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  • af Aarti Saini
    308,95 kr.

    Queuing theory have wide range of applications that helps a person in making right decision in complex queuing system encountered in daily life. Queuing theory deals with the study of queues that occurs in real world situations and arise when the rate of arrival exceeds the rate of service. The capacity of a particular system can be determined by queueing theory based on the probability idea. A method of optimization cannot be used to describe the application of queueing theory. It aids in making the best possible use of the currently available staff and other resources to enhance the service. As a result of the unfavorable experiences of waiting for service, customers become dissatisfied and may migrate to other service providers. The cost of waiting is both psychological and financial, because waiting time implies the loss of a valuable resources. Customer dissatisfaction increases as the wait time increases.This book provides a stochastic analysis of a priority bi-tandem queue network of two parallel biserial subsystems commonly connected to a single server. This analytical study is not limited to a specific situation, but has numerous applications in networking system, supermarket, administrations, industries etc. This study is useful to increase customer's satisfaction and optimum utilizations of the serving facilities. Numerical and Graphical analysis of the study is helpful to those, who are interested to analyze the complex Priority queue system in stochastic environment.

  • af Aarti Saini
    513,95 kr.

    Questo libro è un tentativo di analizzare i modelli di rete di code bi-seriali con la disciplina delle priorità. I modelli di coda proposti sono stati analizzati in ambiente stocastico. Le equazioni di Chapman-Kolmogorov (CKE) sono utilizzate per definire le distribuzioni di probabilità congiunte con le probabilità associate e soddisfano tutte le condizioni richieste per l'esistenza di soluzioni indipendenti dal tempo in un processo stocastico. Il presente studio è utile per ridurre le congestioni e i periodi di inattività dei sistemi di servizio. L'applicabilità dello studio si riscontra nei settori bancario, medico, delle registrazioni e delle amministrazioni e in molti altri campi in cui si ipotizza che i visitatori ad alta priorità ricevano un trattamento speciale rispetto ai visitatori comuni (a bassa priorità).

  • af Aarti Saini
    514,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist ein Versuch, die bi-seriellen Warteschlangennetzwerkmodelle mit Prioritätsdisziplin zu analysieren. Die vorgeschlagenen Warteschlangenmodelle wurden in einer stochastischen Umgebung analysiert. Die Chapman-Kolmogorov-Gleichungen (CKE) werden verwendet, um die gemeinsamen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen mit den zugehörigen Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu definieren und alle erforderlichen Bedingungen für die Existenz von zeitunabhängigen Lösungen in stochastischen Prozessen zu erfüllen. Die vorliegende Studie ist nützlich, um Überlastungen und Leerlaufzeiten von Verkehrssystemen zu reduzieren. Die Anwendbarkeit der Studie findet sich im Bankensektor, im medizinischen Bereich, bei Registrierungen und Verwaltungen und in vielen anderen Bereichen, in denen die Annahme besteht, dass Besucher mit hoher Priorität eine besondere Behandlung gegenüber den gewöhnlichen Besuchern (mit niedriger Priorität) erfahren.

  • af Aarti Saini
    514,95 kr.

    Este livro é uma tentativa de analisar os modelos de rede de filas bi-seriais com a disciplina de Prioridade. Os modelos de filas de espera propostos foram analisados em ambiente estocástico. As equações de Chapman-Kolmogorov (CKE) são utilizadas para definir as distribuições de probabilidade conjuntas com probabilidades associadas e satisfazem todas as condições necessárias para a existência de soluções independentes do tempo num processo estocástico. O presente estudo é útil para reduzir os congestionamentos e o período de inatividade dos sistemas de serviço. A aplicabilidade do estudo encontra-se nos sectores bancário, médico, dos registos e das administrações e em muitos outros domínios em que os visitantes de alta prioridade recebem tratamento especial em relação aos visitantes comuns (baixa prioridade).

  • af Aarti Saini
    514,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga predstawlqet soboj popytku analiza modelej biserial'nyh setej ocheredej s disciplinoj prioritetow. Predlozhennye modeli ocheredej byli proanalizirowany w stohasticheskoj srede. Urawneniq Chepmena-Kolmogorowa (CKE) ispol'zuütsq dlq opredeleniq sowmestnyh raspredelenij weroqtnostej s sootwetstwuüschimi weroqtnostqmi i udowletworqüt wsem neobhodimym uslowiqm dlq suschestwowaniq nezawisimyh ot wremeni reshenij w stohasticheskom processe. Nastoqschee issledowanie polezno dlq umen'sheniq zatorow i perioda prostoq sistem obsluzhiwaniq. Issledowanie primenimo w bankowskom sektore, medicine, registraturah i administraciqh i mnogih drugih oblastqh, gde predpolagaetsq, chto wysokoprioritetnye posetiteli poluchaüt osoboe obsluzhiwanie po srawneniü s obychnymi (nizkoprioritetnymi) posetitelqmi.

  • af Aarti Saini
    514,95 kr.

    Ce livre est une tentative d'analyse des modèles de réseaux de files d'attente bi-sériels avec la discipline des priorités. Les modèles de file d'attente proposés ont été analysés dans un environnement stochastique. Les équations de Chapman-Kolmogorov (CKE) sont utilisées pour définir les distributions de probabilité conjointes avec les probabilités associées et satisfont toutes les conditions requises pour l'existence de solutions indépendantes du temps dans un processus stochastique. La présente étude est utile pour réduire les encombrements et les périodes d'inactivité des systèmes de service. Elle trouve son application dans les secteurs bancaire, médical, des inscriptions et des administrations et dans bien d'autres domaines, en partant du principe que les visiteurs hautement prioritaires bénéficient d'un traitement spécial par rapport aux visiteurs ordinaires (faiblement prioritaires).

  • af Aarti Saini
    367,95 kr.

    This book is an attempt to analyze the bi-serial queue network models with Priority discipline. The proposed Queuing Models have been analyzed in Stochastic Environment. The Chapman- Kolmogorov equations (CKE) are used to define the joint probability distributions with associated probabilities and satisfied all required conditions for the existence of time ¿ independent solutions in stochastic process. The present study is useful to reduce congestions and idle period of service systems. The applicability of the study finds in banking sectors, medical, registrations and administrations and many other fields with assumptions of high priority visitors gets special treatment over the common (low priority) visitors.

  • af Aarti Saini
    1.591,95 kr.

    This edited volume explores marketing in the Post-COVID world and the significant changes that have recently hit the markets. It examines the newly emerging paradigms due to shifts in consumer behaviour and market responses arising from the COVID-19 crisis.The global pandemic has brought a paradigmatic change in consumer behaviour and unravelled several resilient strategies formulated and implemented by organizations to restore normalcy.This book focuses on long-term goals and survival strategies, which can be co-created with customers. Organized into seven themes, this volume will critique and connect the meaning of the ¿new normal¿ in marketing and topics such as the future of markets, post-pandemic consumer behaviour, and new marketing strategies.

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