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Bøger af Charlotte Byrd

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  • af Charlotte Byrd
    183,95 kr.

    Eles podem tirar tudo de mim, mas não ela.Sr. Black estará de volta. Com sua vingança."Eu preciso que você assine um contrato.""Mas... que tipo de contrato?""Um contrato que fará de você minha."Dessa vez, ela fará tudo que eu mandar.Ela irá odiar, e então, irá implorar por mais.Esse é o jogo que jogamos. É o nosso jogo.Mas o que acontece quando todo mundo descobre? Perderemos tudo?Elogios a Charlotte Byrd "Emocionante, delicioso e perigosamente viciante!" - ★★★★★"Tão excitante que nenhum leitor conseguirá resistir. Na minha lista de compras!" - Bobbi Koe, ★★★★★"Cativante!" - Crystal Jones, ★★★★★"Emocionante, intenso, sexy." - Rock, ★★★★★"Com uma química sexy, secreta e vibrante..." - Mrs. K, ★★★★★"Charlotte Byrd é uma autora briliante. Li muito, ri e chorei. Ela escreve com maestria e personagens brilhantes. Muito bom!" - ★★★★★"Fluido, sombrio, viciante e convincente." - ★★★★★"Sensual, fogoso, e com um enredo maravilhoso." - Christine Reese ★★★★★"Meu Deus... agora sou fã de Charlotte para o resto da vida." - JJ, ★★★★★"A tensão e a química entre os personagens são alarmantes." - Sharon, ★★★★★"Viagem atraente, sexy e intrigante de Ellie e Sr. Aiden Black." - Robin Langelier ★★★★★"Uau. Uau! Charlotte Byrd me deixa sem palavras... Definitivamente me manteve sentado por muito tempo. Uma vez que você começa a ler, não vai querer mais largar." - ★★★★★"Sexy, fluido e cativante!" - Charmaine, ★★★★★"Intrigante, com pitadas de luxúria, e ótimos personagens... pelo que mais você poderia pedir?!" - Dragonfly Lady ★★★★★"Um livro maravilhoso. Uma leitura extremamente agradável, cativante, interessante e sexy que eu não conseguia largar. - Kim F, ★★★★★"A melhor história. Adorei ler e reler tudo. Um enredo tão bom que lerei de novo e de novo!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"A quantidade perfeita de rodeios. Criei um vínculo imetiato com a protagonista e, claro, com o Sr. Black! O romance é sexy, I instantaneously bonded with the heroine and of course Mr. Black. YUM. It's sexy, atrevido, é fumegante. É tudo de bom." - Khardine Gray, autora de bestseller ★★★★★

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    Nous ne sommes pas faits pour être ensemble. Je n'aurais jamais dû le revoir après notre première nuit. Mais je le désirais.Je suis accro à lui. Il est mon plaisir sombre. M. Black est Aiden. Aiden est M. Black. Deux côtés d'une même pièce.Aiden est gentil et attentionné. M. Black est exigeant et axé sur les règles.Lorsqu'il me réinvite sur le yacht, je ne peux refuser. Une autre vente aux enchères. Une autre mise.Je devrais être sienne, mais tout va de travers...ÉLOGES FAITS A CHARLOTTE BYRDDécadent, délicieux et dangereusement addictif! - Avis ★★★★★L'érotisme si magistralement tissé qu'aucun lecteur ne peut y résister! Un INCONTOURNABLE! - Bobbi Koe, Avis ★★★★★Captivant! - Crystal Jones, Avis ★★★★★Excitant, intense, sensuel Rock, Avis ★★★★★Sexy, mystérieux, palpitant... Mrs K, Avis ★★★★★Charlotte Byrd est une auteure remarquable. J'ai lu beaucoup de ses livres, j'ai ri et pleuré. Elle a une écriture équilibrée avec des personnages brillants. Bravo! - Avis ★★★★★Rapide, sombre, addictif et percutant - Avis ★★★★★Chaud, torride et une intrigue géniale. - Christine Reese ★★★★★Oh la la... Charlotte a fait de moi une fan à vie - JJ, Avis ★★★★★.La tension et l'alchimie sont au niveau d'alerte cinq. - Sharon, Avis ★★★★★Chaud, sexy, le voyage fascinant d'Ellie et M Aiden Black. - Robin Langelier ★★★★★Waouh. Tout simplement waouh. Charlotte Byrd me laisse sans voix et humble... Il m'a tenue en haleine. Une fois que vous l'ouvrez, vous ne pourrez plus le poser. - Avis ★★★★★Sexy, torride et captivant! - Charmaine, Avis ★★★★★"Intrigue, luxure et de superbes personnages... que demander de plus?!" - Dragonfly Lady.★★★★★"Un livre incroyable. Une lecture excitante, très divertissante, captivante et intéressante. Je ne pouvais pas le poser." - Kim F, Avis ★★★★★"C'est tout simplement la meilleure histoire. Tout ce que j'aime et plus. Une histoire tellement géniale que je la relirai encore et encore. À conserver!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"Il y a le nombre parfait de revirement de situations. Je me suis sentie instantanément lié à l'héroïne et bien sûr à M Black. MIAM. Le roman est excitant, insolent, torride. Il est tout." - Khardine Gray, auteur de romance à succès ★★★★★

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    Ich gehöre nicht hierher.Mir wächst alles über den Kopf. Aber ich muss Schulden bezahlen.Sie rufen meinen Namen. Der Scheinwerfer ist an. Die Auktion beginnt.Mr. Black ist der Höchstbietende. Er ist dunkel, reich und machtvoll. Er mag es zu spielen.Die einzige Regel: es gibt keine Regeln.Aber es ist nur eine Nacht.Was kann denn schon Schlimmes passieren?Lob für Charlotte Byrd "Dekadent, vorzüglich, ein gefährliches Suchtobjekt!" - Bewertung ★★★★★"So meisterhaft verwebt, kein Leser wird es weglegen können. EIN MUST-HAVE!" - Bobbi Koe, Bewertung ★★★★★"Fesselnd!" - Crystal Jones, Bewertung ★★★★★"Spannend, intensiv, sinnlich" - Rock, Bewertung ★★★★★"Sexy, geheimnisvolle, pulsierende Chemie..." - Mrs. K, Bewertung ★★★★★"Charlotte Byrd ist eine brillante Schriftstellerin. Ich habe schon viel von ihr gelesen, viel gelacht und geweint. Sie schreibt ein ausgeglichenes Buch mit brillanten Charakteren. Gut gemacht!" - Bewertung ★★★★★"Rasant, düster, süchtig machend und fesselnd" - Bewertung ★★★★★"Heiß, leidenschaftlich und mit großartigem Handlungsstrang." - Christine Reese ★★★★★"Du meine Güte... Charlotte hat einen neuen Fan fürs Leben." - JJ, Bewertung ★★★★★"Die Spannung und Chemie steht auf Alarmstufe rot." - Sharon, Bewertung ★★★★★"Elli und Mr. Aiden Black starten eine heiße, sexy, und faszinierende Reise." - Robin Langelier ★★★★★"Wow. Einfach nur wow. Charlotte Byrd macht mich sprachlos... Sie hat mich definitiv begeistert. Sobald man das Buch zu lesen beginnt, kann man es nicht mehr ablegen." - Bewertung ★★★★★"Sexy, leidenschaftlich und fesselnd!" - Charmaine ★★★★★"Intrigen, Lust, und phänomenale Charaktere... Was will man mehr?!" - Dragonfly Lady ★★★★★"Ein tolles Buch. Eine extrem unterhaltsame, fesselnde und interessante Geschichte. Ich konnte es nicht mehr weglegen." - Kim F, Amazon Bewertung ★★★★★"Die Handlung ist einfach großartig. Alles, was ich mir in einem Buch wünsche und noch mehr. So eine großartige Geschichte werde ich immer wieder lesen!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"Die Handlung war voller Wendungen und Überraschungen. Ich konnte die Heldin und natürlich auch mit Mr. Black sofort ins Herz schließen. Vorzüglich. Es ist sexy, es ist leidenschaftlich, es ist heiß. Es ist einfach von allem was dabei." - Khardine Gray, Bestseller-Autorin von Romantik ★★★★★

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    183,95 kr.

    Será o nosso fim? Eu encontrei uma mulher sem a qual não posso viver. Nós passamos por tanta coisa. Tivemos nossos problemas. Mas nosso amor é mais forte do que nunca. Somos sobreviventes. Mas quando eles a tiram de mim no altar, logo antes de ela se tornar minha esposa, tudo se dissipa. Eu farei qualquer coisa para libertá-la. Farei qualquer coisa para torná-la minha para sempre. Mas será isso o suficiente? E se não for? Elogios a Charlotte Byrd "Emocionante, delicioso e perigosamente viciante!" - ★★★★★"Tão excitante que nenhum leitor conseguirá resistir. Na minha lista de compras!" - Bobbi Koe, ★★★★★"Cativante!" - Crystal Jones, ★★★★★"Emocionante, intenso, sexy." - Rock, ★★★★★"Com uma química sexy, secreta e vibrante..." - Mrs. K, ★★★★★"Charlotte Byrd é uma autora briliante. Li muito, ri e chorei. Ela escreve com maestria e personagens brilhantes. Muito bom!" - ★★★★★"Fluido, sombrio, viciante e convincente." - ★★★★★"Sensual, fogoso, e com um enredo maravilhoso." - Christine Reese ★★★★★"Meu Deus... agora sou fã de Charlotte para o resto da vida." - JJ, ★★★★★"A tensão e a química entre os personagens são alarmantes." - Sharon, ★★★★★"Viagem atraente, sexy e intrigante de Ellie e Sr. Aiden Black." - Robin Langelier ★★★★★"Uau. Uau! Charlotte Byrd me deixa sem palavras... Definitivamente me manteve sentado por muito tempo. Uma vez que você começa a ler, não vai querer mais largar." - ★★★★★"Sexy, fluido e cativante!" - Charmaine, ★★★★★"Intrigante, com pitadas de luxúria, e ótimos personagens... pelo que mais você poderia pedir?!" - Dragonfly Lady ★★★★★"Um livro maravilhoso. Uma leitura extremamente agradável, cativante, interessante e sexy que eu não conseguia largar. - Kim F, ★★★★★"A melhor história. Adorei ler e reler tudo. Um enredo tão bom que lerei de novo e de novo!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"A quantidade perfeita de rodeios. Criei um vínculo imetiato com a protagonista e, claro, com o Sr. Black! O romance é sexy, I instantaneously bonded with the heroine and of course Mr. Black. YUM. It's sexy, atrevido, é fumegante. É tudo de bom." - Khardine Gray, autora de bestseller ★★★★★

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    I don't know who to believe, but I know that this place is full of lies and secrets. Easton Bay has risked everything to protect me, but that doesn't mean that he didn't do what they had accused him of. I am in love with him. I am supposed to be his wife, but this changes everything. The King has turned on him. I'm Easton's only hope. But it's only a matter of time before they turn on me, too. Is my fate is sealed? Praise for Charlotte Byrd"Decadent, delicious, & dangerously addictive!" - Amazon Review ★★★★★"Titillation so masterfully woven, no reader can resist its pull. A MUST-BUY!" - Bobbi Koe, Amazon Review ★★★★★"Captivating!" - Crystal Jones, Amazon Review ★★★★★"Exciting, intense, sensual" - Rock, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Sexy, secretive, pulsating chemistry..." - Mrs. K, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Charlotte Byrd is a brilliant writer. I've read loads and I've laughed and cried. She writes a balanced book with brilliant characters. Well done!" -Amazon Review ★★★★★"Fast-paced, dark, addictive, and compelling" - Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Hot, steamy, and a great storyline." - Christine Reese ★★★★★"My oh my....Charlotte has made me a fan for life." - JJ, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"The tension and chemistry is at five alarm level." - Sharon, Amazon reviewer ★★★★★"Hot, sexy, intriguing journey of Elli and Mr. Aiden Black. - Robin Langelier ★★★★★"Wow. Just wow. Charlotte Byrd leaves me speechless and humble... It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Once you pick it up, you won't put it down." - Amazon Review ★★★★★"Sexy, steamy and captivating!" - Charmaine, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★" Intrigue, lust, and great characters...what more could you ask for?!" - Dragonfly Lady ★★★★★"An awesome book. Extremely entertaining, captivating and interesting sexy read. I could not put it down." - Kim F, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Just the absolute best story. Everything I like to read about and more. Such a great story I will read again and again. A keeper!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"It had the perfect amount of twists and turns. I instantaneously bonded with the heroine and of course Mr. Black. YUM. It's sexy, it's sassy, it's steamy. It's everything." - Khardine Gray, Bestselling Romance Author ★★★★★HOUSE OF YORK Series Reading Order 1. House of York2. Crown of York3. Throne of York

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    188,95 kr.

    Maintenant que tous nos secrets sont dévoilés, nous devons vivre avec nos choix et la vérité sur qui nous sommes.Jacqueline a découvert la vérité sur son frère, le secret que j'avais juré ne jamais révéler. Elle voulait le revoir et se moque de mettre toutes nos vies en danger, y compris la sienne.La chose que je craignais est arrivée. Le pire des hommes nous poursuit avec un seul but: nous éliminer.Il est temps de FUIR.Les ténèbres descendent. Il reste toutefois de l'espoir.Le danger que j'essayais de maintenir au loin revient en force.Pourrons-nous être heureux ou vivre ensemble (ce qui reste de nos vies) en continuant à vaciller sur le fil?

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    168,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    168,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    173,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    233,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    178,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    178,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    I don't know who to believe, but I know that this place is full of lies and secrets. Easton Bay has risked everything to protect me, but that doesn't mean that he didn't do what they accused him of. I am in love with him. I am supposed to be his wife, but this changes everything. The King has turned on him. I'm Easton's only hope. But it's only a matter of time before they turn on me, too. Is my fate is sealed/

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    178,95 kr.

    He has taken me away from everything that I know and love. I only have one choice: to do everything he says or my fate will be worse than death. What does he want? He wants to play a game. But I'm not the only one playing. There are others. Prettier, smarter, more charming than I am. But only one of us can be the winner. Only one of us can be his wife.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    He used to be my only hope. Easton Bay: a man who's as ruthless as he's gorgeous and as tender as he is cruel. His every touch sends shivers down my spine. I crave him. He saved me once, but will he do it again? He's a mystery. An enigma. A suspense. There's a darkness inside of him. It scares me to my very core. Yet, I pull closer with each breath. I am an addict and he is my drug. What happens when it's not enough?

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Byrd
    198,95 kr.

    I owe him a debt. A big one.A dark and dangerous stranger paid for my mother's cancer treatment, saving her life. Now I owe him. But I can't pay it back with money, not that I even have any. He wants only one thing: Me. His for one year. Will I walk away in one piece?DEBT is a full-length contemporary novel from bestselling author Charlotte Byrd about demands and the game of seduction. It can be read as a standalone. DEBT Collection of standalone novels Debt Offer Unknown Wealth Praise for Charlotte Byrd "Decadent, delicious, & dangerously addictive!" - Amazon Review ★★★★★"Titillation so masterfully woven, no reader can resist its pull. A MUST-BUY!" - Bobbi Koe, Amazon Review ★★★★★"Captivating!" - Crystal Jones, Amazon Review ★★★★★"Exciting, intense, sensual" - Rock, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Sexy, secretive, pulsating chemistry..." - Mrs. K, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Charlotte Byrd is a brilliant writer. I've read loads and I've laughed and cried. She writes a balanced book with brilliant characters. Well done!" -Amazon Review ★★★★★"Fast-paced, dark, addictive, and compelling" - Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Hot, steamy, and a great storyline." - Christine Reese ★★★★★"My oh my....Charlotte has made me a fan for life." - JJ, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"The tension and chemistry is at five alarm level." - Sharon, Amazon reviewer ★★★★★"Hot, sexy, intriguing journey of Elli and Mr. Aiden Black. - Robin Langelier ★★★★★"Wow. Just wow. Charlotte Byrd leaves me speechless and humble... It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Once you pick it up, you won't put it down." - Amazon Review ★★★★★"Sexy, steamy and captivating!" - Charmaine, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★" Intrigue, lust, and great characters...what more could you ask for?!" - Dragonfly Lady ★★★★★"An awesome book. Extremely entertaining, captivating and interesting sexy read. I could not put it down." - Kim F, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Just the absolute best story. Everything I like to read about and more. Such a great story I will read again and again. A keeper!!" - Wendy Ballard ★★★★★"It had the perfect amount of twists and turns. I instantaneously bonded with the heroine and of course Mr. Black. YUM. It's sexy, it's sassy, it's steamy. It's everything." - Khardine Gray, Bestselling Romance Author ★★★★★

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