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Landbrug og byggeri

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  • af Charles Smith-Jones
    246,95 kr.

    Practical Deer Management offers candid and comprehensive advice for anyone who has to deal with deer and the issues they present, be they gardeners suffering attacks on their flower beds, foresters looking to prevent damage to newly planted trees, or landowners with larger scale problem.

  • - A Practical Guide to Their Use in Conservation and Repair
    af Nigel Copsey
    246,95 kr.

    Traditional mortars are eminently workable, effectively porous, economic in use and appropriately durable. Used in buildings for thousands of years, these materials are ideal for repair and conservation work. Unlike cement or modern hydraulic lime, their routine use would make a significant contribution in the struggle against climate change. However, despite the 1975 'lime revival' there remains a deficit in research into the most-used traditional mortars. This book seeks to redress the balance. Drawing upon historic literature, material science and industry case studies, topics covered include: a historical overview of traditional mortars; slaking and mixing hot mixed lime mortars; the essentials of pozzolans, aggregates and lime tempering; plasters, lime washes and sheltercoats, and finally, the revival of interest in the use of like-for-like and compatible mortars.

  • - A companion to the 2017 Plant and Design-Build Contract
    af Jakob Sørensen
    738,95 kr.

    Designed as a companion for both the first-time and also more experienced user, this book presents an accessible guide to the 21 clauses of the 2017 FIDIC Conditions of Contract, using the Conditions of Contract for Plant & Design Build (Yellow Book) as a basis.

  • - The Gold Medal Winners
    af Charlotte Brooks
    295,95 kr.

    Botanical Illustration: a genre of art that endeavours faithfully to depict and represent the form, colour and detail of a plant. The perfect book for the lover of horticulture, as well as an excellent reference both for botanists and aspiring artists, this collection also includes an introductory essay that delves into the history of the RHS.

  • af Thomas Herzog
    942,95 kr.

  • - One Man and His Dog
    af Tony Iley
    108,95 kr.

    Shepherd Tony Iley believes it's one of the wonders of the world to see a good Collie working in harmony with his master. In his book he covers the history of the working dog, training from puppy onwards, trials, breeding and the experiences of handlers past and present. He tells his wonderful story of the relationship between one man and his dog.

  • - En guidebog for lærlinge og svende
    af Martin Bergh
    118,95 - 129,95 kr.

    En overlevelsesguide for håndværkere. Læs om Mikkel og Mads, der går så meget igennem. Du får historien om en lærlings og svends ubarmhjertige møde med en byggebranche som ikke interesserer sig særlig meget for trivsel, personalepleje og samarbejde. Historierne om Mikkel og Mads følges gennem alle bogens dele. På den måde guides du igennem alle de situationer, du kommer ud for som nystartet i en håndværkervirksomhed, hvad enten du er lærling eller svend. Der er alle mulige og umulige krav til at være håndværker. Alt fra faglighed til høflighed forventes af en håndværker. "Sådan overlever du byggebranchen" er din guide til alt det, du ikke får med dig i din uddannelse som lærling eller svend. Bogen giver dig ikke bare indsigt i, hvad der forlanges af dig, den giver dig konkrete råd og vejledninger i hvordan du bliver bedre til dit arbejde, hvordan du får større indflydelse på dit arbejde og hvordan du får talt om hvilke forventninger der er til dig.

  • af Forrest Pritchard & Ellen Polishuk
    213,95 kr.

    A totally modern, all-purpose handbook for today's agricultural dreamers - covering the challenges and triumphs of launching any successful farm - from two leading lights in sustainable farming

  • - The Next Generation Indoor Vertical Farms
    1.979,95 kr.

    This book describes the concept, characteristics, methodology, design, management, business, recent advances and future technologies of plant factories with artificial lighting (PFAL) and indoor vertical farms.The third wave of PFAL business started in around 2010 in Japan and Taiwan, and in USA and Europe it began in about 2013 after the rapid advances in LED technology. The book discusses the basic and advanced developments in recent PFALs and future smart PFALs that emerged in 2016.There is an emerging interest around the globe in smart PFAL R&D and business, which are expected to play an important role in urban agriculture in the coming decades. It is also expected that they will contribute to solving the trilemma of food, environment and natural resources with increasing urban populations and decreasing agricultural populations and arable land area.Current obstacles to successful PFAL R&D and business are: 1) no well-accepted concepts and methodology for PFAL design and management, 2) lack of understanding of the environmental effects on plant growth and development and hydroponics among engineers; 3) lack of understanding of the technical and engineering aspects of PFAL among horticulturists; 4) lack of knowledge of the technical challenges and opportunities in future PFAL businesses among business professionals, policy makers, and investors and 5) lack of a suitable textbook on the recent advances in PFAL technologies and business for graduate students and young researchers. This book covers all the aspects of successful smart PFAL R & D and business. 

  • af Jorge (Universidad de Talca Retamales
    548,95 kr.

    This new and updated edition covers major topics of interest to blueberry breeders and researchers: botany, physiology, nutrition, growth regulation, photosynthesis, environment, weeds, pests, diseases and postharvest management. The focus is on the highbush blueberry, though information on other blueberries and related species is also provided.

  • - Basics, Construction, Significance
    842,95 kr.

    A uniquely comprehensive source of knowledge on all aspects of dry stone walls.

  • - Ecology, Cultivation & Uses
    1.988,95 kr.

  • - A Gardener's Collection of Pesky Problems and Surprising Solutions
    af Guy Barter
    146,95 kr.

    A horticultural expert provides informative, entertaining answers to the questions asked by every gardener.

  • af Philip Jodidio
    254,95 - 494,95 kr.

    Einst gleichgesetzt mit hässlichen Autobahnbrücken und abbröckelnden Fassaden ungeliebter Wohnblocks, hat Beton ein Revival erfahren und gilt heute als verwegen und sexy. Dieses Buch versammelt die beeindruckendsten Betonbauten zeitgenössischer Architektur, hervorgebracht sowohl von Stars wie Tadao Ando und Herzog & de Meuron als auch von aufstrebenden neuen Büros wie dem russischen SPEECH.

  • - A Guide to Managing Grazing Animals, Forage Crops, and Trees in a Temperate Farm Ecosystem
    af Steve Gabriel
    345,95 kr.

    A system for regenerating land, storing carbon, and creating climate resilience.

  • af Niels Anesen
    113,95 - 120,95 kr.

    "Vi trænger til regn" indledes, da klokkerne ringede freden ind den 5. maj 1945 - afslutningen på anden verdenskrig.Men det var langt fra afslutningen på bøndernes kritiske situation. Roman skildrer på realistisk og nærværende vis bøndernes kamp med den økonomiske landbrugskrise, der førte til politiske forvirringer og forskydninger.Niels Anesen (1896 – 1967) var en dansk forfatter og digter. Han debuterede i 1929 med digtsamlingen "Poemets magt". Samme år drog han på en længere rejse til Canada og USA, Mexico, Frankrig, Holland, Belgien og Tyskland. Som søn af en husmand optog almuens levevilkår Niels Anesen meget, og en stor del af hans litterære værker beskæftiger sig med netop med bøndernes hårde liv, hvilket blandt andet kan ses i hans romandebut "Blod og Staal" fra 1931. En anden vigtig inspirationskilde for Niels Anesen var hans udenlandsrejser. I "Manden fra Floden" fra 1953 beskriver han tiden i USA, som stadig sad i ham selv mange år efter. Niels Anesens forfatterskab bar præg af en særlig jordnærhed og omtanke for de menneskeskæbner, han mødte på sin vej.

  • - A Practical Guide to Self-Sufficient Living
    af Alan Beat
    198,95 kr.

  • af Alanna Moore
    318,95 kr.

  • - The River and its Double
    af Georges Descombes
    412,95 kr.

    A documentation of a seminal and internationally recognised re-naturalisation project for a river in Switzerland.

  • - Twenty First Century Engineering and Egypts Ancient Monuments
    af Peter James
    148,95 kr.

    Having worked on projects around the world, strengthening and restoring historically significant structures from Windsor Castle to the parliament buildings in Canada, Peter James brings insight to the structural engineering of ancient Egypt. After fourteen years working on the historic buildings and temples of Egypt, and most recently the world's oldest pyramid, he now presents some of the more common theories surrounding the 'collapsing' pyramid - along with new and innovative projections on the construction of the pyramids and the restoration of some of Cairo's most monumental structures from the brink of ruin. The decoding of historic construction from a builder's perspective is examined and explained - at times against many existing theories - and the book provides a new outlook on long-held assumptions, to embrace modern theories in a bid to preserve the past.

  • af Carl Thoresen
    1.508,95 kr.

    Now in its fourth edition, Port Designer's Handbook is the definitive guide to the layout, design and construction of harbours and port structures.

    473,95 kr.

    Updated and revised, this bestselling textbook provides a broad introduction to the welfare of animals large and small, farm and companion, wild and zoo. It retains the popular features of the previous editions, covering key issues such as ethics, animal pain and injury, health and disease, social conditions and welfare dilemmas and problems.

  • af Andrew (Myerscough College Hirons
    835,95 kr.

    Many arborists learn tree work practices without fully understanding the biological and physiological principles behind them. However, outcomes for the health and longevity of trees are greatly improved when an arborist understands the science behind the care of tree root systems and crowns. In Applied Tree Biology, Drs. Hirons and Thomas draw upon their decades of experience in the laboratory, classroom, and the field - as well as the expertise of distinguished contributors to this volume - to provide those responsible for tree care with the scientific information that informs best practices for planting, pruning, soil decompaction, irrigation, and much more.* Takes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating knowledge from plant biology, physiology, arboriculture, ecology, and more* Provides a systematic presentation of fundamental tree biology and the scientific principles informing high quality tree care* Presents accessible scientific information and best practices that help promote the health and longevity of trees* Reflects the authors' decades of experience as tree biology researchers and educators, as well as their years of professional experience across the globeApplied Tree Biology is an indispensable source of practical, succinct information on tree biology, physiology, and ecology for professionals and interested amateurs involved with the care of trees. Arborists, foresters, and horticulturists at all stages of their careers will find this text particularly useful.

  • - Breed Selection, Facilities, Feeding, Health Care, Managing Layers & Meat Birds
    af Gail Damerow
    213,95 kr.

    Serious poultry farmers and backyard bird raisers have relied on this best-selling reference for more than 20 years. The fourth edition of Gail Damerow’s comprehensive handbook is now completely revised and redesigned, making it more accessible and informative than ever. You’ll get the most up-to-date details on shelter, food, health care, eggs, chicks, and meat, and recent research into chicken behavior and communication makes the sections on flock management truly authoritative. New color photos and illustrations provide more specificity and information about chicken breeds, anatomy, and health.

  • - An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden
    af Kim Flottum
    186,95 kr.

    The Backyard Beekeeper, 4th Edition is your complete honey bee resource, loaded with updated information on bee problems and treatments, measuring techniques, swarm control, harvesting, and using top bar hives.

  • af Ganesh Prasad & Saurabh Deep Singh
    384,95 kr.

  • af Page Smith & Charles Daniel
    423,95 kr.

    Liberating today's chicken from cartoons, fast food, and other demeaning associations, The Chicken Book at once celebrates and explains this noble fowl. As it traces the rise and fall of Gallus domesticus, this astounding book passes along a trove of knowledge about everything from the chicken's biology to its place in legend and mythology.

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