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Ingeniør Luparello menes at være død af naturlige årsager, men Montalbanos næse siger ham, at der stikker noget under. Det er 1993, Operation Rene Hænder har afsløret korrupte politikere, og han er sikker på, at der foreligger en forbrydelse.Første bog i Montalbano-serien.
Kommissær Montalbano skal på ferie med Livia, men forinden et smut forbi politistationen. Det går op for ham, at hans kollega Fazio ikke er dukket op, og at ingen, heller ikke hans kone, ved, hvor han er.Angiveligt skulle Montalabano have ringet til Fazio aftenen før. Men Montalbano har ikke ringet til Fazio. Han får bange anelser, sætter alt ind på at finde kollegaen og glemmer alt om Livia og ferie.Mågens dans er En Montalbano-krimi bind 15.
Montalbano har alvorlige problemer med kæresten Livia og er ualmindelig gnaven på alt og alle og desuden led og ked af en bortførelsessag, som er temmelig suspekt.dertil kommer en sag med Den Gode Vilje, en forening, som under dække af godgørenhed tilsyneladende ikke kun er godgørende.
Year 406 B.C.: The village of Akragas surrenders to the people of Cartagena. Kalebas goes free and hides in an underground passage with his soldier's wages, a bag filled with gold coins. He gets bitten by a viper. He suffers terribly, but just before he dies.Year 1909: One of the coins are found by a doctor from Vigata (Sicily). When he sees the rare coin he falls off his horse, and breaks his leg. Hereafter a series of tragic and fantastic things happen until we come to the totally unexpected endning! Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).
Kommissær Montalbanos temperament er frygtet på politistationen i Vigàta, og humøret er ikke blevet bedre, efter at han pludselig er blevet grebet af angst for alderdom og død og er begyndt at se tegn på svækkelse og hukommelsestab hos sig selv. En kvinde henvender sig om sin bror, som tilsyneladende er forsvundet. Til at begynde med ligner det et jalousidrama. Broderens smukke, kvindelige bekendte er ved at fordreje hovedet på kommissæren, men det lykkes ham at stykke deres historier sammen til billedet af en sag, som trækker spor til højtstående politikere. .
Der er ikke noget at sige til, at Montalbano er træt. Mafiaen vil slå ham ihjel, politimesteren vil forfremme ham, og hans kæreste Livia har besluttet, at de skal giftes. Så er det godt at falde over en gammel mordsag. Fundet af et ungt pars mumificerede lig viser sig at trække tråde tilbage til Anden Verdenskrig. Montalbano dykker ned i historien for at løse sagen. Terrakottahunden
Et ældre søskendepar udviser stærkt truende adfærd. I deres lejlighed, som er pakket med krucifikser og andre religiøse effekter, gør Montalbano et overraskende fund: I en seng ligger en lolitadukke, slidt og nødtørftigt repareret. En næsten identisk lolitadukke dukker op i en affaldscontainer. Og en ung kvinde meldes savnet. Samtidig modtager Montalbano det første af en række mystiske breve, som udfordrer ham til skattejagt. Uden større lyst går han i gang med at løse de gåder og kodede vers, som skal lede ham på sporet. En Montalbano-krimi bind 16.
Aufruhr im sizilianischen Städtchen Vigàta. Zankapfel ist die umstrittene Einweihung des neuen Theaters Re d’Italia durch die Aufführung einer Oper des neapolitanischen, an Mozart geschulten Komponisten Luigi Ricci – so jedenfalls will es der frischgebackene, aus der Toskana stammende Präfekt Bortuzzi. Doch da hat er sich gründlich verrechnet. Am Schluss geht bei dieser Farce nicht nur der neue Theaterbau in Flammen auf ...Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019) war ein italienischer Drehbuchautor, Theater- und Fernsehregisseur und Schriftsteller. Insgesamt verfasste Camilleri mehr als 100 Bücher und galt als eine kritische Stimme in der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur.
Il primo omicidio letterario in terra di mafia della seconda repubblica - un omicidio eccellente seguito da un altro, secondo il decorso cui hanno abituato le cronache della criminalità organizzata - ha la forma dell'acqua (""Che fai?" gli domandai. E lui, a sua volta, mi fece una domanda. "Qual è la forma dell'acqua?". "Ma l'acqua non ha forma!" dissi ridendo: "Piglia la forma che le viene data"). Prende la forma del recipiente che lo contiene. E la morte dell'ingegnere Luparello si spande tra gli alambicchi ritorti e i vasi inopinatamente comunicanti del comitato affaristico politico-mafioso che domina la cittadina di Vigàta, anche dopo il crollo apparente del vecchio ceto dirigente. Questa è la sua forma. Ma la sua sostanza (il colpevole, il movente, le circostanze dell'assassinio) è più antica, più resistente, forse di maggior pessimismo: più appassionante per un perfetto racconto poliziesco. L'autore del quale, Andrea Camilleri, è uno scrittore e uno sceneggiatore che pratica il giallo e l'intreccio con una facilità e una felicità d'inventiva, un'ironia e un'intelligenza di scrittura che - oltre il divertimento severo del genere giallo - appartengono all'arte del raccontare. Cioè all'ingegno paradossale di far vedere all'occhio del lettore ciò che si racconta, e di contemporaneamente stringere con la sua mente la rete delle sottili intese.
Vigatà, 1935: Der kleine Michilino weiß schon als Sechsjähriger, dass er einmal ein Soldat des Duce werden möchte, um die Feinde des Landes mit Waffengewalt zu schlagen. Als er solcher Feinde in der eigenen Nachbarschaft gewahr wird, fasst er den Entschluss, diese umzubringen: Der Kommunist Maraventano und sein Sohn gehören zweifellos zum Abschaum ... Andrea Camilleri beschreibt die faschistische Zeit Italiens in einer grotesken Überzeichnung, die die Alltäglichkeit von Gewalt, Vorurteilen und Scheinheiligkeit drastisch zeigt. Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019) war ein italienischer Drehbuchautor, Theater- und Fernsehregisseur und Schriftsteller. Insgesamt verfasste Camilleri mehr als 100 Bücher und galt als eine kritische Stimme in der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur.
Am Neujahrstag 1880 trifft mit dem Postdampfer "König von Italien" ein Fremder im sizilianischen Vigàta ein. In den folgenden Monaten ereignen sich neue Todesfälle, die jeweils für sich genommen ganz einfache Erklärungen zu haben scheinen. Zusammen ergeben sie jedoch eine merkwürdige Häufung von Heimsuchungen ...Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019) war ein italienischer Drehbuchautor, Theater- und Fernsehregisseur und Schriftsteller. Insgesamt verfasste Camilleri mehr als 100 Bücher und galt als eine kritische Stimme in der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur.
Als die Schwefelquellen des mächtigen Händlers Barbabianca versiegen, begehren die Vigateser gegen den Dorfpotentaten auf. Nun endlich soll ihm die gerechte Strafe für seine Untaten zuteil werden. Doch wieder einmal kommt es ganz anders, und wenn dafür die heilige Jungfrau herhalten muss.Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019) war ein italienischer Drehbuchautor, Theater- und Fernsehregisseur und Schriftsteller. Insgesamt verfasste Camilleri mehr als 100 Bücher und galt als eine kritische Stimme in der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur.
På grund af storm ligger en luksusyacht og venter på at lægge til kaj. Den viser sig at have en gummibåd på slæb med liget af en mand, hvis ansigt er smadret til ukendelighed. Montalbano forholder sig skeptisk til besætningens forklaring, og hvordan financierer den kvindelige yachtejer sit liv og sin idelige sejlen rundt på verdenshavene? Opklaringsarbejdet udfordrer hans evner, og mødet med en ung, kvindelig løjtnant fra havnekontoret påvirker ham følelsesmæssigt i overvældende grad. En Montalbano-krimi bind 14.
A Voice in the Night is the twentieth compelling crime novel in the phenomenally successful Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri.It occurred to him that he might not have had anything to do with Strangio's death. It was a voice in the night, an anonymous voice, that had told him this. A voice in the night that could easily have been the voice of his conscience.Feeling his age, as his birthday rolls round once again, Inspector Montalbano decides to cheer himself up by dealing with a young driver's road rage in his own unique way.But his joy is short-lived, as at police headquarters he receives an angry phone call from a supermarket boss; there's been a robbery at his store and Montalbano's colleague is treating him as a suspect. On arrival at the scene, Montalbano quickly agrees with Inspector Augello that this was no ordinary break-in, but with the supermarket's infamous links to the Mafia creating problems at every turn, this isn't going to be an easy case for the inspector to solve.And to add to the inspector's burden, the young driver he made an enemy of earlier on has returned to police headquarters to report a shocking crime . . .
Blade of Light is the nineteenth gripping addition to the phenomenally successful Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri, featuring a stunning redesigned cover.For a brief moment, as Montalbano was looking, a bright blade of light flashed from the loft and shone straight in his eyes. Despite the sunglasses, he instinctively shut his eyes and when he reopened them the light was gone . . . When a gentleman arrives at Montalbano's station to report an armed robbery on his wife that ended with a kiss, the inspector's suspicions are aroused.As he delves deeper into the case, Montalbano finds that none of the witnesses' stories are adding up, and he can't help but feel that they're not meant to. When a body turns up showing all the signs of a mafia hit, the inspector knows he must excavate the truth from what he is being led to believe.Meanwhile there's a case that keeps winding its way back to Montalbano's office. A locked door has suddenly appeared on a farmer's disused shed, and then, just as quickly, the door disappears. The anti-terrorist police soon intervene, but why are they so keen to keep this away from the inspector? And why does he sense that this case is connected to him somehow?With deceit at every turn and a distraction of the heart taking over his head, Inspector Montalbano must focus if he is ever going to solve this mystery.
Game of Mirrors is the eighteenth exciting instalment in the Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri.When Montalbano comes to the aid of his new neighbour, Liliana Lombardo, after the engine of her car is interfered with, the inspector can little imagine where this innocuous event will lead. It soon transpires that the young woman - beautiful, intelligent and rather vague about the whereabouts of her husband - is being targeted by someone with a grudge against her. But is Liliana's growing interest in Montalbano simply a product of the detective's innate charm? Or is she trying to lead him astray - and into trouble?Meanwhile the inspector finds himself drawn into another mystery when a bomb explodes outside an empty warehouse in Vigata. But who was the bomb intended for? And why was it left in such a peculiar place? As Montalbano and his colleagues investigate the street's residents - some of whom have suspicious mafia links - they begin to receive a barrage of false clues from an anonymous source. As Liliana's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic and leaks around the case threaten Montalbano's reputation; the sense of danger grows. The inspector soon realizes that, with this investigation, he is being led into a hall of mirrors, where there is danger at every turn and nothing is quite clear . . .Game of Mirrors is followed by the nineteenth Inspector Montalbano novel, Blade of Light.
Angelica's Smile is the seventeenth novel in the gripping Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri.After sitting in the car on the hill for about ten minutes, Montalbano realized this was a big mistake. Because he didn't think at all about the investigation, the burglars, or Mr. Z. He thought about Angelica . . . What had he done? When members of Vigata's elite are targeted in a series of perfectly executed burglaries, Inspector Montalbano reluctantly takes the case. It soon becomes clear however that more links these privileged few than simply their lost possessions . . . It isn't long too before Montalbano finds himself taken with one of the victims, the captivatingly beautiful young Angelica. But as the detective's attraction grows - until he can think of little else - a series of strange, anonymous letters claiming responsibility for the thefts begin to arrive . . .With the allure of Angelica beginning to consume him and his relationship with Livia under threat, Montalbano must focus his mind to solve this perplexing investigation before events spiral out of all control.Angelica's Smile is followed by the eighteenth book in the series, Game of Mirrors.
Inspector Montalbano embarks on his final case and, as with Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Morse before him, his last adventure is as thrilling as it is surprising. Riccardino marks a fitting end to a remarkable series of novels.
Winner of the CWA international Dagger Award.From the Italian crime legend, Andrea Camilleri, comes The Potter's Field, the thirteenth instalment in the Inspector Montalbano series, adapted as a major BBC4 television series. This edition featuring a stunning redesigned cover.While Vigata is wracked by storms, Inspector Montalbano is called to attend the discovery of a dismembered body in a field of clay. Bearing all the marks of an execution style killing, it seems clear that this is, once again, the work of the notorious local mafia. But who is the victim? Why was the body divided into thirty pieces? And what is the significance of the Potter's Field?Working to decipher these clues, Montalbano must also confront the strange and difficult behaviour exhibited by his old colleague Mimi, and avoid the distraction of the enchanting Dolores Alfano - who seeks the inspector's help in locating her missing husband. But like the Potter's Field itself, Montalbano is on treacherous ground and only one thing is certain - nothing is quite as it seems . . .The Potter's Field is followed by The Age of Doubt, the fourteenth in the series.
The Treasure Hunt is the sixteenth gripping novel in Andrea Camilleri's bestselling Inspector Montalbano series.Montalbano opened the door to step out. But Gallo held him back, putting one hand on his arm. 'What's in there, Chief?' 'If it's what I think, it's something so horrific that it'll haunt your dreams for the rest of your life . . .'When a crazed elderly man and his sister begin firing bullets from their balcony down onto the Vigata street below, Inspector Montalbano finds himself a reluctant television hero.A few days later, when a letter arrives containing a mysterious riddle, the Inspector becomes drawn into a perplexing treasure hunt set by an anonymous challenger. As the hunt intensifies, Montalbano is relieved to be offered the assistance of Arturo Pennisi, a young man eager to witness the detective's investigative skills first hand.Fending off meddling commissioners and his irate girlfriend, Livia, the inspector will follow the treasure hunt's clues and travel from Vigata's teeming streets to its deserted outskirts: where an abandoned house overlooks a seemingly bottomless lake. But when a horrifying crime is committed, the game must surely be laid aside. And it isn't long before Montalbano himself will be in terrible danger . . .The Treasure Hunt is followed by the seventeenth Inspector Montalbano title, Angelica's Smile.
The Dance of the Seagull is the fifteenth darkly humorous adventure starring Inspector Montalbano from bestselling author Andrea Camilleri. Inspector Montalbano is awake at dawn, sitting on his porch, when his attention is caught by a seagull which falls from the sky, performing a strange dance, before lying down to die. Montalbano is perplexed by what he has witnessed and the scene hangs over him like an omen. About to depart for a holiday with his girlfriend Livia, Montalbano makes a quick trip to the police station to tie up loose ends. But when his dear colleague Fazio is discovered missing - and it transpires that the policeman has been involved in his own secret investigations - Montalbano instead launches a desperate search for his lost friend, as time begins to run out . . . Navigating a shadowy maze of smuggling, blackmail and the darkest murder, and moving from the docks of Vigata to its deep, dry wells where the mafia hide their terrible crimes, Inspector Montalbano must have his wits about him to unravel this tangled mystery.The Dance of the Seagull is followed by the sixteenth Inspector Montalbano novel, The Treasure Hunt.
Andrea Camilleri's sensational Inspector Montalbano continues in the fourteenth instalment, The Age of Doubt. A chance encounter with a strange young woman leads Inspector Montalbano to Vigata harbour - and into a puzzling new mystery. The crew of a mysterious yacht - the Vanna - due to dock in the area have discovered a corpse floating in the water, the dead man's face badly disfigured. It isn't long before Montalbano begins to become suspicious of the Vanna's inhabitants. Who is the yacht's owner, the glamorous and short-tempered Livia Giovannini? How has she accrued her riches? And why does she spend so much time at sea? Meanwhile Montalbano finds himself getting into tangles with the dreaded Commissioner, the exasperating Dr Lattes and a very beautiful young woman at the harbour, with whom he becomes dangerously besotted . . . Can the Inspector clear his head long enough to unravel this murky mystery?The Age of Doubt is followed by The Dance of the Seagull, the fifteenth book in the series.
A mysterious boat, a conspiracy to oust the Inspector, and a trip to Genoa with plenty of delectable foods are all in store in this, the twenty-seventh mystery in the Montalbano series.
Der er ikke noget at sige til, at Montalbano er træt. Mafiaen vil slå ham ihjel, politimesteren vil forfremme ham, og hans kæreste Livia har besluttet, at de skal giftes. Så er det godt at falde over en gammel mordsag. Fundet af et ungt pars mumificerede lig viser sig at trække tråde tilbage til Anden Verdenskrig. Montalbano dykker ned i historien for at løse sagen.Terrakottahunden er den anden Montalbano-krimi.
Vandets form er en skæv og overbevisende krimi, der på overraskende vis blander spænding med et strejf af absurd samfundssatire og lader mafiaen være en permanent trussel, der lurer i baggrunden. Året er 1993, og den succesrige ingeniør Luparello er netop fundet død i den solrige by Vigàta på Sicilien. Retsmedicinerne erklærer, at han er død af naturlige årsager, men kriminalinspektør Montalbanos næse siger ham, at der stikker noget under. Liget er nemlig fundet i en bil, parkeret i hjertet af byens centrum for narkohandel og prostitution. For at opklare sagen må Montalbano arbejde sig igennem en labyrint af korruption og omhyggeligt plantede falske spor, men han er opsat på at nå frem til sagens kerne, selvom både byens politichef, dommer og selveste biskoppen presser på, for at sagen skal henlægges.Hovedpersonen, kriminalinspektør Salvo Montalbano, er bundærlig uden at være naiv, han er lige så nådesløs mod sine modstandere, som han er beskyttende over for deres ofre, og han er svær ikke at komme til at holde af. Vandets form er første bog i Montalbano-serien, der også er lavet som en tv-serie, der har været vist på dansk tv. Lydbogen er levende indlæst af Henrik Hartvig Jørgensen.
"You either love Andrea Camilleri or you haven't read him yet. Each novel in this wholly addictive, entirely magical series, set in Sicily and starring a detective unlike any other in crime fiction, blasts the brain like a shot of pure oxygen. Aglow with local color, packed with flint-dry wit, as fresh and clean as Mediterranean seafood - altogether transporting. Long live Camilleri, and long live Montalbano." A.J. Finn, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Woman in the WindowTwo seemingly unrelated deaths form the central mystery of Rounding the Mark. They will take Montalbano deep into a secret world of illicit trafficking in human lives, and the investigation will test the limits of his physical, psychological, and moral endurance. Disillusioned and no longer believing in the institution he serves, will he withdraw or delve deeper into his work?
';You either love Andrea Camilleri or you haven't read him yet. Each novel in this wholly addictive, entirely magical series, set in Sicily and starring a detective unlike any other in crime fiction, blasts the brain like a shot of pure oxygen. Aglow with local color, packed with flint-dry wit, as fresh and clean as Mediterranean seafood altogether transporting. Long live Camilleri, and long live Montalbano.' A.J. Finn, #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Woman in the WindowHalf the retirees in Vigta have invested their savings with a financial wizard who has disappeared, along with their money. As Montalbano investigates this labyrinthine financial scam, he finds himself at a serious disadvantage: a hostile superior has shut him out of the case, he's on the outs with his lover Livia, and his cherished Sicily is turning so ruthless and vulgar that Montalbano wonders if any part of it is worth saving. Drenched with atmosphere, crackling with wit, The Smell of the Night is Camilleri at his most addictive.
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