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Bøger af Brian Johnston

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  • - Major Issues!
    af Brian Johnston
    93,95 kr.

    The so-called "Minor Prophets" of the Old Testament, such as Nahum, Micah and Malachi, are often overlooked because of their brevity and also because they might seem irrelevant to Christians of today. International Bible teacher and radio broadcaster, Brian Johnston shows how inaccurate this perception is by pointing out that each prophet not only had vital things to say to the peoples of that era, but they also raise very major issues that are absolutely relevant to believers today. Such issues include: injustice, suffering, unfaithfulness, abandonment, corruption, compassion, arrogance and wrong priorities. This book is designed to unlock this important part of the Bible and challenge your own experience as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • af Brian Johnston
    103,95 kr.

    Are recent events signs of the end times? As the Bible's prophetic clock counts down before our eyes, join Bible teacher Brian Johnston to discover the Bible's amazing prophecies about the Gaza Strip, the impending judgement on Israel's enemies and potential clues as to the identity of the Antichrist.

  • af Brian Johnston
    143,95 kr.

    For a number of decades, Golden Bells has been feeding Christians around the world with God's word in tear-off wall and desk calendar formats. For the first time, Golden Bells is now also being made available in book format - taking an 'evergreen' undated approach so that you can start reading the daily thoughts at any time during the year. In this volume, each 7 days cycle through one of seven different approaches to enjoying a short extract from God's Word: an encouraging word to get us thinking about mission; whether that's evangelism or other service for the Lord; a quote or an anecdote to enjoy and share; a study or meditation about a particular Bible word or phrase; food for thought about God's word or our disciple lives; poetry or prose to meditate upon; a motivational challenge; and, a warm thought to stimulate our hearts and minds for worship; Many of the daily thoughts are also accompanied by portions of a hymn for further meditations, including Annie Johnson Flint, Frances Ridley Havergal, John Newton, J.G. Deck, C.M. Luxmoore, Horatius Bonar, Isaac Watts, R.C. Chapman, D.W. Whittle, Sir Edward Denny, Thomas Kelly, Christina Rossetti, Ada Habershon, Charles Wesley and many more!

  • af Brian Johnston
    103,95 kr.

    Are you interested in worshippIng God according to the scriptural pattern? Perhaps you've never seen before what's outlined in this little book. Old Testament Israel worshipped the God of Zion in drawing near to worship at the house of God, and as pilgrims drew near on their upward journey to Jerusalem ('earthly Zion') in the 'Songs of Ascents.' Bible teacher and broadcaster Brian johnston explains from John 4, 1 Peter 2, and Hebrews 3, 10 and 12 how this drawing near to God's physical house has a wonderful counterpart in the New Testament - a spiritual house in which, week by week, it's possible for obedient believers to draw near in faith to God to worship Him together in spirit and truth in the heavenly Zion.

  • af Brian Johnston
    88,95 kr.

    In this innovative and concise commentary on John's gospel, Bible teacher Brian Johnston imagines the Upper Room of John 13-17 as the War-room, the Wash-room, the Dining-room, the Waiting-room, the Guest-room, the Plant-room, the Function-room and the Prayer-room.

  • af Brian Johnston
    113,95 kr.

    What do you do when God asks you for everything you've got? That's what happened to Abraham, one of the most famous people in the Bible. Bible teacher, missionary and radio broadcaster Brian Johnston explores how it all came about and what was Abraham's response. Abraham was known for his great example of faith in Hebrews 11 and for being a "Friend of God", but his nomadic life was far from plain sailing, and so it provides lots to learn for our own jpurney of obedience to God in discipleship today,.

  • - A Haiku Collection by Authors United
    af Brian Johnston
    228,95 kr.

    Now is the time for the fourth in a series of 'Atoms of Haiku'. AOH - Volume IV will be a special contribution to the cause of spreading knowledge about Haiku to all parts of the world.Enjoy the beautiful work of Haiku from Haijin all around the world. This time around six Haijin have contributed to this anthology to make it a wonderful read for you.

  • - God's Bible Blueprint For Growth
    af Brian Johnston
    98,95 kr.

    As Brian Johnston notes in the opening chapters of this book, many churches in the Western world seem to be declining in numbers and spiritual vitality. He explores some of the root causes and also how this trend could be reversed. The good news, as Brian reminds us, is that God gives us the growth blueprint in His Word through a number of key Bible words, such as sowing, reaping, planting, watering, cultivating, building and edifying. Find out the importance of each step in the process and get inspired to go for growth with, in and through, God!

  • af Brian Johnston
    103,95 kr.

    Be motivated by this 12-module course to explore afresh the character of radical discipleship as opposed to the pew-filling, sermon- tasting comfortable 'churchianity' which for many can end up as a sort of passive, if not pious, 'spectator sport.' Learn how we are called by Christ, called to Jesus, called to community, called to serve, called to simple dependence on God, called to suffer, called as we are, called to obey, called to die, called as saints, called to share a heavenly calling and called to possess God's hope!

  • - The Reality of Eternal Security
    af Brian Johnston
    103,95 kr.

    The issue of whether a Christian can lose their salvation is vital and has been a controversial and divisive topic amongst Christians for centuries. Brian Johnston's conversational approach provides a number of insightful illustrations and Biblical references which all Christians can use to gain reassurance that there is no Biblical basis for the so-called "Falling Away Doctrine" and that, once saved, a believer can never be lost! Also included are two short books: "Pictures of Salvation", which looks at Paul's use of first century life to explain salvation - slavery, the law courts, the temple shrine and the family unit; and "The Imperishables", which covers five everlasting things from Peter's first letter.

  • - (Unity is the Beauty, We Deserve)
    af Brian Johnston
    173,95 kr.

    Since its inception in November 2013, Authors United (AU) is committed to produce books of international standards. AU family has travelled through different terrains of creativity in last six years including love, peace, mystery, poetry, haiku and much more. AU has published seven international anthologies so far. Its writers and readers came across from all parts of the world. We have authors from forests of Africa to deserts of India, from stone walls of Pakistan to concrete skyscrapers of America.AU has published following seven anthologies in chronological order,1.A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity: 'Authors United' published this collection of short stories and poetry in March 2014 written by 10 internationally published authors from different parts of the world. "A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity" has successfully advocated the message of peace, love and humanity throughout the world.2.Ripples of Love'Authors United' published its second anthology "Ripples of Love" in July 2014, which is a collection of short stories and poetry written by 16 internationally acclaimed authors from nine different countries including Canada, India, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Trinidad & Tobago, USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 3.Atoms of Haiku - Volume IFive Star Haiku anthology of 19 prestigious Haijn from all around the world was published in April 2015. "Atoms of Haiku" started its run as amongst the Amazon's top 50 bestsellers Haiku books of all the time and, it is still in the top 1700. 4.Nothing is MysteryAnother flavor was added for the reader's taste of AU books in form of "Nothing is Mystery". This was a blend of some mystery, thriller and horror published in March 2016. 5.Atoms of Haiku - Volume IIThis anthology is a continuation of success story of "Atoms of Haiku - Volume I". 'Authors United' has created a blend of Haiku with different styles into this book which is amongst the top 2500 Amazon Haiku books. This anthology was published in November 2016.6.When I See You AgainOur seasoned editors Archana Kapoor Nagpal and Hammad Khan are again teamed up to pay a tribute to an honorable member of 'Authors United', Alan W. Jankowski. This poem anthology was published in September 2017.7.Atoms of Haiku - Volume IIIThe third in a series of 'Atoms of Haiku'. "AOH - Volume III" was a special contribution to the cause of spreading knowledge about Haiku to all parts of the world. "Atoms of Haiku - Volume III" started its run as amongst the Amazon's top 50 bestsellers Haiku books of all the time and, it is still in the top 1500. This time around one of our featured Haijin Alan Summers has written a beautiful essay about the Haiku structure. We have two more featured Haijin this year. Don Baird and Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy are the seasoned Haijin who shared their beautiful Haiku on AOH - Volume III. It is an honor to thank our honorary poet Dr. Irshad Ullah-Khan, the Nobel Prize for Literature nominee, who has contributed to this anthology for the support of AU's cause, ''Unity through Creativity'We also thank our esteemed poets Brian Johnston, Hammad Khan, Maham Khan and Walid Abdallah for their significant contributions to this wonderful anthology for making this world more beautiful.'We are authors, and yes we are united'Keep creating.

  • - Nothing But Christ Crucified
    af Brian Johnston
    88,95 kr.

    Bible teacher Brian Johnston unpacks one of the most important letters in the New Testament, which gives us vital teaching on such topics as spiritual gifts, the body of Christ, church discipline and leadership, head coverings, the Breaking of Bread and, most importantly, the powerful wisdom of God displayed through the crucified Christ! An ideal companion commentary to any study of the epistle.

  • af Brian Johnston
    83,95 kr.

    In this devotional yet highly instructive book, Brian Johnston shares the most exalted theme that can engage our minds in any Bible study - a heart-warming profile of Jesus compiled from John's Gospel, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews and Revelation. Enjoy viewing Him as the creator Christ, the eternal Christ, the sacrificed Christ, the worshipped Christ, the prophesied Christ and, finally, as the victorious Christ. Each chapter ends with questions that are ideal for personal or group study. Also included is "The Incomparable Christ" - a short companion book.

  • af Brian Johnston
    98,95 kr.

    The eternal security of our salvation is a hotly debated topic amongst Christians today, Bible teacher and broadcaster Brian Johnston examines what the Bible has to say about whether it is possible to 'fall away' and how God wants us to be sure that we are saved. He explains how law and grace are two different freedoms, whether it's possible to be a 'carnal Christian', whether it's a case of "no holiness, no heaven", if good works are required for salvation, is it possible to fall away and shows how an understanding of the 'three tenses of salvation" can help give us assurance that we are saved.

  • af Brian Johnston
    113,95 kr.

    Elisha prayed that God would open the eyes of his servant so he could see the reality of God's army with them. The apostle Paul prayed that the eyes of the hearts of the church in Ephesus might be enlightened and no longer blind to the reality of the spiritual blessings he'd list in his letter. Do our eyes, our hearts, need opening to some spiritual realities, too? In this book, Brian Johnston outlines 8 spiritual realities that could easily be missed: the reality of being dead in our sins, the reality of being united with Christ, the reality of being chosen from eternity, the reality of being members of Christ's Body, the reality of being living stones in God's House, the reality of knowing Christ, the reality of meeting with God on earth, and the reality of worshipping in heaven.

  • af Brian Johnston
    113,95 kr.

    Where do your thoughts wander when your mind isn't busy with practical matters? When you read Paul's letters, it's clear his thoughts always escaped to the Gospel - the Good News of what God's done for us through Christ at the cross was the passion of his life. Although not the first chronologically, Romans is first canonically in terms of the order of Paul's writings in the New Testament. In that sense it's pushed to the forefront - and hence the book's title.Even if you're already familiar with the Gospel, join me as we follow Paul's expert and Spirit-filled defence of it. He'll soon be standing for the defence of the Gospel before Caesar's tribunal at the heart of the Empire, but here in the pages of his letter to the Romans he's already set out a wonderfully orderly 8-part defence of the Gospel that systematically defeats every conceivable objection to it: (1) Introduction (2) Condemnation (3) Justification (4) Sanctification (5) Glorification (6) Predestination (7) Transformation (8) Conclusion.

  • af Brian Johnston
    108,95 kr.

    In the New Testament of our Bibles, the Apostle Paul wrote: "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope" (Romans 15:4). In this series of studies, Brian reviews some Old Testament narratives for the purpose of obtaining the intended instruction and then to use that for our encouragement in some of the challenges we may be facing today., including: What Can Go Wrong With Worship? Why Do Some Prayers Seem to Go Unanswered? How to Live an Unblemished Life? How to Resolve Marital Conflict? How to Pray? What if Things Look Better Elsewhere? What if My Mentor Leaves? What Is True Revival? Is It Worth It? Who Holds Me Accountable?

  • af Brian Johnston
    103,95 kr.

    The story of Esther is one of the most remarkable in the Bible. It has all the intrigue and as many twists as a modern thriller. Dark forces of evil, in opposition to the good, swirl around the lead character - who's a girl some Jewish sources have claimed as being one of the four most beautiful women in the Bible. The drama has been styled as a rags-to-riches or even a peasant-to-princess type of adventure. One thing's for sure: the Jewish girl Hadassah (Esther) has more than a date with the king: it's a date with destiny - the stakes are high - the future of an entire nation hangs in the balance! But it gets even more exciting than that.. Bible teacher Brian Johnston guides you to sense the hand of God in your own life - for Esther inspires us to discover the purpose God is working towards in our own lives - right now! This ebook also contains a bonus book - Joseph: Overcoming Life's Hurdles. Joseph, like Esther, is an example of someone who God was working with, even though it was often behind the scenes. If you are struggling with circumstances in life, this will be an encouraging read!

  • af Brian Johnston & Hayes Press
    88,95 kr.

  • af Brian Johnston
    88,95 kr.

  • af Brian Johnston
    88,95 kr.

  • af Brian Johnston
    98,95 kr.

  • af Brian Johnston, John Terrell & George Prasher
    98,95 kr.

  • af Brian Johnston
    83,95 kr.

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