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Bøger af Carl Douglass

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  • af Carl Douglass
    183,95 kr.

    War and the End Game is the twelfth and final book of the Sybil series: it has been a fun ride, and the author hopes you will enjoy the exciting finish. President Sybil Norcroft Daniels has one more test of her philosophy as an unaligned political figure: dealing with repression and discrimination against LGBTQQIAAP members of the navy; perhaps one crusade too many. The hostilities between the US and the DPRK escalate out of control with armed intrusions by America--dubbed a 'paper tiger' by the Precious Leader of the Hermit Kingdom--and a final risk taken by Chairman Kim and his cohort, the Supreme Leader of Iran. They fire nuclear-tipped ICBMs at CONUS, the last straw for President Daniels, who launches Operation EndgameWar. The epilogue deals with the results.

  • af Carl Douglass
    178,95 kr.

    McGee on Trial for First Degree Murder is the eleventh book in the McGee & Associates Private Eyes series. The light and dark of the justice system enshroud McGee when he is accused of multiple first-degree murders with almost unassailable evidence against him. Federal courts, police and private investigators, biased cops, prosecutors, judges, drug lords, the Mafia, and his old friends, including the president, get involved. Finally, Joseph Patrick Aloysius Michael John McGee is found guilty and sent to live on death row until his execution. But is that all she wrote? You'll have to pay attention to detail to determine the what and why of the fast-moving action, complicated trials (plural), and the testimonies of honest witnesses and liars.

  • af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    208,95 - 314,94 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

    Sybil Norcroft, The Struggle, Book Ten in the Sybil Norcroft Series has a little something for the whole family: sinister backroom meetings, threats of impeachment, spies, lies, traitors, corrupt deals, bad blood, betrayals, DEFCON, carrier squadrons, struggles, stand-offs, ultimatums and intransigence, dirty tricks, missiles, torpedoes, snipers, assassination attempts, black-ops, the ugly visage of secession, premeditated murder, retribution, and successful trial verdicts, changes of heart, some handshakes, some progress, and success in work on American infrastructure, rebuilding after a nationwide insurgency. All in all, a heady mix of the good, the bad, and the beautiful (Sybil Norcroft Daniels, the President of the United States).

  • af Carl Douglass
    218,95 - 428,95 kr.

    Gog and Magog, Yawm al-Qiyamah, Yawm al-Din, The Day of Judgment opens with a meeting of highly secretive Islamic jihadists who have a well-organized and ingenious plan to cripple the United States and Europe. The leader cautions his followers--true believers all--to be patient. On the other side of the world, a former federal prosecutor named Elizabeth Rowan is beginning the first of many steps in a meteoric rise up the federal ladder which will culminate in her being appointed president. First, however, highly placed people have to be proved to be corrupt, and some to die, to open her way. Her predecessor is an idealist whose life's ambition is to achieve world peace. He makes unprecedented compromises with Islam's rulers and its jihadists in order to achieve that goal. The leader of the jihadists recognizes an opportunity to lull the American president and his people into a stupor by offering them belief in an end to terrorism and the promise of real peace. While the West sleeps, the terrorists plan and put into place a nuclear holocaust to bring about a permanent crippling to America and Europe.

  • af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

    Sybil Norcroft has spent nearly a lifetime to establish herself as a person of significance in a patriarchal world. Her successes have come at great cost and are, in sum, a mixed blessing. The cost to her family is heightened when, as Surgeon General, she must help her government and her fellow citizens avoid a financial catastrophe owing, in part, to the expenses of health care. She must give her blessing to a hard-line requirement by the Chinese to increase their lending to the U.S. When the Russian mafia--in collusion with the kleptocratic Russian government--launches an attack on the U.S. stock markets in a bid to cripple America, Sybil must aid in a brutal behind-the-scenes cyber fight which she conducts from her position as a secret CIA agent. It comes as no surprise when the Russian government and criminal organizations retaliate. The personal threat to Sybil goes beyond herself and to her family, and she is required to take risks she would never have imagined. There is great danger and great reward in Sybil's latest endeavor. Is she woman enough to handle both?

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

    In this, the 4th in the Sybil series, Sybil is given an ultra-top-secret clearance rating based on her previous performance and her ice-in- the-veins way of going about the Company's business. Now she has to juggle life as a wife and mother keeping secrets, as a famous public figure in her profession as a network medical consultant news reporter, and as a CIA agent who is under threat of assassination from an unseen and unnamed mole in the intelligence community. When three of her fellow agents are murdered, Sybil is offered the job of finding the mole which considerably increases her chances of meeting harm. What she does will involve secrets and scandals at the highest level of government.

  • - McGee Faces A Conundrum
    af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

  • - Control of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean
    af Carl Douglass
    233,95 kr.

  • - An Extreme Introduction to her New Career
    af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    227,95 - 349,94 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    213,95 - 265,95 kr.

    The Mysterious Alexandra Tarasova-Yusupov is historical fiction about the glory years and the end of Tzarist Russia, and the time when Australia came into its own. It is a tale of swashbuckling heroes, ferocious pirates, and ruthless business tai-pans. The book chronicles the life of a woman who could outcompete them all, but could not conquer her own demons. Alexandra was at once lovable, beguiling, reasonable, and admirable, but also despicable, disenchanting, capricious, and-at times-deplorable. She was always mysterious.

  • af Carl Douglass
    226,95 - 349,94 kr.

    Six famous (or infamous, if you prefer) World War Two generals have been murdered in six different countries leading to separate quiet but intense investigations. INTERPOL is finally involved because the police in each country come to realize that there has to be a connection, but no one knows what that connection is. Once links seem plausible, the Mossad joins the international police investigation and search; and the greatest manhunt in history is launched spreading over four continents and delving into secrets best left undisturbed.

  • af Carl Douglass
    188,95 kr.

    This is the first book in the trilogy, The Trojan Horse in the Belly of the Beast, by Carl Douglass. The two young mental giants who dominate this trilogy could not have come from more different backgrounds if they had been born on separate planets. Though they come from the ends of the earth, the similarities between the two geniuses-math prodigies-are striking and of serious import to the deputy director of the defense intelligence agency of the United States. His task is to undermine and to interdict the secret Iranian project to build nuclear weapons of mass destruction--Project Jahannam Adur [Hell's Fire]. The effort to subvert the planned Iranian holocaust will eventually take more than a decade and a terrible amount of sacrifice, but it could avert a war with the potential to wreak more havoc and loss that WW I and II combined.

  • af Carl Douglass
    227,95 kr.

    Finders Keepers, Losers Weep: A Novel of Innocence Betrayed and the Search for Restitution is loosely based on an actual event reported in the St. Louis Post- Dispatch, by Michael D. Sorkin entitled, Federal Agents Raid St. Charles Home by Mistake. Informer Told ATF that the house was center of illegal guns ring. Randolph Kennedy, his wife, Irene, and their little daughter Annie are ready to sit down for supper. Randolph is cleaning his handgun and is about to put it away. A massive crash announces a no-knock raid by a powerful force of ATV agents. Randolph wheels and fires at the first man in black he sees, killing the agent instantly. Before the melee is over, four agents, Irene, and Annie Kennedy are dead; and two agents and Randolph are wounded; their house is a total wreck; and Randolph is roughly hauled off to jail. This sets off a series of actions and reactions which eventually brings down the President of the United States.

  • af Carl Douglass
    188,95 kr.

    Arthur Koestler, the notable twentieth century playwright said, Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion."e; Carl Douglass, neurosurgeon turned author, writes with gripping realism about the point in Garven Wilsonhulme, M.D., F.A.C.S's life when he turns the hopes and aspirations of his family, friends, colleagues, and opponents into illusions. In so doing, he realizes that he has become both The Vulture and The Phoenix in his own life. He scrambles to the heights of fame, prestige, riches, and cruelty. There, he meets a wall of opposition and begins the final great fight of his complicated life and career. What he does will surprise and amaze you. This is the finale of the successful Saga of a Neurosurgeon series."e;

  • af Carl Douglass
    188,95 kr.

    "e;It is really quite simple,"e; the renowned French Canadian expert on pituitary surgery began his answer. Neurosurgeon defendant Sybil Norcroft, M.D., F.A.C.S., PhD steeled herself to hear the description that could possibly spell the end of her rising career. Even a glance at the imperturbable face of her defense attorney failed to convey any calm to the roiling tempest in the surgeon's brain. Plaintiff's Attorney Paul Bel Geddes was the attack dog who declared a jihad against Dr. Norcroft in the Brendan McNeely malpractice case and hounded her then and afterward to the point of distraction. The case seared Sybil's soul because she had her own doubts about how and why the handsome young scion of the wealthiest family in the city had bled to death on her operating table. Bel Geddes could not let the animosity that was engendered by the McNeely case go, and he relentlessly pursued the famous woman neurosurgeon in a personal crusade. After years of harassment, Sybil Norcroft had had enough, and she applied her brilliant mind and her considerable resources to ending the war declared against her. The war was a classic example of uncivil justice both in and out of the courtroom. How the JEST comes about is worth the reading. The book is full of fun, humor, anger, fear, pathos, intense emotional conflict, and tense and riveting courtroom drama. There is a considerable amount of theater outside the courts as well. You will want to read it in one sitting and to pass it along to your family and friends the next day.

  • af Carl Douglass
    188,95 kr.

    Anything Goes finds Garven Wilsonhulme, a boyish prankster, champion college wrestler, and sociopathic driven competitor struggling his way to the pinnacle of success in his university life. There is nothing he will not do to get into medical school--nothing. He is willing to use his friends, destroy his enemies, lie, cheat, and steal to get there if that is what it takes. Anything Goes is the story of how that success is achieved and at what cost--to himself, to his family, and even to his friends. That cost includes alienating the most prominent professor at Stanford, which is only the beginning of his willingness to take on all comers.

  • af Carl Douglass
    188,95 kr.

    The Young Coyote tells the hard-hitting story of a boy from Cipher, Arizona who is expected to be a zero just like his town. He has no intention of fitting into that conventional wisdom and fights with his fists and his mind to get up and out of his straitened circumstances. He makes it to Stanford University with a pugnacious attitude where he meets snobbery and prejudice. At Stanford, he finds out that his real fight is just beginning. Garven Wilsonhulme will succeed at any cost.

  • af Carl Douglass
    213,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    143,95 kr.

    In Secrets, Dr. Sybil Norcroft feels as if she has gotten in over her head in a welter of secrets and conflicts. She undergoes a lie detector test, gets a major national award, and gets inveigled into a secret association with the CIA, all in a dizzyingly brief period of time. She used to think her career as a practicing neurosurgeon was serious; but, after she is vetted for her CIA position, she gains a new appreciation for "e;serious"e;. The director asks her, "e;After you are actively engaged in Company work, failing the lie detector test may mean a Company trial and swift and sure justice-the least noxious being dismissal. Any questions about the seriousness of that kind of justice?"e; Sybil felt chilly after completing that line of questioning. Her first assignment is to hack into the Russian president's computer system. The second assignment is to kill a man. What on earth has this nice lady from California gotten herself into?

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

    Sybil makes a serious mistake. Everyone who knows her or of her is aware that she and Attorney Paul Bel Geddes have locked horns for a decade, and each regard the other as the nemesis. Sybil's error is to get angry, then loud and demeaning, of Paul in a very public black tie New Year's Eve gathering after having received yet one more intent to sue 90 day letter"e; from the man. Her billionaire husband tries to shush her, but she all but shouted, "e;Don't patronize me, Charles. That bottom feeder has gone too far. Somebody needs to do something about him."e;"e;

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

    Death on a Pale Horse iis the fourth novella of Carl Douglass' McGee series. Painted Desert High school principal Bertha Yazzie is murdered, and Lt. Naalnish Begay--head of the field office of the NDCI for the Painted Desert District in Blue Mesa, Arizona suspects her husband. It is soon evident that the case is not so simple. Her computer yields angry interchanges with her husband and passionate vitriol from angry parents, disgruntled employees of the school, and especially from a group that opposes American civilization education for the students. For them, the old Navajo ways are the best ways--the only ways. The investigation is further complicated when two more murders occur on the reservation, and witnesses see a painted Indian rider on a light-gray horse around the time of those murders. Both of the new victims are associated with the reservation schools, and that introduces new suspects. The situation is so politically charged that Lt. Begay seeks help from his old friend from their early days as FBI agents, J.P.A.M.J. McGee, who is now a famous New York private detective. McGee and his partners arrive on the reservation, and shortly the case becomes more complicated and more political. There are strong forces--FBI agents, witch doctors, and tribal authorities--acting to make the case go away. Neither Begay nor McGee are prone to yield to pressure, and a tense and potentially dangerous situation develops.

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

  • af Carl Douglass
    138,95 kr.

    McGee Fights to Save Orphanage Girls Taken by Traffickers--Wednesday's Child is the third novella of Carl Douglass's McGee series. It is a tale of "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Brigid O'Hanlon--age thirteen--is one of the "Wednesday's Children"--a foundling left on the doorstep of St. Anne's Orphanage in Red Hook, New York. One of the few days she and her girl-friends can count is the grand and city-wide heralded celebration of their thirteenth birthday. Harm befalls them, and McGee and Associates are called to help save them on a pro bono basis. The search transcends city, then country boundaries, and then on the high seas. The Human Trafficking division of the NYPD is called into the search after bodies are found in the pestilent Gowanus Canal near a semi-trailer containing the bodies of victims of a human trafficking network run by the Snakeheads. The hunt for the girls and for the clever and heartless monsters who killed their vulnerable captives descends into an underworld of CIs, Mafiosos, crooked Teamsters, and child molesters, presided over by the ephemeral devil, Sister Chi. The combined resources of McGee, the NYPD task force, the New Jersey State Police, the FBI, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, the CIA, and the Catholics of NYC, and The MSS and the PSB of the Peoples Republic of China join in an around-the-world and around-the-clock manhunt for the rust bucket ship, the Golden Traveler, and the kidnappers. It promises to be very close and dangerous thing.

  • - The Law of the Jungle
    af Carl Douglass
    108,95 kr.

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