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  • af Ana Vukovi¿
    388,95 kr.

    Zapönite svoje kulinarsko putovanje ¿panjolskim okusima s knjigom "¿panjolska Kuhinja" autorice Ane Vukovi¿. Ova kuharska knjiga nije samo popis recepata, ve¿ vodi¿ kroz ¿arenilo okusa koji proizlaze iz bogatstva ¿panjolske kulinarske tradicije.Ana Vukovi¿, strastvena oböavateljica ¿panjolske kuhinje i strünjakinja u kulinarstvu, vodi vas kroz putovanje kroz okuse, arome i pri¿e koje krase svaki kutak ¿panjolske. Svaka stranica knjige otkriva tajne sastojaka, tehnika pripreme i gastronomskih tradicija koje ¿ine ¿panjolsku kuhinju tako jedinstvenom."¿panjolska Kuhinja" nije samo zbirka recepata, ve¿ i prozor u kulturu i povijest ¿panjolske kroz prizmu hrane. Ana dijeli pri¿e o porijeklu svakog jela, kulinarske obi¿aje i näin na koji su se ti okusi prenosili kroz generacije.U ovoj knjizi ne¿ete samo naüiti kako pripremiti klasi¿na ¿panjolska jela, ve¿ ¿ete döivjeti i modernu reinterpretaciju i trikove za postizanje autenti¿nih okusa i kod küe.Pripremite se da zakoräite u svijet ¿panjolskih okusa s "¿panjolskom Kuhinjom." Ana Vukovi¿ nije samo väa kulinarska vodi¿ka, ve¿ i prijateljica koja ¿e vas inspirirati da unesete ¿panjolsku strast i radost u väu vlastitu kuhinju. Sada je pravo vrijeme da zapönete kulturno kulinarsko putovanje s Anom Vukovi¿ kao väim sigurnim vodi¿em.

  • af Ana Vukovi¿
    183,95 kr.

    "Submerge yourself in the complex web of digital dynamics with Ana Vukovi¿'s "Society and Social Media: Effects, Current Trends, and Prospects." This book will make you think about how the relationship between people and technology is always changing. In this interesting work, Vukovi¿ breaks down the many ways that social media affects our lives, looking at its effects, current trends, and predictions for the future.In a time when connectivity is key, Vukovi¿ looks at how social media has changed the way people talk to each other, showing how language, expression, and face-to-face exchanges have changed. Through interesting case studies, the author shows how communication is changing and gives useful information about how people engage online.Vukovi¿ doesn't just look at the surface; she digs deeper and looks at how social media affects people's minds. This book takes readers on a trip through the complicated world of self-presentation online. They will learn how it affects personal identity, self-esteem, and how one's identity is formed in the digital age as a whole.This book does more than just examine; it also predicts. Vukovi¿ breaks down the newest social media trends by looking at new platforms, the power of influencers, and how algorithms affect how people consume content. With an eye on the future, the author explores the uncharted territory of online activism, breaking down how it has affected social and political groups and giving strong examples of how it has worked in the past.'Society and Social Media' is a current look at the pros and cons of staying in touch through social media as the digital world changes. Vukovi¿ talks about the tricky mix between the pros and cons of staying connected and gives advice on how to get around the tricky world of digital relationships.There is no detail left out as the author carefully looks into the effects of social media on mental health, including how it affects stress, anxiety, and the strange rise in harassment. This book is a lighthouse because it gives readers ideas for improving their mental health in the digital age."Society and Social Media" is more than just a look at the present; it's also a plan for the future. While keeping a close eye on privacy issues, data breaches, and government monitoring, Vukovi¿ gives a thorough look at the problems that the digital age has brought about. People who read this will learn how to keep their personal information safe online and what might happen if there is a data breach.Anyone who wants to get a deep understanding of how society and social media work together should read this book. An important book for understanding the complicated digital world of today is "Society and Social Media: Effects, Current Trends, and Prospects" by Ana Vukovi¿. It is full of useful information.

  • af Ana Vukovi¿
    413,95 kr.

    Upoznajte Anu Vukovi¿, autoricu knjige "Zdravi Okusi: Low Carb Kuhanje za Sve¿ani ¿ivot". Ova knjiga predstavlja spoj zdravlja i okusa te prüa mnötvo ideja kako üivati u hrani bez prevelikih koli¿ina ugljikohidrata.Ana Vukovi¿ strastvena je kuharica i zdravstvena entuzijastkinja koja vam donosi inspiraciju i recepte za pripremu ukusnih niskokalori¿nih obroka. U njenim receptima, svaki zalogaj je prilika za üivanje u okusima, bez potrebe za ¿rtvovanjem zdravlja."Zdravi Okusi" ne nudi samo recepte, ve¿ i savjete kako uskladiti niskokalori¿nu prehranu s aktivnim i zdravim näinom ¿ivota. Ovdje ¿ete pronäi ideje za obroke koji ¿e vam pomöi odr¿ati stabilnu razinu energije tijekom cijelog dana.Ova knjiga je savr¿ena za sve one koji ¿ele paziti na unos ugljikohidrata, ali ne ¿ele odustati od raznovrsnih okusa. Recepti Ane Vukovi¿ donose svje¿e i zdrave sastojke na tanjur na näin koji ¿e zadovoljiti sva väa nepca.Zapönite svoju niskokalori¿nu kulinarsku avanturu s knjigom "Zdravi Okusi: Low Carb Kuhanje za Sve¿ani ¿ivot" i otkrijte kako se möete hraniti zdravo, a pritom ne ¿rtvovati okuse i üivanje u hrani.

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