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  • af Ali Asgari
    259,95 kr.

    The book provides a comprehensive analysis, backed by statistics and evidence, to help readers understand the implications of these tensions and offers practical recommendations for managing them. By examining shifts in sourcing, production, and market dynamics, the authors shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by companies in navigating the current global trade landscape. This book serves as a reliable resource for gaining insights into the impacts and strategies related to trade tensions between Iran and China.

  • af Ali Asgari
    398,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis meiner Bemühungen, die komplizierten Geheimnisse zu lüften, die den Handelsbeziehungen zwischen den beiden mächtigsten Volkswirtschaften der Welt ¿ den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und China ¿ zugrunde liegen. Als die beiden bedeutendsten wirtschaftlichen Supermächte haben diese Länder in den letzten Jahren eine enorme Zusammenarbeit und Spannungen erlebt. Auch ihr gegenseitiger Handel verzeichnete in dieser Zeit ein phänomenales Wachstum. Durch die sorgfältige Analyse der historischen Handelsstatistiken und wichtiger politischer Ereignisse habe ich versucht, Einblicke in dieses lebenswichtige Thema zu gewinnen und den Schleier von einigen seiner komplexen Realitäten zu lüften. Ich hoffe, dass die Leser durch dieses Buch eine neue Sichtweise entwickeln können Perspektive zu diesem sensiblen Thema. Ich habe die Informationen klar und unvoreingenommen präsentiert, um das Verständnis dieses globalen Wirtschaftsdilemmas zu erleichtern.

  • af Ali Asgari
    399,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga ¿ rezul'tat moih usilij razgadat' zaputannye tajny, lezhaschie w osnowe torgowyh otnoshenij mezhdu dwumq samymi moschnymi äkonomikami mira ¿ Soedinennymi Shtatami Ameriki i Kitaem. Buduchi dwumq wydaüschimisq äkonomicheskimi swerhderzhawami, äti strany w poslednie gody stolknulis' s ogromnym sotrudnichestwom i naprqzhennost'ü. Ih wzaimnaq torgowlq takzhe prodemonstrirowala fenomenal'nyj rost za ätot period. Tschatel'no analiziruq istoricheskuü torgowuü statistiku i wazhnye politicheskie sobytiq, q popytalsq poluchit' predstawlenie ob ätom zhiznenno wazhnom woprose i pripodnqt' zawesu nad nekotorymi iz ego slozhnyh realij. wzglqd na ätu delikatnuü temu. Ya predstawil informaciü w qsnoj i bespristrastnoj forme, chtoby pomoch' ponqt' ätu global'nuü äkonomicheskuü dilemmu.

  • af Ali Asgari
    398,95 kr.

    Este livro é o produto do meu esforço para desvendar os intrincados mistérios subjacentes às relações comerciais entre as duas economias mais poderosas do mundo ¿ os Estados Unidos da América e a China. Sendo as duas superpotências económicas proeminentes, estes países têm vivido imensa cooperação e tensões nos últimos anos. O seu comércio mútuo também testemunhou um crescimento fenomenal durante este período. Ao analisar meticulosamente as estatísticas comerciais históricas e os acontecimentos políticos importantes, tentei obter conhecimentos sobre esta questão vital e levantar o véu de algumas das suas realidades complexas. perspectiva sobre este tema delicado. Apresentei a informação de uma forma clara e imparcial para ajudar a compreender este dilema económico global.

  • af Ali Asgari
    398,95 kr.

    Questo libro è il prodotto del mio sforzo di svelare gli intricati misteri alla base delle relazioni commerciali tra le due economie più potenti del mondo: gli Stati Uniti d'America e la Cina. Essendo le due principali superpotenze economiche, questi paesi hanno sperimentato un¿immensa cooperazione e tensioni negli ultimi anni. Anche il loro commercio reciproco ha assistito a una crescita fenomenale durante questo periodo. Analizzando meticolosamente le statistiche commerciali storiche e gli importanti eventi politici, ho cercato di ottenere informazioni su questa questione vitale e di sollevare il velo da alcune delle sue complesse realtà. La mia speranza è che attraverso questo libro, i lettori siano in grado di sviluppare una nuova visione prospettiva su questo delicato argomento. Ho presentato le informazioni in modo chiaro e imparziale per aiutare a comprendere questo dilemma economico globale.

  • af Ali Asgari
    398,95 kr.

    Ce livre est le fruit de mes efforts pour percer les mystères complexes qui sous-tendent les relations commerciales entre les deux économies les plus puissantes du monde : les États-Unis d¿Amérique et la Chine. En tant que deux superpuissances économiques de premier plan, ces pays ont connu une immense coopération et des tensions immenses au cours des dernières années. Leurs échanges mutuels ont également connu une croissance phénoménale au cours de cette période. En analysant méticuleusement les statistiques commerciales historiques et les événements politiques importants, j'ai essayé de mieux comprendre cette question vitale et de lever le voile sur certaines de ses réalités complexes. J'espère qu'à travers ce livre, les lecteurs pourront développer une nouvelle vision. point de vue sur ce sujet sensible. J'ai présenté les informations de manière claire et impartiale pour aider à comprendre ce dilemme économique mondial.

  • af Ali Asgari
    338,95 kr.

    This book is a product of my effort to unravel the intricate mysteries underlying the trade relations between the two most powerful economies of the world - The United States of America and China. As the two prominent economic superpowers, these countries have experienced immense cooperation and tensions over the recent years. Their mutual trade has also witnessed phenomenal growth during this period. By meticulously analyzing the historical trade statistics and important political events, I have tried to gain insights into this vital issue and lift the veil from some of its complex realities.It is my hope that through this book, readers would be able to develop a fresh perspective regarding this sensitive topic. I have presented the information in a clear, unbiased manner to help understanding of this global economic dilemma.

  • af Ali Asgari
    457,95 kr.

    The Islamic world, with a population of more than one billion people, is a large demographic, cultural, economic and political pole, covering a vast area of the earth that has strong capabilities for convergence. From the point of view of political geography, most of the Islamic countries are in the first stages of the political organization of space. In these countries, the population is increasing rapidly. In terms of geopolitics, there are also issues in the Islamic world. The Islamic countries located in the middle east and north Africa suffer from the natural and geographical problem of water scarcity, which has created a challenge between countries with shared water basins and has turned water into a geopolitical issue. On the other hand, the Islamic world has considerable areas of convergence, which is the largest reservoir of energy at the disposal of the Islamic world. Due to the declining energy hydrocarbon resources in other areas, the Persian Gulf region will continue to be a serious concern of the world economy for at least the next quarter of a century due to its huge energy resources, and this feature is enough for the geopolitics of this region.

  • af Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, Ali Asgari & Gengeswari Krishnapillai
    711,95 kr.

  • af Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, Ali Asgari & Wong Han Fei
    508,95 kr.

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