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Bøger af Becky Norwood

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  • af Becky Norwood
    413,95 kr.

    In the pages of this book you will find the stories of 31 amazing women who have the love, the heart, the courage and the wisdom to share their stories with you. These stories will touch your heart. We Choose to Thrive is a work of heart with messages from women who have a story to tell. Each of us has been a victim of abuse, some beginning in childhood, others later on as adults with domestic violence or even rape. You will find stories from sea to shining sea...Shannon from Australia, Michele from New York, Sylvia with roots in Guatemala, women from all around Canada and the U.S. You will discover that the perpetrators of abuse do not respect ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic backgrounds, or religious backgrounds. Our message is to other who've been victims of abuse. Abuse is abuse no matter what KIND of abuse. There is no measuring device that can determine the extent to which the experience of the abuse has affected our lives. Abuse can come as sexual, emotional/mental, physical and spiritual abuse. Sexual childhood abuse seems to carry the deepest scars but truly there is no way to measure. What we know is that the statistics are disgusting and highly inaccurate. We know that you can fill a room with people and talk on this subject, and often over half the room will acknowledge having had an experience that affected them deeply. This is indeed sad and heart wrenching. While we mention what happened to us, we don't dwell there. We talk about what we have done and what we are currently doing to be well adjusted, happy and productive. We've done our healing work for ourselves first and foremost and as we began to heal, that seeped out to our families, our communities, our countries and our world. We also know that it takes constant attention to our thoughts and feelings as there can be triggers of memory that can threaten to derail our efforts. Abuse is abuse no matter what kind, and there is no measuring device that can predict the impact it has on the victim, no matter how significant or insignificant the abuse may seem. Leaving the sadness and pain aside, our message, the recurring theme of this book is to share that you too can thrive. It begins with a decision. It begins with a choice. It begins with the courage to SPEAK UP, STAND UP, FIND YOUR TRUTH, and COMMAND YOUR OWN INNER POWER. What we all have in common is our deep desire to share with abuse survivors around the world that they too can heal, that they are NOT alone. We share our journey, the resources and most of all the mindset that we needed to adopt to achieve the rich and happy lives we are now living. It truly is a journey. Our deep desire is that you will see and feel the light behind each woman that has had the love and the courage to share and that you will let it reach your heart. We encourage you to share this with others, both women and men. While statistics are many and varied, a rough estimate is one out of three girls and one out of 5 boys have encountered childhood sexual abuse, which does not even address the other kinds of abuse. We know many have gone to their grave without ever telling their story. We know that much of the brokenness in our world, that includes drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, self mutilation and other abuses stem from a heart that has not been able to recover from the pain. We hope our messages will join the many messages being shared around the world, and shine as a light for others. We hope that you too will Choose to Thrive! Will you step up and make a choice to thrive? Are you willing to do what it takes? Are you willing to change your focus? We've all heard the saying, "What you focus on expands." Are you ready to focus on healing and thriving? "Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don't spend it by dwelling on unhappy things." - UNKNOWN

  • af Becky Norwood
    153,95 kr.

    Becky Norwood endured sexual, emotional and physical abuse at the hands of her father from very early childhood. It was to last for many years. Yet, she is a tribute to the unstoppable spirit that guides her life daily and has kept her not just alive, but living a full and rich life. Through a PhD in the school of hard knocks and experience, she has come to thrive in her own right. Becky will be the first to say that healing and self love does not happen overnight. In overcoming depression and low self confidence, coming to a place of both loving and more importantly forgiving herself for the role she played has been critical. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. Understanding that we "Do Not Owe Our Past a Place in Our Future," Becky makes conscious decisions daily as to how her life will be each day. "The Woman I Love" is a work of heart for Becky and she feels that it could just as easily be titled "The Man I Love." She says that statistics are that one in three girls and one in five boys are victims of incest and abuse, therefore healing steps must take place regardless of our gender. She also recognizes the fact that those figures are likely highly inaccurate, simply because of knowing all to well the threats on not only her life but that of her siblings and mother...and later her children. Many are issued threats that keep them quiet...often for their entire lives. The damage causes lifelong issues than can color ones world miserable for an entire life, unless steps towards healing are diligently followed. Issues often are self abuse in many forms including suicidal tendencies, drug or alcohol addiction, sexual addictions, extreme low self esteem, depression and more. One of the greatest tools she has found is finding the courage to speak up, to tell her story. Becky feels that: "Each human alive is a constantly unfolding story, a hero in a novel that no one else can write." She feels that we owe it to ourselves and future generations to speak our truth...essentially, leaving a legacy, and BE the change we want to see in our world. As with those who have gone before her, she has witnessed firsthand the power of putting pen to paper not only to set oneself free, but to expose a travesty that occurs daily in our society. Currently Becky works with other women to help them craft their stories. As with herself she has had the pleasure of watching others find peace through the telling of their stories. Becky says that despite consistent efforts to heal and grow, telling her story has rewarded her with the most healing and feeling of self worth that she has ever experienced. Indeed, why have we lived on this earth unless it is to share our own experience, perhaps sparing someone else who has gone through the same and need their own light to shine. Becky's others books are: The Woman I Love: Journal and Coloring Book and an upcoming series of books called "We Choose to Thrive: Voices Rising in Unison Giving Hope to Abuse Survivors That They to Can Heal and Thrive. If you have had such an experience and want to be a part of this series, which is planned to be a documentary...please reach out to Becky at

  • - Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business
    af Maggie Mongan, Becky Norwood & Kelly E Andrew
    208,95 - 268,95 kr.

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