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And a desperate race for survival in a country in the midst of war. Her lover Jed Bradley is one of the SAS's toughest young agents, dropped behind enemy lines in the build up to the Iraq War to find the truth about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
Matt Browning returns in this gripping new novel from bestselling author Chris Ryan. These two strands of violence become ever more tightly intertwined as Matt is drawn into an adventure that takes him to Russia and ends explosively in the UK.
You wake up in a dark room with no idea where you are. You are gagged and forced into a waiting truck. You have done nothing wrong. What would you do? Fourteen-year-old Ben travels to Pakistan on a school exchange programme. Ben and his Pakistani host, Aaarya, find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. They see something they're not supposed to and are kidnapped by some strange men. Caught up in a terrifying planned terrorist attack that could destroy Southern Afghanistan, killing thousands, Ben and Aarya are dragged through the most terrifying battleground in the world.
But when Jacob is booted from the Regiment for a moment of madness, he disappears. On his return from a brutal mission in Afghanistan, Sam is ordered to conduct another dangerous operation into an inhospitable part of the world. Is Jacob part of a plan that threatens world peace?
When Ben Tracey sets out with his cousin to spot hen harriers - a protected bird of prey - he doesn't expect to stumble upon a secret operation. But renegade researchers are using a military base near the birds' nest site to develop Project Vortex: a project concerned with a top secret, utterly illegal and highly lethal weapon!As the clock ticks down, Ben and Annie are in a race against time to prevent disaster. But their enemies are determined to stop them and they will go to any lengths...
Ben Tracey is on holiday in the Cayman Islands when a hurricane warning means he and his new friend, the son of an oil billionaire, must fly out of range. But as the plane heads for Miami, an unfamiliar voice comes over the tannoy: the aircraft has been hijacked. If anyone tries to make their way into the cockpit, they will be instantly shot . . . So begins this dramatic adventure, the fifth in the exciting Code Red series.
1917, Western Front, YpresA soldier wakes up in a damp, dark basement. With time slipping away, Chris Ransom must try to remember the events that have led him to this moment, so that he can clear his name and save himself.
Ben gets the chance for a trip of a lifetime when his mum is invited to attend a big conference in Australia. In the midst of a drought, it's hot. And it's dry. Drier than it's been for years. And it only takes a spark to set off a fire... As world leaders gather and a student demo gathers pace, a small flame takes hold - and suddenly an unquenchable fire bursts into life and an inferno of flames up to l00 metres high tear through the streets, threatening homes and lives.And in the smoke and confusion, an important general is kidnapped! Ben - just learning to fly - finds himself at the controls of a microlite and on the trail of the kidnappers...
Thirteen-year-old Ben Tracey is looking forward to spending the summer in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where his father has been hired to examine the valuable mineral Coltan that's being mined there. They soon realise that the people living in the village near the mine are frightened and it doesn't take long for Ben and his father to discover why: behind the door of every hut there is at least one person dying or seriously ill, and no one seems to be doing anything to help.As Ben's father falls ill, it's up to Ben and his new friend from the village, Halima, to try and tell the government what's going on so the village can be isolated before the sickness spreads further. Will they be able to prevent disaster?
When Robert Maxwell is assassinated at sea by an unknown agency, it can only be a matter of time before the dark secret at the heart of the British Establishment is exposed to the light of day. SAS soldier Neil Slater has left the Army but soon it seems he is to be drawn back into the covert world.
Mission: Earthquake SurvivalTough training and even tougher missions have turned the five members of Alpha Force into a formidable team. While honing their survival skills in the Belize jungle the group interrupt a raid on a Mayan tomb - and must abort their training and return to the city. But disaster is about to strike - a massive earthquake devastates the area, trapping Alpha Force and a group of schoolchildren amid the debris. The team must race against time to locate and rescue the survivors. Another nail-biting adventure in the Alpha Force series, from the bestselling author and ex-SAS hero Chris Ryan.Includes Chris's top SAS tips on dealing with an earthquake situation.
Alex's task is to track down and eliminate the killer, and to assist him he is assigned an MI5 liason officer - the attractive but abrasive Dawn Harding. The body-count is mounting and a deadly and relentless manhunt begins.
Ben's on a trip to London to meet his mum. But an accident at the Thames Barrier, combined with a tidal surge and a dramatic thunderstorm - and suddenly his trip turns into something totally different as the Barrier is breached and London is flooded. With streets underwater, communications down, rats pouring up out of the sewers and thousands of people in a state of panic, survival becomes a key issue. But as Ben tries to get across London to meet his mother, little does he know that two terrorists have a similar rendezvous . . .
When an SAS team is sent to train government troops in Karmanga, a poverty-stricken and war-torn republic in southern Africa, Geordie Sharp is caught up un the most dangerous and difficult assignment of his military career. When the SAS men see that the rebels are boosted by ex-US Navy SEAL mercenaries, they begin to sense a hidden agenda.
Never has there been a more graphic account of the SAS in action, never a thriller so authentically grounded in the twists and turns of undercover warfare. Sharp sets out to stalk and kill his man. Relentlessly exciting and completely unoutdownable, Chris Ryan's Stand By, Stand By is as exciting as the military thriller can be.
Alpha Force - a group of five kids dedicated to fighting against injustice in the world - are in Australia, helping with a TV reality show. But when Paulo spots a dangerous terrorist hiding out in a nearby town, events suddenly force them into a terrifying adventure as the terrorist seizes hostages and flies off into the bush. Supporting the Australian SAS, Alpha Force have to take action - even if it means flying into the midst of a scary bushfire-
Target: Body SnatchersAlpha Force are a crack team dedicated to fighting injustice around the globe. While in southern India they learn of the growing trade in organ transplants from living donors. With lives on the line and big money to be made, the demand for organs is urgent - and there are people prepared to go to extreme lengths to get them. When a young girl is snatched, Alpha Force must use all their surveillance skills to locate her - before the surgeons get to work . . .A taut thriller in the Alpha Force series, from the bestselling author and ex-SAS hero Chris Ryan. Includes Chris's top SAS tips on street surveillance.
Target: Drug RatAlpha Force are an elite team of five highly-skilled individuals brought together to battle injustice. The team join a covert SAS operation in South America, fighting to catch an evil drugs baron. To gain information, they infiltrate a tight-knit community of street kids then head into the isolated mountains where a terrifying and twisted hunt is to test their individual skills to the max . . .Contains Chris Ryan's top SAS tips for survival in cave systems.
The first in an exciting new series for children from ex-SAS officer and bestselling adult author Chris Ryan. Five kids: Alex, Li, Paulo, Hex and Amber, are marooned on a desert island where they must face the ultimate test - survival! Killer komodo dragons, sharks and modern day pirates are amongst the dangers they face. Can the five bond as a team - and stay alive?
Set in Scotland, Alpha Force are helping out on a survival outdoors adventure holiday programme for problem youngsters when they stumble across evidence of an illegal drugs laboratory, hidden high on the moors on the laird's land. High-speed chases with quad bikes and 4x4 vehicles across country along with survival skills like rafting, abseiling and hiking bring this l0th actionpacked adventure to the UK with a dramatic storyline focusing on one of today's major problems - designer drugs and their manufacture.
Target: Assassin!The five members of Alpha Force are training in the Caribbean when an oil tanker runs aground, spilling oil - black gold - into the seas.Diving down to the stricken tanker, Alpha Force soon discover that all is not as it seems. But they will need all their skills and ingenuity - powerboating, scuba diving, jet skiing - when a bomb explodes and an assassin strikes . . . High-octane thrills from a master of adventure, bestselling author, TV presenter and an ex-SAS hero CHRIS RYAN. Includes Chris Ryan's top SAS tips on Safety and Survival in and around water.
The mysterious world of elite combat units blown wide open... Find out how elite teams prepare for Close Quarter Battle. Discover how they launch assaults against pirate boats.
Target: Toxic WasteFlying to Northern Canada to investigate reports of illegal dumping of toxic waste, the Alpha Force team must dive into an icy river, cross the harsh landscape on snowmobiles and test their caving skills to complete their mission. But they need all their courage and determination when they come face-to-face with a man who is ready to kill - or take a hostage - to stop them.High-octane thrills from a master of adventure, bestselling author, TV presenter and an ex-SAS hero CHRIS RYAN. Includes Chris Ryan's top SAS tips on Safety and Survival in and around water.
Mission: Pursuit!Alpha Force are a unique group of five individuals, each with special skills, each ready to go anywhere in the world to help others in need. Undercover, they head for the Sahara Desert, resolved to gather evidence of young landmine victims. But they are catapulted into a desperate race across the desert when they discover a terrible evil - a gang of child-slavers operating in the area . . .High-octane thrills from a master of adventure, bestselling author, TV presenter and an ex-SAS hero CHRIS RYAN. Includes Chris Ryan's top SAS tips on Safety and Survival in and around water.
Matt gathers a small team of former SAS men to steal $10 million in gold and diamonds from the world's most deadly terrorist organisation. Greed is an explosive story of what happens when terrorism, money, love and jealously combust - an explosively violent tale from the established master of the military thriller.
Target: Ivory HuntersAlpha Force - an elite five-member squad of highly trained young people - head to Zambia to compete in an extreme sports contest. They discover a horrifying threat to the local wildlife and immediately snap into action. But soon they find themselves facing a desperate battle with a ruthless band of ivory poachers who shoot to kill.The team freefall into danger . . .An edge-of-the-seat thriller in the Alpha Force series, from bestselling author and ex-SAS hero Chris Ryan, whose personal experience as one of today's ultimate modern warriors gives authentic detail to every single page.Contains Chris Ryan's top SAS tips for survival around wild animals
The first book in the Chris Ryan Extreme series. Former SAS Warrant Officer Joe Gardner has fought the Regiment's deadliest enemies, in some of the most desolate places on earth. And he's always won. Now he's about to face his toughest challenge yet. After losing his hand whilst on a covert operation in Afghanistan, Gardner is forced to stand down from active duty. Now he lives off the grid. But trouble finds him in the shape of a phone call from an old friend. Ex-Regiment legend John Bald is trapped in a bullet-ridden favela in Rio de Janeiro and a violent gang is out to kill him. Unless Gardner helps, Bald is a dead man. What begins as a simple rescue mission soon descends into a desperate struggle for survival as Gardner finds himself caught up in a conceit that stretches from the slums of Brazil to the frozen steppes of Siberia. Stalked by elusive MI6 agents and ruthless ex-Blades, Gardner must draw on all his training and instincts to hunt down the hardest target of all - before disaster strikes... The Chris Ryan Extreme books take you even further into the heart of the mission with more extreme action, more extreme language and more extreme pace. Like Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, you'll feel part of the team. Chris Ryan Extreme: Hard Target has previously been published as four separate shorter missions. Now in one ebook to keep you at the centre of the action.
Geordie Sharp bliver med sine elitesoldater sendt til et fattigt afrikansk land for at uddanne regeringstropperne, der kæmper mod oprørsstyrker. I starten går alt planmæssigt, men da en heksedoktor forudsiger, at 10 hvide mænd skal dø, begynder et mareridt.Chris Ryan er et pseudonym for en tidligere soldat inden for de britiske specialstyrker. Han blev kendt for at være den eneste ud af ottemands-holdet Bravo Two Zero, der undgik tilfangetagning i Irak under den første golfkrig. Under sin flugt (300 km gennem Irak til den Syriske grænse) drak Ryan vand forurenet med atomaffald og var efterfølgende ude af stand til at vende tilbage til aktiv tjeneste.
Styrke Syv er en ganske lille enhed, der opererer i det skumle ingenmandsland mellem Regimentet, den konventionelle hær, de to efterretningstjenester, MI5 og MI6, og Indenrigs- og Udenrigsministeriet. Opgaverne går altid ud på at aflive folk.Den britiske efterretningstjeneste beder Matt Browning om at eliminere en fabrik i Østeuropa, der ulovligt fremstiller billig kopimedicin og bliver styret af en flok gangstere. Arbejdsgiveren er en multinational medicinalvirksomhed, som viser sig at have solgt et middel, som skal fremme soldaters frygtløshed før et angreb. Men midlet har den bivirkning, at soldaterne efter 4 år bliver ramt af et morderisk vanvid og dræber uskyldige, inden de begår selvmord. Og nu er Styrke Syv i gang med at aflive alle de soldater, som har indtaget dette middel.Efterhånden som det lykkes Matt at trævle sagen op, finder han ud af, at han er den eneste mand i besiddelse af en frygtelig hemmelighed. Alene og på flugt må han tage kampen op mod Styrke Syv, som er den mest skånselsløse dræbermaskine på Jorden.Chris Ryan er tidligere sergeant i British Special Forces. Allerede som 16-årig meldte han sig til den britiske hær, inden han blev optaget i eliteenheden 23rd SAS Reserves. Han blev kendt i offentligheden, da han som den eneste af en otte mand stor SAS-patrulje undslap mission Bravo Two Zero, der havde til formål at sabotere Scud Missile Launchers i det nordvestlige Irak under den Første Golfkrig. Ryan tilbagelagde mere end 300 km til fods under sin flugt - til fods, i en ørken. Dermed skrev Ryan militærhistorie som "the longest escape and evasion by an SAS trooper or any other soldier." Chris Ryan har siden skrevet spændingsromaner med baggrund i egne erfaringer som elitesoldat.
Neil Slater har en fortid i SAS, da han bliver indrulleret i MI6, hvor en krise er under opsejling. SAS har taget Radovan Karadizic til fange i Bosnien og den serbiske leder skal bringes for den Internationale Domstol i Haag. Men den serbiske efterretningstjeneste RDB har følsomme oplysninger, som de truer med at offentliggøre, hvis retssagen går i gang.Slater og hans kolleger sættes på opgaven at dræbe den våbenhandler, der er mellemmand i Karadizic-handlen og få fat i det belastende materiale. Men det bliver et mareridt i spionagens skyggeland, hvor intet er det det giver sig ud for at være. Hvem er den virkelige fjende?Forfølgelsen af sagen kulminerer i Paris, og sandheden begynder at aftegne sig i form af en hemmelighed, der er så forfærdelig, at den har været begravet i mere end et halvt århundrede.Chris Ryan er tidligere sergeant i British Special Forces. Allerede som 16-årig meldte han sig til den britiske hær, inden han blev optaget i eliteenheden 23rd SAS Reserves. Han blev kendt i offentligheden, da han som den eneste af en otte mand stor SAS-patrulje undslap mission Bravo Two Zero, der havde til formål at sabotere Scud Missile Launchers i det nordvestlige Irak under den Første Golfkrig. Ryan tilbagelagde mere end 300 km til fods under sin flugt - til fods, i en ørken. Dermed skrev Ryan militærhistorie som "the longest escape and evasion by an SAS trooper or any other soldier." Chris Ryan har siden skrevet spændingsromaner med baggrund i egne erfaringer som elitesoldat.
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