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Bøger af Astrid Jensen

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  • af Astrid Jensen
    168,95 kr.

    'The Story of Google and the Future of Information Search' is an interesting book that tells the story of the tech giant that changed the way we search for information online. Famous author Astrid Jensen takes you on an exciting journey through the history of Google, looking at the new ideas that Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of the world's most important search engine, came up with.This smart book carefully follows the development of Google's search engines, showing how they have changed the way people find information. From the groundbreaking PageRank algorithm to the smart business choices that made Google the leader, Jensen reveals the company's unmatched success secrets.But Jensen doesn't just write about the past; he also gives an interesting look into the future of information search. The author guides the reader through the new world of personalized, voice-activated, and visually immersive search experiences in a world dominated by technology progress, artificial intelligence, and the mobile revolution.Jensen talks about the bigger effects of Google's new ideas, like its work in AI, machine learning, and quantum computing, while keeping an eye on the latest trends in the industry. The book is more than just a typical look at Google. It also looks ahead to the future of how technology and information search are changing together."The Story of Google and the Future of Information Search" is a complete and interesting story that will interest tech fans, digital marketers, and people who are just interested in the future. People who want to know about the past, present, and future of how we access and use knowledge in the digital age should read this book.The combination of Jensen's expert storytelling and the hottest keywords in technology and information retrieval makes this book not only informative but also perfectly in line with current conversations about Google, making it relevant and appealing in the rapidly changing world of digital innovation.

  • af Astrid Jensen
    263,95 kr.

    Plants are an essential part of our planet's ecosystem, providing us with food, oxygen, and numerous other resources. However, just like humans and animals, plants are also susceptible to diseases. Understanding the importance of plant health and the field of plant pathology is crucial for students interested in the field of botany.Plant health refers to the overall well-being of plants, including their ability to resist diseases, pests, and environmental stresses. Healthy plants not only yield higher crop production but also contribute to a balanced and sustainable environment. As students delve into the world of botany, they will realize that maintaining plant health is of utmost importance for the future of agriculture and the planet.Plant pathology is the study of plant diseases and the science behind their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Disease detectives, or plant pathologists, play a crucial role in identifying and managing plant diseases to ensure the health and productivity of crops. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and transmission of plant diseases, students can help protect plants from harmful pathogens and work towards sustainable agriculture.Plant diseases can have devastating effects, leading to significant yield losses, economic hardships, and even famine in some regions. By learning about plant health, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage these diseases effectively. They can recognize early signs of disease, implement proper disease management techniques, and develop innovative strategies to combat plant pathogens in a sustainable manner.Moreover, plant health is not only essential for agriculture but also impacts the natural environment. Healthy plants contribute to the biodiversity of ecosystems, supporting a wide range of organisms, including insects, birds, and mammals. By preserving plant health, students can contribute to the conservation of natural habitats and promote sustainable practices.

  • af Astrid Jensen
    418,95 kr.

    Tag med på en kulinarisk rejse til den plantebaserede verden med bogen "Grønne Gastronomiske Eventyr", skrevet af den erfarne plantebaserede kok, Astrid Jensen. Denne bog er ikke kun en kogebog; det er en inspirerende guide til en sundere og mere bæredygtig livsstil."Grønne Gastronomiske Eventyr" åbner døren til en verden af lækre og nærende plantebaserede retter, der vil forvandle dit syn på vegansk madlavning. Astrid Jensen deler sin lidenskab for at skabe velsmagende og nærende måltider, der er fyldt med farver og smag.Denne bog er en skattekiste af opskrifter, tips og teknikker til at lave mad uden animalske produkter, uden at gå på kompromis med smagen. Uanset om du er veganer, vegetar eller bare søger at inkorporere flere plantebaserede måltider i din kost, vil du finde inspiration og nydelse i "Grønne Gastronomiske Eventyr".Astrid Jensen tager dig med på en spændende rejse, der fejrer mangfoldigheden og de utallige smagsoplevelser, som den veganske verden har at byde på. Lad dig inspirere til at lave sunde og velsmagende plantebaserede retter, der både gavner din krop og vores planet.

  • af Astrid Jensen
    343,95 kr.

    "Lad Tiden Gøre Arbejdet: Slow Cooking Ekspertrådgivning" er din vej til at opleve den dybe og rige smag, som kun langsom madlavning kan levere. Forfatteren, Astrid Jensen, tager dig med på en kulinarisk rejse gennem verdens slow cooking-vidundere og deler sine mesterværker med dig.Langsom madlavning er ikke kun en tilberedningsmetode; det er en livsstil. Denne bog vil give dig værdifulde råd og ekspertise inden for slow cooking-teknikker, udstyr og ingredienser. Astrid Jensen guider dig gennem processen og lærer dig, hvordan du maksimerer smagen i dine retter ved at lade ingredienserne langsomt simre og udvikle deres fulde potentiale.Uanset om du ønsker at lave saftige gryderetter, møre steger eller velsmagende supper, vil "Lad Tiden Gøre Arbejdet: Slow Cooking Ekspertrådgivning" være din pålidelige ledsager. Denne bog er skabt til dem, der ønsker at omfavne en afslappende og velsmagende madlavningstilgang.Astrid Jensen, en passioneret ekspert inden for slow cooking, deler sin kærlighed til denne kunstform og giver dig mulighed for at opdage de autentiske smagsoplevelser, der kun opnås ved at give tiden lov til at gøre arbejdet. Gør dig klar til at værdsætte hvert eneste bid af dit liv med slow cooking som din guide.

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