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  • af Lynsay Sands
    107,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Cecil Warburton
    133,95 kr.

    THERE are certain days of the year when the immense wealth of spider industry going on all around us is revealed in a way calculated to strike even the least observant. We all know¿and derive no peculiarly pleasant thrill from the knowledge¿that we can, if so minded, find abundance of cobwebs and their occupants by visiting the cellar or the tool-house; and probably we have all at times noticed, with a languid interest, large circular webs on our favourite rose-bushes, with a spider motionless in the centre. But some spring or autumn morning, when the night has been foggy and the sun has only just succeeded in dispersing the mists, every bush and hedge is seen to be draped, every square foot of lawn and meadow to be carpeted with spiders¿ silk. There has been no special activity in the domain of these creatures, but every silken line is beaded with drops perhaps fifty times its diameter, and what yesterday required careful observation to detect is now visible yards away, and we realise for once something of the prodigious activity constantly going on though ordinarily unnoted. And it never entirely ceases. True hibernation, if it ever occurs, is not the rule among spiders, and there is no time of the year when some species may not be found at work. Beat trees or bushes over an old umbrella, or sweep grass and herbage with a sweeping net in summer, and you will never draw a blank¿some spiders are sure to be found. In winter such measures are profitless, but if you take the trouble to grub among ground vegetation, or shake fallen leaves over a newspaper, or search under stones or logs of wood you will have no difficulty in finding spiders enough, and by no means dormant. I have even seen an enthusiastic collector remove inches of snow and disinter rare species from among the roots of the grass beneath!

  • af Philip K. Dick
    163,95 kr.

    "Second Variety" is a science fiction short story written by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1953 and is part of Dick's collection of short stories. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth is devastated by war, and two factions are locked in a conflict. The narrative explores themes of identity, trust, and the consequences of advanced technology.Philip K. Dick is known for his thought-provoking and often dystopian science fiction works. "Second Variety" is an example of his exploration of the impact of technology on society and the blurred lines between human and artificial intelligence.If you are a fan of Philip K. Dick's writing or enjoy science fiction that delves into philosophical and existential themes, "Second Variety" could be a compelling read. You may find it in collections of Dick's short stories or anthologies of science fiction literature.

  • af Hudson Stuck
    163,95 kr.

    "The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley)" is a book written by Hudson Stuck. Published in 1914, the book recounts the first ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley), the highest peak in North America, which took place in June 1913. Hudson Stuck, an Episcopal Archdeacon, led the expedition that successfully reached the summit.The book not only details the challenges and triumphs of the ascent but also provides insights into the natural beauty of the Alaskan wilderness surrounding Denali. Stuck's narrative captures the spirit of exploration and adventure prevalent during the early 20th century.For those interested in mountaineering, exploration, and the history of climbing Denali, "The Ascent of Denali" by Hudson Stuck is a significant work that documents a pioneering achievement in the world of mountain exploration.

  • af Valerie Desmond
    163,95 kr.

    This strange, topsy-turvey country, not content with having fruit with stones on the outside, has made the unique experiment of handing over its government to its peasantry! Other lands have at times fallen under the sway of the hoi-polloi, but this has always been temporary, and the result of some hysterical upheaval. But in Australia this has not been the case. The electors calmly and deliberately voted the Labour Party into power in April, 1910, and, since then, two of the six ridiculous States that this country of four and a-half millions has divided itself into have also calmly and deliberately decided, by majorities, to entrust their national guidance to butchers and bakers and candlestick-makers. That any body of people should do this¿even in a country where every man and woman, irrespective of education, wealth, or social position has a vote¿seems unintelligible to the English visitor. It certainly was unintelligible to me at first. It grew more of a mystery when I saw and heard several of the Labour leaders. Then I saw and heard the Liberal leaders, and I no longer wondered.

  • af George Grimm
    218,95 kr.

    Persons who have yet to make their acquaintance with the early history of New South Wales will learn with surprise that the colony had been founded for almost a quarter of a century before the Blue Mountain barrier was crossed. For so long a period it was scarcely possible to proceed more than forty miles from Sydney in any direction. Many a despairing look must those early settlers have cast on the frowning ramparts of the range, which, leaving only a narrow margin between itself and the sea, threatened to convert the cradle of the colony into a Procrustes' bed, to which its dimensions would have to conform in the future, as they had done in the past. This sense of confinement was the harder to bear that it was met with in a land of freedom; and many a time did the caged eagle dash itself with fruitless rage against the bars of its prison. A record of the unsuccessful attempts to get beyond the main range would form a heroic chapter of our history, and one, too, of which we might well feel proud, if there is any truth in the saying that in great undertakings it is glorious even to fail. Within four months after the arrival of the "first fleet" our annals present a picture of Governor Phillip and party struggling laboriously westward to the gorges of the mountains.

  • af George Hamlin Fitch
    163,95 kr.

    "The Critic in the Orient" is a travelogue written by George Hamlin Fitch. Published in 1913, the book chronicles Fitch's experiences and observations as he travels through various countries in the Orient, providing insights into the cultures, customs, and landscapes of the region.George Hamlin Fitch, an American author and journalist, was known for his travel writings and works that explored different aspects of society. In "The Critic in the Orient," he likely offers a critical and analytical perspective on the places he visited, sharing his impressions of the Orient during the early 20th century.For readers interested in travel literature, cultural exploration, and the perspectives of Western travelers in the Orient during the early 1900s, "The Critic in the Orient" by George Hamlin Fitch offers a firsthand account of the author's journey through diverse and fascinating landscapes.

  • af Anna Konyev
    333,95 - 420,95 kr.

  • af Mario Emilio Cosenza
    312,95 - 317,95 kr.

    ""Francesco Petrarca and the Revolution of Cola di Rienzo"" is a historical book written by Mario Emilio Cosenza. The book focuses on the life and works of Francesco Petrarca, a renowned Italian scholar, poet, and humanist, and his involvement in the revolution led by Cola di Rienzo, a Roman politician and revolutionary. The book provides a detailed account of the political and cultural climate of 14th century Italy, and how Petrarca's works and ideas influenced the revolution led by di Rienzo. The author also explores the relationship between Petrarca and di Rienzo, and how their collaboration helped shape the political landscape of Italy during that time.Through extensive research and analysis of primary sources, Cosenza provides a comprehensive overview of the events leading up to the revolution, the role of Petrarca in the movement, and the aftermath of the revolution. The book also delves into the impact of the revolution on Italian politics and culture, and how it paved the way for the Renaissance.Overall, ""Francesco Petrarca and the Revolution of Cola di Rienzo"" is a fascinating read for anyone interested in Italian history, literature, and politics. It offers a unique perspective on the life and works of Petrarca, and sheds light on an important period in Italian history.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Recules Jusqu'a Charlemagne (1850)
    af Maximilien De Ring
    389,95 - 526,95 kr.

    Le livre ""Histoire Des Germains: Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Recules Jusqu�������a Charlemagne (1850)"" de De Ring, Maximilien est une �����tude approfondie de l'histoire des peuples germaniques depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'������ l'�����poque de Charlemagne. L'auteur explore l'origine, la culture et les traditions de ces peuples, ainsi que leur influence sur l'histoire de l'Europe. Le livre est divis����� en plusieurs chapitres qui couvrent les diff�����rentes p�����riodes de l'histoire germanique, de l'�����ge de pierre ������ l'Empire carolingien. De Ring utilise des sources historiques fiables et des recherches approfondies pour pr�����senter une image claire et pr�����cise de l'histoire des Germains. Ce livre est une ressource pr�����cieuse pour les historiens, les �����tudiants et les amateurs d'histoire qui cherchent ������ comprendre l'histoire de l'Europe et l'influence des peuples germaniques sur cette r�����gion.This Book Is In French.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Jean-Claude Izzo
    148,95 kr.

    Questo libro nasce per cercare una piccola consolazione alla nostalgia dei lettori che tanto hanno amato e amano Jean-Claude Izzo, scrittore e personaggio. Raccoglie gli scritti e i racconti inediti dell'autore marsigliese. Testi che hanno a che vedere con quelli che sono i temi fondamentali della sua opera: Marsiglia, il mare e il noir mediterraneo, genere letterario che lui stesso inventò. Ci sono tre brevi, bellissimi testi dedicati a tre grandi protagonisti della cucina e del paesaggio mediterraneo: l'aglio, il basilico e la menta. Ci sono molti scritti su Marsiglia, città unica al mondo, con il suo porto, la sua storia, la musica, gli esuli che ha accolto da ogni angolo della terra. Ci sono pezzi struggenti sulla bellezza del mare, sull'identità del Mediterraneo, necessario punto d'incontro tra i popoli delle sue rive, tra il sud e il nord. C'è la riflessione sul noir mediterraneo. Ci sono i pensieri di Izzo sul suo personaggio più amato, l'ex flic Fabio Montale, e un bel racconto inedito: "La cena di Natale di Fabio Montale". Un piccolo libro che farà la gioia dei tantissimi ammiratori di Izzo, che darà loro notizie in più sull'amato autore, che riaccenderà la commozione che abbiamo provato leggendo i suoi romanzi.

  • af Alexis Paucton
    283,95 - 416,95 kr.

    ""Theorie De La Vis D�������Archimede"" est un livre �����crit en 1768 par Alexis Paucton. Il s'agit d'une analyse approfondie de la vis d'Archim�����de, un dispositif m�����canique qui utilise une vis inclin�����e pour soulever de l'eau ou d'autres liquides. Paucton examine les principes physiques derri�����re la vis d'Archim�����de, y compris la pression, la force et la gravit�����, et explique comment ces principes fonctionnent ensemble pour cr�����er un syst�����me efficace de levage de liquides. Le livre contient �����galement des illustrations et des diagrammes d�����taill�����s pour aider ������ expliquer les concepts pr�����sent�����s. ""Theorie De La Vis D�������Archimede"" est consid�����r����� comme un ouvrage important dans le domaine de la m�����canique et a influenc����� de nombreux ing�����nieurs et scientifiques depuis sa publication.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Ou Notices Sur Les Iles Aeoliennes, Pour Servir A L'Histoire Des Volcans (1783)
    af Deodat De Dolomieu
    254,95 - 387,95 kr.

    Le livre ""Voyage Aux Iles De Lipari, Fait En 1781: Ou Notices Sur Les Iles Aeoliennes, Pour Servir A L'Histoire Des Volcans"" a �����t����� �����crit par Deodat De Dolomieu et publi����� en 1783. Ce livre raconte les voyages de l'auteur sur les �����les de Lipari, situ�����es dans la mer Tyrrh�����nienne, en Italie. Il y d�����crit les volcans et les ph�����nom�����nes g�����ologiques de ces �����les, ainsi que leur histoire et leur culture. Ce livre est consid�����r����� comme une r�����f�����rence dans l'�����tude des volcans et des ph�����nom�����nes g�����ologiques, et a contribu����� ������ l'avancement de la science dans ce domaine. Il est �����crit en fran�����ais.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af DK
    343,95 - 448,95 kr.

    Discover the pivotal political, military, and cultural events that shaped British and Irish history, from Stone Age Britain to the present day, in this revised and updated ebook.Combining over 700 photographs, maps, and artworks with accessible text, the History of Britain and Ireland is an invaluable resource for families, students, and anyone seeking to learn more about the fascinating story of the England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Spanning six distinct periods of British and Irish history, this ebook is the best way to find out how Britain transformed with the Norman rule, fought two world wars in the 20th century, and faced new economic challenges in the 21st century.DK's visual guide places key figures - from Alfred the Great to Winston Churchill - and major events - from Roman invasion to the Battle of Britain - in their wider context, making it easier than ever before to learn how they influenced Britain and Ireland's development through the age of empire into the modern era.

  • - Comedie En Cinq Actes (1882)
    af Jean Baptiste Poquelin De Molière
    225,95 - 358,95 kr.

    L'Avare est une com�����die en cinq actes �����crite par Moli�����re, �����galement connu sous le nom de Jean Baptiste Poquelin De. L'histoire suit Harpagon, un vieil homme avare et �����go�����ste qui valorise l'argent plus que tout autre chose dans sa vie. Il est obs�����d����� par son tr�����sor et est pr������t ������ tout pour le prot�����ger, m������me si cela signifie tromper sa famille et ses amis. Cependant, sa cupidit����� finit par le conduire ������ des situations comiques et embarrassantes. La pi�����ce explore des th�����mes tels que l'avarice, l'amour, la famille et la tromperie. Elle a �����t����� publi�����e en 1668 et est consid�����r�����e comme l'une des plus grandes �����uvres de Moli�����re.With Introduction, Notes, And Indices.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Francois Furstenberg
    248,95 kr.

    "A bright, absorbing account of a short period in history that still resounds today.” —Kirkus ReviewsBeautifully written and brilliantly argued, When the United States Spoke French offers a fresh perspective on the tumultuous years of America as a young nation, when the Atlantic world's first republican experiments were put to the test. It explores the country's formative period from the viewpoint of five distinguished Frenchmen who took refuge in America after leaving their homes and families in France, crossing the Atlantic, and landing in Philadelphia. Through their stories, we see some of the most famous events of early American history in a new light—from the battles with Native Americans on the western frontier to the Haitian Revolution, the Whiskey Rebellion to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

  • af Rowan Keats
    88,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Rose
    188,95 kr.

  • af Tony Kushner
    332,95 - 1.528,95 kr.

    Refugee crises are one of the gravest problems facing the modern world. This book explores the paradox of why countries such as Britain pride themselves on their past treatment of refugees yet are suspicious and hostile towards asylum seekers trying to gain entry. It explores the contemporary treatment and representation of refugees ranging from the Huguenots in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries through to the many groups that have gained entry more recently. Was the treatment of refugees such as Jews escaping Tsarist and later Nazi persecution as welcoming as politicians and others now make out? Why have some groups been remembered positively, whilst others have been forgotten? Remembering refugees plays particular attention to how historians and those in the heritage industry have dealt with the refugee presence. By adopting an original and critical framework, it asks why a variety of academic disciplines, as well as politicians, the media and the general public, have difficulty with refugees. A richly textured book that utilizes a huge range of sources from parliamentary debates through to novels, films and autobiographical writing, it argues that the current panic about refugees and asylum seekers says more about the moral failings of contemporary society than it does about those fleeing persecution.

  • af Chris Abani
    176,95 kr.

  • af John Baxter
    158,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Milner
    338,95 - 1.123,95 kr.

    Amidst continuing debates about the literary canon, Literature, Culture and Society poses a revealing question--if academics find it valuable and stimulating to discuss texts ranging from Genesis to Bladerunner in their leisure time, why do they act as if this is sacrosanct in their formal work? In this well- argued and refreshing discussion of the history and importance of literary criticism, Milner embraces a reality that many in the academy still fear, that cultural studies is alive, and it's here to stay. Andrew Milner begins with an introduction to the field of cultural studies and its parent disciplines of English literature and sociology. He reviews the defining terms and the theoretical traditions in a manner that is sophisticated but accessible. He discusses just how and why cultural studies evolved, and what it has to offer our appraisal of all texts, be they old or new, print or film. Milner eschews both cultural populism and literary elitism in favor of a criticism that is more concerned with value than with exclusion. The author concludes this significant and insightful book with a demonstration of his theories, tying together a group of narratives ranging from Paradise Lost to the latest Frankenstein films. Literature, Culture and Society cogently examines the question of scholarship and forcefully demonstrates that rigorous academic inquiry need not be reserved for dust-covered texts alone.

  • af Alison Lurie
    253,95 kr.

  • af Kinley MacGregor
    99,94 kr.

    To end a long running feud, a proud Scottish lass convinced the clan′s women to refuse their men everything.

  • af Stephanie Laurens
    88,95 kr.

    Amelia Cynster is stunned to hear these words from Lucien Ashford?the enigmatic sixth Viscount Calverton and the man she has always loved?just before the handsome rogue passes out at her feet. Dawn is breaking and she's already risked scandal by lying in wait for him just outside his London home. And though torn between indignant affront and astonished relief, she's nevertheless thrilled that Luc has agreed to her outrageous marriage proposal.However, rather than submitting to a hasty wedding as Amelia had planned, the exasperating lord insists on wooing her public and in private. She longs for their time alone, when she can learn all about seduction from a master, yet frustratingly, they all too often find themselves beneath the stifling gaze of the ton.But there is method behind the viscount's madness?he has a secret reason for wooing Amelia. And like all desirable things, his passion has a price.

  • af Kinley MacGregor
    104,95 kr.

    With the success of Kinley MacGregor's latest New York Times Expanded and USA Today bestseller A Dark Champion, we are in the perfect position to republish her backlist gem Master of Desire.A Dream of Desire Awakened . . .Beautiful Lady Emily dreams of the rapture of love and the joys of marriage. The youngest daughter of an English lord at war, she is shaken by the arrival of a mysterious stranger to her father's castle. Could this breathtaking man be Emily's yearned-for lover? Indeed, Draven de Montague, Earl of Ravenswood, has come for Emily . . . but romance has nothing to do with it.In the Tender Embrace of an Enemy . . .Draven would never have entered the home of his most hated adversary had not the King himself ordered him to take in his foe's daughter for a year to forge bonds of peace between their two feuding houses. Worse still, here is a lass whose exquisite loveliness could tempt Draven to betray his sworn vow never to let anther close to his heart. Emily knows the searing heat of her passion could burn down the defenses of this proud warrior. But will the surrender of the sweet nectar of his lips and his bold, sensuous caress ignite a blaze so hot it consumes them both?

  • af Virginia Henley
    88,95 kr.

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