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Bøger af Cbm - Christian Book Editing

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  • - Daily Bread
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    133,95 kr.

    Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15". Yet what was Jesus referring to? Why when we keep Jesus's Commandments is doing so an expression of our love for Him? What are the commandments of Christ? and how do they come into play in the life of a believer?Have you read the commandments of Christ?Have you written them on the tables of your heart?Do you apply them to your daily life?Do you share them with others whom God places in your life?Come and take a journey into the scriptures related to The Commandments of Christ. This book also includes a section on the names of God, the importance of love and additional thoughts and sayings surrounding scripture and kingdom principles. May you be richly blessed as you read this book.

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    133,95 kr.

    David's True Goliaths has been written to understand the life of David and to build faith from understanding the Psalmist (David) combined with an easy-to-read Biblical interpretation from the author that offers wisdom into enduring faith. David was not a man without sin; yet, he was called the man after God's own heart. This is the call God wants for everyone. WE are to LIVE BY FAITH and overcome our Goliaths (which translates into any kind of sin/problem that we face). This book gives keen insight into David's victories, shortcomings, and his will to stay true to the Lord, as a man after God's own heart. Stanley Zantarski writes with candor and truth that reveal David's True Goliaths Famous Bible quotes from Scripture referring to faith, with Scripture, offer a challenge to readers to face their Goliaths with enduring faith and find Victory.

  • - A Spiritual Memoir
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    155,95 kr.

    In All These Things the author uses her writing and teaching skill to present a powerful work of literary scholarship, written in an elevated Renaissance style. This spiritual memoir abounds with revelation knowledge gleaned from scripture, science, music, literature and everyday life, that reveals the clear relationship between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Earth. Readers of All These Things will become captivated by the light of scriptural realities, which leads believers to become "partakers of the divine nature" in Christ Jesus. For the serious seeker of the truth of a new identity, brought about by the new birth, it provides a clear path into the deeper level of walking in the Spirit. For both the present generation and the generation yet to come, this book is worth reading more than once.

  • - To Be Conformed To The Image of Jesus Christ
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    142,95 kr.

    Life By Design proclaims the greatest message the world will ever hear: Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal a Father who is passionate about His people. Jesus came to earth to bring hope and salvation to a lost and dying world. Life By Design draws readers to meditate on Scripture and intentionally practice the Spiritual Disciplines that are the primary means to enter into this abundant and transforming life with God. Life By Design is a must-read book filled with Godly wisdom, Kingdom Principles, and solid Biblical foundations. It is essential that we as followers of Christ become conformed to the image of Christ, as we daily walk out our lives with Jesus. Jacqueline's latest book sheds light on this much-needed subject as she shares her own life experiences, life in general, and the Scriptures, offering hope, encouragement, and Kingdom principles that will help you to find victory in life in the days and years to come. May you be abundantly blessed as you read Life by Design!

  • - From a Conservative Christian Point of View
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    142,95 kr.

    Laughable, Lamentable & Loaded Limericks - Loaded with limericks and sayings that will make you laugh, agree with, disagree with, ponder, and share with others time and time again. Be prepared to be offended, upended, and apprehended, as the author's desire to bring undesirable attention to anyone is purely unintended.

  • - But Don't Understand... Amazing
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    87,95 kr.

    The prodigal son is the best story I know of in Scripture that displays the heavenly Father's love and devotion to His children. Our security is in Christ Jesus and not in anything or anyone else. We are kept by the power of His blood. The four benefits of the father to the prodigal son demonstrates that. Our Father in heaven desires us; we are in a relationship not a contract agreement. Relationship transcends beyond our sins, brokenness, and disappointments; and shelters us with the Father's love. Does God get angry? Yes, of course He does. He can also be upset with us? Yes, but never angry or upset enough to cast us away. John 6:37, "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Consider the bond of the relationship with an earthy father and son or mother and daughter. No matter how far that son or daughter travels in the world and what they may engage in, they are still the son and daughter of their parents. Distance nor engagement in bad practices can separate them from the mutual bond they share. I don't believe we have the capacity to love our children more than God can love His. Romans 8:38-39, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."Reading this book will give you a greater understanding of the familiar parable of the prodigal son and what that means to you!

  • - An Answer To The Scientific Obsessed Modern World
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    142,95 kr.

    William G Peter offers a book that describes the Biblical Adam and Eve, and their origin, as compared to the Creation Law of God versus a scientifically obsessed modern world. Developed in four phases, the author blends his own godly upbringing and childhood. Biblical Adam and Eve speaks of the account of creation before Adam and Eve, the following creation of man and woman, and their respective roles as mates, including the Fall and loss of immortality that further set the stage for the following events that have shaped mankind. The four phases, therefore, offer an overview of the reason for the Gospel, how to follow the Holy Spirit, who Satan is and his role upon the Earth, and bloodlines play an important role in salvation in becoming born again. The role of the climax of all creation, the Two Witnesses, the Rapture, and the End Time, culminating in the return of the "LORD JESUS CHRIST as YESHUA HAMASHIAC".

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    138,95 kr.

    I Was Born Like This is written to bring healing and resolve to many people who are suffering from an identity crisis, whether social, psychological, or sexual. Offering clarity to the masses who feel and know that what they are dealing with was not acquired behavior, but is rather an inherent condition. I Was Born Like This explains how one can exhibit certain behaviors that were neither taught nor learned, seeking to free people from a spirit of condemnation and redirect their problems back to their original owner-Adam in the Garden of Eden. This book also breaks the back of religious injustice and bigotry and puts every man and every sin on common ground, providing hope to the hopeless and life to the lifeless through powerful, heart-wrenching testimonies combined with the impact of the Word of God through the power of Jesus Christ.

  • - Finding Hope In God
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    The Christian Life: Finding Hope In God is a collection of life-changing teachings, testimonies, short stories and miracles that share the goodness of God, His faithfulness and the Word of God that bring encouragement and hope, while sharing everyday Christian principles. With testimonies from pastors, Bible teachers, ministers, multi-published authors, and award winning authors, The Christian Life is full of wisdom, heavenly pearls and daily bread for the reader. May you be abundantly blessed as you read the wonderful testimonies highlighting the faithfulness of God and his goodness captured within the pages of this book.

  • - Revised Edition
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    152,95 kr.

    Refreshed in God's Word Volume 1, Revised Edition - Michael W. Larson displays God's purposes in taking Biblical examples from Scripture of seemingly ordinary people that accomplished extraordinary purposes for God. Written to encourage the Body of Christ of God's faithfulness towards all His children, readers will become inspired as they read the stories of these individuals that God chose to accomplish great feats. With keen insight into Scripture and sound Biblical instruction, the author highlights the lives of Gideon, Moses, Paul, Cornelius, and even the thief on the Cross. Michael W. Larson reveals that God can take what you might think is a weakness, and turn even the most cowardly, unbelieving murderer, or sinner into a faith-filled warrior for Christ that sheds light on a productive life. This book clearly displays the trans-formative power of God to change lives and others for good. Uplifting and inspiring, Michael W. Larson encourages and inspires through the Word of God to give readers hope in times of trouble! Come and see what God has in store for you!

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    77,95 kr.

    7 Reasons Why? Evangelism Doesn't Work! is a must read for every Christian. Evangelism is the engine that drives the Church into its true purpose. It is not just the pastor's calling, the deacon's calling, the evangelist, nor the missionary's job, but the Churches' calling as a whole. The Church is every believer in the Body of Christ. Evangelism is the first work of the Church. It is what the Church was commissioned and commanded to do. Evangelism is the meat of Christ, and the work of the Father according to: John 4:34-Jesus saith unto them, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." What you are about to explore in this book is generated by the Holy Spirit. This writing is the result of thirty years of personal evangelism. They are my experiences of failures and successes, defeats, and victories of street-witnessing, public preaching and twenty-years of prison ministry. It is my prayer that you are both blessed and empowered as you read 7 Reasons Why? Evangelism Doesn't Work!

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    117,95 kr.

    Family conversations can be brief snippets as we grab a coffee and Danish dashing out the door. They can be long discussions over the state of the nation and world that extend through the evening. But often they are discussions of varied topics while eating dinner. In healthy, vibrant families, those are the conversations that draw people together. We find out how another person's day went, hear what their desires are, and share things we have learned from the day's events. For me personally, those are the most meaningful times of inter-relating simply because our relationships grow stronger through them. This book of devotions is intended to be like those casual "meal-time" conversations among friends and family. I want to share with you experiences I have had, and how I have been changed or matured through them. I want you to know struggles I have faced. I hope you read these as if you are talking with a friend. Think of how you would respond in similar circumstances or muse over your own experiences that led you in similar directions in life.However, never forget that the greater goal is to talk with your Lord, your Father who loves you deeply and has adopted you into His family. The writings included herein reveal times in which God has spoken to me, a lowly sinner redeemed by His grace. I pray that you will allow your Master (and Friend) to speak to you through this volume, just as He has to me.

  • - On the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    Cosmo Talks In Spirit On The Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven is a must read for those that love the Word of God and desire to dig deep into the spiritual realm surrounding the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    192,95 kr.

    In a world where few Christian leaders walk in integrity and go the full distance in ministry, it is imperative to discover why so many fail while others succeed going on to complete the race. Eddie Fernandes continues to lead as a senior pastor for over three decades despite enormous challenges and opposition. He defends that all believers should blossom into leaders as they grow and develop spiritually. Sadly, a significant number of believers implode at a vital stage of spiritual development that he identifies as "conflict". To confirm a theory for his Doctoral research, comparing our spiritual development to the trajectory of a river from source to destination, Eddie embarked on a journey covering half a dozen countries. He interviewed or surveyed 386 leaders from different churches and organizations, including Christian leaders in the business world. His conclusions proved his theory right: leaders don't finish well because they haven't learned how to cope with, or press beyond, the stage he identifies as "conflict". Many never received the training, tools or much-needed help to keep going when they were blindsided by forces intent on disqualifying them as leaders and destroying their noble efforts to serve their Lord. This book provides an understanding of the seven spiritual developmental stages to help transformational leaders start and finish well: chaos, confusion, community, conformity, conflict, crossroads and Christ-likeness. In the final stage Eddie unpacks characteristics every Christian leader should strive to embrace. Readers will be surprised, refreshed and challenged by his insights and his own faith journey. He is a leader that has survived, and by God's grace continues to thrive, despite many seasons of conflict, both from within and from without the Church.

  • - Grace Is Not Un-Deserved Favor but ....
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    162,95 kr.

    One common agreement by all is that there is a beginning and there is an end of life. A single authority known as God oversees all in the world to ensure cohesion and sustenance. So, only His perspective can be said to be true and to be believed; and not mans' opinions. The book, Doomed Christianity, proves this by showing with Scripture that grace is not un-merited favor, which is the long-standing belief. The mystery of certain silent events before and after the foundation of the world are revealed. The journey of life from birth to death is captured with a single sketch to show at a glance the consequences of one's behavioral choices. The book gives clear meaning of who is born-again and of what righteousness is. It proves with Scripture that Adam died one time spiritually and physically in Eden before he arrived on planet earth.

  • - Our Story Too!: From Slavery to the World to the Kingdom of God
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    187,95 kr.

    The Exodus Story: Our Story Too! From Slavery to the World to the Kingdom of God by Patricia Said Adams is a Biblical study guide taken from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. Offering deep insight into God's will for all His children, this book reveals a "Template" that God still uses today and is relevant to all believers. Revealing the purpose for the wilderness journeys, and the many ways God deals with His children, freedom in Christ is obtained by the same process as the Israelites' exodus from slavery into the Promised Land. This journey takes place in the believers' minds and hearts resulting in holiness and union with God. Exodus: Our Story Too! offers fresh insight that ushers in spiritual maturity, and a new way of living in the Kingdom of God. It is our Promised Land! Alignment with His will brings blessings, rest, peace and God-given purpose to those who would choose God's ways.

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    117,95 kr.

    How to Go From Broken to Blest offers an easy applicable, practical 6-Step Guide based on the truth of Scripture. The author's sound wisdom provides a "how to" that leads to increased faith as the book provides answers that offer peace, joy, and God's wisdom that lead to a life of wholeness mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Profound in nature, the book sheds light on Biblical principles that enhance and transform negative attitudes and perspectives to a realization one's greatest source is complete trust in Jesus and the solid foundation of His Word.Teaching others how to move forward despite circumstances makes this book life-transforming and powerful. A shift from your own perspective to God's perspective is vital to understanding and living a blessed life. The author advocates that God's ways are best. Furthermore, addressing pertinent issues as the Covid-19 crisis, worry, fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, avoiding negativity in our thoughts, as well as removing oneself from toxic situations and people, brings sound wisdom. The book presents scripture verses that explain Biblical principles that bring people from darkness into the light of salvation and grace.Designed to advocate the beginning of the healing process in the inner man the author's purpose is to bring readers into a place of peace and freedom that only come from choosing a life centered in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Included in this fantastic book is a 6-week Small Group Discussion Guide guide that is ideal for small group settings. Reading her book is like sitting down with a wise counselor that can offer one tips on how to practically apply powerful life-lessons from the Bible.This book is ideal for believers and non-believers alike--anyone who is struggling in any way, as it leads the reader to greater trust in God, by helping them acknowledge their struggles, and go from broken to blest.

  • - Stories that Inspire
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    162,95 kr.

    Trusting In God: Stories that Inspire is filled with short stories, testimonies, teachings and life changing articles written by a variety of Christian authors and writers, each sharing the love, grace and faithfulness of God in their lives. You will be blessed from cover to cover as you read these wonderful testimonies that are filled with sometimes humor, sometimes challenges and sometimes tearful journeys that offer hope, encouragement and life changing applications. Whether you are simply seeking to know God, are a new believer or one that has been a believer for many years, you will be encouraged and inspired.

  • - Amazing Stories of Hope, Healing, and Encouragement
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    God's miracles happen every day and to ordinary people. The key to receiving and seeing God's miracles is to know how to ask for them. Another requirement is someone who is powerful enough and capable of performing the miracle. The person needing the help must be prepared to receive their miracle. They will need to give it much prayerful thought before asking. These are the basic elements that go into creating a miracle. But now, what is needed is a reliable way of contacting the One who will grant the miracle.This book contains many real-life stories of miracles that came to people in their hour of greatest need. In every case, there was a small stone pocket cross that helped make the connection possible. Read through the stories and maybe you will find someone's situation similar to your own. But even if you do not, you will come to realize that when you ask God for something that is good, you will always get an answer. You may even get a miracle!

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    195,95 kr.

    In Beauty for Ashes, Jacqueline Fusallah draws reader's attention to learn what it means to be a child of the Everlasting King. Your richest duty is devotion to Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. She urges reader to see through the eyes of Scripture God's perspective to man's suffering, the power of God's Word and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to those who believe. Beauty for Ashes provides thoughts straight from God's Word that will put you on the path to living a victorious life in Christ. Above all else, God wants us to trust Him with our darkest secrets: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." He is not a careless God. In Beauty for Ashes, readers will see that when God allows difficulties to come into your life, He equips you fully to handle them. That you can relax in His Love and Presence, trusting in His strength.

  • - From Antioch to Post COVID 19
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    Global Missions Turned Upside Down gives an overview of global missions, missionaries, and the essence of the ancient culture from Antioch to our current modern-day world. Obedience was always the demand, as Abram and Sarai set out for the promised land with relatives and all their possessions. The author remembers David, the Psalmist, asked, "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Ps. 8:4) The author presents 13 chapters filled with Scripture and insight, leading to the disciples, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to Paul the Apostle on the Damascus Road, thus setting the stage for the Good News of the Gospel and how the Gospel and the message of salvation through the resurrected Christ as preached by the disciples that progressed across the lands once known as Iraq, Syria, and ancient Turkey. Shedding light on the Day of Pentecost, the book presents a timeline of history to include the missionary movements and great missionaries in their efforts to "Go Into All the World", following the Great Commission. Exciting and intriguing the author includes maps and historical data of the time and culture to represent Biblical insight into the great persecutions of Christians that fanned revivals, miracles, and mayhem. He includes a 20th century viewpoint of missions (along with some photos) and the turning around of Africa. Being a missionary, a disciple and follower of Christ was never easy, however with the leading of the Holy Spirit brought great exploits. Ending with today's modern world turned upside down with the onset of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the world enters into darkness and uncertain times. He contrasts the pros and cons coming out of the Covid 19 isolations and shutdowns resulting in a progression of the Gospel using media and online as a means to go farther to the world. Good has resulted as the war continues to wage with restrictions, yet obedience and the call has never changed. Well-rounded and well-researched this is a wonderful book to see the birth, patterns of the Gospel, and gives keen insight into missionaries that changed the world. A wonderful book full of Biblical understanding and deep reverence for the Cross, the Gospel and the message of Jesus Christ, readers come to understand the deep importance of global missionaries and missions around the world.

  • - One Day At A Time
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    162,95 kr.

    Hope In God, One Day At A Time is written with you the reader in mind. Showcasing over 30 wonderful testimonies and articles. Hope in God is filled with encouragement, hope, scripture, Kingdom principles and life changing applications that will richly bless you.

  • - The Importance of Returning Our Children Back to the Father
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    182,95 kr.

    As an Apostle with a mandate from God to this generation, Apostle Akhem Wilson, declares sound principles of the Kingdom of God that announce and ignite the Kingdom of God on Earth. His words come from one who clearly hears from the Lord, as he describes angelic encounters, supernatural results of faith, mentioning the importance and benefits of returning the Father's children back to Him. This movement is an end-time movement of the spirit of Elijah moving to return the father's back to the children and the children back to the Lord. This is the Lord's mandate to the author in which he shares the revelation from God to you, the reader. Now is the time, to dedicate, prophesy, and declare the favor of the Lord over your children, so that they may walk in the supernatural power of God and destiny set forth by God. Reading this book will help one understand deep principles in the Kingdom of God, that when activated by faith and the declaration of a prophetic voice (and one who hears from God as a messenger) - change, blessings, and great favor become a reality. This is an important and pertinent message today for all those who are dedicated to God and His end-time purposes on Earth. Apostle Akhem Wilson will lift and ignite your faith to declare and believe what God has for you and your children.

  • - Our Last Chance To Make It Right
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    207,95 kr.

    As we all move deeper into the year 2021 and beyond, we are finding that there seems to be fewer and fewer good answers to many of our life questions and fears. The Covid virus is still very much a threat to us as our families, jobs and businesses all struggle with the real effects of these threats. Many of us, especially we older folks, grew up at a time when faith in God was more of a key component in our daily lives. We went to church regularly and even a significant number of us received our formal education in Judeo-Christian based schools. But as we became older, our lives have become more complicated and confusing. "God Loves U-Turns" is a call to all people to consider returning to the things we learned about: Christianity, and specifically the teachings of Jesus Christ. Looking at the current problems in our world and personal lives would suggest that we have not been successful in finding good answers to our fears and concerns. It also suggests that we have been heading in the wrong direction for a very long time and a course correction is badly needed. Life is short and for many of us, it is becoming even shorter. Could it be that the answers we seek will come from a spiritual source? Is that what we have been missing? Is it time to go back and revisit the wisdom we found in our Christian education? In other words, is it time to make a U-Turn and head back to where we knew we were safe while in God's presence and teachings? God does indeed love U-turns, and He is waiting eagerly for our return. Time is running out. This book will help you understand what is involved in returning home to God and most importantly, why it is the most serious decision you will ever make.

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    132,95 kr.

    Paul Roebuck offers and explains key Biblical principles in this easy booklet offering the power of forgiveness by putting into practice key commandments from the Bible. What makes this book unique is his understanding and teaching on what forgiveness looks like, giving Biblical teaching that will free one from guilt, shame, rejection, fear, and so much more. Roebuck also clearly states that forgiveness is not forgetting, yet it is key to moving forward in life because offenses will come. As a retired pastor with years of wisdom from studying and preaching the Bible, rest assured this is a compassionate, no-nonsense book that teaches the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness reaches and blesses every area of our lives touching marriages, families, all relationships inside and out of the home, in the workplace, in public; without forgiveness, we will be forever trapped by shame, guilt anger, bitterness, offense and other downtrodden mentalities. Unforgiveness blocks blessing from the Lord, and can affect us even financially. Forgiveness is a profound Biblical truth revealed in this fantastic, uplifting, and powerful read!

  • - The Absolute Supremacy of Christ
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    107,95 kr.

    Hebrews: The Absolute Supremacy of Christ by Matthew A. Knight offers a quick Bible study, relating the once and for all atonement of Jesus Christ crucified unveiling and ushering in a New Covenant. The Old Covenant with the shedding of the blood of animals is now obsolete as a covering for sin. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, His blood being the only way to receive forgiveness of sin is now evident as the writer of Hebrews explains faith in the Messiah, the Son of God, whom the Jews had crucified. Unfolding the revelation of man, angels, Jesus as the High Priest of a the New Covenant and our future worship in an earthly tabernacle, the book of Hebrews defines our (the Saints') relationship within this New Covenant, giving understanding to faith in the shed blood of Jesus, who is the pure sacrificial Lamb of God - a sacrifice made by Jesus that is the all-sufficient atonement for all.

  • - One Woman's Faith Journey through Child-loss, Addiction, and Adversity
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    Maribeth Ditmars offers hope and a beautiful journey of faith in God amidst great adversity, tribulation, and grief. Dancing in the Minefields gives inspiration to all those who have suffered through trials, tragedy, even the loss of a child, or to those that are familiar with drug and alcohol addiction. The Ditmars married in the late 70's. They were like any other young and in love couple. Together they had great hopes and high expectations for the future. Yet, trauma came knocking on their door in the form of childhood cancer. With their world crumbling, both Maribeth and her husband fought hard as a team through the diagnosis of leukemia. As the Ditmars persevered through tragedy, Maribeth's journey of faith and finding God begins to unfold into a beautiful testimony of the faithfulness and love of God. She advocates and reveals the effectiveness of the 12 step recovery program that was also fundamental in her healing from the grief, and alcohol that captivated her mind and soul. Certainly life is not without troubles, tragedy and grief; yet, Maribeth presents to readers the eternal treasures of Heaven and hope found in Jesus Christ as her family found themselves among the minefields of life. Learning to dance among the minefields speaks of faith tried in the fires of adversity. Her words expressed in this book coupled with some heavenly experiences of the life yet to come display the reality of a world that awaits us that is far beyond this trivial place we call Earth. This is a place where a piece of her heart resides, as she knows that she will see her beloved sons once again. This reunion and redemption on Earth for the meantime is something all of us have to look forward to being in the family and Body of Christ. Her book inspires and gives those that have experienced great tragedy to look forward to eternity and to live enjoying their present.

  • - Stories That Inspire
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    162,95 kr.

    God Is Faithful - Stories That Inspire is filled with short stories, testimonies, teachings, encouragement and hope that will inspire you in your daily walk with God. Wonderfully penned by Pastors, Bible teachers, ministers, multi-published authors and award winning authors. God Is Faithful is filled with wisdom, heavenly pearls and life changing applications that will bless you.

  • af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    152,95 kr.

    Tronell Walker offers her life memoir in Words Unspoken. She shares her childhood upbringing in Louisiana, her talents, likes, and habits that developed, and also reveals a darker side of her that began to emerge. Experiencing abuse at a young age and not building her foundation upon God's Word sent her down a path leading to her own destruction. But God in His great mercies rescued her, and she shares an inspiring testimony that declares "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes," as stated in Romans 8:28.Her life is now filled with the peace, joy, love and hope she always longed for. Her life mantra is "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life" by deciding to follow God's ways instead of your own, which are filled with blessings, peace, love, joy and purpose. She wants others to look at their own journey of life and choose life with God.Words Unspoken will bless you. The author writes to readers, "There is always hope even when your life seems to have no purpose. Sometimes the worst days of your life can lead you to the best days of it as well. A story waiting to be told and as Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than an untold story inside you." All the trauma she had experienced led her to the path that she is on now, and she is thankful for them all. You can learn to find peace, serenity and hope in thankfulness to God, for He can turn your tragedy into victory in Him.

  • - The Road to Grace
    af Cbm - Christian Book Editing
    172,95 kr.

    Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace is a book that encourages Catholics to take a new and closer look at God, asking the reader to consider making up his or her own mind about God. Is He real, or not, and equally important do you have an active one-on-one personal relationship with Him? Are you looking for His help and advice on a daily, or even moment-by-moment basis? Do you think of Him as you do a close, personal friend? Or is He more like a distant acquaintance that you may see, or meet infrequently? These are the kinds of questions that can directly impact the health of a person's spiritual life. Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic asks the reader to consider these and other similar questions from a personal point of view, rather than as a member of a large congregation, engaging the reader as it draws them personally into the conversation. It also explains the benefits of such a close relationship and how it will not only prepare us for eternal life, but also help us to cope with our daily challenges and struggles. The book goes on to address the related question of what it takes for a Catholic to gain eternal life. Will experiences such as being raised in the Catholic faith as a child, being confirmed, going to Mass most Sundays and holy days, supporting the church financially simply be enough to gain us entrance into heaven? Or is there something else that is required? The author uses the example of his own personal life journey, as he moved away from God and then back again, to build a story about the reality of God and how He works in each of our lives. Readers will learn to see major issues such as sin, the process of salvation, forgiveness, prayer, the love of God and neighbor, to include the existence of heaven and hell in a new descriptive light. These and other issues are discussed in the book in a very practical way as they relate directly to the Bible and our daily life experiences.

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