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  • af Anjali Mehta
    407,95 kr.

    Privítajte vô¿u a chu¿ Indie s knihou "Indická Kuchárka: Exotická Cesta Chu¿ami" od autorky Anjali Mehta. Táto kniha vás zavedie na nezabudnute¿nú kulinársku cestu do srdca indického kuchárskeho umenia.Anjali Mehta, vá¿ sprievodca touto exotickou cestou, vám odhalí tajomstvá kuchyne bohatej na chu¿. Od pikantných kari po sladké dezerty a v¿etko medzi tým, táto kniha vám poskytne rozmanitos¿ chu¿ov, ktoré India ponúka.Zistite, ako kombinovä koreniny, bylinky a arómy tak, aby ste vytvorili autentické indické jedlá priamo vo svojej kuchyni. Anjali Mehta vám poskytne jednoduché pokyny, ako vari¿ indické jedlá, ktoré budú ohromovä väe chu¿ové bunky."Indická Kuchárka" nie je len kuchárka, je to okno do kultúry, histórie a chu¿ov Indie. Roz¿írte svoje chu¿ové obzory a zänite objavovä bohatstvo indických receptov s touto ú¿asnou knihou.Pripojte sa k Anjali Mehta na tejto chu¿ovej ceste a nechajte sa uná¿ä exotickými chu¿ami Indie, ktoré vás zaru¿ene nadchnú.

  • af Anjali Mehta
    639,95 kr.

    While researching language teaching aspects at primary level, some of the basic questions which arise are:How language is taught in the class rooms? If language is taught properly why student¿s achievement is poor in this subject? What is the nature of activities offered for language teaching? Is classroom interaction carried out the way in which language should be taught? What kinds of techniques are adopted in classroom? Are teachers equipped with necessary skills required to teach language? Are the objectives of teaching language properly reflected in syllabus? What are the problems of teaching language? The authors of this book have researched the above issues found in language teaching at primary level.

  • af Anjali Mehta
    453,95 kr.

    Language is the backbone of all the subjects and language education plays important role in school education. Teachers¿ ability to comprehend the language and transect in the classroom becomes very important in this regards. Various programs to develop Multiple Intelligence, value education,life skill education peace education are promoted by government in curriculum documents. However in the teacher education institutions it is provided as a piecemeal manner as a separate component. present research work and the Multiple Intelligence program, implemented on the language teachers proved that it is more meaningful to integrate all the above in the subject teaching.Such Innovative programs increases quality of language teaching in particular and education in general.

  • af Anjali Mehta, Prerana Shelat & Bhumika Barot
    336,95 kr.

    Co-curricular activities have been recognized as a source of enrichment and vitalization of the school/college curriculum. These activities provide opportunities of self-expression & participation which include various important traits in learner. Psychologically these activities are considered essential because they provide outlets for the flow of surplus energies of students. Teacher education prepares teachers for future. Pre Service Student Teachers will have to be prepared and made efficient to be capable of conducting various co-curricular activities at the pre service level itself which will help them to conduct such type of activities when they actually start working in schools as regular teachers. Planning, Organizing and Executing co-curricular activities will help in developing in Pre Service Student Teachers leadership skills, group dynamics, skill of socialization, skill to accept others ideas, skills to be patriotic, skill to be working in group and therefore along with the curricular activities co-curricular activities finds a very important part at the pre-service programme. This book talks of impact of CCA on values and skills of Pre Service Student Teachers.

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