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  • af Cristina Berna
    427,95 - 666,95 kr.

  • af Aonghas Macneacail
    183,95 kr.

    Aonghas MacNeacail (1942-2022) was a major Scottish writer from Skye. He composed poetry, songs, journalism, scripts, librettos and translations. Among Gaelic-speakers he was known as Aonghas Dubh - Black Angus. Among his many accolades, he won the 1997 Stakis prize for Scottish Writer of the Year, and also received the Saltire Society's Premiere Award for contribution to the arts in 2005. His New & Selected Poems, Laughing at the Clock / Déanamh Gáire Ris A' Chloc, was published by Polygon in 2012.Aonghas grew up in a croft in Uig, on Skye. His first encounter with the English language was at school: while Aonghas spoke Gaelic at home, English was his language of education, and the first language that he wrote poetry in. While studying at Glasgow he became part of Philip Hobsbaum's famous Glasgow Group of creative writers, alongside Tom Leonard, Liz Lochhead, James Kelman and Alasdair Gray. He became involved with the Poetry Society while working as a housing officer in London: he later became the writer in residence at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the Gaelic college on Skye, and this reinvigorated his desire to write in Gaelic also. Latterly Aonghas became famous as a Gaelic-language writer, though in fact he composed work in all three native languages of Scotland. He was a founding member of the Scottish Poetry Library.

  • af Jane McLeod
    1.362,95 kr.

    The epic histories of the French Revolution, Enlightenment, and colonialism in the West Indies, told through the history of one family.

  • af Celeste Barclay
    183,95 kr.

    "When we are truly alone, Lia, then I will kiss ye properly. I long to taste ye." All of ye.13th century Scotland: A land on the brink of war. As the Scots organize and plan to defend their homeland from the English King Edward I, alliances form, subterfuge abounds, and true love is born.Hamish Sutherland was never meant to be laird. Instead, he finds himself not only leading his clan as the Earl of Sutherland, but embroiled in a violent feud with his neighbor, the Earl of Ross. A Highlander, Hamish longs to return to his rugged home-until he finds himself craving the enigmatic young lady he danced with and whose intelligence charms him. Knowing only her first name, Hamish refuses to allow anyone to stand in the way of the woman he wants. There's one problem...Amelia Ross never imagined the commanding warrior with his imposing size could be so gentle as his touch brings her alive. Nor did she imagine that the one man she would wish to make her own would be her father's most reviled enemy. Sworn to serve the queen, tested by a rival, and torn between love and duty, Amelia is nobody's fool. A skilled diplomat and strategist, she's the only person who can create a truce between Hamish and her father as they prepare alongside Robert the Bruce and William Wallace for the Battle of Stirling Bridge.No matter the outcome, one thing is certain: Hamish will stop at nothing to be with the woman he loves.Discover how the House of Clan Sutherland began with Highland Love Comes Calling, the exciting prequel that introduces the couple who will forge a dynasty. This story picks up where Celeste Barclay's Their Highland Beginning, the prequel to The Clan Sinclair, ends. House of Clan Sutherland is the newest edition to Celeste's romantic, but often violent, medieval Scottish world that includes The Clan Sinclair, The Clan Sinclair Legacy, The Highland Ladies, and The Highland Ladies Always series. A world where family, love, loyalty, honor, and duty are everything.Content Warning: A braw alpha hero, a fierce heroine, and scorching passion.No cheating, no cliffhangers, lots of steam, and a happily ever after.

  • af Drew James Nicholson
    233,95 kr.

    A love letter to Cornwall. Sophie and the Night Thief is a warmly illustrated rhyming story for children aged 8-12. Join Sophie, as she solves the mystery of Mullion Bay, helps lift an ancient pirate curse and free the ghost of a trapped child

  • af Ssxven
    128,95 kr.

    It starts with a blank page and you must go from there.

  • af Philarete Chasles
    143,95 kr.

    "... Rien par exemple ne trahit plus vivement le fond du caractère américain et l'état social de l'Union que l'aspect singulier sous lequel nos contrées européennes se présentent à ses voyageurs, et la manière dont ils nous jugent. Ils ont d'incroyables admirations et des colères peu raisonnables. Ils tombent à genoux devant un vaudeville, mais ne donnent pas la moindre attention à nos grands évènements ou à nos hommes de premier ordre. Les membres, même les plus distingués par l'intelligence, de cette société qui n'a pas encore rejeté ses langes, ne comprennent absolument rien à ce vieux phénix société de notre monde, qui, depuis 1789, s'agite sur son bûcher, espérant renaître un jour. Willis, en Angleterre, se préoccupe de la façon dont on mange ; Fenimore Cooper, en France, de celle dont on donne le bras à une dame. Cet enfantillage excessif provoque le sourire ; on croit voir une petite fille qui joue, sans les comprendre, avec les bijoux, la botte à mouches et les mystères de l'aïeule..."

  • af Philarete Chasles
    143,95 kr.

    " On a beaucoup écrit sur les origines de l'imprimerie. Sans discuter les opinions de mes devanciers, sans me mêler à la controverse soutenue par plus de cent érudits respectables, souvent spirituels, trop ingénieux quelquefois, et tous d'un avis différent, je m'en tiendrai, avec une modeste simplicité, aux vieux documents que Sch¿pflin l'Alsacien publia en 1760, et qui contiennent les procès-verbaux relatifs à la vie de Gutenberg. C'est le dossier des litiges judiciaires soutenus, entre 1441 et 1470, par le gentilhomme mayençais Jean Chaird'oie de Bonnemontagne ; tel est le nom bizarre qu'il portait : Hans Gensfleisch von Gutenberg. Ce dossier authentique, ce vieux dialecte allemand mêlé de patois d'Alsace, ces dépositions de témoins obscurs, ces bavardages de servantes, ces causeries de bourgeois surannés, rumeurs de faubourg et de place publique, sentences de bourgmestres, réclamations de fournisseurs, promettent peu de chose ; grâce à eux cependant la clé de l'atelier primitif est retrouvée. On voit les presses, les vis, les formes, les caractères, la petite maison de pierre rosâtre sur les bords du Rhin, la voûte souterraine de l'inventeur ; un excessif amour du paradoxe, pourrait seul se refuser à la conviction que ces antiques parchemins nous apportent..."

  • af Philarete Chasles
    153,95 kr.

    " Les hommes politiques ne voient dans la formation et la consolidation de l'empire anglo-hindou qu'un fait, l'étrange et périlleux accroissement de la puissance britannique. Oui, c'est une conquête digne d'étude. En moins de soixante ans, cette vaste péninsule, dévorée ou escamotée par quelques négociants occidentaux, leur livre ses richesses, mais non ses coutumes. Elle cède à l'énergie saxonne, et paraît garder sa nationalité brahmanique. La passivité de son repos et l'éternité de son indifférence bravent les efforts des missionnaires chrétiens. L'Angleterre exploite le territoire ; mais la vie nationale lui résiste. L'Angleterre domine la matière ; l'âme lui échappe.Telles sont du moins les surfaces et les apparences. Comme à l'ordinaire, elles sont trompeuses. Si l'observateur va plus loin que l'enveloppe, s'il se donne la peine de consulter les voyageurs sans croire à eux, les statisticiens sans les diviniser, et les philosophes sans fermer les yeux, il reconnaîtra que la prétendue immobilité de l'Hindoustan actuel sous la domination anglaise est un voile et un mensonge. Rien n'est immobile. Non-seulement les m¿urs des indigènes changent, mais celles des conquérants changent aussi. À cette double altération parallèle se rapportent les résultats nécessaires qui amèneront un jour et qui annoncent déjà la création future et inévitable d'un nouvel empire, curieux à deviner, empire enveloppé des obscurités de l'avenir, quelque chose d'inconnu et de mystérieux qui ne sera ni l'Angleterre ni l'Inde..."

  • af Leon Bloy
    168,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Edgar Allen Poe
    102,95 kr.

    "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a mystery story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been recognized as the first modern detective story; Poe referred to it as one of his "tales of ratiocination". The story opens with a lengthy explanation of ratiocination. Dupin demonstrates his prowess by deducing his companion's thoughts as if through apparent supernatural power. The story then turns to the baffling double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter at their home in the Rue Morgue, a fictional street in Paris. According to newspaper accounts, the mother was found in a yard behind the house, with multiple broken bones and her throat so deeply cut that her head fell off when the body was moved. The daughter was found strangled to death and stuffed upside down into a chimney. The murders occurred in a fourth-floor room that was locked from the inside; on the floor were found a bloody straight razor, several bloody tufts of gray hair, and two bags of gold coins. Several witnesses reported hearing two voices at the time of the murder, one male and French, but disagreed on the language spoken by the other. The speech was unclear, and every witness admits that he does not know the language he claims to have heard.Paris natives Dupin and his friend, the unnamed narrator of the story, read these newspaper accounts with interest. The two live in seclusion and allow no visitors. They have cut off contact with "former associates" and venture outside only at night.

  • af Cecil J. Houston
    153,95 kr.

  • af Roger Courtney
    338,95 kr.

  • af Lewis Bennett
    163,95 kr.

    The wars of the roses were a series of interconnected conflicts between 1455 and 1525 fought at times for the control of the English government and sometimes for the very crown itself. It is perhaps the most well-known topic of all medieval English history to the popular audience. However it is so shrouded in myth that most don't truly understand what the wars were really about. A number of historians have undertaken to disprove these myths. This book aims to continue this work with a written account of the entire period. Furthermore, aspects which are too often forgotten are covered. Included in this is the conflict in the English Lordship of Ireland and the role Wales played in the period. How foreign powers manipulated the conflict in England for their own advantage will be dealt with. Lastly the conflicts post 1485 which are so often neglected will be given the same amount of investigation as everything that happened before.

  • af Ian Ross
    408,95 kr.

    In 1851, 30-year-old Douglas Nisbet, a native of Kirkcudbright, Scotland, returned to his native land for the first time since emigrating to America 11 years earlier. In this travel journal he recorded his four-month journey in great detail, including crossing the Atlantic on sailing and steam vessels, visiting his mother and siblings, and taking in numerous historic and natural sights across England and Scotland.

  • af Elina Ehe
    363,95 - 483,95 kr.

  • af Philarete Chasles
    143,95 kr.

    " J'apporte à cette grande histoire qu'un homme de talent a commencée, l'histoire du tiers-état en France, quelques documents précieux. Voici les délibérations, memoranda, souvenirs de dépenses et notes administratives d'une de nos villes centrales à la fin du moyen-âge ; - débris entassés sans ordre dans de vieux registres et compilés par un ignorant.Les curiosités y abondent avec les puérilités ; il en résulte un tableau complet du mouvement de la cité chartraine entre 1450 et 1580, c'est-à-dire entre Charles VIII et Henri IV. On y verra la virilité des âmes et le bon sens des actes compenser l'insuffisance des théories et la barbarie des m¿urs, des populations ignorantes et asservies jeter d'admirables semences d'avenir ; on y reconnaîtra que les manants de la Gaule centrale ne méritent nullement le mépris de l'histoire..."

  • af Philarete Chasles
    133,95 kr.

    " Ce qui me toucherait le plus, si je mettais le pied dans ces grands pays du Gange, de l'Indus et de l'Oxus, ce ne seraient pas les m¿urs curieuses des vieilles monarchies asiatiques, ni le combat qu'elles soutiennent contre l'envahissement occidental, mais une douzaine de tombes européennes éparses sur ces domaines ; il y a là le Français Victor Jacquemont, le bon évêque Héber, le voyageur Moorcroft, son compagnon Trebeck, le lieutenant Vyburg, et vingt autres qui dorment sous les dattiers et les cyprès, derrière quelque pagode en ruines, méprisés des habitants et oubliés des voyageurs qui passent. De temps en temps, on rencontre sur les steppes et dans le creux des vallées un pauvre cippe funéraire ou une élévation de terrain qui annoncent la présence d'un cadavre ; quelque voyageur anglais, français ou russe, Moorcroft, Burnes, Stoddart, sont enterrés là, pionniers de la civilisation, et qui lui ont frayé la route ces contrées. Ces hommes courageux ont préparé, leurs successeurs préparent encore la grande solidarité qui ne manquera pas de lier un jour tous les habitants du globe..."

  • af Biddy White Lennon
    198,95 kr.

    This inspired collection of 150 authentic step-by-step dishes captures the heart and soul of Irish cooking. The recipes make the most of the wonderful local ingredients from wild and cultivated harvest fruits to meats, game, seafood and regional breads and brews. From boxty potato pancakes to beef and guiness casserole, this wonderful volume is for all those who want to discover the secrets of a traditional cuisine, and to visit the land through its recipes. Every recipe is shown in step by step photographs to ensure success.

  • af Ferdinand Henaux
    272,95 - 274,95 kr.

  • af Francois Irenee Darsy
    293,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • af Émile Augier
    196,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Buchner
    263,95 - 265,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Kloester
    213,95 kr.

  • af Félix Clément
    447,95 - 450,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Francois Camus Merville
    330,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af Charles Phillips
    108,95 kr.

    Here is an outstanding visual reference guide to one of the most exciting and dynamic periods of British history. In this lavishly illustrated chronicle, Charles Phillips traces the royal family from the accession of the German king George I, in 1714, through the development of the worldwide British Empire under Queen Victoria to the glorious reign of Elizabeth II. Fact boxes, feature spreads and maps trace the birth of the Empire and the development of the modern Commonwealth.

  • af Jonathan Hearn
    436,95 kr.

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