at hun skal fuldføre hans mission –uanset hvad det koster. Nazi-besatte Amsterdam: I den anden ende af den trådløse forbindelse er med operatøren Corrie Bakker fanget i et farligt spil katten-efter-musen. Hun forsøger desperat at holde sinekære ude af skudlinjen – også selvom det betyder, at hun må ofre sig selv. Forbundet af de usynlige ledninger mellem deres radioer fører de to kvinder parallelle liv i hver deres by. Men da nazisterne nærmer sigen af dem, er det op til den anden at redde hende.

  • af Alain Robbe-Grillet
    168,95 kr.

    Newly reissued with an eye-catching cover by Peter Mendelsund, one of legendary avant-garde writer Alain Robbe-Grillet's most important works

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