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  • - Dreamer and Imaginative
    af &#969, &#962, &#940, mfl.
    398,95 kr.

    The theme of the book is that if a person imagines something, believes in something, sets a definite, specific goal, purpose, plan, ideal scene, he can achieve his goal.The problem that this book will solve is to teach you how you can achieve your goals and therefore create your final valuable products.Excerpts from our book show that problems that concern humanity for its well-being and better living conditions have been solved, at least in theory.It is pointed out that the qualifications of the author to be considered to be knowledgeable of the whole subject, as an expert, are the following:1. His age and the experience he gained by listening to the opinion of each person and living in different places.2. His professional career. He worked both as an engineer and as a tourism clerk (CEO) and more. Employee in a municipality (director), bookseller, manufacturer of public works, buildings, private and renovations of buildings, road construction works. Freelance engineer for issuing building permits and erection of houses, hotels, buildings in general.3. Participated in non-profit organizations such as religious, political, hotel, sports, professional.4. Has a lot of participation in education, sports, especially in championships, nautical sports. He has participated in several seminars on tourism, energy, economics, humanitarian content.What is contained in the book will help you to form another image of the demands of modern society, a society away from disasters, wars and, in particular, away from global warming. This new society will help the planet survive and not destroy it.It will offer you peace, longevity, calmness, cheerfulness, since the content of the book is not only a humorous fiction, but also contains a number of daily events that will benefit you immediately.For this reason and because it will actually help you, do not wait long after buying it to read it. The earlier you start and use his knowledge and information the better for you.That is why the author pushes you, urges you, suggests you to take immediate action, to come to the conclusion to read the book, to suggest that your acquaintances read it!

  • - Happy Holidays Happy New Year and Happy Birthday !!!!
    af &#969, &#962, &#940, mfl.
    123,95 kr.

    MELOMAKARONOULIS AND KOURABIEDINAThe celebrations of Christmas and New Year, young and old, have inextricably linked them with melomakarona and kourabiedes mainly, but also with baklava, doubles and of course the royal pie.From Agios Dimitrios, which is on October 26, the patisseries and bakeries are constantly preparing for the whole time until the Epiphany the admittedly wonderful sweet creations that we mentioned and especially the first time, the snowy and honeyed delicacies, that is the our kourabiedines and our melomakaronoulides !!! Every store makes all this in a different way, since there are many, different versions - recipes according to which those wonderful delicacies can be prepared. And the difference that exists is not exclusively about the tasty part of the subject, but also the visual, since our two protagonists come out in various shapes: star, bell, fir, crescent, except of course the classic round shape.Others you say buy these sweets, while others make them at home. Of course, there are those who do both, that is, they buy and prepare on their own, and this is because they have small children where they eagerly want to participate in the brilliant process of preparation and baking and their elaborate placement on colorful and imaginative festive platesAnd what do not most children do to achieve what they want and especially here, in this case, where we are at the gates of Christmas, there are two very buzzing brothers, Theofanis and Spyridoula where this time their imagination exceeds each previous. Well, every year their parents buy these delicious sweets and never, not even for a year have they made them themselves. And to see the pity of our two little friends, because they heard from their friends that their own parents or grandmothers prepared them themselves. And he tells you, sit down now we will think of something - we will scratch to make our own to make us at least once all those fantastic goodies.I honestly, now that I think of their "satanic" plan, which they devised with more cunning, I am mad because I really could not imagine how far it's capable of reaching the minds and reasoning of children in order to materialize and take flesh and bones whatever their desire.Where I was cooking a breakfast and even making pastitsada (it is Corfiot food with rooster or veal or even chicken braised with nice thick spaghetti), the phone rings. Nah, am I saying who is dwarf? I pick up the radio and turn on the open listening, because I wanted to cook on time and not eat time of the day on such a day !!!. And fortunately I thought and made this move, because who or rather who do you think called me? But of course, my two favorite nieces Spyridoula and Theofanis !!!. I immediately thought "see what some bugs want to do again" and I really was not wrong !!!.I said to them "what are my children doing, my souls"? And they tell me without a trace of hesitation the Atimoutsika "Alexia, after many hours of meeting we inform you that we have found the perfect plan where it will provide us for this year at least the coveted Christmas sweets, made even once by the golden hands of our parents !!!. Then I completely spontaneously laughed out loud with all my soul because I was sure that with what my two puppies would tell me, that their parents would be able to prepare the holiday sweets for themselves, but they would also participate as guest stars, that is, something like an extraordinary participation, one thing !!!.

  • af &#960, &#964, &#959, mfl.
    464,95 kr.

    Το παρόν βιβλίο είναι η επεξεργασμένη και από τον συγγραφέα μεταφρασμένη στα Ελληνικά έκδοση ενός μεγαλύτερου συγγράμματοs (Panos Terz: Wissenschaft vom Völkerrecht, Theorie des Völkerrechts, Philosophie des Völkerrechts, Soziologie des Völkerrechts, MethodologieVölkerrechts), εκδοθέντος στη γερμανική γλώσσα και μεταφρασθέντος από τον εκδοτικό οίκο στα Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Ισπανικά, Ιταλικά, Πορτογαλλικά και Ρωσσικά. Το βιβλίο αποτελεί το αποκρυστάλλωμα βασικών επιστημονικών ερευνών, οι οποίες άρχισαν ήδη το 1975. H περαιτέρω εξέλιξη της θεωρητικής διάστασης της Επιστήμης του Διεθνούς Δημοσίου Δικαίου είναι η βασική επιδίωξη. Αντιτίθεται στη μονοδιάστατη νομικιστική θεώρηση καθώς και στον επίσης μονοσήμαντο κοινωνιολογισμό. Στο επίκεντρο της μελέτης δεν εστιάζονται το Διεθνές Δημόσιο Δίκαιο (αρχές, κανόνες) ή οι πολυποίκιλες απόψεις και θεωρίες των Διεθνολόγων, γιατί περί αυτών σημειώνονται πολυάριθμα βιβλία, αλλά τα συστατικά τμήματα της Επιστήμης του Διεθνούς Δημοσίου Δικαίου, όπως η Θεωρία του Διεθνούς Δημοσίου Δικαίου, η Φιλοσοφία του ΔιεθνούςΔημοσίου Δικαίου, η Κοινωνιολογία του Διεθνούς Δημοσίου Δικαίου και η Μεθοδολογία του Διεθνούς Δημοσίου Δικαίου.

  • af &#960, &#959, &#962, mfl.
    100,95 kr.

    Συνοδεύστε την Άννα στις περιπέτειές της, καθώς μαθαίνει πώς ο αόρατος κόσμος της ενέργειας τη βοηθά στα μαθήματα που της δίνει η ζωή.

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