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Bøger af Asha Sohal

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  • - Comprehensive Guide to Software Development
    af Asha Sohal
    494,95 kr.

    "Mastering .NET Framework" is a comprehensive guidebook that delves into the intricacies of software development using the .NET Framework. Written for developers of all skill levels, this book covers essential topics such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, and ASP.NET, providing readers with a solid foundation in these technologies.The book begins with an overview of the .NET Framework, exploring its history, evolution, and core functionalities. It then delves into object-oriented programming concepts, value types vs. reference types, generics, attributes, and metadata, offering detailed explanations and practical examples.

  • - Revolutionizing Transactions with Blockchains
    af Asha Sohal
    494,95 kr.

    Exploring the Revolutionary Technology" provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of blockchain technology. From its inception as the backbone of cryptocurrencies to its potential applications in finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and beyond, this book delves into the inner workings of blockchain. Readers will gain insights into its decentralized nature, cryptographic principles, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms. Through real-world examples and case studies, the book illustrates how blockchain is reshaping industries and empowering individuals with greater security, transparency, and efficiency. Whether you're a novice curious about blockchain's basics or an industry expert seeking deeper understanding, this book offers valuable insights into one of the most groundbreaking technologies of the 21st century.

  • - Navigating the Digital Skyline"
    af Asha Sohal
    485,95 kr.

    "Cloud Computing: Navigating the Digital Skyline" offers a comprehensive exploration of the key concepts, trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the landscape of cloud computing. From the fundamentals of serverless computing to the complexities of hybrid and multi-cloud architectures, this book delves into the intricacies of cloud-native technologies, edge computing, and industry-specific cloud solutions. Through insightful analysis, real-world examples, and expert perspectives, readers gain a deep understanding of the evolving role of cloud computing in driving innovation, agility, and competitiveness in the digital era. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, "Cloud Computing" serves as an indispensable guide for navigating the ever-changing skies of cloud technology.

  • af Asha Sohal
    494,95 kr.

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive and irreversible respiratory condition characterized by persistent airflow limitation. It encompasses two main conditions: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD is often associated with exposure to harmful inhaled substances, with cigarette smoke being the leading cause.COPD is a complex respiratory condition with profound implications for affected individuals and global healthcare systems. A holistic approach involving prevention, accurate diagnosis, and comprehensive management strategies is essential to mitigate the impact of COPD on individuals' lives and improve overall outcomes.

  • af Asha Sohal
    688,95 kr.

    L'objectif du projet est de mettre en ¿uvre un drone géographique et des attaques de sécurité dans les réseaux mobiles ad-hoc. Les réseaux mobiles sont constitués de n¿uds qui peuvent changer leur position fréquemment en considérant différents protocoles de routage comme AODV, DSDV et DSR. Le premier objectif de mon projet est de comparer le taux de livraison de paquets entre différents types de protocoles, puis de créer différents n¿uds comme dans le GPS et de mettre en ¿uvre des algorithmes de routage à l'aide des dernières technologies. Dans notre projet, nous considérons un nombre N de n¿uds et leur emplacement respectif. Ensuite, nous essayons de mettre en ¿uvre sur la base du chemin le plus court, nous devons calculer le chemin optimisé entre la source et la destination. L'algorithme de routage doit donc tenir compte de ce facteur. Il existe plusieurs stratégies pour exploiter les informations de localisation de manière efficace, telles que GPS, GPSR et LAR, etc.

  • af Asha Sohal
    688,95 kr.

    Lo scopo del progetto è quello di implementare un UAV geografico e gli attacchi alla sicurezza nelle reti mobili ad-hoc. Le reti mobili sono costituite da nodi che possono cambiare frequentemente la loro posizione, considerando diversi protocolli di routing come AODV, DSDV e DSR. Il primo obiettivo del mio progetto è quello di confrontare il rapporto di consegna dei pacchetti tra i diversi tipi di protocollo e di creare diversi nodi come nel GPS, per poi implementare algoritmi di routing con le ultime tecnologie. Nel nostro progetto consideriamo un numero N di nodi e la loro rispettiva posizione. Poi cerchiamo di implementare ulteriormente, sulla base del percorso più breve, un percorso ottimizzato tra la sorgente e la destinazione. Pertanto, l'algoritmo di routing deve considerare questo fattore. Esistono diverse strategie per sfruttare le informazioni sulla posizione in modo efficiente, come GPS, GPSR e LAR, ecc.

  • af Asha Sohal
    496,95 kr.

    The purpose of the project is to implement a Geographic UAV and security attacks in mobile ad-hoc networks. The mobile networks consist of nodes which may change their location frequently by considering different routing protocols like AODV, DSDV and DSR. First motive of my project is to compare Packet delivery ratio between different types of protocol and then create different nodes like in GPS then further implement routing algorithms with latest technologies. In our project we consider different N number of nodes and their respective location. Then we try to further implement on the basis of shortest path we have to calculate optimized path between source and destination. Therefore, the routing algorithm must consider this factor. There are several strategies to exploiting the location information in an efficient manner like GPS, GPSR and LAR etc.

  • af Asha Sohal
    494,95 kr.

    The HiJiNi Delivery Order Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and optimize the process of managing delivery orders for businesses across various industries. This system offers a user-friendly interface and a robust set of features to efficiently handle the end-to-end logistics involved in fulfilling delivery orders.Key functionalities of HiJiNi include order creation, tracking, and management, allowing users to generate delivery orders seamlessly. It provides real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling stakeholders to track the status of orders from initiation to delivery, ensuring transparency andaccountability throughout the process.Moreover, the system incorporates inventory management tools, allowing businesses to maintain accurate stock levels, synchronize inventory data, and facilitate efficient order fulfillment. Integration with GPS technology enables route optimization, helping drivers navigate the most efficient paths for timely deliveries

  • af Asha Sohal
    693,95 kr.

    Dizajn rubashki redaktirowaniq i pechati web-sajt s ispol'zowaniem AI" qwlqetsq sowremennym i äffektiwnym.tehnologii dlq teh klientow, kotorye hotqt nastroit' swoü sobstwennuü ideü formu dizajna na futbolku.Osnownoj modul' ätogo proekta qwlqetsq perwyj wizit na web-sajt i perejti na nastroennuü knopku on redirectsto glawnoj stranice, gde my nastroili T-Shirt.Custom dizajny futbolok stali wse bolee populqrnymi, kak lüdi stremqtsq wyrazit' swoü indiwidual'nost' i tworchestwo cherez ih odezhdu. V ätoj stat'e rassmatriwaetsq process sozdaniq dizajna futbolok na zakaz, ot razrabotki koncepcii do konechnogo pechatnogo produkta. V nej obsuzhdaütsq razlichnye tehniki dizajna, instrumenty i soobrazheniq dlq dostizheniq unikal'nyh i wizual'no priwlekatel'nyh dizajnow futbolok. Krome togo, rassmatriwaetsq wliqnie dizajna futbolok na modnye tendencii i potrebitel'skie predpochteniq.Proizwodstwo odezhdy na zakaz - äto metod proizwodstwa odezhdy, realizuemyj i osuschestwlqemyj w sotrudnichestwe mezhdu proizwoditelem i zakazchikom. Pri ätom metode proizwodstwa klientu predlagaetsq bazowaq chast' odezhdy i razlichnye opcii (tkan', model', cwet, stil', axessuary, pechat' na odezhde i t.d.), chtoby klient mog izmenit' odezhdu i dizajn.

  • af Asha Sohal
    347,95 kr.

    The ¿Shirt Design Editing and Printing Website using AI¿ is a Modern and effective.Technology for those customers who wants to customize their own idea form of design on the tshirt.The main module of this project is first visit to the web site and go to customized button it redirectsto main page where we customized the T-Shirt. Custom t-shirt designs have become increasingly popular as people seek to express theirindividuality and creativity through their clothing. This article explores the process of creatingcustom t-shirt designs, from conceptualization to the final printed product. It discusses variousdesign techniques, tools, and considerations for achieving unique and visually appealing t-shirtdesigns. Additionally, it examines the impact of custom t-shirt designs on fashion trends andconsumer preferences.Customized clothing manufacturing is a clothing manufacturing method realized and performedin collaboration between the manufacturer and the customer. In this manufacturing method, the customer is offered a basic piece of clothing and various options (fabric, model, color, style, accessories, printing on clothing, etc.) so that the customer can modify the clothing and design.

  • af Asha Sohal
    347,95 kr.

    Hand gesture-controlled presentations using Machine Learning (ML) involve using a computer vision-based system to interpret hand movements and gestures as commands to control presentations. Gather a dataset of hand gesture images or videos, capturing various hand movements and gestures that correspond to different presentation commands (e.g., next slide, previous slide, zoom in, zoom out). Clean and preprocess the collected data by resizing, normalizing, and augmenting images or videos to enhance the model's robustness. Utilize Machine Learning techniques, often employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or other deep learning architectures, to train a model on the collected dataset. This model learns to recognize and classify different hand gestures. Once trained, the model is capable of recognizing specific hand gestures in real-time. It can identify gestures such as open palm for next slide, closed fist for previous slide, pinch for zoom in, spreading fingers for zoom out, etc.

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