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Bøger af André Gide

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  • af André Gide
    128,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    163,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    163,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    56,95 kr.

    Eine Erzahlung uber eine Liebe zwischen einem Pastor und einer blinden jungen Frau: Der Pastor und seine Frau Amelie adoptieren ein blindes Madchen, Gertrude. Schon bald verliebt sich der alteste Sohn in Gertrude, aber der Vater, der ebenfalls Gefuhle fur die Blinde hegt, verhindert dies und beginnt selbst ein Verhaltnis mit ihr. Als Gertrudes Augen operiert werden und sie sieht, wie traurig ihre Adoptivmutter uber die Affare ist, sieht sie nur einen Ausweg... -

  • af André Gide
    102,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    168,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    191,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    93,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    168,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    391,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    44,95 kr.

    Overfladisk set er Den umoralske - forfatterens første betydende roman, og til dels selvbiografisk – en lidt naiv beretning om en rig, ateistisk, og noget verdensfjern lærd, som gifter sig, finder ud af, at han tiltrækkes af unge arabiske mænd/drenge, bliver alvorligt syg på en rejse i Nordafrika, og kureres ved sin kones hjælp, og efter forskellige mellemstadier, hvor han på sin egen måde forsøger et oprør mod sin egen kulturelle baggrund og dens indbyggede anstændighed og moral, endelig henfalder i en slags moralsk degeneration. Efter hustruens død har han indbudt tre gamle venner til at besøge sig, og bogen udgøres af en af disse venners genfortælling af Michels tilståelser. Men det er overfladen, og fordi bogen er udformet som en genfortælling på anden hånd, får læseren aldrig at vide, om Michels selvfordømmelse er for hård, for overbærende, om han nogensinde gennemfører sit oprør – eller om historien i det hele taget er korrekt gengivet af fortælleren. Det er op til læseren at danne sig sin egen mening.André Paul Guillaume Gide (1869-1951) var en fransk forfatter og litteraturkritiker. Ud over sin mangefacetterede skønlitterære produktion var han kendt for sine omfattende selvbiografiske værker, hvor han uden at lægge skjul på noget blotlægger forskellige modsætninger i sin natur, moral, religion og opdragelse. Han fik Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1947, og regnes af mange internationalt for en af det 20. århundredes mest betydende forfattere.

  • af André Gide
    44,95 kr.

    Jérôme (bogens fortæller) og hans kusine Alissa elsker hinanden med en ungdommelig platonisk kærlighed. De mødes jævnligt i deres ferier i Alissas hjem i Normandiet, og resten af ​​året bevarer de kærligheden ved en omfattende brevveksling. Da de bliver voksne, ændrer intet sig i deres forhold, som stadig er platonisk og afventende, og da Alissa opdager, at søsteren Juliette også elsker Jérôme, trækker hun sig tilbage fra ham for ikke at stå hans lykke i vejen, og indtager en rolle som en slags ældre, fortrolig søster, mens Juliette på sin side ikke føler, at Jérôme nærer nogen følelser for hende, og gifter sig med en anden. Først da Alissa er død, finder han ud af den sagens virkelige sammenhæng ved at læse hendes efterladte dagbog.André Paul Guillaume Gide (1869-1951) var en fransk forfatter og litteraturkritiker. Ud over sin mangefacetterede skønlitterære produktion var han kendt for sine omfattende selvbiografiske værker, hvor han uden at lægge skjul på noget blotlægger forskellige modsætninger i sin natur, moral, religion og opdragelse. Han fik Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1947, og regnes af mange internationalt for en af det 20. århundredes mest betydende forfattere.

  • af André Gide
    44,95 kr.

    Nogle svindlere bilder en del formuende, men ret naive franskmænd ind, at paven sidder fanget i kældrene under Vatikanet, mens en bedrager uretmæssigt, hjulpet af skumle frimurere, har indtaget pavestolen. Formålet er naturligvis at lokke penge ud af dem, som hopper på nummeret og vil bidrage til en bevægelse for den rette paves frelse. I et tilfælde lykkes det så godt, at en pæn ældre borgermand af sin kone sendes afsted til Rom for at støtte og befri den fangne pave.I en sideløbende handling - som måske er mere væsentlig end historien om den fangne pave – dukker den kyniske Lafcadio Wluiki op, og bogens "scoop", hvis man kan kalde det sådan, er den fuldstændig meningsløse handling, et mord, som han begår, alene fordi et andet menneske irriterer ham, og han har muligheden for at gøre det.André Paul Guillaume Gide (1869-1951) var en fransk forfatter og litteraturkritiker. Ud over sin mangefacetterede skønlitterære produktion var han kendt for sine omfattende selvbiografiske værker, hvor han uden at lægge skjul på noget blotlægger forskellige modsætninger i sin natur, moral, religion og opdragelse. Han fik Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1947, og regnes af mange internationalt for en af det 20. århundredes mest betydende forfattere.

  • - Retour de l' U.R.S.S.
    af André Gide
    188,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    223,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    136,95 kr.

  • - Literal Translation From The French By Lilian Rothermere
    af André Gide
    133,95 kr.

    Prometheus Illbound: Literal Translation From The French By Lilian RothermereThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - From The French Of Andre Gide With Introduction, Notes And Bibliography By Stuart Mason
    af André Gide
    113,95 kr.

    Oscar Wilde, A Study: From The French Of André Gide With Introduction, Notes And Bibliography By Stuart MasonThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - A Novel
    af André Gide
    183,95 kr.

    First published nearly one hundred years ago, Andre Gide's masterpiece, translated from the original French by Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Howard, draws from the disciplines of biology, philosophy, and history to support the author's assertion that homosexuality is a natural human trait At the time of his death in 1951, having won the Nobel Prize in Literature only four years prior, Andre Gide was considered one of the most important literary minds of the twentieth century. In Corydon, initially released anonymously in installments between 1911 and 1920, Gide speaks his most subversive and provocative truth. Citing myriad examples that span thousands of years, Gide's Socratic dialogues argue that homosexuality is naturalin fact, far more so than the social construct of exclusive heterosexuality, the act of systematically banning or ostracizing same-sex relationships.Corydon, named for the pederast character in Virgil's Eclogues, caused its author ';all kinds of trouble,' according to his friends, but he regarded it as his most important work. The courage, intelligence, and prescience of Gide's argument make it all the more impressive today.

  • - A Biography
    af André Gide
    143,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    173,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    263,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    118,95 kr.

    Could the Pope have been secretly abducted? André Gide’s famous satire centres around a group of ingenious fraudsters, who convince their wealthy victims that the pontiff has been imprisoned by freemasons. Ranging from madcap farce to scenes of romance and even murder, it is a send-up of conventional morality, most clearly in the picaresque character of Lafcadio, whose notorious behaviour in the novel provoked outrage at the time of publication. Though in a more light-hearted vein than other works by Gide, this unusual novel still questions how individuals should live their life when faced with the rigid social and ethical structures that surround us.

  • af André Gide
    198,95 kr.

    This collection of reflective essays forms a “spiritual autobiography” of André Gide, a key figure of French letters André Gide, a literary and intellectual giant of twentieth-century France, mines his memories and personal observations in this collection of essays. Gide’s reflections and commentary masterfully showcase his delicate writing style and evocative sensibility, yielding new insights on writers such as Goethe and contemporaries Joseph Conrad, Nicolas Poussin, Arthur Rimbaud, and Paul-Marie Verlaine. Through it all, Gide skillfully investigates humanity’s contradictory nature and struggles to resolve the moral, political, and religious conflicts inherent in daily life.

  • af André Gide
    173,95 kr.

    This debut work lays bare the early brilliance and philosophical conflicts of André Gide, a towering figure in French literature. André Gide, one of the masters of French literature, captures the essence of the philosophical Romantic in this profoundly personal first novel, completed when he was just twenty years old. Drawing heavily on his religious upbringing and private journals, The Notebooks of André Walter—with its “white” and “black” halves—tells the story of a young man pining for his forbidden love, cousin Emmanuelle. But his evocative memories and devoted yearnings, carefully crafted through quotations and diary excerpts, lead only to madness and death. Annotated with footnotes from translator and scholar Wade Baskin, this story within a story offers a unique portrait of the artist as a young man, as it reveals the key themes of self-analysis and moral conscience that Gide explores in his mature works.

  • af André Gide
    133,95 kr.

    This first published work lays bare the early brilliance and philosophical conflicts of André Gide, a towering figure in French literature Nobel Prize–winning writer André Gide lays bare his adolescent psyche in this early work, first conceived and published as part of his novel The Notebooks of André Walter, completed when he was just twenty years old. This profoundly personal work draws heavily on his religious upbringing and private journals to tell the story of a young man who, like the author, pines for his forbidden love, cousin Emmanuelle. This unique portrait of Gide as a young man presents the passions and conflicts, temptations and anguish he would explore in maturity.

  • af André Gide
    138,95 kr.

    The story of a great writer's marriage, a deeply disturbing account of Gide's feelings toward his beloved and long-suffering wife. "Ranks among the masterpieces of Gide's vibrating prose."-New York Times

  • - Reflections on Literature and Morality
    af André Gide
    1.588,95 kr.

  • af André Gide
    133,95 kr.

    This work lays bare the early brilliance and philosophical conflicts of André Gide, a towering figure in French literatureNobel Prize-winning writer André Gide lays bare his adolescent psyche in this early work, first conceived and published as part of his novel The Notebooks of André Walter, completed when he was just twenty years old. This profoundly personal work draws heavily on his religious upbringing and private journals to tell the story of a young man who, like the author, pines for his forbidden love, cousin Emmanuelle.This unique portrait of Gide as a young man presents the passions and conflicts, temptations and anguish he would explore in maturity.André Gide (1869-1951), winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize for Literature, was a celebrated novelist, dramatist, and essayist whose narrative works dealt frankly with homosexuality and the struggle between artistic discipline, moralism, and sensual indulgence. Born in Paris, Gide became an influential intellectual figure in nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature and culture. His essay collections Autumn Leaves and Oscar Wilde, among others, contributed to the public''s understanding of key figures of the day. He traveled widely and advocated for the rights of prisoners, denounced the conditions in the African colonies, and became a voice for, and then against, communism. Other notable works include The Notebooks of André Walter, Corydon, If It Die, The Counterfeiters, and his journals, Journal 1889-1939, Journal 1939-1942, and Journal 1942-1949.

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