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Astronomi og univers

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  • af Radmila Topalovic
    108,95 kr.

    Follow the progress of constellations throughout the seasons with this beautiful companion to the night sky from astronomy experts Collins With the aid of easy-to-understand monthly calendars and maps, you will chart the rhythm of the lunar phases, discover events that light up the sky for brief periods, and explore the rich tapestry of characters that adorn the starry canvas overhead. Never miss a night sky event wherever you are in the world with this month-by-month guide go meteor spotting, track the phases of the moon and explore the constellations worldwide coverage. With details for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres discover fascinating celestial facts and notable astronomical anniversaries Written and illustrated by astronomical experts Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion, and approved by the astronomers of Royal Observatory Greenwich.

  • af Sarah Perry
    223,95 kr.

    An unforgettable story of love, faith and science, Enlightenment is Sarah Perry¿s finest novel to dateThomas Hart and Grace Macauley are fellow worshippers at the Bethesda Baptist chapel in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits ¿ torn between their commitment to religion and their desire for more. But their friendship is threatened by the arrival of love.Thomas falls for James Bower, who runs the local museum. Together they develop an obsession with the vanished nineteenth-century female astronomer Maria Veduva, said to haunt a nearby manor, and whose startling astronomical discoveries may never have been acknowledged. Inspired by Maria, and the dawning realisation James may not reciprocate his feelings, Thomas finds solace studying the night skies. Could astronomy offer as much wonder as divine or earthly love?Meanwhile Grace meets Nathan, a fellow sixth former who represents a different, wilder kind of life. They are drawn passionately together, but quickly pulled apart, casting Grace into the wider world and far away from Thomas.In time, the mysteries of Aldleigh are revealed, bringing Thomas and Grace back to each other and to a richer understanding of love, of the nature of the world, and the sheer miracle of being alive.

  • af Lisa Kaltenegger
    278,95 kr.

    For thousands of years, humans have wondered whether we're alone in the cosmos. Now, for the first time, we have the technology to investigate. The question should have an obvious answer: yes or no. But once you try to find life elsewhere, you realize it is not so simple. How do you find it over cosmic distances? What actually is life?As founding director of Cornell University's Carl Sagan Institute, astrophysicist Lisa Kaltenegger built a team of tenacious scientists from many disciplines to create a uniquely specialized toolkit to find life on faraway worlds. In Alien Earths, she demonstrates how we can use our homeworld as a Rosetta Stone, creatively analyzing Earth's history and its astonishing biosphere to inform this search. With infectious enthusiasm, she takes us on an eye-opening journey to the most unusual exoplanets that have shaken our worldview - planets covered in oceans of lava, lonely wanderers lost in space, and others with more than one sun in their sky! And the best contenders for Alien Earths. We also see the imagined worlds of science fiction and how close they come to reality.We live in an incredible new epoch of exploration. As our witty and knowledgeable tour guide, Professor Kaltenegger shows how we discover not merely new continents, like the explorers of old, but whole new worlds circling other stars and how we could spot life there. Worlds from where aliens may even be gazing back at us. What if we're not alone?

  • af Thomas Brunstrøm & Andreas Mogensen
    74,95 kr.

    I bogen Andreas Mogensen fortæller om astronauttræning, vægtløshed og kæmpelyn får du en vildt spændende førstehåndsberetning fra den første dansker i rummet. Her kan du høre om, hvordan det føles at blive udvalgt som astronaut blandt 10.000 andre. Hvordan det er at være helt vægtløs og pludselig stå i loftet. Hvor nervepirrende det er at træne med den robotarm, som skal fange ens forsyninger i rummet, så de ikke flyver væk. Og hvordan det føles at se ned på jorden fra rummet og forstå, hvor vigtig og værdifuld den planet er, og hvor dumt det er, at vi ikke passer på den.Bogen er en del af Carlsens serie ER DU RIGTIG KLOG?, som er fuld af fantastiske fakta og vild viden. Fortalt af Danmarks allerbedste formidlere.Thomas Brunstrøm er forfatter, freelancejournalist og filmanmelder. Han debuterede i 2015 med børnebogen "Dengang Sallys far var dreng".Andreas Mogensen er astronaut og blev i 2015 den første dansker i rummet. Han blogger også om livet som astronaut på

  • af Jaime Green
    128,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Marcus Chown
    278,95 kr.

    What is space? What is time? Where did the universe come from? The answers to mankind's most enduring questions may lie in science's greatest enigma: black holes.A black hole is a region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. This can occur when a star approaches the end of its life. Unable to generate enough heat to maintain its outer layers, it shrinks catastrophically, its gravity intensifying to the point of collapse. When this phenomenon was first proposed in 1916, it defied scientific understanding so much that Albert Einstein dismissed it as too ridiculous to be true. But scientists have since proven otherwise. In 1971, Paul Murdin and Louise Webster discovered the first black hole: Cygnus X-1. Later, in the 1990s, astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found that not only do black holes exist, supermassive black holes lie at the heart of almost every galaxy. It would take another three decades to confirm this phenomenon. On 10 April 2019, a team of astronomers made history by producing the first image of a black hole.In A Crack in Everything, award-winning writer and broadcaster Marcus Chown - author of the bestselling Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You - reconstructs this extraordinary journey, a triumph of scientific theory and physical observation. Featuring in-depth interviews with key scientists at the forefront of mind-bending research, this is a compelling and brilliant work of popular science, with all of Chown's trademark lightness of touch, wit and enthusiasm.

  • - Stephen Hawkings sidste teori
    af Thomas Hertog
    268,95 - 270,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er vores univers, som det er? Hvordan begyndte alting? Hvordan vil det ende? Fysikeren Thomas Hertog granskede disse store spørgsmål sammen med Stephen Hawking og fik derved et helt særligt kendskab til de forbløffende indsigter, som Hawking, trods enorme fysiske udfordringer, arbejdede med sent i livet. Denne yderst velskrevne bog af Hawkings tætteste samarbejdspartner gennem 20 år giver et unikt indblik i et ekstraordinært menneske, hvordan kreative processer fungerer, samt omfanget og begrænsningerne af vores nuværende forståelse af kosmos. Tidens oprindelse er en tankevækkende beretning om videnskaben og de personligheder, der medvirkede i Stephen Hawkings ihærdige forsøg på at forstå kosmos.

  • - How Einstein's relativity unlocks the past, present and future of the cosmos
    af New Scientist
    128,95 kr.

    A little over a century ago, a young Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity to the world and utterly transformed our understanding of the universe. In Where the Universe Came From leading cosmologists and New Scientist explain that we still have plenty of unfinished business with the cosmos.

  • af Andrew May
    106,95 kr.

    Over 50 years ago, astronomers launched the world's first orbiting telescope. This allowed them to gaze further into outer space and examine anything that appears in the sky above our heads, from comets and planets to galaxy clusters and stars. Since then, almost 100 space telescopes have been launched from Earth and are orbiting our planet, with 26 still active and relaying information back to us.As a result of these space-based instruments, such as NASA's iconic Hubble Space Telescope, we know much more about the universe than we did half a century ago. But why is Hubble, orbiting just 540 kilometres above the Earth, so much more effective than a ground-based telescope? How can a glorified camera tell us not only what distant objects look like, but their detailed chemical composition and three-dimensional structure as well?

  • af Gerard DeGroot
    663,95 kr.

  • af Joe Cuhaj
    198,95 kr.

    Nothing captivates the human imagination like the vast unknowns of space. Ancient petroglyphs present renderings of the heavens, proof that we have been gazing up at the stars with wonder for thousands of years. Since then, mankind has systematically expanded our cosmic possibilities. What were once flights of fancy and dreams of science fiction writers have become nearly routine - a continuous human presence orbiting the Earth, probes flying beyond our solar system, and men walking on the moon. NASA and the Russian space program make traveling to the stars look easy, but it has been far from that. Space travel is a sometimes heroic, sometimes humorous, and always dangerous journey fraught with perils around every corner that most of us have never heard of or have long since forgotten. Space Oddities brings these unknown, offbeat, and obscure stories of space to life. From the showmanship and bravado of the earliest known space fatality, German Max Valier, to the first ever indictment under the Espionage Ac

  • af Eugen Reichl
    186,95 - 213,95 kr.

    Translation of: Die N1: Moskaus Mondrakete, A2016.

  • af James S. Welsh
    1.358,95 kr.

  • af Dante Lauretta
    395,95 kr.

  • af Anders Høeg Nissen & Tina Ibsen
    167,95 kr.

    Tycho Brahe var en af grundlæggerne af den moderne videnskab om rummet, og i dag får danske forskere international opmærksomhed inden for centrale områder som Big Bang-teorien, stjerne- og planetdannelse, exoplaneter og astrobiologi.Der er dansk teknologi med på Marsmissioner og på rumteleskoper. Et dansk firma har udviklet en motionscykel til Den Internationale Rumstation, ISS, og danske arkitekter arbejder med Marsbaser, der skal bygges med 3D-print.Podcast-værterne Tina Ibsen og Anders Høeg Nissen fortæller levende om Danmarks indsats i rumforskningen og interviewer forskere, ingeniører, forretningsfolk og en enkelt astronaut.Tina Ibsen (f. 1986) er uddannet astrofysiker. Hun har gennem det seneste årti formidlet sin viden til offentligheden og er kendt fra både radio, tv, podcasts og foredrag. Hun har gennem årene modtaget priser for sine formidlingsprojekter og har udgivet flere populærvidenskabelige bøger om universet.Anders Høeg Nissen (f. 1971) er journalist, radioproducent, podcaster og forfatter. Fra 2000-2017 var han ansat i Danmarks Radio, hvor han blandt andet var vært på P1-programmet Harddisken.

  • af Matthew H. Hersch
    473,95 kr.

    A captivating history of NASA’s Space Transportation System—the space shuttle—chronicling the inevitable failures of a doomed design.In Dark Star, Matthew Hersch challenges the existing narrative of the most significant human space program of the last fifty years, NASA’s space shuttle. He begins with the origins of the space shuttle: a century-long effort to develop a low-cost, reusable, rocket-powered airplane to militarize and commercialize space travel, which Hersch explains was built the wrong way, at the wrong time, and for all the wrong reasons. Describing the unique circumstances that led to the space shuttle’s creation by the administration of President Richard Nixon in 1972 and its subsequent flights from 1981 through 2011, Hersch illustrates how the space shuttle was doomed from the start.While most historians have accepted the view that the space shuttle’s fatal accidents—including the 1986 Challenger explosion—resulted from deficiencies in NASA’s management culture that lulled engineers into a false confidence in the craft, Dark Star reveals the widespread understanding that the shuttle was predestined for failure as a technology demonstrator. The vehicle was intended only to give the United States the appearance of a viable human spaceflight program until funds became available to eliminate its obvious flaws. Hersch’s work seeks to answer the perilous questions of technological choice that confront every generation, and it is a critical read for anyone interested in how we can create a better world through the things we build.

  • - Liv i Mælkevejen
    af Claus Lund
    98,95 - 283,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler i virkeligheden ikke om liv i rummet – eller mere nøjagtigt om liv i vores galakse, Mælkevejen.Den handler om, hvad nogle mennesker troede en gang, hvad nogle mennesker tror eller forestiller sig og endelig om, hvordan videnskabsfolk opstiller betingelser for liv på andre planeter.Langt det meste videnskab bygger på noget, videnskabsfolk før dem har fundet ud af; derfor kan der være en ide i at se, hvordan videnskabsfolk i fortiden og enkelte svindlere i dag har opfattet livet på fremmede planeter. Videnskabsfolk har således skudt den ide, at Jorden har haft besøg fra Venus, ned – alene fordi Venus er alt for varm og ugæstmild.Bogen indeholder stof, som nogle vil sige alene er for voksne, mens andet henvender sig til store børn. Jeg har som lærer erfaret, at hvis interessen er der, er emnerne relevante for alle.Der er skrevet meget om liv på fremmede planeter som regel rigt illustreret. Det kan være spændende læsning og måske en indgang til senere studier. Man skal tage illustrationerne med forbehold – også i denne bog – selv om meget bygger på astrobiologers arbejde. Jeg håber med denne bog at kunne skabe interesse for et meget spændende emne.Der kommer jævnligt nye oplysninger til – ikke mindst på grund af James Webb Teleskopet. Bogen har en smule om teorier for livets opståen; i den sammenhæng er sorte hullers indflydelse på fordelingen af stoffer i en galakse et nyt spændende emne. Det når ikke at komme med i denne bog.Er der oven i købet nogle, der vil følge med i fagtidsskrifter og bøger, er mit mål nået.Skulle der være nogen, der bliver så interesseret i emnet ”Liv i verdensrummet” og astronomi i det hele taget, at de melder sig ind i en astronomisk forening, kan jeg garantere nogle spændende timer.

  • af Anders Høeg Nissen & Tina Ibsen
    158,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Tina Ibsen og Anders Høeg Nissen fortæller levende om Danmarks indsats i rumforskningen og interviewer forskere, ingeniører, forretningsfolk og en enkelt astronaut.Danmark har været langt fremme inden for astronomi, siden Tycho Brahe etablerede sit forskningscenter på Hven i 1500-tallet. Og vi har leveret både teknologi og forskning til en lang række videnskabelige missioner.DTU Space har udviklet og leveret teknologi til James Webb-teleskopet, der blev opsendt i december 2021, og som leverer billeder af universet for 13 milliarder år siden.Forskere på Niels Bohr Institutet har bygget instrumenter, som kører rundt på Mars, installeret på NASA’s rovere. En række danske virksomheder har formået at udnytte den forskningsmæssige knowhow. Det gælder fx Terma, Weibel, Space Inventor og Gom-Space er producenter og eksportører af avanceret forsvars- og sikkerhedsteknologi til det internationale marked.

  • af Govert Schilling
    216,95 - 295,95 kr.

  • af Martin Griffiths
    118,95 kr.

  • af Robert M. Wald
    254,95 kr.

  • af Tim Peake
    156,95 kr.

    *Available for Pre-order Now* From bestselling author and astronaut Tim Peake, the captivating story of humans in space.Only 628 people in human history have left Earth. In Space: The Human Story, astronaut Tim Peake traces the lives of these remarkable men and women who have forged the way, from Yuri Gagarin to Neil Armstrong, from Valentina Tereshkova to Peggy Whitson.Full of exclusive new stories, and astonishing detail only an astronaut would know, the book conveys what space exploration is really like: the wondrous view of Earth, the surreal weightlessness, the extraordinary danger, the surprising humdrum, the unexpected humour, the newfound perspective, the years of training, the psychological pressures, the gruelling physical toll, the thrill of launch and the trepidation of re-entry. The book also examines the surprising, shocking and often poignant stories of astronauts back on Earth, whose lives are forever changed as they readjust to terra firma.Publication of the book comes on the eve of NASA's plans to return to the moon, fifty years after an astronaut last walked on the lunar surface. In 2024 the Artemis II mission will send four astronauts to orbit the moon. In 2025 Artemis III will send the first woman and the first person of colour to step on the lunar surface. What will separate these upcoming moonwalkers from the legendary Apollo crews? Does it still take a daring-do attitude, super-human fitness, intelligence, plus the 'Right-stuff' - a fabled grace under pressure? And how will astronauts travel even further - to Mars and beyond? Space: The Human Story reveals all.

  • af Giles Sparrow
    118,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af Kim Long
    183,95 kr.

    See every beautiful moon of 2024 with Kim Long's classic and handy Moon Calendar Card

  • af Nigel Henbest
    83,95 kr.

    Philip's Stargazing is the perfect practical guide for both budding and experienced astronomers.

  • af Janet Dowling
    168,95 kr.

    Folk tales about the sun, moon, planets and constellations

  • af Kevin Sene
    174,95 kr.

    From the Northern Lights to whirling coastal birds, and sunken villages to the annual deer rut, the UK is home to some of the world's finest natural spectacles. With this guide and a little luck, you too can experience the magic of seeing something truly extraordinary.Start planning your spectacular year with the help of this practical guide to the UK's most magical natural phenomena. This guide shows you when and where to go, and how to maximise your chances of a sighting, as well as explaining why these amazing spectacles occur in the first place. Sections cover: - Space: meteor showers, eclipses and supermoons, Northern Lights - Weather: hidden currents, mountain waves, named winds - Tides: tidal bores, tidal races, low tide walks - Land: autumn colours, wildflower displays, rutting deer - Rivers and lakes: salmon runs, sunken villages, waterfall wonders - Coast: wheeling waterbirds, seabird cities, seal pupsEach spectacle is graded according to how easy it is to spot, and the author gives expert tips on achieving the best sighting. Scientific insights describe the astronomical, meteorological and ecological causes of events, which are brought to life through the stories of the people who know them best, from the glider pilots who ride mountain waves to the King's Guides who help people navigate the dangerous sands of Morecombe Bay. This is your starting point for some truly phenomenal adventures.

  • af Camille Flammarion
    93,95 kr.

    "’Hele denne synlige verden,’ – sagde Lukretius for omtrent to tusind år siden, – ’er ikke den eneste i naturen; vi må tro, at der i andre egne af rummet gives andre jordkloder, andre væsener og andre mennesker.’"Mennesket har altid kigget op på stjernerne og spurgt sig selv, om der mon findes andre levende væsner et sted deroppe. I "Beboede verdener" fortæller astronom Camille Flammarion om de forskellige filosoffer, religioner og kulturers syn på muligheden for liv i det ydre rum. Han beskriver også de fysiske forudsætninger, der skal være til stede på en planet for, at livet kan opstå der, og kommer med bud på, på hvilke planeter dette kunne være muligt."Beboede verdener" udkom første gang i 1894 og blev læst over hele Europa med stor interesse. Bogen er oversat til en lang række sprog og er blevet en ægte klassiker inden for populærastronomi.Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) var en fransk astronom og forfatter, der med sin spændende foredrag og populære skrifter var med til at vække en bred interesse for astronomien. Han udgav flere bøger om astronomi, men er også kendt og elsket for sine skønlitterære værker, som er udkommet i store oplag overalt i Europa. Mange af hans værker er oversat til dansk.

  • af Stephen Palmer
    103,95 kr.

    The constellation we know as Taurus goes all the way back to cave paintings of aurochs at Lascaux. In I Am Taurus, author Stephen Palmer traces the story of the bull in the sky, starting from that point 19,000 years ago - a journey through the history of what has become known as the sacred bull. Each of the eleven sections is written from the perspective of the mythical Taurus, from the beginning at Lascaux to Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Spain and elsewhere. This is not just a history of the bull but also an attempt to see ourselves through the eyes of the bull, illustrating our pre-literate use of myth, how the advent of writing and the urban revolution changed our view of ourselves, and how even the most modern of rituals - bullfighting in Spain - is a variation on the ancient sacrifice of the sacred bull.

  • af Mike Massimino
    166,95 kr.

    When you think of a NASA astronaut, the image that probably comes to mind is one of the charismatic, athletic hero, ready to take on the stars. But former NASA astronaut turned business speaker and bestselling author Mike Massimino was pretty much the opposite. He was the underdog throughout NASA training: one of the weakest swimmers and a 'gangly, scrawny, working-class kid from Long Island with bad eyesight and a fear of heights.' Still, after working hard and working smart, Massimino made it to the International Space Station and had a successful career as an astronaut. Now, he uses his experience to bring readers valuable, actionable and entertaining advice for how to get back up and make possible the seemingly impossible.Moonshot shares Massimino's hard-earned lessons and how to apply them in work and life. With humour and a unique storytelling ability, he inspires readers to identify the passion in their work, use teamwork and innovation to solve problems, provide leadership in the face of adversity, and never give up when pursuing a goal. Written with characteristic wit and a big heart, Mike operates as our mission control to navigate us as we achieve our own personal and professional moonshots.

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