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  • af Baby Kattackal
    137,95 kr.

    The protagonist in this novel is Julie, 24, a researcher in psychology, and the only daughter of Romula, who divorced her husband, Robin, on incompatibility of temperament. Romula, a teacher, and Julie lived in Lisbon. The psychologist daughter wanted to find out if her mother's extreme love for God had led to her frigidity. She was also in search of the ultimate of divine love. During her search, she chanced upon her father, Robin, through a priest who had solemnized her parents' marriage long ago. Julie made contact with the Bard in the foothills of Himalayas, a man adept at Hypnotism, Occult powers, Black magic, et al. Was he finally able to answer her questions on love convincingly? Read on to find out...

  • af Baby Kattackal
    177,95 kr.

    Les Gardiens du Mal est un roman significatif qui plongeprofondément dans le tourbillon tournoyant et les remous furtifs desmaux qui luttent pour trouver leur flux naturel de sous son extérieurcivilisé, ses prétentions culturelles. Plus souvent qu'autrement, lesallées furtives dans la société moderne derrière le rideau fumeux etbrumeux d'une vie culturelle émergent sous forme de violence atroce.C'est le retour spectral atavique des caractéristiques naturelles etsauvages instinctives de l'homme, avec un mépris cynique pour lescodes de vertu et de moralité, ses caractéristiques adoptées. C'estle combat de l'homme contre lui-même. Le combat entre l'hommesauvage et l'homme moderne de vertus avait commencé depuis l'aubede la civilisation et ne s'arrête jamais.La réponse à la question "Qui sont les gardiens du mal pour resterdans la société moderne?" est l'homme, l'homme seul et rien d'autreque l'homme - les dirigeants, les gouvernés et ceux qui sont chargésde maintenir l'intégrité de l'État de droit et du bien-être social.

  • af Baby Kattackal
    167,95 kr.

    Kötülü¿ün Koruyucular¿, medenile¿mi¿ d¿¿ yüzünün alt¿ndakidöal ak¿¿ noktas¿n¿ bulmaya çal¿¿an kötülüklerin eddiesi ve gizligirdaplar¿na derinlemesine inen anlaml¿ bir romand¿r. Çöu zaman,modern toplumdaki gizli olaylar kültürel yäam¿n dumanl¿, sisliperdesinin arkas¿nda, deh¿et verici ¿iddet biçiminde ortaya ç¿kar. Bu,erdemlerin ve ahlak¿n kurallar¿na ald¿r¿¿ etmeyen vah¿i özelliklerininsanölunun atavistik hayaletimsi geri dönü¿üdür. Bu, insan¿nkendisiyle savä¿d¿r. Vah¿i adam ile erdemli modern insan aras¿ndakimücadele, medeniyetin bälang¿c¿ndan beri durmadan devametmektedir."Modern toplumda kötülü¿ün koruyucular¿ kimdir?" sorusununcevab¿, sadece insand¿r - hükümdarlar, yönetilenler ve hukukun vetoplumsal refah¿n korunmas¿ görevini üstlenenler.

  • af Baby Kattackal
    157,95 kr.

    "Bu kitap, karmä¿k karakterlere sahip farkl¿ türleri äan kitaplardanbiridir. The Bard (ad¿ "The Bard" olarak geçer), mistik ve karmä¿kkarakterlerden biridir. Kahraman arät¿rmac¿ psikolog Julie, nas¿lmistik karakter The Bard'a ä¿k oldüunu gösterir. Kahraman¿nannesi Clara, s¿radan dünyada yäarken etereal äka adanm¿¿ çokboyutlu bir karakterdir. Karakterlerin karmä¿kl¿¿¿, gerçeküstüö¿eler bu roman¿ türlerin ötesinde bir kitap haline getiriyor.Gerçeklik ve mistisizm, ince bir kar¿¿¿mla örülüdür. Karakterler TheBard, Julie kahraman¿ ve annesi multidimensional özellikler gösterir.Portekiz ve Himalaya'n¿n yamaçlar¿na yerle¿tirilen bu roman, äk¿ndini, felsefi ve psikolojik temellerini e¿lenceli bir ¿ekilde ke¿fedenbir romand¿r. Kitap özellikle äk¿n somut ve soyut yans¿malar¿n¿ele al¿r; arayüzleri, alg¿lanan çat¿¿malar¿ ve herhangi bir tür äk¿ntamamlanmas¿ veya tüketilmesinin döal bir gereklili¿inin olupolmad¿¿¿ sorusunu ele al¿r: Tanr¿ ya da insanl¿k äk¿ olsun."

  • af Baby Kattackal
    382,95 kr.

  • af Baby Kattackal
    337,95 kr.

    Questo libro è uno dei generi misti con personaggi complessi. IlBardo (chiamato "il Bardo") è uno dei personaggi mistici e complessi.E così è la protagonista Julie, una ricercatrice psicologa che mostracome si innamora del personaggio mistico il Bardo. Anche la madredella protagonista Clara ha una dimensione quando, vivendo nelmondo mondano, si dedica all'amore etereo. Personaggi complessi;il realismo magico rende questo romanzo un libro di genere misto.La realtà e il misticismo sono intrecciati in una miscela delicata. Ipersonaggi, il Bardo, la protagonista Julie e la madre mostrano trattidi caratteristiche dimensionali. Ambientato in Portogallo e sui piedidell'Himalaya, questo è un romanzo che esplora divertentementele basi religiose, filosofiche e psicologiche della comprensionedell'amore. Il libro affronta soprattutto le manifestazioni incorporeee corporee dell'amore; la loro interfaccia, i conflitti percepiti e laquestione se esista una necessità naturale per il completamento o laconsumazione dell'amore di ogni tipo: sia divino che umano

  • af Baby Kattackal
    337,95 kr.

    Este libro es de género cruzado con personajes complejos. El Bardo(quien es llamado "el Bardo") es uno de los personajes místicos ycomplejos. Lo mismo ocurre con la heroína Julie, una psicólogainvestigadora que muestra cómo se enamora del personaje místicoel Bardo. La madre de la heroína, Clara, es dimensional cuando,viviendo en el mundo mundano, se ocupa del amor etéreo. Lospersonajes, el Bardo, la protagonista, Julie, la heroína y la madremuestran rasgos de características dimensionales. Los personajes,el Bardo, la protagonista, Julie, la heroína y la madre muestranrasgos de características dimensionales. La realidad y el misticismose entrelazan en una mezcla fina. Ambientada en Portugal y enlas estribaciones del Himalaya, esta es una novela que explorade manera divertida las bases religiosas, filosóficas y psicológicaspara comprender el amor. Lo más importante, el libro aborda lasmanifestaciones incorpóreas y corpóreas del amor; su interfaz,conflictos percibidos y la pregunta de si existe una necesidadnatural para la finalización o consumación del amor de cualquiertipo: ya sea de Dios o de la humanidad.

  • af Baby Kattackal
    237,95 kr.

    The Guardians of Evil is a meaningful novel that delves deep into the eddy vortex and furtive swirls of evils that struggle to find its natural outward flow from beneath his civilised exterior, his cultural pretentions.. More often than not ,the stealthy goings on in the modern society behind the smoky , misty , curtain of a cultural living, steam out from under, in the form of gruesome violence. This is the atavistic spectral return of man's instinctive natural, savage characteristics, with callous disdain to the codes of virtues and morality, his adopted characteristics. This is the fight of man against himself.The fight between the savage man and the modern man of virtues had started ever since and non stop from the dawn of civilization.The answer to the question ""Who are the guardians of evil to stay on in the modern society?"" is man , man alone and nothing but man.- the rulers, the ruled and those incumbents saddled with the duty of keeping the rule of law and social well-being intact.. Author

  • af Baby Kattackal
    141,95 kr.

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