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Bøger af Cecelia Ahern

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  • af Cecelia Ahern
    92,95 - 152,95 kr.

    Den længe ventede opfølger til PS Jeg elsker dig. Også kendt fra filmatiseringen med Hilary Swank og Gerard Butler. Syv år efter sin mand, Gerrys, død, seks år efter at hun læste hans sidste brev, er Holly tilsyneladende kommet videre i livet. Hun har fået arbejde i sin søsters luksusgenbrugsbutik og trives fint med at gemme sig lidt for verden. Så da Hollys søster beder hende fortælle historien om PS Jeg elsker dig-brevene til en podcast, siger hun kun modvilligt ja – af frygt for at genåbne gamle sår. Men podcasten får langt mere succes, end nogen kunne have forventet, og pludselig må Holly forholde sig til en række personer, der kontakter hende – alle med en ting tilfælles: De er dødeligt syge og ønsker selv at efterlade missioner til deres kære. Pludselig trækkes Holly tilbage i den verden, hun kæmpede så hårdt for at forlade. Men projektet leder hende også ud på en ny utrolig, livsbekræftende rejse og vækker minderne om hendes store kærlighed.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    96,95 kr.

    From the no. 1 bestselling author of PS, I Love You comes an enchanting novel about two childhood friends whom fate and destiny can't help toying with...From naughty children to rebellious teenagers, Rosie and Alex have stuck by each other through thick and thin. But just as they're discovering the joys of teenage nights on the town and dating disasters, they're separated. Alex's family moves from Dublin to America - and Alex goes with them. For good.Rosie's lost without him. But on the eve of her departure to join Alex in Boston, Rosie gets news that will change her life forever - and keep her at home in Ireland.Their magical connection sees them through the ups and downs of each other's lives but neither of them knows whether their friendship can really survive the years and miles - as well as new relationships. And at the back of Rosie's mind is whether they were meant to be more than just good friends all along. Misunderstandings, circumstances and sheer bad luck have kept them out of each other's arms, but when presented with the ultimate opportunity, will they gamble everything - including their friendship - for true love?Destiny, Alex and Rosie discover, is a funny thing and fate isn't quite done with them yet...

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    117,95 kr.

    aTender, funny and romantic Marie ClaireShe has just two weeks. Two weeks to teach him how to fall in love with his own life.Adam Basil and Christine Rose are thrown together late one night, when Christine is crossing the Ha'penny Bridge in Dublin. Adam is there, poised, threatening to jump.Adam is desperate but Christine makes a crazy deal with him. His 35th birthday is looming and she bets him that before then she can show him life is worth living .Despite her determination, Christine knows what a dangerous promise she's made. Against the ticking of the clock, the two of them embark on wild escapades, grand romantic gestures and some unlikely late-night outings. Slowly, Christine thinks Adam is starting to fall back in love with his life. But is that all that's happeninga ?A novel to make you laugh, cry and appreciate life, this is Cecelia Ahern at her thoughtful and surprising best.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    117,95 kr.

    Tender, magical and captivating - a story of family, friends, and the unlikeliest of romances . . .Elizabeth's sister Saoirse is a red-haired whirlwind, always leavng behind pieces that Elizabeth struggles to pick up. One of these pieces is Saoirse's 6-year-old son Luke, a quiet, contemplative boy. When Luke is playing in Elizabeth's garden one day, witnessing the latest scene between his mother and his aunt, a friend named Ivan walks into his life. This unexpected and rather mysterious friend will change Luke - but will have an even greater impact on Elizabeth. Always capable and self-contained, Elizabeth finds Ivan creeping under her skin and beginning to change her life in ways she could never have imagined.With all the warmth and poignancy fans have come to expect from Cecelia Ahern, this is a magical novel, and a suprising love story.With all the warmth and poignancy fans have come to expect from Cecelia Ahern, this is a novel full of magic, heart and a suprising love story.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    137,95 kr.

    ”Kunsten at forelske sig” er en ny international bestseller af forfatteren til ”P.S. Jeg elsker dig”, Cecelia Ahern En sen nattetime, da Christine Rose er på vej hjem over Ha’Penny Bridge i Dublin, ser hun en mand, der skal til at kaste sig i floden. Det lykkes hende at få overtalt manden, der hedder Adam, til at komme ned, og de indgår en aftale. Hun får 14 dage til at vise ham, at livet er værd at leve, men hvis han ikke har ændret mening, når han fylder 35 om to uger, vil han tage sit liv. Men Christines liv er mildest talt heller ikke perfekt. Hun har forladt sin mand og har problemer med både familie og arbejde, og efterhånden som deres deadline nærmer sig, må hun indse, at Adam ikke er den eneste, der har brug for en hjælpende hånd. Endnu en rørende kærlighedshistorie af chick lit-dronningen Cecelia Ahern, der har skrevet romanerne bag filmen ”P.S. Jeg elsker dig” og ”Love, Rosie”

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    146,95 - 191,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Cecelia Ahern
    91,95 kr.

    The Gift is a magical, fable-like Christmas story from Cecelia Ahern, the celebrated New York Times bestselling author of P.S. I Love You and Thanks for the Memories. The story of Lou Suffern, a successful executive frustrated by the fact that he spends more time in the office than with his doting wife and two young children, The Gift is a tantalizing tale wrapped in a tale....[the] perfect treat for the holidays. (Sara Gruen)

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    85,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    146,95 - 191,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    327,95 kr.

    Celestine North vive em uma sociedade que rejeita a imperfeição. Todos aqueles que praticam algum ato julgado como errado são marcados para sempre, excluídos da comunidade, seres não merecedores de compaixão. Por isso, Celestine procura viver uma vida perfeita. Ela é um exemplo de filha e de irmã, é uma aluna excepcional, bem quista por todos do colégio, além do mais, ela namora Art Crevan, filho da autoridade máxima da cidade, o juiz Crevan. Em meio a essa vida perfeita, Celestine se encontra em uma situação incomum, que a faz tomar uma decisão instintiva. Ela faz uma escolha que pode mudar o futuro dela e das pessoas a seu redor. Ela pode ser presa? Ela pode ser marcada? Ela poderá se tornar, do dia para a noite Imperfeita? Nesta distopia deslumbrante, a autora best-seller Cecelia Ahern retrata uma sociedade em que a perfeição é primordial e quem cometer qualquer ato falho será punido. A história de uma jovem que decide tomar uma posição que poderá custar-lhe tudo.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    362,95 kr.

    Gerry e Holly eram namorados de infância e ficariam juntos para sempre, até que o inimaginável acontece e Gerry morre, deixando-a devastada. Conforme seu aniversário de 30 anos se aproxima, Holly descobre um pacote de cartas nas quais Gerry, gentilmente, a guia em sua nova vida sem ele. Com ajuda de seus amigos e de sua família barulhenta e carinhosa, Holly consegue rir, chorar, cantar, dançar e ser mais corajosa do que nunca.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    167,95 kr.

    "[Ahern] gives us full permission to believe in magic." --Redbook Magazine One of the world's most popular writers of women's fiction--author of the beloved international bestseller, P.S. I Love You, basis for the popular film starring Hilary Swank--Cecelia Ahern now gives us Thanks for the Memories, a heartwarming tale of déjà vu and second chances. Reminiscent of The Time Traveler's Wife, Thanks for the Memories is a love story brimming with hope and feeling and enlivened with an enchanting touch of magic.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    347,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    347,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    361,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    327,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    337,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    95,95 - 210,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    107,95 kr.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    90,95 - 132,95 kr.

    NOGLE MENNESKER VENTER HELE LIVET på at finde deres sjæleven. Men ikke Holly og Gerry. De havde været kærester siden teenageårene, kunne afslutte hinandens sætninger og selv når de skændtes, kunne de ikke lade være med at le. Ingen kunne forestille sig Holly uden Gerry eller omvendt. Før det utænkelige sker. Gerry dør og efterlader Holly sønderknust. Men da hendes 30-års fødselsdag nærmer sig, vender han tilbage. Han har efterladt hende en række breve – et til hver måned i året efter hans død, og de viser hende blidt, at livet går videre uden ham.Med lidt hjælp fra vennerne og familien, der både elsker hende og driver hende til vanvid, finder Holly langsomt gennem brevene frem til et nyt liv.En hjertevarm fortælling om at holde fast, give slip og lære at elske igen.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    122,95 - 132,95 kr.

    SYV ÅR EFTER sin mand, Gerrys, død, og seks år efter at hun læste hans sidste brev, er Holly tilsyneladende kommet videre med sit liv. Hun har fået arbejde i sin søsters luksusgenbrugsbutik og trives fint med at gemme sig lidt for verden.Så da søsteren beder hende fortælle historien om Gerrys efterladte breve til en podcast, siger Holly kun modvilligt ja, bange for at rippe op i gamle sår.Men podcasten får enorm succes, og pludselig må Holly forholde sig til en række personer, der kontakter hende – alle med én ting tilfælles: De er dødeligt syge og ønsker selv at efterlade breve med missioner til deres kære.Pludselig trækkes Holly tilbage til den verden, hun har kæmpet så hårdt for at forlade. Men projektet leder hende også ud på en ny utrolig, livsbekræftende rejse og vækker minderne om hendes store kærlighed.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    87,95 - 95,95 kr.

    The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling PS, I Love You! It's been seven years since Holly Kennedy's husband died - six since she read his final letter, urging Holly to find the courage to forge a new life. She's proud of all the ways in which she has grown and evolved. But when a group inspired by Gerry's letters, calling themselves the PS, I Love You Club, approaches Holly asking for help, she finds herself drawn back into a world that she worked so hard to leave behind. Reluctantly, Holly begins a relationship with the club, even as their friendship threatens to destroy the peace she believes she has achieved. As each of these people calls upon Holly to help them leave something meaningful behind for their loved ones, Holly will embark on a remarkable journey - one that will challenge her to ask whether embracing the future means betraying the past, and what it means to love someone forever...

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    96,95 kr.

    Meaningful, moving and magical - the classic bestselling love storyEveryone needs a guardian angel...Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry.Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other.Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 'PS, I Love You'.As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing - and being braver than ever before.Life is for living, she realises - but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    127,95 kr.

    A woman in trouble turns to ice cream, and just might find love in its pursuit. Emelda is 46 years old. Her husband, Charlie, has just left her for a 23-year-old dancer. Her five difficult sons worship their father and blame Emelda for his departure. On top of everything else, she has to struggle with a new job at the local supermarket. For comfort she turns to her only true friend ? ice-cream. But lately there's a handsome man driving the ice-cream van. Could romance be about to blossom? Part of successful Open Door series, originally designed to help adult literacy in Ireland. Original stories from best-selling authors and important new voices, never published in the States before now.

  • af Cecelia Ahern
    127,95 kr.

    I am woman. Hear me roar! Have you ever imagined a different life? Have you ever stood at a crossroads, undecided? Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to roar? The women in these startlingly original stories are all of us: the women who befriend us, the women who encourage us, the women who make us brave. From The Woman Who Slowly Disappeared to The Woman Who Was Kept on the Shelf and The Woman Who Returned and Exchanged her Husband, discover thirty touching, often hilarious, stories and meet thirty very different women. Each discovers her strength; each realizes she holds the power to make a change. Witty, tender, surprising, these keenly observed tales speak to us all, and capture the moment when we all want to roar. - Now being produced for TV by Nicole Kidman and the team behind “Big Little Lies”.

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