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Bøger om Vietnamesisk

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  • af Binh Nhu Ngo
    245,95 kr.

  • af Steen B.J.
    248,95 kr.

    Oline har haft held med at få sin pengeafpresser ryddet af vejen, så hun har kunnet overtage rollen som pengeafpresser af kvinder, som er gået konkurs med deres afdøde ægtemænd i Spanien i forbindelse med efterdønningerne af finanskrisen. Hun har ligeledes haft held med at overtage huset efter pengeafpresserens mor, så hun selv bor i det ene hus med sin håndlanger, Bent-Ole, og Layla bor således i det andet hus. Men det ikke helt problemfrit, for det ene hus er besat af en beskytter af huset, som mener, at Oline er skruppelløs og uden empati. Denne beskytter ser helst Oline meldt til politiet, hvor hendes datter og svigersøn for øvrigt arbejder, så Oline prøver på alle mulige måder at rydde beskytteren af vejen. Truslerne synes dog ingen ende at ville tage. En vietnamesisk kvinde findes også indespærret i huset, og pludselig angriber repræsentanter fra den vietnamesiske mafia også Oline og Laylas røde murstenshus. Olines datter, Ella, er også begyndt at kradse i overfladen og konfronterer Oline, med hvordan det hele egentlig hænger sammen med de to dyre huse, som hun bor i. Uddrag af bogenLayla nærmest flåede konvolutten op på vej tilbage i entreen. Oline kiggede sig rundt, som om personen, der havde afleveret brevet, var lige i området. Men hun fulgte med ind, så de ikke stod og lignede skræmte idioter. Da de begge var inde i entreen, læste Layla brevet op. “Jeg kan se, at du lader huset forfalde. Buskene op af huset laver slidmærker på husets flotte røde mursten. Klip buskene, og tro ikke, at de vil beskytte jer, som om I var selveste Tornerose. Du har besøg af en kvinde, som forekommer mig skruppelløs. Hun holder kun af sig selv. Hun begår indbrud, du har begået indbrud. Mit hus skælver, når sådanne mennesker besætter mit hus med grådighedens leveregel. Beskytteren af det røde hus,” læste Layla op og kiggede forskræmt på brevet og op på Oline. Om forfatterenSteen B.J. (f. 1965) er forfatter til over fyrre værker inden for genrerne krimi og historisk roman. Hans mest kendte er Danmarks vel nok længste krimiserie: En udfordring for Team Milton. Dødstrusler er tredje bind i serien En skruppelløs kvinde.

  • af Binh Nhu Ngo
    198,95 kr.

    "Quite simply the most serious early intermediate textbook currently available for thoughtful American students at the university level." --Professor Stephen O'Harrow, Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa This is a second-year, intermediate Vietnamese language course designed for high school, college or self-study. Continuing Vietnamese is your next step toward master; it follows the best-selling, linguistically-based Elementary Vietnamese, and helps you progress to an intermediate level of communicating in Vietnamese. Invaluable for anyone planning to travel, study or work in Vietnam, this complete language course has been extensively tested at Harvard University. The accompanying native-speaker audio helps to develop listening comprehension and ensure correct pronunciation. The book contains ten lessons, each composed of two parts. Part 1, the dialogue part, introduces the learner to conversational Vietnamese as it's currently spoken in Hanoi so that the learner will be able to participate in engaging conversation on a variety of topics. Part 2, the narrative part, includes written materials that are characteristic of formal Vietnamese. It aims to develop the learner's reading and writing skills as well as speaking skills. The lessons focuse on various aspects of life in present-day Vietnam, including topics such as culture, history, geography, economy, theater, music, tourism, literature, poetry, cinema and sports. Each lesson helps you to learn Vietnamese by building your Vietnamese proficiency using several complementary elements to thoroughly develop your skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Key features of Continuing Vietnamese include: Online audio recordings offering native speakers' renditions of all the dialogues and narratives, vocabulary, grammar and usage explanations, everyday Vietnamese expressions, pronunciation drills and exercises, and even some popular Vietnamese proverbs. Exercises and practice activities which hone your skills throughout the learning process. Cultural notes that help bring Vietnam to life. A contemporary focus on today's Vietnamese speech patterns. A format that sharpens all four language skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading.All media content is alternatively accessible on the Tuttle Publishing website.

  • af Tri C Tran
    173,95 kr.

    Essential Vietnamese Grammar is designed for use by English-speakers to help them speak and write Vietnamese more naturally. The twelve chapters in this book cover the essential sentence constructions of Vietnamese--from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels. Strong emphasis is placed on the differences between translating directly from English, which yields awkward and incorrect sentences, and the use of idiomatic Vietnamese constructions and expressions. This book can be used for self-study or classroom instruction and is perfect for review and brushing up your language skills. All Vietnamese grammatical patterns are clearly explained and copiously illustrated with example phrases and sentences. The chapters progress from fundamental concepts (the sounds of Vietnamese, spelling, the use of accent marks and tones) to structural elements (parts of speech, grammatical functions, the structure of phrases and sentences), and then to nuances expressed through word choice, word order and cultural elements. Each chapter is accompanied by a set of exercises (with answer keys provided) that the learner can use to reinforce their understanding of the materials and their ability to apply them to real-life situations. Audio recordings by native speakers are available online for all the Vietnamese sentences to help the learner acquire good pronunciation and intonation patterns for various types of sentences.

  • af Le
    198,95 kr.

    This book is about Vietnamese grammar. It is necessary for people such as Vietnamese children who begin school without their mother language in foreign countries to learn Vietnamese. This is also for foreigners who would like to learn Vietnamese. The more different languages people know, the more different souls to comprehend other cultures. It is the author's interesting pleasure to learn foreign languages, such as American and French, and to introduce Vietnamese to others for mutual cultural exchange and mutual empathy.

  • af Goose and Books
    173,95 kr.

    Apprendre le vietnamien - 150 mots avec prononciation - DébutantImagier pour enfants bilingues

  • af Phuong Chi Nguyen
    153,95 kr.

    English Summary:The legend of the Lunar New Year Race tells of how the firsttwelve animals that finished would be honored in the zodiac. But one very important animal is missing...What happened to the Cat?Follow the clever Cat on a magical journey through the ancient land of Vietnam to finally win its rightful place among the chosen twelve.Vietnamese summary:S¿ tích v¿ Cüc ¿ua T¿t Nguyên ¿án k¿ v¿ l¿n ¿¿u tiênm¿¿i hai con v¿t hoàn thành s¿ ¿¿¿c vinh danh trong cung hoàng ¿¿o. Nh¿ng thi¿u m¿t con v¿t r¿t quan tr¿ng ...Chuy¿n gì ¿ã x¿y ra v¿i con mèo?Hãy theo chân chú Mèo thông minh trong chuy¿n hành trình k¿ di¿u xuyên qua vùng ¿¿t c¿ x¿a c¿a Vi¿t Nam ¿¿ cüi cùng giành ¿¿¿c v¿ trí x¿ng ¿áng trong s¿ m¿¿i hai ¿¿¿c ch¿n.

  • af Nguy¿n Hàn Chung
    253,95 kr.

  • af Brett Robinson
    208,95 kr.

  • af Ronland Publishing
    93,95 kr.

  • af Bac Hoai Tran
    153,95 kr.

    "Dive into language learning with this comprehensive introduction to Vietnamese! This book teaches you to speak, read and write Vietnamese quickly through practical everyday conversations and concise notes on everything from pronunciation and tones to grammar. It also teaches you to read and write the language correctly. All Vietnamese words and sentences are given in the usual forms with phonetic equivalents for easy pronunciation, along with English meanings. Suitable for classroom use or self-study, the book includes useful notes and explanations on sentence structure, honorific forms, idiomatic expressions, and etiquette dos and don'ts. A useful dictionary of commonly-used Vietnamese words and phrases is provided at the back. The key features of this book include: Carefully-designed lessons for beginners with no prior experience; Basic vocabulary and sentence patterns used in daily conversations; Extensive exercises and drills to help you practice what you have learned; Cultural notes to help you understand Vietnamese customs and norms; Free native-speaker audio recordings and printable flash cards available online. This is a complete language learning course for beginners, making it the all-in-one guide that the apps don't offer!"--

  • af Abel Des Michels
    335,95 kr.

  • af Thuy Le-Scherello
    158,95 kr.

    Weißt du, wie der Tiger seine Streifen bekam? Warum hat der Wasserbüffel keine oberen Zähne? Und was hat der Mensch damit zu tun? Dieses zweisprachige Buch lädt ein, das alte traditionelle vietnamesische Märchen "Der Wasserbüffel, der Tiger und der Bauer" kennenzulernen, welches fast jedem Kind in Vietnam bekannt ist. Thuy Le-Scherello erzählt das Märchen auf kindgerechte Art und Weise, leicht verständlich, mit gut lesbaren Texten und untermauert diese mit liebevoll gestalteten Bildern. Für Kinder mit vietnamesischen Wurzeln ist das Buch besonders geeignet, damit sie ihre vietnamesische Herkunft nicht vergessen. Aber auch alle anderen Leser können hier mehr über Vietnam erfahren. In der globalisierten Welt gibt es immer mehr Kinder, die mit mindestens zwei Sprachen aufwachsen. Zweisprachige Kinderbücher, so wie dieses, fördern ihr Sprachverständnis und ihr Wortschatzaufbau auf einer spielerischen Weise.

  • af Pham Hong Nhung
    353,95 kr.

    Pham Hong Nhung und der Militzke Verlag haben Neuland beschritten und legen ein Lehrbuch für Kinder, die Vietnamesisch als Fremdsprache erlernen wollen, vor. "Ti¿ng Vi¿t ABC" ist für Grundschulschüler im Alter von 7 bis 10 Jahren konzipiert, ganz gleich, ob sie in Deutschland, in einem anderen europäischen Land oder in Übersee leben. Kindgerecht, reich bebildert und orientiert an ihrer Lebenswelt erlernen die Kinder in den ersten 40 Lektionen alphabetisch 29 Einzelbuchstaben und 11 Buchstabenkombinationen. Nach 93 Lektionen kennen sie alle vietnamesischen Silben. Die Lektionen zielen darauf ab, die vier Grundfertigkeiten hören, lesen, schreiben und buchstabieren zu entwickeln. Das Erlernen der Sprache wird mit Kenntnissen über die vietnamesische Kultur verknüpft, Texte und Bilder regen Neugier und Fantasie an. Die Kinder werden befähigt, das Gelernte in verschiedenen Kommunikationssituationen anzuwenden.Vietnamesischkurse als Fremdsprache finden zumeist außerhalb des regulären Unterrichts statt. Mit diesem Buch werden die Kinder entdecken, dass es gar nicht so schwer ist diese Sprache zu lernen und dass das richtig Spaß macht. In Vorbereitung: Arbeitsheft zum Lehrbuch "Ti¿ng Vi¿t ABC"

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