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Bøger af Adam Blade

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  • af Adam Blade
    167,95 kr.

    Find out about the Beasts - from A to Z!

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    Bind nr. 40 i serien MONSTERJAGTENEt glubende sultent monster strejfer omkring på Tavanias vindblæste slette: Midnatskrigeren er på jagt efter bytte! Hvis Tom ikke besejrer hende, bliver de mørke portaler i himlen ved at hærge riget ...

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    Bind 42 af MONSTERJAGTENI det kolde nord sniger en dræber sig rundt i natten - Carnivora, den vingede ådselsæder! Kan Tom og Elenna gennemføre den allersidste monsterjagt og få Tavanias folk til at stå sammen mod Malvels onde hær? Hvis ikke det lykkes dem, udslettes Tavania, og de kommer aldrig til at se Avantia igen ...

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    Bind 41 i serien MONSTERJAGTENRiget Tavania hærges af mørke portaler og frygtelige monstre. hvis ikke Tom og hans venner besejrer strømuhyret Ellik, er riget snart fortid ...

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    39. bind i serien MONSTERJAGTENDen onde troldmand Malvel styrer landet Tavania mod total ødelæggelse. For at stoppe ham skal Tom besejre seks hærgende monstre og sende dem tilbage til deres hjem. Den knusende kæmpe Krestor venter på ham ...Letlæst fantasyserie for de 7-11-årige.

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    38. bind i serien MONSTERJAGTENTom og hans venner står over for en ny udfordring i det mystiske land Tavania. Voldsomme skovbrande lægger alt øde. Tom er overbevist om, at et monster er på spil, men kan han - med livet i behold - besejre Hellion, et væsen skabt af flammer?Letlæst fantasyserie for de 7-11-årige.

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    37. bind i serien MONSTERJAGTENTom og hans venner er kommet til et nyt fremmed land - Tavania. Den onde troldmand Malvels magi har fået seks frygtindgydende monstre til at hærge landet. For at genskabe freden er Tom nødt til at stille op til en farlig duel i ørkenen mod det koldblodige bæst Convol ...

  • af Adam Blade
    135,95 kr.

    Femte bind i serien MONSTERJAGTENDrengen Tom har sammen med pigen Elenna befriet fire af de seks monstre, som den onde troldmand har kastet sin forbandelse på. Nu må Tom og Elenna drage mod Is-sletterne for at befri det femte monster, sneuhyret Nanook, hvis kongeriget Avantia skal bestå.

  • af Adam Blade
    43,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Tom er den helt, Avantia har ventet på. En ond troldmand har fået magten over de magiske væsner, der engang beskyttede landet. Kentauren Tagus hærger på sletterne, og dyr og mennesker lever i evig frygt. Kan Tom stoppe monstret, før det er for sent?

  • af Adam Blade
    78,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure. Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!

  • af Adam Blade
    78,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure. Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!

  • af Adam Blade
    100,95 kr.

    The perfect gift for any Beast Quest fan - three bestselling books in one!

  • af Adam Blade
    78,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure. Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!

  • af Adam Blade
    78,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure. Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!

  • af Adam Blade
    137,95 kr.

    The perfect gift for any Beast Quest fan - three bestselling books in one!

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba's Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. In the final part of this Quest, brave Nolan and his companion, Marilla, find themselves deep in a jungle where the mighty stone-fisted gorilla Petrok proves a fearsome foe!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don't miss out!

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba's Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. When Katya travels through a portal to a faraway part of Tangala, she and her companion, Veradu, find themselves in terrible danger from Heraxor, a gigantic hawk with feathers like blades!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don't miss out!

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    Join Harry and Ava as they battle space monsters, in a thrilling new adventure series that's out of this world! Harry and Ava are space cadets living aboard Vantia1, a massive space station that was created after a black hole swallowed their home planet. The black hole was the work of an evil scientist, Vellis, who is holding Harry's parents hostage - and now he's invented a new and terrifying Beast, a three-headed droid dog that can dig up the precious element Vellis needs to power his deadly superweapons. Only Harry and Ava can defeat Vellis and rescue everyone from certain doom ...

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    "When Nolan's hometown is attacked by the venomous beast Draka, he takes the fight to the skies using Tom's eagle feather. Helped by Queen Aroha herself, Nolan must defeat the beast to retrieve one of its scales which can be used to save Tom from Malvel's curse"--

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    "Katya and Daltec journey to her village near the forests of Tangala to find and fight a terrifying new beast called Lukor - a giant lynx. They must defeat the beast to save Katya's home and to find the final healing ingredient that can save Tom from Malvel's evil curse"--

  • af Adam Blade
    77,95 kr.

    "In the land of Tangala there's a new and terrible danger, as the wicked sorceress Zuba has transformed a gang of bandits into monstrous Beasts. Worst of all, Tom has been attacked by one of the Beasts and lies gravely ill. He and Elenna have called on the New Protectors for help, and brave young Nolan must face a vicious bat-Beast!"--

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    "When a sea-Beast attacks, Tom calls on Miandra -- one of the New Protectors -- to fight back against the threat. But will this Beast be too much for the heroes to tackle?"--

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    "When the New Protectors capture four dangerous bandits Tom thinks that that Tangala will finally live under a reign of peace. But a mysterious sorceress, Zuba, sees to that. She uses her shapeshifting powers to transform one of the bandits into Hyrix, a monstrous faun, who destroys everything in his path. Can Rafe stop him?--

  • af Adam Blade
    77,95 kr.

    "Controlled by a wicked sorceress called Zuba, a band of shapeshifters is attacking the land of Tangala. Tom has called on the New Protectors for help, and now it's Katya's turn to play her part in the fight. Can brave Katya defeat Makoro, a deadly scorpion-Beast terrorising the desert people?"--

  • Spar 17%
    af Adam Blade
    99,95 kr.

    I mere end tvve år har Avantias store monsterjæger Tom været Rigets Beskytter.Det er tid til, at en ny generation træder til. Tre nye helte, Amy, Charlie og Sam, lever i vores verden, men er efterkommere af Avantias Vogtere, og nu skal de læres op til at blive de nye vogtere.Bestsellerserien Monsterjagten har siden 2008 motiveret børn til at læse. Serien har på verdensplan solgt mere end 11 millioner eksemplarer. Monsterjagten – Nyt blod er målrettet de lidt ældre læsere, som har knækket læsekoden og gerne vil have mere af det fascinerende univers. Der er action, gys, humor og vigtige venskaber fra første side. Skrifttypen er stor og tydelig, og opdelingen i mange kapitler samt de flotte, dramatiske illustrationer gør bøgerne indbydende.

  • af Adam Blade
    87,95 kr.

    Meet the New Protectors! Four young adventurers are joining Tom and Elenna in their Quest to protect their kingdoms against the forces of Evil.Malvel is back, and the Evil Wizard has raised four deadly new Beasts. To make matters worse, he has cursed Tom into a magical coma and now Tom is powerless to fight Malvel. Miandra, one of the New Protectors, must team up with Prince Rotu to defeat a monster from the sea that's attacking her own fishing village - but can they fight back against this giant's poisonous tentacles?There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up - don't miss out! Kalderon the Iron Bear; Garox the Coral Giant; Draka the Winged Serpent and Lukor the Mountain Demon.If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero,Beast Quest: New Blood and Space Wars.

  • af Adam Blade
    72,95 kr.

    Meet the New Protectors! Four young adventurers are joining Tom and Elenna in their Quest to protect their kingdoms against the forces of Evil. The Evil Wizard Malvel has returned and summoned four deadly new Beasts. Worse still, he has put a magical curse on Tom, leaving him unconscious. Rafe, one of the New Protectors, must team up with Elenna to do battle against a great bear-Beast and find the first healing ingredient to help save Tom.There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up - don't miss out! Kalderon the Iron Bear; Garox the Coral Giant; Draka the Winged Serpent and Lukor the Mountain Demon.If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero,Beast Quest: New Blood and Space Wars.

  • af Adam Blade
    187,95 kr.

    Sidste del i serien om de nye helte fra nutiden, som kæmper mod de onde monstre fra AVANSIA. I denne fine afslutning må heltene alliere sig med en tidligere fjende.MONSTERJAGTEN - NYT BLOD:I mere end tvve år har Avantias store monsterjæger TOM været Rigets Beskytter. Det er tid til, at en ny generation træder til. Tre nye helte AMY, CHARLIE og SAM lever i vores verden, men er efterkommere af Avantias Vogtere.Dette er en rigtig god start på en ny serie for dem, der trofast har fulgt den lange serie om MONSTERJAGTEN, men som også er klar til en udfordring med højere side- og lix-tal.Bogen er spændende, medrivende og fuld af referencer til Avantia, som kendere af MONSTERJAGTEN vil være glade for.Lektørudtalelsen på første bind i serien.Lix: 30,5 - ml=10,9 lo= 19,6Bestsellerserien MONSTERJAGTEN har siden 2008 motiveret børn til at læse. Serien har på verdensplan solgt mere end 11 millioner eksemplarer.MONSTERJAGTEN - NYT BLOD er målrettet de lidt ældre læsere, som har knækket læsekoden, og gerne vil have mere af det fascinerende univers. Der er action, gys, humor og vigtige venskaber fra første side. Skrifttypen er stor og tydelig, og opdelingen i mange kapitler samt de flotte, dramatiske illustrationer gør bøgerne indbydende.

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