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  • af Ludwig Salvator
    163,95 kr.

    One of the Suez Canal Company's tugs soon took us down the canal from Ismailia to El Kantara (the bridge), where we were to meet our caravan. Just as we were landing we observed the first few horses of the latter crossing by the ferry which plies between the two sides of the canal. The boat had to go over three times to get all our animals and luggage, and we found it no easy work on the other side to strap up all our things ready for the journey. Matters seldom go altogether smoothly on the first day of a caravan expedition. At length a start was made, the mules laden with our tents and luggage going on in front, and ourselves bringing up the rear. The little hotel of El Kantara, with the few patches of vegetation surrounding it, was the last sight we had of civilised life. Following the telegraph posts, which mark the route from Egypt to Syria, we then entered the rolling desert,and soon began to enjoy that feeling of freedom which a boundless plain always inspires. Only life on the sea, with all its wonderful charms, is to be compared to a journey through the desert. In the midst of its vast and solitary expanse the traveller feels himself overwhelmed, and his imagination conjures up strange forms on the far horizon. The desert is to the Arab what the sea is to the sailor; for both, their proper element has a permanent and irresistible attraction. Old Abou Nabout, the leader of our caravan, rode on quietly in front, his eyes gazing steadfastly across the sandy plain, and dreams of his youth doubtless floated through his mind as his horse threw up clouds of sand with his hoofs.

  • af Mary Anne Barker
    218,95 kr.

    "Station Amusements in New Zealand" is a book written by Lady Barker, also known as Mary Anne Barker. First published in 1873, the book provides insights into life on a sheep station in New Zealand during the 19th century.Lady Barker, a British-born author, and the wife of a New Zealand sheep farmer, wrote extensively about her experiences in the colony. "Station Amusements in New Zealand" likely describes the daily life, challenges, and leisure activities on a sheep station, offering readers a glimpse into the social and cultural aspects of colonial New Zealand.For those interested in colonial literature, women's perspectives on life in the 19th century, and the history of New Zealand, Lady Barker's writings, including "Station Amusements in New Zealand," provide valuable firsthand accounts of the era.

  • af Meelis Maurus
    363,95 - 483,95 kr.

  • af José Gutiérrez López
    148,95 kr.

    Ruta M-5 reúne una serie de viajes acometidos desde casa, en el sentido de que su redacción surgió en la época del confinamiento pandémico. El autor aprovechó para recuperar información de sus diarios de viaje anteriores, así como de la revisión de su colección de diapositivas y fotografías. Con el tiempo, mientras lo escribía, finalizó el confinamiento, se superó la pandemia y volvieron los viajes. Algunos de ellos para completar el proyecto. Los destinos se agrupan en cinco bloques temáticos cuyos títulos empiezan por la letra M. El orden es infantil: ma, me, mi, mo y mu. Gran parte del libro se escribió durante ese largo post-confinamiento domiciliario en el que ya se podía salir de casa, pero evolucionaba con constantes dificultades de movilidad de intensidad oscilante. Por eso, estas páginas proponen viajar algo en el espacio-tiempo presente, mucho a través del pasado y de otros medios, pero también incorporan algunas escapadas reales recientes.El primero de ellos se titula Malt Whisky. En él viajamos por medio del color, el aroma y el paladar. Bebiendo whisky y asociándolo con su cultura, así como su entorno de producción en Escocia. Para ello se lee, se bebe, se recuperan diarios de viajes anteriores y algunas otras experiencias relacionadas con este licor. Incluye un regreso real a Escocia.

  • af Robert Charles Young
    188,95 kr.

    Military Men Are We, A Poetic War, is a poetry book of thirty-one poems. The poems are based on the personal experiences of the author, Robert Charles Young, his ancestors, and others. Stemming back from the trenches of World War One, through the air of World War Two up to modern-day warfare of the Gulf War and the Civil War of Bosnia.

  • af Rachelle Randvee
    363,95 - 483,95 kr.

  • af Jane Townsley
    298,95 kr.

    This book collates the ancestry of Hughie Higgins, who was born into a travelling family at Crudie, New Byth, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 14th November 1894. The book traces his ancestry from Shetland Isles in the north through Aberdeenshire to Fifeshire and Perthshire. Hughie finally settled in Rattray, Blairgowrie. The cause of his death on 31st January 1960 was 'chest wounds' from a bullet which had been lodged in his lung since World War One. The fingers of his left hand had also been amputated as a result of war injuries. His regiment's war diaries from the Battle of Loos, Northern France where Hughie was injured are included. This book also contains details of Hughie's parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents and other relatives, which will be of interest to those with wider family connections.

  • af Bernard O'Connor
    573,95 kr.

    'There's Life in Pattingham, Staffordshire' provides insight into the lives of people who lived, worked and died here since newspapers were published nearly three centuries ago. It includes articles on births, engagements, marriages, divorces, accidents, deaths, crime, sport, leisure activities, auctions and sale particulars.

  • af James Elder
    128,95 kr.

    DANIEL REID RANKIN belonged to that race of Scottish doctors of strongly marked individuality, not to say idiosyncrasy, of simple tastes, of high scientific attainments, of rough manner, but of kind and generous heart, and of whimsical freakish humour. Dr Rankin lived all his life in the upland parish of Carluke, moving about in the homes of the people, a man of culture and of science, speaking their broad dialect, roughly rebuking their faults, castigating with his sardonic wit, vanity, shams, hypocrisy, and meanness, wherever he found them in those of high or low estate, attending his poorer neighbours gratuitously in their sickness, and comforting them in sorrows and afflictions. In his secular sphere he exercised a spiritual authority and not less potent than that by the Minister, Auld Kirk, Auld Licht, Free, or United Presbyterian over his flock.ALEXANDER MACCALLUM SCOTT M.P.DORSET, JUNE 1916

  • af Amy Jarecki
    173,95 kr.

    Grieving from the death of his wife, Lord Colin Campbell listens to the cries of his newborn son whilst penning a missive to the king. With no marriage prospects, Colin petitions his majesty for help in finding a stepmother. Never again will he fall in love-the death of a woman brings more pain than losing a whole contingent of men on the battlefield. Feisty, quick tongued and smart, Margaret Robinson is delighted when her father receives a messenger from the king...until she discovers what news he brings. In a sennight, she will wed the notorious Black Knight-her life is about to end. Tension builds during the wedding and deteriorates from there...until an accident draws them together. Just when their love begins to blossom, a dire request arrives from the Pope. Colin must join the Crusades at once. Their fragile love is forced to withstand the seductions of hell-Margaret tempted by a scoundrel laird-Colin courted by Satan himself. Aye, the war for Christendom could very well ruin their dreams forever.

  • af Amy Jarecki
    103,95 kr.

    When Alice Lamont discovers Quinn Campbell, grandson of her clan's most hated enemy, sleeping on the very ground where her father's blood was spilled, she readies herself for battle. But her cryptic grandmother has other ideas. She gives Alice a rosebud to place beside Quinn as he sleeps. But this is no ordinary rose. Legend foretells of love that rises upon the blooming of this bud. And as Quinn awakes dreaming of a ravishing beauty, he pricks in finger on a thorn and realizes his dream was real. Driven by insatiable desire, Quinn will face heaven and hell to find her. But when he does, will Alice possess the courage to love?

  • af Amy Jarecki
    173,95 kr.

    After five years of marriage, Lady Helen has failed to produce an heir. Giving birth to a lass, Helen's husband rejects her and openly takes a lover while she endures in silence. But war is brewing. The MacDonald feud with the crown comes to a head and with it arrives Helen's childhood friend, Sir Eoin MacGregor. Eoin and his men join with the MacIain Clan to quell the rebellion. But when he witnesses Helen suffer undue humiliation, his troubles escalate tenfold. If Eoin helps the lady escape, he will break the sanctity of marriage. Worse, the king has commanded Eoin to fight beside her barbarous husband. To rescue Helen from tragedy worse than death, will the gallant knight find the strength to mask his deepest desires to save the woman he's always loved?

  • af Hichem Karoui (Editor)
    243,95 kr.

    "La Résistance française contre l'occupation nazie" est une exploration profonde de la résilience et de la détermination dont a fait preuve la Résistance française pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'accent est mis sur le rôle important joué par la Résistance dans le contexte plus large des mouvements mondiaux de libération en établissant des parallèles avec d'autres luttes pour la souveraineté et l'autodétermination, incluant la Résistance palestinienne contre l'occupation israélienne. La Résistance, dirigée par le général de Gaulle, s'est distinguée par son caractère inclusif, car elle n'a pas qualifié une quelconque idéologie d'extrémiste et a réuni différents groupes, y compris des communistes et des socialistes, contre l'ennemi commun : l'occupation nazie.Le livre présente la Résistance française comme symbolisant la volonté collective d'une nation de résister à l'oppression, de défendre la liberté et de protéger la dignité humaine. Il met en valeur l'héroïsme individuel et l'effort collectif dans la poursuite de la liberté et la justice. Le leadership de Charles de Gaulle a été déterminant et l'émergence des Maquis et des mouvements de guérilla divers ont encore intensifié les efforts de résistance.Les stratégies clés de la Résistance comprenaient l'espionnage, la communication secrète et le sabotage, perturbant l'ennemi et favorisant la camaraderie et la détermination parmi la population. L'impact de la Résistance française a dépassé les frontières nationales et a servi d'inspiration et de modèle pour d'autres nations occupées et des mouvements de libération dans le monde entier.Dans ce livre, l'Equipe Rapports et Analyses du GEW explore les parallèles entre la lutte héroïque du peuple français pour la souveraineté et l'autodétermination pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le combat continu du peuple palestinien contre l'occupation. En utilisant une approche sérieuse et documentée, cet ouvrage examine les tactiques de résistance employées par les Français sous l'occupation nazie, mettant en lumière les similitudes avec les défis auxquels sont confrontés les Palestiniens aujourd'hui. À travers des exemples concrets et des faits historiques, l'auteur souligne l'importance cruciale de la résistance face à une occupation oppressive, offrant ainsi un modèle puissant pour ceux qui luttent pour leur liberté. Ce livre captivant appelle à une réflexion profonde sur les droits fondamentaux à la souveraineté et à l'autodétermination, inspirant ainsi une action significative dans la lutte pour la justice et la dignité humaine.

  • af Asma Moalla
    958,95 kr.

    O livro fornece informações sobre as estratégias de resposta a elogios utilizadas para responder a elogios, as normas culturais que regem estas estratégias, os factores contextuais que determinam as RC e as estratégias e percepções específicas da cultura que os participantes americanos e tunisinos pareciam ter ao responder a elogios. Os resultados podem ser incorporados num quadro que utiliza as estratégias específicas da cultura empregues pelos dois grupos como referência para os professores que pretendam conceber actividades de ensino que tenham em consideração os aspectos pragmáticos da língua utilizada pelos dois grupos de participantes.

  • af Frank Fox
    218,95 kr.

    THE Fates were unkind to the Balkan Peninsula. Because of its position, it was forced to stand in the path of the greatest racial movements of the world, and was thus the scene of savage racial struggles, and the depositary of residual shreds of nations surviving from great defeats or Pyrrhic victories and cherishing irreconcilable mutual hatreds. As if that were not enough of ill fortune imposed by geographical position, the great Roman Empire elected to come from its seat in the Italian Peninsula to die in the Balkan Peninsula, a long drawn-out death of many agonies, of many bloody disasters and desperate retrievals. For all the centuries of which history knows a blood-mist has hung over the Balkans; and for the centuries before the dawn of written history one may surmise that there was the same constant struggle of warring races.

  • af Milburg F Mansfield
    218,95 kr.

    We have progressed appreciably beyond the days of the old horseless carriage, which, it will be remembered, retained even the dashboard. To-day the modern automobile somewhat resembles, in its outlines, across between a decapod locomotive and a steam fire-engine, or at least something concerning the artistic appearance of which the layman has very grave doubts. The control of a restive horse, a cranky boat, or even a trolley-car on rails is difficult enough for the inexperienced, and there are many who would quail before making the attempt; but to the novice in charge of an automobile, some serious damage is likely enough to occur within an incredibly short space of time, particularly if he does not take into account the tremendous force and power which he controls merely by the moving of a tiny lever, or by the depressing of a pedal.

  • af John Sanders
    343,95 kr.

    This book traces the complex pattern of working-class radical endeavour in the West Riding textile district during the years from 1829 to 1839. It focuses in particular on questions of local leadership and organisation and stresses the importance of these elements to early working-class movements. The study assesses the significance of the trade union, popular radical, early co-operative and factory reform agitations of the late 1820s and early 1830s in shaping leadership cadres and organisational structures. It goes on to map out the varied, often mutually reinforcing campaigns of the mid 1830s which came together in the early Chartist movement. Chartism, with its more confident, experienced and self-reliant local leadership and its stress on organisation, is shown to be the culmination of a decade of escalating conflict and prodigious activity. It drew on the radicalising experiences of the early 1830s, on the incremental growth of working-class disillusionment in the post-Reform era, and on the common experiences and uncertainties which large sections of the local working population shared. Whilst building on traditional ideas and agitational tactics, the early Chartists increasingly articulated an assertive, class-conscious alternative to the widely-perceived evils of unregulated competitive industry and unrepresentative, uncaring government. Far from being peripheral figures, the local leaders who emerged in this era were central to the story of the emergence of the world's first mass working-class movement. For this reason, the efforts of contemporaries to perpetuate their memory deserve to be continued, so that a few more at least, do not share the fate of the many who 'died unknown'.

  • af Lizzie Carr
    152,95 kr.

    This new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt's Paddling Britain remains the definitive guide to stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking and canoeing - increasingly popular waterborne activities that explore British coastlines and inland waterways. Written by Lizzie Carr (aka Lizzie Outside, Britain's best known paddleboarder), it showcases Britain's 50 best places to enjoy recreational paddling from Cornwall to Norfolk, Cumbria and the Cairngorms. Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), in particular, is sweeping across Britain, giving people the opportunity to explore waterways ranging from city rivers to remote and untouched areas that would otherwise be left inaccessible. Whether you're looking for a nice day out, a weekend adventure or a more daring paddleboarding challenge, Bradt's Paddling Britain will inspire and inform. The waters of England, Wales and Scotland are all featured, from rivers and canals to coastal strips and island circuits. Described in loving detail and with gentle humour, each location contains practical information about how to find these distinctive spots and what to expect on your journey. With Bradt's Paddling Britain, you can paddle between two of the Scilly Isles in under 10 minutes, or kayak across the UK's highest and longest aqueduct. Alternatively, you can paddle along Dorset's prehistoric Jurassic Coast, visit the Lake District's sole inhabited island, which opens just five days a year, or paddle in self-indulgent tranquillity through the hustle and bustle of London. Alongside detailed routes for each location, plus tips on wildlife and secret spots, Paddling Britain advises on where to stay and eat, getting there, and when to go. It also provides the low-down on everything you need to know for successful and enjoyable stand-up paddleboarding, from safety tips to kit, weather watching to paddling responsibly. The author, Lizzie Carr, says: 'this book responds to the countless questions I receive from paddleboarders looking to explore new places and get new experiences from their SUP. Whether people want to take their families for a weekend adventure or enjoy a camping getaway with friends, Paddling Britain aims to answer these questions and inspire people to get outside and explore the UK water scene both coastal and inland.'

  • af Maurice Heffernan
    218,95 kr.

    A compelling and poignant memoir about the struggles and triumphs of survivors, and for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life within the Residential Institutions. Prepare to be moved by this powerful and unforgettable story.

  • af Christine Armstrong
    83,95 kr.

    There's lots of variety in this fun packed Rinkle the Rabbit colouring book. Enjoy colouring, drawing, counting, dot-to-dots and mazes.Grab your pens and coloured pencils and dive right in!

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    186,95 kr.

    Whether you want to walk to the top of the Eiffel Tower, explore the Louvre, or stroll down the Champs-Élysées, the local Fodor's travel experts in Paris are here to help! Fodor's Paris guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's Paris travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and doMULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your timeMORE THAN 15 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidentlyCOLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust!HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and morePHOTO-FILLED "BEST OF" FEATURES on "Paris's Best Museums", "Paris's Best Churches", "What to Eat and Drink in Paris", "What to Buy in Paris", and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and moneyHISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, and moreSPECIAL FEATURES on "The Louvre" and "Versailles" LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gemsFRENCH-LANGUAGE PRIMER with useful words and essential phrasesUP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Champs-Élysées, Notre-Dame, Arc de Triomphe, Montmartre, Musée d'Orsay, Sacré-Coeur, Versailles, and more.Planning on visiting the rest of France? Check out Fodor's Fodor's Essential France and Fodor's Provence & the French Riviera. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!

  • af Rough Guides
    94,95 kr.

    This compact, pocket-sized Oxford travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on weekend trips or shorter breaks in the UK. It includes ready-made walking and driving itineraries that allow you to organise your visit to Oxford without losing time planning. The Oxford guidebook covers: The Heart of the University; Around New College; Where Town Meets Gown; Quads, Meadows and Gardens; The High Street; From Carfax to the River; West of the City Centre; Jericho and St Giles'; St John's and the North; Port Meadow and Beyond; Excursion to Boars Hill; Excursion to Woodstock.Inside this Oxford travel book you will find: - 12 ready-made walks and tours - easy-to-follow walking and driving tour itineraries featuring the best places to visit, as well as what to do and where to eat along the way- Walks and tour highlights - shortlists highlight the best of each walk or tour- Things not to miss in Oxford - Magdalen College, Punting on the Thames, Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Library, Port Meadow, Sheldonian Theatre, Botanic Garden, University Museum of Natural History, Christ Church, Covered Market - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, off-the-beaten-track adventures, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas- Rainy day recommendations - plenty of options, whatever the British weather throws at you- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Historical and cultural insights - learn more about Oxford's rich history with fascinating cultural insights.- Trip tips - outdoor activities and themed holidays- Practical information - how to get there and how to get around, facts for visitors - Handy mapping - practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered sights relating to major points of interest in the main text- Free download of the eBook - available after the purchase of the printed guidebook Oxford - Fully updated post-COVID-19

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    192,95 kr.

    "Whether you want to hike through Killarney National Park, visit the Cliffs of Moher, or experience the thriving arts and music scene in Dublin, the local Fodor's travel experts in Ireland are here to help! Fodor's Ireland: with Belfast and Northern Ireland guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos"--

  • af Sarah Horton
    368,95 kr.

    Argues that friendship is the gift of a world that is not one's own and that transforms one's world in unforseeable ways.

  • af Simon Trezise
    1.264,95 kr.

    "Exploring the many dimensions of Debussy's historical significance, this volume charts the influences, relationships and performances that shaped his creativity in the complex world of Belle âEpoque Paris. Reflecting the latest research, chapters focus on key aspects of his career and the sources of his enduring popularity"--

  • af Anthony Seldon
    163,95 kr.

    After fourteen years of Conservative government, we rightly ask what changed for the better or worse during this prolonged period of power? The country experienced significant challenges including austerity, Brexit and Covid: did they militate against the government's making more lasting impact? Bringing together some of the leading authorities in the field, this book examines the impact of Conservative rule on a wide range of economic, social, foreign and governmental areas. Anthony Seldon, Tom Egerton and their team uncover the ultimate 'Conservative effect' on the United Kingdom. With powerful insights and fresh perspectives, this is an intriguing study for anyone seeking to understand the full scope of the Conservative government's influence on our nation. Drawing the immediate lessons from the last fourteen years will be pivotal if the country is to rejuvenate and flourish in the future.

  • af William A Everett
    302,95 kr.

    "The musicals playing in 1924 were a stunning combination of the old and the new. William Everett reveals, in this compelling new book, a transnational network of stars, creators, producers and shows where established performers appeared alongside youthful talent that included George Gershwin, Gertrude Lawrence, and Fred and Adele Astaire"--

  • af Nimrod
    163,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af George Nicholls
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

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