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Bøger af Alex Frith

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  • af Alex Frith & Louie Stowell
    187,95 kr.

    Spændende myter fra vikingetidenDe barske vikinger gav hinanden kampmod med vilde historier om uhyrer og helte og om guder og jætter.Mød blandt andre den bistre tordengud THOR og den frække ballademager LOKE, som kan skifte form, i kamp mod søslanger, dæmoner og jætter i de spændende myter fra vikingetiden.

  • Spar 18%
    af Louie Stowell, Alex Frith & Rosie Hore
    72,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Prisvindende fagbog, der giver indføring i mange vinkler af politisk arbejde og det, der har indflydelse på dette. Lige fra et historisk blik på politiske systemer til nogle af de problemstillinger, der er i dag omkring klima og immigration. Det tegneserieagtige visuelle udtryk gør bogen sjov og legende, og den fungerer fint som opslagsværk for både store børn og voksne.Den danske udgave er forsynet med oversigt over det danske folketing.Bogen er tildelt prisen Information Book Awards 2019.

  • af Alex Frith
    96,95 kr.

    From traditional steam trains to super-fast bullet trains, this fact-filled information book allows children to look inside locomotives and find out how they work. Young readers can lift-the-flaps to discover fun facts and find out about the history of train travel.

  • af Alex Frith
    95,95 kr.

    Science is a huge topic, but this friendly book breaks it down into bite-sized chunks, making it an accessible introduction for anyone who wants to find out about this fascinating subject. Highly illustrated, in a pictorial, 'infographics' style, with snippets of information about all aspects of science from particle physics to genes and DNA.

  • af Alex Frith
    96,95 kr.

    Did you know you cry two types of tears? And up to 30 trillion red blood cells pass through your heart in a minute? With colourful, infographic-style illustrations this book is packed with surprising facts and useful information on exactly 100 topics about the human body. A useful reference book for home, school and general knowledge quizzes.

  • af Alex Frith
    136,95 kr.

    A brand-new collection of Viking myths that tell the story of the Norse gods from creation to the story of how the world will end, including Odin's quest for wisdom, the battles of Thor the thunder god, and the tale of Sigurd the Dragonslayer and the curs. Beautifully bound with head and tail bands and a ribbon marker.

  • - BB
    af Alex Frith
    247,95 kr.

    LÆS SELV giver god underholdning og læsetræning til børn, der allerede er godt i gang med læsningen.Hver bog indeholder enten en længere historie, der er inddelt i kapitler, eller flere korte historier.Teksterne er læseteknisk bearbejdede, og bøgerne er gennemillustrerede med flotte tegninger, der understøtter læsningen.HISTORIER OM THOR:Thor den nordiske tordengud, går aldrig af vejen for et godt slagsmål. Og han siger aldrig nej til en udfordring.I disse tre flot illustrerede historier kæmper Thor mod en enorm søslange, giver sig i kast med en hulefuld stenjætter og tager kampen op mod en vældig isjætte - uden sin magiske hammer.(GR)

  • af Alex Frith
    105,95 kr.

    An insightful look at the beliefs, history and customs of the major world religions. With over 70 flaps to lift, readers can discover key facts about each religion, differing ideas about God, worship and prayer and colourful festivals and celebrations. Includes internet links to websites with video clips that bring each religion to life.

  • af Alex Frith
    105,95 kr.

    A fabulous flap book with over 50 flaps to lift, offering a glimpse into the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs. Stunning illustrations show how dinosaurs lived, hunted and how they died out. Flaps reveal extra facts, information and surprises.

  • - Et søg og find-mysterie
    af Alex Frith & Laura Cowan
    117,95 kr.

    Mød Spion S.Han er ekspert i at forsvinde i en menneskemængde. Kom med på hans seneste mission om at redde verden! Du er nødt til at finde ham - og hans spionfjender - og løse alle mulige drilske mysterier undervejs.

  • af Alex Frith
    76,95 kr.

    Who are the Twindicate? What do they want? And can Red Hat and Gem stop their dastardly plans in time? Usborne's classic spy hero returns in a new adventure! Look out for him in a crowded train station, a thronging carnival, a shopping mall, a science lab and of course a secret underground villain lair. As well as spotting our hero on every page, he'll need your help cracking codes, solving puzzles and unraveling fiendish conundrums to get to the bottom of an international crime conspiracy.

  • af Alex Frith
    108,95 kr.

    Plug in to the often mind-blowing world of artificial intelligence. How can a machine write a story? Are computers now cleverer than people? Could a robot do your shopping? Discover all the things that artificial intelligence can already do (and the things it can't).

  • af Alex Frith
    100,95 kr.

    For the younger fact-fan, this book depicts and describes nearly 100 different dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ichthysaurs and other prehistoric creatures. The emphasis is on SIZE: how big, tall and heavy were these creatures? Which was the biggest (and smallest) of all?Each page has either two giant folding flaps, to reveal more dinosaurs underneath, or a 4-page concertina-fold pull-out, to reveal the very LONGEST creatures, on land and under the sea. Watch out for the life-size (young) T. rex footprint - big enough for young readers to fit their own foot inside!

  • af Alex Frith
    146,95 kr.

    A must-have for any curious mind, this book is packed with fascinating facts, and will take you on a thrilling journey through the world of science, history, geography and so much more.Read from cover to cover, or dip in and out at random, to find out about the human body, animals, the environment and technology, and discover mind-expanding facts on every page. Brilliant, bold design makes complex and wide-ranging information easy to understand and absorb. With fun quizzes to test your knowledge.

  • af Alex Frith
    132,95 kr.

    From the mighty brachiosaurus to the fearsome tyrannosaurus, children will love discovering the biggest and most powerful dinosaurs that ever walked the Earth (and some of the smallest too). Open the huge fold-out pages to show some of the longest, heaviest and most terrifying dinosaurs with measurements and facts about when they lived.

  • Spar 18%
    af Alex Frith & Darran Stobbart
    122,95 kr.

    VELKOMMEN TIL KROPSFABRIKKEN!– en kæmpestor bygning fuld af arbejdere og maskiner, der gør alt det, en rigtig krop gør.Kom med indenfor, og hør, hvordan og hvorfor du trækker vejret, hvad der sker med den mad, du spiser, og hvordan alle de forskellige dele af din krop snakker sammen.

  • af Alex Frith
    162,95 kr.

    100 faszinierende Fakten über die Funktionsweise und Anatomie des menschlichen Körpers altersgerecht erklärt! Mit spannenden Informationen zu Knochen, Muskeln, Organen und wichtigen medizinischen Entdeckungen sowie einem umfangreichen Stichwortverzeichnis.

  • af Alex Frith
    125,95 kr.

    Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them.

  • af Alex Frith
    43,95 kr.

    Thor, den nordiske tordengud, går aldrig af vejen for et godt slagsmål. Og han siger aldrig nej til en udfordring. I tre flot illustrerede historier kæmper Thor mod en enorm søslange, giver sig i kast med en hulefuld stenjætter og tager kampen op mod en vældig isjætte - uden sin magiske hammer.Denne serie giver god underholdning og læsetræning til børn, der allerede er godt i gang med læsningen. Hver bog er på 48 sider og indeholder enten en længere historie, der er inddelt i kapitler, eller flere korte historier. Teksterne er læseteknisk bearbejdede, og bøgerne er gennemillustrerede med flotte, tegninger, der understøtter læsningen. 2.-5. kl.

  • af Alex Frith
    96,95 kr.

    A fun and informative book packed with 100 fascinating things to know about space, from how to escape a black hole to why astronauts learn wilderness survival skills. With bright, infographic-style illustrations, detailed facts on every page, a glossary and index, and internet links to specially selected websites for more information.

  • af Alex Frith
    95,95 kr.

    Just what goes on behind the screen, beneath the keyboard and inside the electronic 'brain' of a computer? This colourful book has 70 flaps to lift to uncover what happens when a computer is switched on, how coding works and the story of the first computers. A fun and informative introduction to a key UK curriculum topic.

  • af Alex Frith
    95,95 kr.

    This highly visual non-fiction book for very young children is packed with dinosaurs to look at and talk about. Little children can find out about different species of dinosaur, how big they were, what they ate, how they lived and died.

  • af Alex Frith
    72,95 kr.

    Three dramatically illustrated stories about Thor, the Norse god of thunder, specially written for readers who are growing in confidence. Thor never backs down from a fight, and can't resist a challenge. Here he wrestles a huge sea serpent, faces a cave full of giants and has to fight a frost giant - without his magical hammer.

  • af Alex Frith & Felicity Brooks
    87,95 kr.

    A frank and friendly book explaining puberty and how to stay happy and confident as boys go through physical, psychological and emotional changes. Covers everything boys want to find out about, including moods and feelings, what happens to girls, diet, exercise, body image, sex and relationships, contraception, sexual health, self-confidence, drink and drugs, exam stress and cyberbullying.

  • af Alex Frith
    105,95 kr.

    What's the universe made of? Where did everything come from? Lift the flaps in this fascinating book to reveal some of the amazing discoveries that astronomers and physicists have made in their quest to unlock the mysteries of the Universe.

  • af Alex Frith
    95,95 kr.

    Explaining chemistry in an informal, fun and informative way, this book offers children an approachable source of information on key subjects such as the periodic table, atom structure and radiation. It describes the chemistry of everyday life - from the chemical processes that break down food while eating to the atmosphere.

  • af Alex Frith
    125,95 kr.

    Written in a conversational style, this book offers children an approachable source of information on physics, chemistry and biology. It features fun yet simple experiments that give children working examples to learn from.

  • af Alex Frith
    72,95 kr.

    Featuring mazes and logic problems to solve, wordsearches, codes to crack, number puzzles and more, this book is the boredom-buster, ready to use any time you have a spare few moments.

  • af Alex Frith
    105,95 kr.

    A fun and fascinating flap book that follows rubbish on a journey from the bin to the sorting factories and recycling centres. Over 60 flaps reveal how glass, metal, plastics and paper are recycled and what happens to the rubbish that can't be recycled.

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