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Bøger af Celia Martin

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  • af Celia Martin
    70,95 kr.

    Was, wenn sie dein Herz bricht? Taff, taffer, Penelope Smith! Seit Ankunft der neuen Chefin weht ein kühler Wind in der Firma. Nur Tessa findet die Neue auf eine Art aufregend, die ihr Herz zunehmend schneller schlagen lässt. Dumm nur, dass die nichts als ihre Karriere im Sinn hat und von Romantik so gar nichts wissen will. Denn sie hat ein Geheimnis zu wahren. Ganz besonders vor Tessa ...Celia Martin schreibt ... unterhaltsame romantische Liebesromane, Krimis, Kurzgeschichten.Dabei zeigt sie gerne unterschiedliche Facetten lesbischen Lebens. Ob romantisch, heiter, kriminell oder erotisch, ob zart oder ein bisschen härter, ob pink oder noir, - sie entführt sie ihre LeserInnen immer wieder in neue Genres.Einige ihrer Romane haben bereits Kultstatus erreicht und standen wochenlang auf den Bestsellerlisten für LGBT-Literatur. Zuletzt erschienen: Der lesbische Liebesroman "Verliebt in Lady Wrong?" - Was geschieht, wenn die Ex deiner Zukünftigen eure Hochzeit crasht? Dramatisch, romantisch, gefühlvoll."Ich möchte, dass im Kopf der Leser*innen ein Film abläuft, sie meinen Figuren gerne dabei folgen, wie sie sich ihre Lebensträume erfüllen, ihrem Herzen folgen, Hindernisse überwinden. Das so darzustellen, dass man beim Lesen mitfiebert, regelrecht den Herzschlag der Protagonistin spüren kann, ist mein Ziel."

  • - The case of Social Networks
    af Celia Martin
    483,95 kr.

  • - Humor Abounds in this dynamic Love Affair
    af Celia Martin
    188,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    188,95 kr.

    In the day's dying light, Lady Timandra Lotterby peered out the coach window at thedark and shuttered house and wished she had never offered to accompany her friend, ElizaTilbury, to Perfidious Brambles. A cold shiver crept up her spine, and she squiggleduncomfortably on the padded seat cushion. Eliza's trembling hand slid over hers, and Timandrafelt instant shame. She was here to support her friend, not give way to silly, baseless fears. Yes,the estate grounds appeared unkempt, and the house foreboding, but an old man living on hisown might find little need to keep up appearances.

  • af Celia Martin
    188,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    218,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    218,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    188,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    198,95 kr.

  • af Celia Martin
    188,95 kr.

    Convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to hang, Tempest Winslowe is swept from the gallows by Captain Garrett D'Arcy. Aboard the Wind Rover, Tempest forges new friendships and wins the admiration of the crew as first a pirate attack, and then a storm at sea test her mettle. But her most troublesome challenge lies in the containment of the impassioned fire that simmers just below the surface of her carefully controlled demeanor as she is thrown into close daily contact with her entirely too charming savior. Endorsement"A willful heroine cornered by a relentless foe and a dashing sea captain tormented by his past cast their lots against the tides of a history dark with treachery, storm-filled canvas, and hanging rope. A compelling read cover to cover." Michael DonnellyAuthor of False Harbor and Awakening Curry Buckle

  • af Celia Martin
    187,95 kr.

    With the Royalist defeat at Worcester in 1651, Adler Hayward, fearing prison more than death, flees England. Heartbroken at leaving his home and family, he finds solace in the eyes of Glynneth, the wife of Etienne Fortier. The Fortiers and their family, including Etienne's father, brother and his brother's wife, and Etienne's and Glynneth's two children, are bound for New Netherland not only to build a new family fortune but in the hope, the climate will help Etienne who suffers from consumption. Adler and his friend, Latimer Draye, decide to join them and seek their own destinies in the new world.Though Adler loves Glynneth more than life itself, he is devoted to her husband, and he and Draye are protective of the Fortier family. To earn their living, Adler and Draye become woodsmen, trading with the Mohawks and sharing several near-death adventures.Despite her deep love for Etienne, Glynneth recognizes the attraction she feels for Adler. With her husband's death, she must decide where her future lies, but before she can make any decision, she must fight for her life as an assailant abducts her and carries her into the hinterland. Calling on the wilderness skills Adler taught her, she escapes and is reunited with Adler. Now she must decide what will be her destiny.

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