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  • - Strategier og teknologier gør det ikke alene ... der skal mennesker til
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    117,95 kr.

    ANMELDELSE I BØRSEN, 5. marts 2017; Kom i mål & hav mod til at se fremtiden! CEO Lars Sander Matjeka, ALLER MEDIA VIP Blogger BØRSEN”Alignment handler om at spille sammen og afstemme strategiske ambitioner og indsatser på tværs af funktioner. Om bevidste aftaler om konsekvenserne for såvel mindset, kultur og handling.” Sådan står der på én af de første sider i Lars H. Nielsen’s nye bog ”Winning through Alignment in Leadership”, og det kan synes så elementært, at det er unødvendigt at skrive i en bog til ledere. Alligevel rammer det hovedet på sømmet ift. én af de største udfordringer i mange komplekse organisationer, nemlig at den samlede ledelse i fællesskab ejer strategien; går i samme retning; kommunikerer det samme rationale og sikrer forankringen fra øverste til nederste trappetrin.Ingen værdi uden mennesker. I en årrække er der i ledelseskredse blevet talt om vigtigheden af en robust strategi, som både rummer innovation, de rette forretningsmodeller og teknologi. Uanset hvor god og gennemarbejdet en strategi er, har den ingen værdi uden mennesker! Netop bogens fokus på at binde mennesker ind i processen er årsagen til, at jeg vælger at omtale den her. På den måde adskiller den sig nemlig fra en lang række andre bøger med samme emne, og jeg glædes over en forfatter, som tør sætte ord på, at nærhed og opmærksomhed er vigtigt; at du får det, du giver; at mennesker skal mødes, der hvor de er; og at ledere skal turde lytte til deres intuition. Buskørsel med bind for øjnene Alt for ofte har jeg i strategiprocesser oplevet forvirring mellem - og sammenblanding af - strategiske indsatser, aktiviteter, midler, mindset, kultur, mål og KPI’er. Dertil kommer en tendens til at strategier bliver alt for komplekse og omfattende – ikke mindst fordi villigheden til at foretage fravalg er langt mindre end ønsket om at vælge til. Resultatet er strategier, som er vanskelige at kommunikere for den øverste ledelse, og som dermed aldrig bliver forstået af den øvrige organisation. I sådanne tilfælde er strategiens værdi mildt sagt begrænset, og organisationens ledere må have følelsen af at sidde ved rattet i en bus uden at kende ruten samtidig med, at de har bind for øjnene. Styrken ligger i enkelheden! Eksekveringsevne og fleksibilitet. Lars H. Nielsen's nye bog viser med gode cases, at resultaterne kommer langt hurtigere, når ledelsen viser sammenhængskraft og høj eksekveringsevne. Personligt vil jeg da også foretrække en middelgod strategi, der eksekveres frem for en fuldstændig perfekt og fuldendt strategi, som ligger i skuffen bl.a. fordi den er umulig at kommunikere. Derudover er det for mig afgørende, at enhver strategi er så tilpas fleksibel, at den kan justeres i takt med at virksomheden og dens omverden bevæger sig. Og netop den holdning gør det oplagt at runde af med endnu et citat fra bogen: ”Alene kan du ikke forudsige fremtiden, men fremtiden skabes af dem, der tør se den.”Denne bog handler om, hvordan du som leder kan designe processen og arbejde målrettet med at skabe strategisk alignment i jeres organisation. Alignment handler om sammenhængskraft og teamets manøvredygtighed i en kompleks hverdag. Om at forkorte tiden, fra at strategien ligger klar, til at den bliver eksekveret og ført ud i livet. Det starter med dig som leder - og især med jer som ledelse.Udfordringen er at sikre, at I på tværs af funktions- og ansvarsområder præsterer jeres allerbedste, når det er allervigtigst, og derved optimerer konkurrenceevnen.Lars H. Nielsen har knap 30 års erfaring med at facilitere succesfulde strategiske udviklingsprocesser i erhvervslivet. Bogen giver dig indblik i, hvordan organisationer som Sparekasssen Kronjylland, Banedanmark, Pfizer, Bayer Crop Science, Sanofi Genzyme og Danmarks rolandshold har håndteret udfordringerne med succes og skabt unikke præstationer, da det virkelig gjaldt.

  • - How to commit employees through heart and mind and turn strategic intent into reality
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    128,94 kr.

    Emeritus professor of Strategy, IMD Business School Dominique Turpin: "If you want a great business book, don’t miss: “Win The Strategy Execution” by Lars H. Nielsen. Hands on, practical essential if you want your strategy to really happen!Professor Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School, dep. of strategy and innovation: "In theory, strategy may sound simple. In practice, however, succeeding with your strategy is a complex endeavor that requires commitment throughout the organization. In "Win the Strategy Execution", Lars H. Nielsen elegantly demonstrates how successful strategies must focus on the people within the organization. Through novel insights, valuable experience, and rich case illustrations, Lars offers a practical and hands-on book on how to sharpen strategy processes in all kinds of organizations.EY HR Director Peter Haugaard: “I'm certain and sure that your success in strategy execution will improve after following Lars's advice.”One thing is to develop the right strategy. Another thing to have the commitment of senior management and the board. However, the most important and most difficult thing is: Making the strategy happen. If senior management fails to motivate employees to pursue their strategic ambitions, a great strategy is like a beautiful boat in a harbor — without a dedicated team onboard it can never depart as expected. Creating followership is not easy. It requires an alignment in leadership and the ability to communicate purpose to employees' minds and hearts. When this succeeds, the company moves a decisive step forward.This book contains successfully proved advice for your actual strategy work and for effective communication with the aim of executing an ambitious strategy on the first try.Winning the strategy execution means doing the right things in the right way when they are most needed.

  • - Strategies and technologies are not enough ... people are the key
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    127,95 kr.

    PROFESSOR SEAN MEEHAN, IMD BUSINESS SCHOOL: "By framing the central issue as alignment we have a fresh lens to look at change process. “Winning Through Alignment in Leadership” is worth any executive’s time."This book is about how you as a leader can design the process and work purposefully to create strategic alignment within your organisation.When the manoeuvrability is challenged by the speed of the market and the complexity of the organisation.Alignment is about cohesion and team manoeuvrability. To shorten the time from when the strategy is in place to when it is put into practice and executed.The challenge is to ensure that you, across all functions and areas of responsibility, perform at your very best when it matters most, thus optimising your competitiveness.Lars H. Nielsen has close to 30 years’ experience in facilitating successful strategic development processes in the business sector. This book offers you insight into how organisations such as Sanofi Genzyme, Pfizer, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Banedanmark, Bayer Crop Science and the Danish national rowing team have handled the challenges with success and created unique performances when itreally mattered.It starts with you as a leader – and especially with you as management.

  • - Results cannot be planned ... performances can
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    115,95 kr.

    Professor Sean Meehan, IMD Business School, Lausanne, CH:Lars H. Nielsen's thoughtful reflections on the journeys of successful Olympians, including his own, provide a clear, straightforward and motivating approach to achieving the persistent peak performances required to win. His approach is informed, and in "Winner Culture" vividly illustrated, by his work with winning organizations such as PANDORA, ATP, Danfoss and Jyske Bank. More a "just-do-it" than a detailed "how-to", Winner Culture identifies critical elements which based on my own observations, leadership teams have, despite repeated urging not to, a tendency to either overlook or not take sufficiently seriously enough. Two examples: 1) The power of establishing an highly ambitious goal, aligning by visualizing what goal achievement will require and reinforcing what is required along the journey through crystal clear communications (super illustrations here from the sports and business worlds); 2) Stay the course! I see this myself in practice: executives get fatigued, burned-out, bored and frustrated with the lack of progress. They unhelpfully introduce new twists, new ideas, often at just the wrong moment. The bigger lesson is that a strong performance management culture offers lots of space to all helpful ideas, but each in its own place and at the right time. A persistent theme running through the book, but not emphasized is the strength of the leaders 'showcased'; they are all strong leaders who took responsibility for creating, cultivating and guarding their winning cultures. The stories in which they feature are top class - Lars does a great service in lifting the curtain on these journeys to goal accomplishment. "Winner Culture" is an easy accessible read which should motivate executives and leaders as they face unrelenting uncertainty. Read it!Olympic Champion, 2012, Mads Rasmussen, Rowing: "A winner culture can be created. In this book Lars explains how."A winner culture is when success turns into a conscious habit. This was ATP’s ambition and it worked. The results speak for themselves: In 2010 ATP was named the world’s best pension fund. A winner culture means delivering the out-of-the-ordinary top performance on a daily basis. It is a winner culture which enables competent organizations and teams to achieve success when needed most. Since 1989, Lars H. Nielsen has been helping to create winners in a large section of the business sector. In addition to ATP he has cooperated with organizations as Jyske Bank, Danfoss and PANDORA – and it is the creation of a firmly anchored winner culture in these companies that this book is all about. In this book, which is intended for the ambitious manager or staff member and is based on in-depth case studies, Lars H. Nielsen tells how it is possible to create a winner culture for any team or organization. Be inspired, create a winner culture and reach the optimum performance – not just once but again and again.

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