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Bøger af Bruno Lumbroso

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  • af Bruno Lumbroso
    952,95 kr.

    Salient Features:¿ This handbook intends to teach OCTA interpretation for routine everyday use, diagnosing retinal pathologies.¿ Each chapter includes sections on: pathophysiology, clinical features, imaging (structural OCT, """"en face"""" OCT, OCTA) and updated management.¿ This book is illustrated with numerous drawings, outlines, structural and functional OCT figures.¿ This volume will bring the incredibly fast changes in OCT and OCTA to residents in ophthalmology, postgraduate students and to all ophthalmologists who want to keep abreast with the advances in their field.¿ It will be suitable for a general audience of eye specialists seeking a clear, state-of-the-art and comprehensive description of OCTA. It will interest also orthoptists and optometrists who are attracted in using the latest devices.¿ This handbook is the result of close collaboration of an international group of specialists. It will help and guide the clinician in assessing, classifying, sifting and selecting information. ¿ After exposing the pathophysiology of the diseases, the book describes the basic lesions, and then explain how these elementary lesions combine together to form clinical situations. ¿ This practical handbook is extensively illustrated with cross sectional and "en face" OCT images, drawings, and several tables.

  • af Bruno Lumbroso
    877,95 kr.

    Practical guide to the everyday use of OCT Angiography covering use of the technique for diagnosing and managing many different ocular disorders. Most images from Optovue's Avanti Widefield OCT hardware platform and Angiovue OCT angiography software. Highly experienced, well-recognised author team led by Prof Bruno Lumbroso from Centro Italiano Macula in Rome.

  • af Bruno Lumbroso
    877,95 kr.

    Practical guide to revolutionary techniques of non-invasive, dyeless OCT angiography imaging. All images obtained from Optovue's Avanti Widefield OCT hardware platform and Angiovue OCT angiography software. Highly experienced author team led by Prof Bruno Lumbroso.

  • af Bruno Lumbroso
    730,95 kr.

    Step by step guide to OCT for trainees. Includes chapters dedicated to 'en face' imaging and OCT for glaucoma, as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Written by expert authors Bruno Lumbroso and Marco Rispoli.

  • af Marco Rispoli, Bruno Lumbroso, David Huang, mfl.
    608,95 kr.

    Optical Coherence Tomography is an imaging technique which produces three-dimensional images of the tissues of the eye. The Clinical Guide to Angio-OCT: Non Invasive, Dyeless OCT Angiography presents the principles of Angio-OCT, discusses its clinical possibilities and demonstrates to the everyday OCT user the clinical utility of Angio-OCT.

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