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Bøger af Chris Fire

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  • af Chris Fire
    115,95 kr.

    In his book, "The Ultimate Blessing: Understanding the Characteristics of the Holy Spirit," Apostle Chris Fire delves into the nature and power of the Holy Spirit as the ultimate blessing for believers. Drawing on biblical scripture and personal experience, Fire explores how the Holy Spirit is not just a blessing, but the seed that has the power to reproduce its own kind in the lives of believers.Through careful analysis of Galatians 3:13-14, Fire explains how the single blessing of Abraham came upon the Gentiles through the crucifixion of Jesus, and how the Holy Spirit is the ultimate manifestation of this blessing. He goes on to explore the characteristics of the Holy Spirit, such as its ability to lead and guide believers, its role in empowering them to live a victorious life, and its capacity to produce spiritual fruit in their lives.With practical insights and real-life examples, "The Ultimate Blessing" is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit and how to live a truly blessed life. Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned Christian, this book offers valuable insights into the nature and power of the Holy Spirit and how it can transform your life.

  • af Chris Fire
    92,95 kr.

    Étant enfants de Dieu, Nous sommes appèles à parle comme notre père.Dans ce livre, le pasteur Chris révèle les secrets de parler comme Dieu afin d'expérimenter une vie victorieuse en Jésus-Christ.Les paroles de nos bouches doivent produire les mêmes effets que celles de Dieu. Ainsi en est-il de ma parole, qui sort de ma bouche: Elle ne retourne point à moi sans effet, sans avoir exécuté ma volonté et accompli mes desseins.

  • - Comment finir ce que vous avez commencé
    af Chris Fire
    117,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre merveilleusement pratique, Chris Fire explique en détails simplifiés comment être un bon débutant dans le spirituel et même dans notre vie quotidienne; et finir fort! Jésus-Christ, les prophètes de l'Ancien Testament et l'apôtre Paul sont des exemples de personnes qui ont bien commencé et terminé fort. En lisant ce livre, vous apprendrez à - Commencer et finir fort- Identifier les causes du découragement et les surmonter- Obtenez l'énergie nécessaire pour arriver jusqu' à la ligne d'arrivéeLes principes expliqués dans ce livre fonctionnent depuis l'époque de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ et fonctionneront pour tous ceux qui les appliquent jusqu'à la fin des temps.

  • af Chris Fire
    117,95 kr.

    À chaque génération, Dieu a un reste qui connait son Dieu et est prêt à faire des exploits au nom de son Dieu. La génération de la fin des temps de Dieu, la génération qui marquera le retour de Jésus, le roi des rois, n'est pas différente. Nous vivons dans des temps et des saisons prophétiques marqués par des catastrophes naturelles, catastrophes causées par l'homme et la déchéance morale. C'est en effet un moment de grande incertitude et de défis de taille, mais pour la génération de la fin des temps de Dieu, c'est le moment le plus opportun et propice pour arracher d'innombrables âmes du Royaume des ténèbres et les voir transportées dans le Royaume de Dieu. Tout le monde cherche des réponses à leur dilemme; qu'il soit relié à la santé, financier, créé ou auto- imposé, les gens cherchent des réponses. Jésus est la seule réponse possible. La génération de la fin des temps de Dieu est son instrument de choix afin d'être des agents de changement dans un monde périssant et qui souffre. Cet ouvrage est conçu pour sonner le clairon à ceux qui appartiennent au reste de Dieu afin de se positionner stratégiquement pour avoir de l'impact sur cette génération. Après avoir lu ce livre vous découvrirez les stratégies de l'ennemi et vous vous rendrez compte des contre-stratégies à votre disposition pour voir le Royaume de Dieu établi ici sur terre, telle qu'il est dans le ciel.

  • - A New Generation
    af Chris Fire
    87,95 kr.

    In every generation God has a remnant that knows their God and is willing to do exploit in His name. God's end-time generation, the generation that will usher in Jesus, the King of Kings, is no different. We are living in prophetic times and seasons marked by natural disasters, man-induced catastrophes, and moral decay. It is indeed a time of great uncertainty and daunting challenges, but for God's end-time generation it is the most fertile and opportune time to snatch countless souls from the kingdom of darkness and see them translated to the Kingdom of God. Everyone is looking for answers to their dilemma; be it health related, financial or self imposed, people are seeking answers. Jesus is the only answer. God's End-time Generation is his choice vessels to be agents of change in a hurting and dying world. This book is designed to sound a clarion call for those who belong to God's remnant to strategically position themselves to impact this generation. After reading this book you will discover the strategies of the enemy, and be aware of the counter-strategies at your disposal to see the Kingdom of God established here on earth as it is in heaven.

  • af Chris Fire
    152,95 kr.

    Loss is one of the greatest sources of pain. It affects all of us in different ways. Unforeseen circumstances often storm into our lives and turn our treasures into rubble. Picking up the pieces and moving forward is difficult and may at times seem impossible. But what if you could recover everything... and not just a part of what you lost?I SHALL RECOVER, a book inspired by the Holy Spirit, contains scriptural principles that you can apply to experience a total recovery in your life. Gain insight and revelation that will set you above the devastating waves of life's rough seas. You'll learn to say: "I shall recover," even when you are experiencing great loss.In this book, Apostle Chris Fire, an anointed minister of the gospel unveils the depths and extent of God's power to restore your life. The Bible says that God can do exceedingly, abundantly, and above anything you can ask or think. This limitless ability of God guarantees the possibility of recovering whatever is lost.Intriguing topics within include: God's Recovery SystemRecovery of Your SoulRecovery of Your ResourcesRecovery of Your TimeThe Holy Spirit and Your Recovery, and more.Read now! Discover the hidden codes within the Bible that empower you to pursue, overtake and recover all.

  • - How to finish what you started
    af Chris Fire
    117,95 kr.

    EVER WISH YOU KNEW HOW TO START STRONG AND FINISH ON A VICTORIOUS NOTE?Now you can! In this wonderfully practical book, Chris Fire explains in simplified details how to be a good starter in the spiritual and even in our everyday lives; and to finish strong! Jesus Christ, Old Testament prophets and Apostle Paul are examples of people who started well and finished strong. As you read through the lines, you will learn how to: -Start and finish strong-Identify causes of discouragement and overcome them-Get the energy to keep moving until you get to the finish line.The principles explained in this book have been working since the time of our Lord Jesus Christ, and will work for anyone who applies them till the end of time. They will work for you too! As you act diligently on God's word and obey. The key is in this book. Let's explore!

  • - Biblical Principles to Bring Your Words Into Manifestations
    af Chris Fire
    77,95 kr.

    God has a language that brings everything into manifestation. His words never return to Him void but always fulfill its intended purpose. In this book, Pastor Chris reveals the secrets of speaking the way God speaks. How to bring our words into manifestation and experience the creative power of our words.

  • af Chris Fire
    112,95 kr.

    The church has been fed an unhealthy spiritual diet for so long that the body of Christ is suffering from spiritual viruses and therefore unable to function at its full potential. This book is a call to restore the body of Christ to its healthy state for the end time harvest. This book will show you what viruses we have allowed in the body of Christ and how they operate in the church. What can the church do to eradicate these viruses from its system so she can be strengthened and able to fulfill its mission. Through the help of The Holy Spirit, you'll receive a burden to intercede for His church that she will arise to the place of repentance and consecration in order that the glory of the latter days can fall on her once again. It's time for the church to eradicate every virus out of her system so she can be stronger again to reach out to the lost and establish the kingdom of God on the earth.

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