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Bøger af Boris Cyrulnik

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  • - How your inner strength can set you free from the past
    af Boris Cyrulnik
    128,95 kr.

    Many of us experience pain in our childhoods, and young people face trauma all over the world. How is it possible to recover? Do those abused always go on to hurt others? This incredible bestseller has overturned the way we view trauma, by showing how the extraordinary power of resilience can heal damaged lives. Renowned psychoanalyst Boris Cyrulnik has dealt with many young victims of distress and he relates stories of children who have been abused, orphaned, fought in wars and escaped genocide, yet who have not only survived, but grown in the face of adversity. By the way we deal with our memories and emotions, he shows, we can reshape our lives and transform pain into something stronger - just as a grain of sand in an oyster becomes a pearl. Resilience is not just about resisting; it is about learning to live. This life-changing book points the way towards hope and happiness.

  • - Alene på flugt fra nazisterne
    af Boris Cyrulnik
    168,95 kr.

    Han var alene i verden, og verden var i krig. Jødeforfølgelserne havde allerede kostet ham begge hans forældre, men et stærkt overlevelsesinstinkt og gode mennesker reddede ham igennem en brutal, umenneskelig og dramatisk barndom i det besatte Frankrig.Med denne bog bryder psykiateren Boris Cyrulnik mange års tavshed, konfronterer fortiden og fortæller vidende, hjerteskærende og opløftende om, hvordan man overlever det umulige.Hans erindringer får en almengyldig dimension, fordi han trækker på sin faglige viden som psykiater til at stille de grundlæggende spørgsmål: Hvordan erindrer vi? Hvorfor har nogen mennesker tilsyneladende en stærkere psykisk modstandskraft? Og hvordan er det overhovedet menneskeligt muligt at komme over et traume?Den farlige dreng røg direkte ind på de franske bestsellerlister, solgte over 180.000 eksemplarer på mindre end to måneder og udkommer foreløbig i ni andre lande.

  • af Boris Cyrulnik
    129,95 kr.

    "I like amateur sports because it socializes, moralizes, produces human relationships, and brings forth an epic." With his characteristic benevolence, Boris Cyrulnik talks to us about the human condition through the lens of sports. As a major social phenomenon of the 20th century, he considers sports to be a magnificent field of reconstruction in which resilience, a concept popularized by the French neuropsychiatrist, finds an exemplary application. His anthropological approach leads him to hypothesize that the conventions of games were born with the advent of a child's awareness of others and the pleasure they would derive from measuring themselves against them. This form of "proto-sport" would be at the root of our evolution since the dawn of humanity.

  • af Boris Cyrulnik
    152,95 kr.

    Un lúcido análisis sobre la memoria, la imaginación y los recuerdos a través de una historia real de superación, pero también sobre el trauma, sobre las heridas y la sanación. Boris Cyrulnik, eminente psiquiatra y psicólogo, profundo conocedor de la mente, vivió una infancia traumática. Separado de sus padres, que fueron asesinados en campos de concentración, vivió como un fugitivo, escondido en casas de familias de acogida y en orfanatos. Como la mayoría de los supervivientes al volver de los campos, y como la mayoría de personas que han vivido situaciones traumáticas durante su infancia, Boris Cyrulnik se refugió en el silencio después de la guerra. Sálvate, la vida te espera es un libro sobre el trauma, sobre las heridas y la sanación, sobre la imposibilidad de contar en un mundo en el que nadie quiere escuchar. Sobre la indiferencia que mata y los vínculos que salvan, sobre las ilusiones del recuerdo, sobre ese fenómeno extraño que se llama memoria, que no es la reconstrucción del pasado sino su representación, y que no cuenta la verdad histórica de los hechos sino otra verdad, todavía más real: la de la persona que recuerda. A través del relato de su propia historia, Boris Cyrulnik ayuda a todos aquellos que intentan escapar de un pasado marcado por el dolor. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A lucid analysis of memory and imagination through a true story of self-improvement, but also of trauma, wounds, and healing. Boris Cyrulnik, an eminent psychiatrist, and psychologist, deeply knowledgeable about the mind, lived through a traumatic childhood. Separated from his parents, who were murdered in concentration camps, he lived as a fugitive, hiding in foster homes and orphanages. Like most survivors returning from the camps, and like most people who have experienced traumatic situations during their childhood, Boris Cyrulnik took refuge in silence after the war. Save Yourself, Life Awaits You is a book about trauma, wounds, and healing, about the impossibility of telling where no one wants to listen. About the indifference that kills and the bonds that save, about the illusions of memory, about that strange phenomenon called memory, which is not the reconstruction of the past but its representation, and which does not tell the historical truth of the facts but another truth, even more real: that of the person who remembers. Through the telling of his own story, Boris Cyrulnik helps all those who are trying to escape from a past marked by pain.

  • af Boris Cyrulnik
    318,95 kr.

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