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  • af Carl Davis
    149,95 kr.

    Embarking on the journey of motherhood, the perinatal and postpartum phases usher in transformative moments marked by emotional shifts and intricate challenges. This book is your indispensable companion, illuminating the path through these uncharted waters. Explore various pastoral counseling models offering solace, support, and healing during this delicate period.Authored by a seasoned expert in pastoral care and mental health, This book delves into the nuanced aspects of perinatal and postpartum well-being, from baby blues to rare postpartum psychosis. With compassion and a holistic approach, this book accompanies readers as they navigate the emotional landscapes of childbirth and early motherhood. This book offers hope to pastoral counselors, mental health professionals, clergy, and all those invested in perinatal and postpartum well-being. With empathetic wisdom, evidence-based strategies, and spiritual insights, this book guides readers toward holistic healing. Experience the transformative potential of pastoral counseling-a beacon illuminating a nurturing, resilient path through the delicate phases of childbirth and early motherhood.

  • - Igniting The Future With Purpose.
    af Carl Davis
    142,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment with "Unleashing Passion: Igniting The Future With Purpose." In this compelling book, readers are invited to explore the profound impact of passion on personal growth, success, and overall fulfillment in life."Unleashing Passion" delves into the depths of human potential, revealing how tapping into one's innate passions can unlock a world of opportunities and purpose. Through engaging anecdotes, practical exercises, and insightful guidance, this book serves as a roadmap for individuals seeking to ignite their inner fire and live a life of meaning and significance.Drawing from the wisdom of leading psychologists, business leaders, and personal development experts, "Unleashing Passion" offers a holistic approach to discovering and nurturing one's passions in various aspects of life. The book explores how passion can drive success, foster resilience, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment in every endeavor, from career pursuits to personal relationships.Whether at a crossroads in your career, seeking greater fulfillment in your personal life, or simply yearning to unlock your full potential, "Unleashing Passion" provides the inspiration and practical tools needed to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through its empowering message and actionable insights, this book is a must-read for anyone ready to unleash their passion and create a life filled with purpose and joy.Join the countless individuals who have already embarked on this life-changing journey. Discover the transformative power of passion and embark on a path to fulfillment with "Unleashing Passion: Igniting The Future With Purpose" today.

  • af Carl Davis
    144,95 kr.

    In "Toxic Pulpit," author Dr. Carl J Davis delivers a riveting exploration of the often-hidden world of narcissism within religious leadership. This groundbreaking book peels back the layers of charismatic figures who manipulate faith for personal gain, revealing the psychological tactics employed by narcissistic leaders to control, deceive, and exploit their followers.The narrative delves into the tenacious traits that define narcissistic church leaders, drawing upon real-world examples and psychological insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of their behaviors. From gaslighting congregants to distorting sacred doctrines, the book uncovers the insidious ways in which these leaders exploit their positions of trust.Each chapter unfolds like a gripping exposé, unveiling the reasons people are drawn into such toxic environments and the challenges they face when attempting to leave. "Toxic Pulpit" offers poignant stories of those who have escaped the clutches of narcissistic leaders, providing inspiration and guidance for those seeking freedom from manipulative religious sects.With a careful examination of narcissistic leaders in biblical contexts and an exploration of how they misinterpret sacred texts, the book provides readers with a critical lens through which to assess religious figures and institutions. It offers readers the tools to recognize red flags, fostering a sense of empowerment and awareness.The title, "Toxic Pulpit," encapsulates the essence of the book-a powerful critique of narcissistic leadership within religious settings. It serves as a call to action for readers to question, challenge, and ultimately break free from toxic spiritual environments. "Toxic Pulpit" is not just a book; it's a guide for those seeking clarity, healing, and a path towards spiritual authenticity.Embark on a transformative journey as "Toxic Pulpit" lifts the veil on narcissism in religious leadership, empowering readers to reclaim their faith, autonomy, and spiritual well-being. This is more than a book; it's a beacon of light for those navigating the shadows cast by narcissistic leaders within the sacred spaces they call home.

  • af Carl Davis
    170,95 kr.

    Delf in die boeiende en inspirerende verhaal van Dawid Soeker, 'n jong man wat die beperkings van sy vaderlose verlede trotseer.Gedryf deur 'n onwrikbare geloof en vasberadenheid, begin Dawid op 'n transformerende reis om sy eie lot in die ongenaakbare wêreld te kerf.Gelei deur die wyse en toegewyde mentorskap van Oom Skip, leer hy van die ongelooflike krag van 'n sterk wil en 'n onverbiddelike soeke na identiteit wat sosiale grense oorskry.Soos jy elke bladsy omblaai, sal jy betower word deur sy aangrypende verhaal wat jou op die punt van jou sitplek sal laat sit.Dawid se lewensverhaal word 'n diepgaande simbool vir almal wat eenkant geskuif en vergeet is deur die samelewing, terwyl hy met grasie en doelgerigtheid teen teëspoed veg.Ontdek die verborge dieptes van sy soeke na ware identiteit, ingewikkeld ineen geweef binne die tapisserie van sy eie wese."Ek is Dawid Soeker" is 'n literêre meesterstuk wat die menslike gees se kapasiteit vir groei, deursettingsvermoë en selfontdekking verlig.Berei voor om ontroer, geïnspireer en vir ewig getransformeer te word deur Dawid Soeker se buitengewone reis van selfverwesenliking.

  • af Carl Davis
    258,95 kr.

    Prepare to embark on a hilarious journey through the fascinating world of logical fallacies! This entertaining and informative book explores the quirks and pitfalls of human reasoning with a witty and comical twist.From the classic appeal to tradition to the infamous post hoc ergo propter hoc, each chapter dives deep into a different fallacy, unpacking its origins, dissecting its implications, and revealing its prevalence in everyday life. Readers will learn to spot these logical blunders easily and humorously using relatable examples from the business world and beyond.With a lighthearted approach, "The Funny Side Of Reasoning" tackles serious topics like cognitive biases, decision-making, and critical thinking, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic or a curious newcomer, this book will entertain, educate, and leave you laughing out loud.

  • af Carl Davis
    248,95 kr.

    Hierdie boek neem jou op 'n lewenspad, besaai met allerhande uitdagings, geloofstories en 'n glimlag met 'n traan vermeng. Daar is skreeusnaakse tye in die Weermag, die ernstige oomblikke - en wie sê dat 'n mens nie in die kerk mag lag nie? Al hierdie emosies kom by jou op soos jy deur die boek meegseleur word. Hierdie boek gaan oor menswees. Hoe dan anders sal 'n mens van die paradegrond na die pastorie bevorder word?

  • af Carl Davis
    373,95 kr.

    Ever wondered why we believe what believe? Ever wondered why churches believe what they believe? This book will take the reader on a journey to understand where Christian doctrine comes from and why it is of the utmost importance to have a solid Biblical foundation to back up our faith.Discover what doctrine is, where the Bible originates from, what the Trinity is, who God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is, what sin is, the ordinances of the Church, Christian Ethics and Maturity, Sanctification, why we conduct Mission outreaches, the five-fold-ministry, a New Testament model of the church, Divine healing, End Times, Angels and Demons.This book will strengthen your faith and will deepen your relationship with God!

  • af Carl Davis
    133,95 kr.

    "Ewige Woord - Die Evolusie van Skrifuitleg: Van Antieke Metodiek tot Postmoderne Perspektiewe" bied lesers 'n omvattende reis deur die fassinerende wêreld van Bybelse hermeneutiek. Van antieke metodes tot moderne benaderings, duik hierdie boek in die ryk geskiedenis van die interpretasie van heilige tekste en lei lesers deur die evolusie van begrip vanaf die tyd van Jesus tot vandag.Met noukeurige navorsing en insiggewende analise navigeer die skrywer deur die kompleksiteite van Bybelse interpretasie en werp lig op sleutelkonsepte soos allegorie, literalisme, en kontekstualisering. Deur boeiende vertellings en uitdagende voorbeelde, nooi die boek lesers uit om vertroude gedeeltes op 'n vars en verligte wyse te heroorweeg.Of jy nou 'n ervare teoloog is of 'n nuuskierige soeker, "Ewige Woord" rus jou toe met die gereedskap om dieper in die teks in te delf en lae van betekenis en relevansie vir die hedendaagse wêreld te ontdek. Hierdie boek is 'n moet-lees vir enigiemand wat hul begrip van die Skrif wil verdiep en die diepgaande implikasies daarvan vir geloof en lewe wil ontgin.Ontdek die transformerende krag van interpretasie met "Ewige Woord" - 'n tydlose hulpbron vir geleerdes, predikante, en soekers na geestelike waarhede.

  • af Carl Davis
    168,95 kr.

    Eternal Logos: The Evolution of Scriptural Interpretation: From Ancient Methodology to Postmodern Perspectives" offers a comprehensive exploration of the fascinating world of scriptural interpretation. From ancient methods to modern approaches, this book delves into the rich history of hermeneutics, guiding readers through the evolution of understanding from the time of Jesus to the present day.With meticulous research and insightful analysis, the author navigates the complexities of biblical interpretation, shedding light on key concepts such as allegory, literalism, and contextualization. Through engaging narratives and thought-provoking examples, readers are invited to reconsider familiar passages in fresh and enlightening ways.Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a curious seeker, "Eternal Logos" equips you with the tools to delve deeper into the text, uncovering layers of meaning and relevance for today's world. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of scripture and its profound implications for faith and life.Discover the transformative power of interpretation with "External Logos" - a timeless resource for scholars, pastors, and spiritual seekers alike.

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