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Bøger af Alan Smith

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  • - Sådan skaber du produkter og serviceydelser som kunderne vil have.
    af Yves Pigneur, Alex Osterwalder, Greg Bernarda & mfl.
    157,95 kr.

    Forfatterne til den globale mega bestseller ”Business Model Generation” forklarer hvordan man skaber Value Propositions som kunderne bare må have.”Value Proposition Design” hjælper dig med at håndtere alle virksomheders væsentligste udfordring – at skabe attraktive produkter og serviceydelser som kunderne vil have. Denne praktiske bog vil, sammen med dens ”Online Companion” lære dig om de værktøjer og processer du behøver for at få succes. Ved at anvende samme inspirerende visuelle format som forfatterteamets globale mega bestseller, ”Business Model Generation” forklarer forfatterne i denne opfølgningsbog hvordan man kan anvende ”Value Proposition Canvas” der er et praktisk værktøj til at designe, teste, skabe og håndtere produkter og serviceydelser som kunderne rent faktisk efterspørger.”Value Proposition Design” er til alle der har oplevet at være frustrerede over: forretningsmøder der bestod af endeløse diskussioner, anelser og intuitioner fremfor kendsgerninger, dyre nye produktlanceringer der blev til ingenting eller bare er blevet skuffet over en god idé der endte i fiasko. Bogen hjælper dig med at forstå mønstrene ved fantastiske Value Propositions, at komme tættere på kunderne og undgå at spilde tid med idéer der ikke virker. Du vil lære den simple men grundige proces det er at designe og teste Value Propositions for på den måde at fjerne gætværk fra det at skabe produkter og serviceydelser der fuldstændig matcher kunders behov og begær.Praktiske øvelser, illustrationer og værktøjer hjælper dig med hurtigt og effektivt at forbedre dit produkt, serviceydelse eller din nye forretningsidé. Som et supplement giver bogen eksklusiv adgang til en ”Online Companion” på Der vil du kunne gennemføre interaktive øvelser, vurdere dit arbejde, lære fra ligesindede og hente Pdf filer, checklister og meget mere.”Value Proposition Design” er fuldstændig integreret med og komplementerer ”Business Model Canvas” fra forgængeren ”Business Model Generation”, der er et værktøj som både iværksættere og store koncerner som: MasterCard, 3M, Coca Cola, GE, Fujitsu, LEGO, Colgate-Palmolive og mange flere har taget til sig.”Value Proposition Design” giver dig en gennemafprøvet metode til at få succes med Value Propositions der sælger og som er indlejret i forretningsmodeller der virker.Om forfatterne:Forfatterne til ”Value Proposition Design” er besat af at bringe praktiske værktøjer og processer til arbejdet med forretningsudvikling, strategi, innovation og iværksætteri. De deler alle en fælles passion for at gøre forretningskoncepter simple, smukke og anvendelige så de bliver brugbare og uundværlige for forretningsfolk og organisationer.Teamet bag ”Value Proposition Design” er det samme som står bag den globale mega bestseller ”Business Model Generation” og består af Dr. Alex Osterwalder, Dr. Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith fuldendt med Greg Bernarda og Trish Papadakos.

  • - A guide to traditional techniques
    af Alan Smith
    185,95 kr.

  • - A Detailed Explanation on How to Control Spiritual, Physical and Psychological from a Physical Aspects
    af Alan Smith
    152,95 kr.

    Within all living beings are seven powerful centers of energy called chakras. Every chakra holds the potential for immense healing and restoration, and Chakra Healing can show you how to harness that power with a wide range of simple, beginner-friendly exercises that anyone can do.The key to optimal health and well-being is within us, in powerful energy centers called chakras. Ancient cultures understood the sacred healing power of chakras and that self-care aligned with nature. This book will put you on the path to healing pain, allergies, indigestion, headaches, fatigue, and even emotional turbulence like loneliness.

  • - Sir Frederick Smith and the Barbados Journey
    af Alan Smith
    197,95 kr.

    Few nation builders, men that craft countries at their outset, live long enough to write their own story. Sir Frederick "Sleepy" Smith is one. In the award winning "Dreaming a Nation", Sir Frederick, now 91, and co-author Alan Smith, reflect on the journey to nationhood of Barbados, a Caribbean and Commonwealth country which consistently ranks as one of the highest rated developing countries in the United Nations Global Human Development Index - all through Sir Frederick's remarkable personal story. Importantly, as Richard Drayton, the Rhodes Professor of Imperial History, King's College London notes in the foreword, these memoirs, "brimming with "Sleepy" Smith's wit and humour", provide "glimpses of aspects of 20th century Barbadian private and public life which neither historians nor novelists have yet recorded." Sir Frederick, whose great-great-grandfather was a slave, was born in Barbados in 1924 into a family of eleven children. After a rural childhood, he went on to serve in the British Army in World War 2 and to teach classics. After studying law in England, he threw himself into trade union and national politics, and in 1955, became one of the founders and first president of Barbados's Democratic Labour Party (DLP) which led Barbados to independence. Sleepy was falsely branded a communist at that time, when the Caribbean was a hot cauldron of Cold War politics. He was Barbados's first Attorney General and then the Leader of the Opposition after the first post-Independence change of government. Sir Frederick reflects on the nature of politics and decision making in a small country. He also takes us behind the scenes to periods of national life which, according to Richard Drayton, are "almost invisible in ...published history". In particular, he reveals the support which the Government of Barbados gave to Cuba in 1975 in allowing them to use the Barbados airport to transport troops to Angola to fight forces backed by the South African Apartheid regime. He tells of his time as Queens Counsel when he was involved in several important cases and as a judge on the Grenada Court of Appeal presiding over the case of the 1983 Grenada Revolution. Over his multi-faceted career, Sir Frederick interacted with many interesting, famous (and infamous) people: Barbados' National Heroes Sir Grantley Adams and Errol Barrow, with whom he worked closely; prime ministers and presidents - Sir Alec Douglas Home, Indira Ghandi, Chiang Kai-Shek, John Diefenbaker; fellow law officers US Chief Justice Earl Warren and US Attorney General Eric Holder; famous cricketers with whom he grew up - the three W's of Frank Worrell, Clyde Walcott and Everton Weekes; and even the notorious train robber Ronnie Biggs whom he successfully defended in an extradition case (but was never paid!). Importantly, "Dreaming a Nation" provides unique insights into the extraordinarily rigid constraints of race and class which characterised colonial Barbados and how, within a relatively short period of time, the arrival of popular democracy transformed the life chances of ordinary Barbadians. Richard Drayton reminds us, "That winning the vote in Barbados led to such dramatic improvements in health, education, and welfare, and a society founded on the rule of law, rather than civil war and Swiss bank accounts, was not inevitable. It had to do with the values and vision of Sleepy and his generation in both political parties, who sought for Barbados the kind of welfare democracy built in Britain after 1945." That is why "Dreaming a Nation" is not only a valuable contribution to Barbados' civic memory, it provides important lessons for nation builders of small countries everywhere. These unique glimpses into the public and private worlds of Sir Frederick as a soldier, teacher, legal scholar, politician, nation builder, thinker and family man are indeed a gift to future generations in Barbados, the Caribbean and the wider world.

  • - Learn How to Fly Your Drone with Ease User Guide Simplified
    af Alan Smith
    249,95 kr.

    The DJI Air 2S has an infrared sensor module as well as backward, forward, downward, and upward vision systems, which enable hovering, outdoor and indoor flight, as well as auto Return to Home. The aircraft can fly for up to 31 minutes at a maximum speed of approximately 42miles per hour (68.4kph). The remote controller shows the DJI video stream from the aircraft. Fly with a mobile device, and use the on-board controls to easily operate the aircraft and camera. This handbook will guide you through the use of the drone from start to finish

  • - They say revenge is more exacted in cold blood
    af Alan Smith
    142,95 kr.

    George and his two daughters, Samantha and Christine, go to a Psychic and Mystic fayre one Sunday morning. What started out as an innocent trip to the local hotel, where they were holding the Psychic and Mystic Fayre, led to strange things happening before they had left the car park to go home. The Black Crystal Ball that George bought for his wife, Caroline, from the funny little vendor who didn't exist, proved to be more than a strange medium for passing information. Once they got home, even stranger things happened over the course of the next few weeks, increasing in their frightening intensity. Little did he know that it would change their direction in life forever. Caroline finds an affinity with the ball, finds bank robbers, murderers and some very nasty characters. The Black Crystal Ball turned out to be an ethereal vehicle for sinister revenge. The attempted rape which went horribly wrong for the attackers, the missing boy, thought abducted, found just in time, Sliced and diced fingers of a local villain, the Police, drug addicts, what next The bodies and casualties begin to pile up. How far will she go? How far would it let her go? You could not begin to imagine what would happen next. It is a very compelling and very scary read, but gives you a real satisfaction feeling - way above smug.

  • - Step by Step on Aquaponics Gardening, a Comprehensive Guide on Aquaculture and Hydroponics
    af Alan Smith
    152,95 kr.

    Aquaponics is a revolutionary system for growing plants by fertilizing them with the waste water from fish in a sustainable closed system. A combination of the best of aquaculture and hydroponics, aquaponic gardening is an amazingly productive way to grow organic vegetables, greens, herbs and fruits, while providing the added benefits of fresh fish as a safe, healthy source of protein. On a larger scale, it is a key solution to mitigating food insecurity, climate change, groundwater pollution and the impacts of overfishing on our oceans. Aquaponic Gardening is the definitive do-it-yourself home manual, focused on giving you all the tools you need to create your own aquaponic system and enjoy healthy, safe, fresh and delicious food all year round. Starting with an overview of the theory, benefits and potential of aquaponics.Combine the benefits of fish farming with hydroponics to grow food in new and efficient ways. Whether it's understanding how to balance water chemistry, pick your optimal fish and plants, or assemble aquaponic setups,

  • - A Comprehensive Guide on Allergy Diet and How to Maintain Allergy Free
    af Alan Smith
    152,95 kr.

    It's daunting when your child is diagnosed with a food allergy but just because they're allergic to one, or indeed, several types of food doesn't mean that they can't eat delicious meals with the rest of the family, benefit from a healthy, balanced diet or (should they deserve them!) have tasty treats.Dishes like No-Butter Indian "Butter" Chicken and Shellfish-Free Jambalaya recreate your favorite flavors from your pre-allergy days― and thanks to the Instant Pot(R), they'll cook faster and taste better than ever before. Gather the family for a comforting Sunday Roast, or whip up some Tomatillo Pork Tacos on a busy weeknight without sacrificing flavor. Each meal is quick, safe and delicious with textures and tastes everyone will love.

  • - A Comprehensive Details on Household Farming, Step by Step on How to Grow Yourself
    af Alan Smith
    152,95 kr.

    Mini Farming describes a holistic approach to small-area farming that will show you how to produce 85 percent of an average family's food on just a quarter acre-and earn $10,000 in cash annually while spending less than half the time that an ordinary job would require. Even if you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started: buying and saving seeds, starting seedlings, establishing raised beds, soil fertility practices, composting, dealing with pest and disease problems, crop rotation, farm planning, and much more. Because self-sufficiency is the objective, subjects such as raising backyard chickens and home canning are also covered along with numerous methods for keeping costs down and production high.Learn to build your bed, select the right plants, create herbal medicine, and much more, making it easy for even inexperienced gardeners to serve up freshly picked vegetables and herbs in no time.

  • af Alan Smith
    112,95 kr.

  • af Alan Smith
    217,95 kr.

    The popular caricature of a great leader today is an activist who leads from the front, often through sheer force of personality - the kind of leader who will act as a saviour to a company or organisation. But most leaders are ordinary people who learn wisdom. One key to successful leadership is the ability to reflect - on one's own strengths and weaknesses, and on human nature and behaviour in order to bring out the best in others and build team spirit and morale. This practical and inspiring book sets out an approach to leadership that is more effective in the longer term and explores: the art of reflection, the ability to identify key facts, how to weigh up risks, how to nurture self-knowledge and understanding of others, how to differentiate between knowledge and wisdom, the art of listening, building a common vision and more. From their extensive experience training leaders in business, ministry and public service, the authors offer a wise and reliable guide.

  • af Alan Smith
    292,95 kr.

  • af Alan Smith
    316,95 kr.

    "The transition to a market economy proves to be far more difficult in Russia than in the former centrally planned economies of eastern Europe. The Russian economy continues to face serious problems, including substantial inflationary pressures, falling output, and capital flight. The most positive aspect of the transition has been the relatively fast pace of privatization.Challenges for Russian Economic Reform contains papers published by the post-Soviet Business Forum at the Royal Institute of International Affairs that have been revised for this volume. The contributers, specalists in Russian economic affairs, examine the principal economic and institutional factors that have hindered transformation in Russia. The sheer size of the country has complicated the problem of exposing domestic producers to foreign competition and has weakened the ability of central authorities to control the regions. Economic stabilization has been hampered by the difficulties in establishing sound economic relations with the former Soviet republics.David Dyker and Michael Barrow analyze the problems of monopoly and competition policy in Russia. Philip Hanson assesses the obstacles to economic stabilization posed by regional economic interests and examines regional diversity in reform implementation. Michael Kaser examines the problems of privatization by regions and sectors in Russia and the CIS and the institutional obstacles encountered by foreign investors. Alan Smith explores the problems created by the breakup of traditional trade and payment relations with the non-Russian republics of the former Soviet Union and bilateral trade links with Eastern Europe. He also provides an overall assessment of Russian economic performance since the collapse of communism."

  • af Alan Smith
    167,95 kr.

    Confused by charts? Dont know your area chart from your Venn diagram? How Charts Work will help you understand data visualisation and how to do it well.

  • af Alan Smith
    218,95 kr.

    On arrival in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1969 with his wife and young daughter, Alan Smith, a twenty-eight-year-old research student, was shaken by the pervasive presence of armed military in the airport, at the same time enchanted by the warm, clove-scented air. In a captivating retelling of his personal experiences, Alan, turning seventy, begins writing to share his insight into a life full of joy and pain, struggles with sexual identity, and sharing the frustrations of ethnic people and their quest for self-determination. Alan grapples with his memories of his own path through life as he learned to acknowledge and accept his true self. He invites you to share his experience of the people and places he encountered in this life journey and what he learned, close up, about significant global challenges around the issue of self determination of peoples. Travels with a Teakwood Desk is a story of self-discovery, of love and passion for people and places, personal memories and some facts about self-determination.

  • af Alan Smith
    342,95 kr.

  • - My Life Story
    af Alan Smith
    95,95 - 210,95 kr.

    The memoir of former Leicester, Arsenal and England footballer, Alan Smith.

  • af Alan Smith
    534,95 kr.

    Endorsed for EdexcelNurture and strengthen your students' mathematical skills; these expert-written textbooks consolidate knowledge with worked examples, test key skills through practice and extend learning using enrichment activities designed to excite and challenge students.- Support and develop a deeper understanding of topics with plenty of worked examples and practice questions that follow the types of problems students are likely to face- Introduce students to content with fun activities and clear learning objectives at the start of each chapter- Build problem-solving skills with questions that test students' knowledge and comprehension- Further understanding and ignite an enthusiasm for maths with 'internet challenges' that extend learning beyond the curriculum and help to engage students- Offer a complete package of support with free downloadable resources that include detailed worked examples and answers, plus informative 'Personal Tutor' videos for each chapter

  • - Youth, Ethnicity and Religion
    af Alan Smith
    142,95 kr.

    Focuses on religious beliefs and practices of the Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities in multicultural parts of Britain. This book is based on an in depth study of 3418 teenagers in Walsall, and using data from other UK studies, it demonstrates that religion is a decisive factor in understanding communities and individuals.

  • af Alan Smith & Michael Ayre
    176,95 kr.

    Describes techniques to reduce the incidence of punctures on low-cost, slow-speed vehicles used in rough terrain. The techniques are suitable for handcarts, wheelbarrows, bicycles, cycle trailers, animal drawn carts and motorized vehicles.

  • - An Introduction to Political Science
    af Alan Smith
    730,95 kr.

  • - The design and manufacture of some basic means of transport
    af Alan Smith & Ron Dennis
    277,95 kr.

    The major transport task facing most poor people is to move relatively small loads over short distances, usually off-road. This book describes basic transport technologies such as shoulder poles and back-frames, wheelbarrows and handcarts, carriers and panniers for bicycles, and load-carrying panniers for animals and animal-drawn sledges.

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