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Bøger af Anthony Giddens

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  • - Making Sense of Modernity
    af Anthony Giddens & Christopher Pierson
    798,95 kr.

    These interviews of one of the leading social theorists of the contemporary period, conducted shortly after he became Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, cover the full range of his thought since the early 1970s.

  • - Self and Society in the Late Modern Age
    af Anthony Giddens
    313,95 kr.

    This study develops a new account of modernity and its relation to the self. Building upon the ideas set out in "The Consequences of Modernity", Giddens argues that "high" or "late" modernity is a post-traditional order characterized by a developed institutional reflexivity.

  • - The Future of Radical Politics
    af Anthony Giddens
    268,95 kr.

    In the wake of the cataclysmic changes that have transformed the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries since 1989, what can it mean to be politically radical today? In this conceptually powerful work, the author applies his well-known and influential body of ideas about modernity to the present state and future of radical politics.

  • - Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order
    af Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens & Scott Lash
    363,95 kr.

    Three prominent social thinkers discuss how modern society is undercutting its formations of class, stratum, occupations, sex roles, the nuclear family, and more. Reflexive modernization, or the way one kind of modernization undercuts and changes another, has wide ranging implications for contemporary social and cultural theory, as this provocative book demonstrates.

  • - Sexuality, Love, and Eroticism in Modern Societies
    af Anthony Giddens
    288,95 kr.

    The author disputes many of the dominant interpretations of the role of sexuality in modern culture by answering such questions as: What is the meaning of the sexual revolution? How does "sexuality" come into being? How does it affect one's personal life?

  • - Second Edition
    af Anthony Giddens
    248,95 kr.

    This new edition of a standard work-used as a text throughout the world-has been thoroughly re-edited and revised. In it Giddens tells how he believes social theory should be constructed and conducted and offers a critique of schools of social thought that continues to occupy a place in contemporary debates.

  • - How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives
    af Anthony Giddens
    753,95 kr.

    Giddens shows how growing global interdependence directly affects everyday lives--its impact on culture, traditions, families, and politics. This eloquent volume is the starting point for anyone concerned about the increasingly connected world.

  • - Action, structure and contradiction in social analysis
    af Anthony Giddens
    576,95 kr.

  • - A brief but critical introduction
    af Anthony Giddens
    564,95 kr.

    Sociology: A Brief but Critical Introduction offers a lively, discursive and jargon-free introduction to sociology, accessible to the lay reader as well as to the student. It incorporates discussion of recent developments in both social theory and empirical social research - developments to which Giddens has directly contributed.

  • af Anthony Giddens
    564,95 kr.

    The Giddens Reader contains a comprehensive selection of readings from the works of the pre-eminent social theorist Anthony Giddens. A wide range of important theoretical issues are covered, including the author's encounter with the writings of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Parsons and Foucault.

  • - En kort, men kritisk introduktion
    af Anthony Giddens
    198,95 kr.

    Denne bog afviger fra de fleste andre sociologiske introduktioner på flere måder. Den indeholder en diskussion af de grundlæggende problemer i social teori – den kerne af teoretiske spørgsmål, som sociologien er fælles med alle samfundsvidenskaberne om. Jeg deler ikke den udbredte holdning, at disse spørgsmål er uden betydning for mennesker, der har brug for et indledende kendskab til sociologien. Jeg accepterer heller ikke den lige så udbredte forestilling, at sådanne spørgsmål er for komplekse til at kunne forstås af læsere, der ikke behersker fagets mere empiriske indhold. I min behandling af dette empiriske foretager jeg visse vægtninger, som afviger fra dem, man normalt ser i introducerende bøger. Mange fremstillinger af sociologien skrives primært med henblik på ét bestemt samfund – det, hvori forfatteren eller læserne lever. Jeg forsøger at undgå denne form for snæversyn ud fra den overbevisning, at en af den sociologiske tænknings hovedopgaver er at gøre sig fri af det velkendtes begrænsninger. Men den vigtigste forskel mellem denne bog og andre er måske dens stærkt historiske tilgang til emnet. ”Sociologi” og ”historie” anses normalt for adskilte studieområder, men dette synspunkt anser jeg for forfejlet.Jeg har forsøgt at udtrykke mig i korthed, og det har medført visse mangler, hvad den emnemæssige dækning angår. Jeg gør ikke noget forsøg på at give en encyklopædisk fremstilling af hele den lange række emner, der er legitime sociologiske interesseområder. Den læser, der ønsker en sådan bredde, må gå til andre kilder.Anthony Giddens Sociologi: En kort, men kritisk introduktion udkom første gang på dansk i 1995 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

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