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Bøger af Angela Martinez

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  • - WTH is happening to Me?
    af Angela Martinez
    168,95 kr.

    Your Essential Guide to Solving the Mystery of MenopauseDo you ever look in the mirror and wonder what is happening to you? If you answered "yes" to that question, then you are in the right place. As a nurse, Angela Martinez expected to know how to handle menopause with ease. But just like you, her journey was filled with seemingly unanswerable questions. From relentless hot flashes and unpredictable mood swings to unwanted weight gain and disruptive sleep patterns, she experienced almost everything. And still, she suffered quietly, alone. But you don't have to! Solving the Mystery of Menopause is the book that Angela wishes she had during those times. It's a complete companion for those entering menopause, navigating its challenges, or supporting others on their journeys. With both empathy and expertise, Angela will guide you through the often perplexing and silent aspects of menopause to a renewed sense of well-being. Packed with actionable advice, mindful strategies, and light-hearted stories, Solving the Mystery of Menopause reframes this life stage not as an end - but as a new beginning.

  • af Angela Martinez
    103,95 kr.

    When Bo Lockwood and I completed our book ESSENCE, I knew I wanted to add a workbook as soon as possible.Making life changes I see are like stepping-stones. We often do not know where we are going but are drawn by a strong internal sense to keep going. We know we must search further and not to stop. This workbook has been designed as added stepping-stones for those seekers who want some added direction on how to move forward in their own spiritual journey.This list of spiritual questions has no right or wrong answers. We hope they are good mirrors as how you can review your own life. Everyone will use them in very different ways. That is what we want. The questions will point out what stories you're telling yourself about your own life.

  • - El destino nos unió.
    af Angela Martinez
    198,95 kr.

    Han pasado unos años desde que Miguel y Silvia decidieron unir sus vidas. La felicidad les rodea tanto en el amor como en el trabajo. Sin embargo, el pasado regresa para intentar desbaratar ese amor que parece inquebrantable. La sed de venganza de alguien que no pudo cumplir sus sueños por un fatídico error. Pero eso no es todo: una enfermedad poco conocida obliga a Silvia a cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios y pone en riesgo su vida. Esto provoca que Miguel y ella sufran situaciones en las que su matrimonio se verá constantemente afectado. ¿Ambos podrán superar las piedras que el destino les ha puesto en el camino? O, por el contrario, ¿la maldad y la mala suerte destruirán su amor para siempre?

  • af Angela Martinez
    108,95 kr.

    When Bo Lockwood and I completed our book ESSENCE, I knew I wanted to add a workbook as soon as possible. Making life changes I see are like stepping-stones. We often do not know where we are going but are drawn by a strong internal sense to keep going. We know we must search further and not to stop. This workbook has been designed as added stepping-stones for those seekers who want some added direction on how to move forward in their own spiritual journey. This list of spiritual questions has no right or wrong answers. We hope they are good mirrors as how you can review your own life. Everyone will use them in very different ways. That is what we want. The questions will point out what stories you're telling yourself about your own life.

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