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Bøger af Anastasia Goldak

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  • af Anastasia Goldak
    163,95 kr.

    Award winning beautiful Christmas story that can touch your heart. It also teaches kids the real reason to be good and kind and why Christmas presents have nothing to do with that.Language: Russian

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    173,95 kr.

    This book will touch you and your child to the core. It's not just about getting a pet; it's about one of the most important qualities that make us human: the ability to care for others. The book also teaches patience, which can be so hard for our children. When every month feels like an eternity and the concept of "readiness" is blurry and uncertain, this book will help a child not only understand but feel the importance of making decisions at the right time. A pet should come into our lives only when we are ready for them.The incredible illustrations will help you immerse yourself in the stunning diversity of the animal world on our beautiful planet.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    173,95 kr.

    Beautiful Christmas story that can touch your heart. This book will bring more joy and love to your family during Christmas time. Also, it can teach your child a true reason to be kind. Spoiler: it's not about presents.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    273,95 kr.

    Tutti had been waiting for his mother all day. He imagined he would run happily into her arms. But that was not what happened.When his mother came back, he turned his head from her and walked away. He did not feel like talking to her, much less hugging her. A very hard emotion! An old friend came to help, a forest elf, who was very wise and knew everything about emotions.Sometimes our children push us away if we unwittingly hurt them. What is the right way to deal with such situations?Find out how a forest elf helped Tutti to feel love again.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    233,95 kr.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    233,95 kr.

  • af Goldak Anastasia Goldak
    231,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    268,95 kr.

    Nadszed¿ wieczór. To oznacza ¿e czas chodzi¿ spä. Tutti nie lubi¿ spä. Wi¿c nie lubi¿ wieczoru.Tak zaczyna si¿ nie tylko opowie¿¿ o szopie Tuttim, ale równie¿ prawie kädy wieczór z przedszkolakiem.Ach, te wieczne "chce mi si¿ pi¿", "jestem g¿odny", "nie sko¿czy¿em si¿ bawi¿" - za kädym razem, gdy mówimy, ¿e czas i¿¿ spä!Jaki jest prawdziwy powód tego, ¿e dzieci nie chc¿ i¿¿ spä? I jak mo¿emy u¿atwi¿ im wieczorn¿ rutyn¿?"Nastia, to magia! Mój syn zasn¿¿ z u¿miechem na twarzy w 10 sekund po tym, jak sko¿czy¿ s¿uchä Twojej opowie¿ci!""Twój pomys¿ wykorzystujemy teraz codziennie, wymy¿laj¿c coraz to nowsze wariacje. Usypianie dzieci stäo si¿ przyjemn¿ przygod¿. Dzi¿kujemy Ci za t¿ bajk¿!"Pi¿kne ilustracje i przytulny bajkowy klimat - dzi¿ki tej ksi¿¿ce dobranocka b¿dzie przyjemn¿ chwil¿ dla kädej mamy i jej dziecka.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    268,95 kr.

    Pewnego dnia szop Tutti obudzi¿ si¿ w swoim lesie i z przeräeniem zobaczy¿, ¿e wszystkie jego ulubione zielone drzewa stäy si¿ ¿ó¿te! By¿ oburzony! Najpierw grzecznie poprosi¿ je, ¿eby znów si¿ zazieleni¿y, potem krzyczä i ¿¿dä powrotu zielonych li¿ci. Ale nic nie zadziääo....Kädy z nas spotyka si¿ z sytuacjami, w których co¿ nie idzie tak, jak by¿my chcieli.Mäe dzieci mog¿ by¿ sfrustrowane 100 razy dziennie, co powoduje u nich burz¿ emocji. Zaczynaj¿ z nami walczy¿, krzycze¿, padä na pod¿og¿, dostawä napadów z¿o¿ci, przezywä i gry¿¿!Mo¿emy próbowä je za to karä i t¿umaczy¿, ¿e tak nie nale¿y si¿ zachowywä. Mo¿emy nawet grozi¿ im ró¿nymi konsekwencjami... Ale szybko przekonujemy si¿, ¿e to po prostu nie dziäa.Ta ksi¿¿ka mo¿e pomóc dziecku zrozumie¿ swoje emocje i wyrazi¿ je w poprawny sposób.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    248,95 kr.

  • - Тутті йде до школи
    af Anastasia Goldak
    231,95 kr.

  • - Тутти идет в школу
    af Anastasia Goldak
    273,95 kr.

  • - Почему Тутти не любит ложиться спать
    af Anastasia Goldak
    273,95 kr.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    227,95 kr.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    113,95 kr.

  • - Тутті і жахливе жовте листя
    af Anastasia Goldak
    227,95 kr.

    One day Tutti the raccoon woke up in his forest and was horrified to see that all his favorite green trees had turned yellow! He was outraged! At first he politely asked them to turn green again, then he yelled and demanded. But nothing worked....Every one of us encounters situations where something doesn't go quite the way we wanted it to.Young children can get frustrated a 100 times a day which causes them a storm of emotions. They start fighting, screaming, falling on the floor, throwing tantrums, calling names and biting!We can try to punish them for this, try to explain that this is not the way to behave. We can even threaten them with "natural consequences"... But we quickly learn that it simply doesn't work.This book can help a child understand their emotions and express them in a civilized way."Nastya, my son (4.5 years old) asks to listen to your fairy tale over and over again. His behavior has changed a lot these days. He has become kinder to his brother and started to express his emotions much more calmly."Find out what helped Tutti not to hit the tree when he had an impulse to do it, and how the wise forest elf helped him to overcome his frustration.

  • - Тутти и ужасные желтые листья
    af Anastasia Goldak
    273,95 kr.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    227,95 kr.

    One day Tutti the raccoon woke up in his forest and was horrified to see that all his favorite green trees had turned yellow! He was outraged! At first he politely asked them to turn green again, then he yelled and demanded. But nothing worked....Every one of us encounters situations where something doesn''t go quite the way we wanted it to.Young children can get frustrated a 100 times a day which causes them a storm of emotions. They start fighting, screaming, falling on the floor, throwing tantrums, calling names and biting!We can try to punish them for this, try to explain that this is not the way to behave. We can even threaten them with "natural consequences"... But we quickly learn that it simply doesn''t work.This book can help a child understand their emotions and express them in a civilized way."Nastya, my son (4.5 years old) asks to listen to your fairy tale over and over again. His behavior has changed a lot these days. He has become kinder to his brother and started to express his emotions much more calmly."Find out what helped Tutti not to hit the tree when he had an impulse to do it, and how the wise forest elf helped him to overcome his frustration.

  • af Anastasia Goldak
    113,95 kr.

    This compelling story is about learning to grapple with fear and other uncomfortable emotions.Marc has a project presentation this Tuesday. He has to speak in front of the whole class and show the invention that he`s been working on for the last two months. The problem is that every time he finds himself in front of a group of people, he gets numb, he can`t say a word, and his heart is pounding like it's going to jump out of his chest. Marc needs to find a way to overcome his fear. Find out how his little sister, a mysterious teacher and magic science of emotions helped him to get the answer.

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