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Bøger af Calum L Macleoid

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  • - Dain
    af Calum L Macleoid
    138,95 kr.

    The first Gaelic poetry collection from Calum L. MacLeòid, 2016 winner of the Scottish Book Trust Gaelic New Writers Award for prose. Topics include urban culture and landscape in Canada and Scotland, relationships failed and successful, the lives of everyday objects, and emigrant life as a Gael mediated through the internet. This book is a Gaelic-only edition.Anns a' chiad chruinneachadh bàrdachd Ghàidhlig bho Chalum L. MacLeòid, ùghdar an nobhail A' Togail an t-Srùbain, tha na dàin gar toirt bho Phlateau Mont-Royal ann am Montréal, Canada, gu cladach a' Chluaidh ann an Glaschu. Am measg nan cuspairean tha cultar bailteil agus cruth-tìre ann an Canada is Alba, measaidhean air dàimhean soirbheachail agus fàilligeach, beatha fhalaichte nan nithean làitheil, agus beatha mar eilthireach is mar Ghàidheal air eadar-mheadhanachadh tron eadar-lìon.

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