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  • af Chongwon Park
    1.002,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit meines Schreibunterrichts herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht an einer Graduiertenschule im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie (N=20) zeigen Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Vortest waren Titel > Absatzeinzug > Mechanik > Gleichgewicht > Vereinbarung (Substantiv). 3) Bedeutung > Mechanik > Übereinstimmung (Substantiv) > Präposition > Artikel (a, an) Fehler blieben am Ende des Semesters bestehen. Der Unterricht bestand aus Quizfragen und drei Aufträgen: 1) Aufbau besserer Sätze, 2) Kollokation, 3) Großschreibung und 4) Teilnahme an Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde vorgeschlagen, die Form der Quizzes in Zukunft auf das Schreiben auszuweiten.

  • af Chongwon Park
    873,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Effektivität meines Schreibunterrichts in englischer Sprache herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie (N=27) zeigen Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Vortest waren Mechanik > Vereinbarung > Satztypen > Hauptverb. 3) Vereinbarung > Mechanik > Bedeutung > Satztypen > Hauptverbfehler blieben am Ende des Semesters bestehen. Was das Unterrichtsmedium Englisch betrifft, so blieben die meisten Fehler, die im Vortest auftraten, auch am Ende des Semesters bestehen. Dieses Ergebnis ist überraschend, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Lernenden mehreren Unterrichtsinterventionen ausgesetzt waren. Die Unterrichtsinterventionen waren Quizze und drei Aufgabenstellungen: 1) Aufbau besserer Sätze, 2) Großschreibung und 3) Fortschrittsbericht. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde vorgeschlagen, die Form der Quizspiele in Zukunft auf Bedeutungsfehler zu beschränken.

  • af Chongwon Park
    873,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit meines Schreibunterrichts herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht an einer Graduiertenschule im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie (N=22) zeigen Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Posttest waren Mechanik > Satztypen (Konjunktion S+V, S+V) > Bedeutung > Mechanik (Titel) > Verwendung. 3) Im Vortest traten häufig die Fehler Titel > Absatzeinzug > Mechanik > Bedeutung > Ausgewogenheit auf. Die Fehlermuster zwischen Prä- und Posttest wiesen keine Besonderheiten auf. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde eine unterrichtliche Intervention, einschließlich des Schreibens, als Form der zukünftigen Quiz vorgeschlagen.

  • af Chongwon Park
    873,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit meines Schreibunterrichts herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht an einer Universität im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie zeigen Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Vortest waren Vereinbarung (Zahl) > Satzarten (Konjunktion S+V, S+V) > Bedeutung > Parallelität > ST (Konjunktion S+V, S+V) und 3) Übereinstimmung (Nomen) > Bedeutung > Wortwahl > Satzarten (Konjunktion S+V, S+V) > Verwendungsfehler wurden am Ende des Semesters überlebt. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde eine unterrichtliche Intervention vorgeschlagen, die das Schreiben in Form von Quizfragen beinhaltet.

  • af Chongwon Park
    923,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit meines Schreibunterrichts herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht an einer Universität im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie zeigen keine Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Vortest waren Bedeutung > Wortwahl > Verwendung > Vereinbarung (Zeitform) > Vereinbarung (Substantivnummern) und 3) Vereinbarung (Substantivnummern) > Verwendung > Präposition > Bedeutung > Vereinbarung (Subjekt und Verb) Fehler wurden am Ende des Semesters überlebt. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde eine unterrichtliche Intervention vorgeschlagen, die das Schreiben als Form des Quizzes einschließt.

  • af Chongwon Park
    873,95 kr.

    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit meines Schreibunterrichts herauszufinden und den folgenden Schreibunterricht an einer Universität im südlichen Teil Südkoreas vorzubereiten. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei Forschungsfragen gestellt und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge beantwortet: 1) Die Teilnehmer der Studie zeigen Fortschritte beim Schreiben in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Geläufigkeit, 2) Die am häufigsten auftretenden Fehler im Vortest waren Bedeutung > Kubik oder Kohärenz > Mechanik > Konnektive > Wortwahl, und 3) Mechanik > Wortwahl > Bedeutung > Verwendung > Vereinbarung (Substantivnummern) Fehler wurden am Ende des Semesters überlebt. Im Vergleich zum vorherigen Unterrichtskontext zeigen meine neuen Studenten an einer neuen Universität, die im Folgenden P-Universität genannt wird, eine einzigartige Art, Fehler beim Schreiben zu machen. Woher kommt diese Diskrepanz? Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Studie wurde eine unterrichtliche Intervention vorgeschlagen, die das Schreiben in Form von Quizzen einschließt.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction when the medium of instruction is English and prepare for the following writing instruction in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=27) show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Mechanics > Agreement > Sentence types > Main verb. 3) Agreement > Mechanics > Meaning > Sentence types > Main verb errors survived at the end of the semester. As far as the medium of instruction is concerned which is English, the major errors appeared in the pretest survived at the end of the semester. Considering that learners were exposed to multiple sources of teaching interventions, this result is surprising. Instructional intervention were quizzes and three assignments: 1) Building better sentences, 2) Capitalization, and 3) Progressive report. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention on Meaning errors was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=22) show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Mechanics (Title) > Mechanics (Paragraph Indentation) > Article > Sentence types. 3) As to the remaining errors in the posttest, Sentence types > Mechanics > Meaning > Agreement (Noun) errors survived at the end of the semester. Instructional interventions were quizzes, writing revision, and progressive report. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention, including writing, was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    741,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=27) show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Mechanics (Title) > Meaning > Adverb > Article. 3) As to the remaining errors in the posttest, Meaning > Article > Mechanics > Adverb > Sentence types (S+V, and S+V) errors survived at the end of the semester. Instructional intervention was quizzes. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention, including writing, was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=22) show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the post-test were Mechanics > Sentence types (Conjunction S+V, S+V) > Meaning > Mechanics (Title) > Usage. 3) In the pretest, Title > Paragraph indentation > Mechanics > Meaning > Balance errors appeared frequently. Error patterns between pre and post-test did not show idiosyncrasy. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention, including writing, was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    741,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=20) show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Title > Paragraph indentation > Mechanics > Balance > Agreement (Noun). 3) Meaning > Mechanics > Agreement (Noun) > Preposition > Article (a, an) errors survived at the end of the semester. Instructional intervention was quizzes and three assignments: 1) Building better sentences, 2) Collocation, 3) Capitalization, and 4) Participation at Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention, including writing, was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=5) show no progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Agreement (Noun in numbers) > Article > Cubing > Main verb (Transitive vs intransitive). 3) As to the remaining errors in the posttest, Agreement (Noun in number) > Cubing > Meaning > Mechanics (Period) > Sentence types (S+V) errors survived at the end of the semester. Agreement (Noun in number), Cubing, and Sentence types (S+V) errors survived. Compared to the previous teaching context, my new students at a new university, called P University, show a unique way of making errors in writing. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention, including writing, was suggested as the form of the quizzes in the future.

  • af Chongwon Park
    686,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in Southern South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors in the pretest were Balance > Article > Usage > Agreement (Noun number) > Parallelism > Sentence type (Conjunction S+V, S+V), and 3) Agreement (Noun numbers) > Article > Connectives > Meaning > Preposition errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors showed their own hierarchical order, such as sentence types and meaning > mechanics > word choice > agreement > main verb > article, and 3) Main verbs (Transitive vs intransitive) > Article (the) > Agreement in number > Preposition > Agreement in Tenses errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing can be inevitable.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a graduate school context in Southern South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study (N=13) show no progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Mechanics > Coherence or Cubing > Meaning > Agreement (Noun) > Article (A), and 3) Mechanics > Coherence or Cubing > Agreement (Noun) > Meaning > Preposition errors were survived at the end of the semester. Compared to the previous teaching context, my new students at a new university, called P university and graduate school students here after, show unique way of making errors in writing. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in Southern South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors in the pretest were Meaning > Paralleism > Thesis statement > Conjunction S+V, S+V > Connectives, and 3) Meaning > Sentence types (S+V) > Logic > Mechanics > Agreement (Noun numbers) errors were survived at the end of the semester. Compared to the previous teaching context, my new students at a new university, called P University, show unique ways of making writing errors. What makes this discrepancy? Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    686,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show no progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Meaning > Word choice > Usage > Agreement (tense) > Agreement (Noun numbers) , and 3) Agreement (Noun numbers) > Usage > Preposition > Meaning > Agreement (Subject and Verb) errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Agreement (Number) > Sentence types (Conjunction S+V, S+V) > Meaning > Parallelism > ST (Conjunction S+V, S+V) , and 3) Agreement (Noun numbers) > Meaning > Word Choice > Sentence types (Conjunction S+V, S+V) > Usage errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Meaning > Cubing or Coherence > Mechanics > Connectives > Word choice, and 3) Mechanics > Word Choice > Meaning > Usage > Agreement (Noun numbers) errors were survived at the end of the semester. Compared to the previous teaching context, my new students at a new university, called P university here after, show unique way of making errors in writing. What makes this discrepancy? Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors appeared in the pretest were Agreement (Noun number) > Meaning > Mechanics > Main Verb (Transitive vs Intransitive) > Article (A) , and 3) Agreement (Noun numbers) > Usage > Preposition > Meaning > Agreement (Subject and Verb) errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing was suggested as the form of the quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    648,95 kr.

    This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of my writing instruction and prepare for the following writing instruction in a university context in the Southern part of South Korea. To achieve the goal, three research questions were raised and answered in a given order; 1) Participants of the study did not show progress in writing in terms of accuracy and fluency, 2) The most frequently appearing errors showed their own hierarchical order, such as sentence types and meaning > mechanics > word choice > agreement > main verb > article, and 3) agreement > main verb > mechanics > sentence types > usage errors were survived at the end of the semester. Based upon the findings of the study, instructional intervention including writing can be inevitable. As for the solution, these errors were categorized suitable for the format of quizzes.

  • af Chongwon Park
    500,95 kr.

    As a preliminary study for developing an automatic English composition evaluation system, this study presented the results of an analysis of the establishment of a Korean college student English composition error corpus and the correlation between English composition error types and errors. The results of this study used a relatively small amount of English composition data, and the distribution of analysis subjects was not balanced by English composition score, so it is considered somewhat unreasonable to interpret it as a Meaningful result. To establish a quality set for the automatic English composition evaluator in the future, it is necessary to analyze errors in more balanced English composition and research how to extract qualities highly related to error types and English composition scores.

  • af Chongwon Park
    988,95 kr.

    Dans la continuité de NVivo R1 : Twelve Essential Skills For Qualitative Researchers II, ce livre traite 1. de la classification des dossiers et des cas, 2. de l'analyse des sentiments et 3. des tableaux croisés. Les sources de données sont des études matricielles de cohorte et un projet type de NVivo QSR. En étant exposés aux données réelles du terrain, les lecteurs se familiariseront avec les questions pratiques de la liaison entre la classification par codes dans un contexte spécifique d'études.

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